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Posts posted by Keiphus

  1. Mad, where do you go to school now? I'm on facebook... if anyone wants to say whats up. I think it's great, I've been in contact with people I haven't spoken to in over 6 years. I love it. And I've made alot of new friends at my new university that I wouldn't have normally made. I also like it because people can't put those damned music videos on their page, and mess with the coding. :)

  2. Seriously... how can you doubt the Spurs?








    Tim Duncan is the best player in the league. Van Exel? Finley? Parker? Ginobili? mohammed? The Spurs are stacked 12 deep.








    I'm a San Antonio native... and I was downtown last year when the Spurs won the championship... holy [cabbage]. There were riots in the street (good ones) and I was stuck outside on a street in my car for over an hour. People were running in the streets reaching in my window like I knew them for years.. it was a great experience. kind of nasty when the bald guy with beer all over him rubbed up on me though. Haha.

  3. They are solved with a very basic algorithm and series of moves. I've solved them before and once you understand how it is done it isn't hard at all.








    Matter of fact, I was trying to build a rig today in 3D where I could control the movements of a rubix cube dynamically without any keyframes... unfortunately its harder than I thought.

  4. Nadril owns you, he didn't do anything and all the little queers here have to bash and flame the heck out of everything and everyone.








    Get a life.








    You're kidding right? I was thinking about replying to this more extensively but decided that you're a complete fool and I shouldn't waste my time. Next.








    Nadril, my problem with you is that you seem to have an excuse for everything someone tells you. You rarely accept constructive criticism and you always have a reason for doing something wrong. You have a problem accepting the fact that you CAN mess up sometimes.




    My second problem, is the whole "I'm leaving but I'm still going to post like an elitist [puncture]" stuff. I guess somehow you've found some worthless good for nothing kids who are a burden on the economy, and you've convinced them that you are some kind of Graphics God... Unfortunately you are only making the situation worse for yourself, but I could see why you would need someone to help your self esteem. Your work isn't very good, never has been, and that's that. If you want to learn design, the first step is to understand criticism and learn how to handle it.








    1525, that was one of the stupidest posts I've seen you make. Do you really think that's true?

  5. There is way too much E-Thug in this thread... :o








    Seriously though, Nadril you sound like the biggest drama queen I've ever heard, followed closely by 1525252 and Mike and Paul and Scott and whatever else you guys call each other.








    Chris,I don't ever remember being "mellow" maybe you can remind me what that's like. A real 3D App, nadril, is a 3d program like 3dsm, c4d, xsi, maya, etc. Something you can model, animate, simulate, texture, and render in. Terragen is not a real 3D app, and even though you didn't say, I'm going to stop you from attempting to argue that standpoint before you get embarrassed.

  6. Some of Mac guys use C4D downstairs... we are [bleep] and don't waste time with that noob stuff, (:lol:) but there are some things it can do very easily that higher end packages have trouble with.. But anyway...








    Before you try and learn the software, it's better to understand the concept. I know a Maya studio will hire me over an intermediate Maya user, even if I don't know the program, if my proof of understanding and concept is better. First learn about 3D space, timelines, polygons, and how 3D models are made. Then learn about using the tools in the program, and the components.. Slowly but surely if you are serious about learning it you will understand it. 3D is way over hyped. On my own I spent 3 years with 3DSM installed on my computer. And 3 years later I couldn't do [cabbage] in it. I sat down with XSI and learned enough to pretty much model/animate anything within a month. It's just about how much you really want to learn.








    Sorry I guess I went off on a tangent. If you have any C4D questions you can add me to aim, I have access to the program as well as some guys who know it in and out.

  7. So I was recently assigned a project, where I was to take a random object and come up with as many different creative variations on it as I could.








    I present to you, the clothespin.












    All 4 Phases were done as sets of 45 4"x4" sketches each, with UltraFine Sharpie ® Markers.








    Phase A: I started first by simply looking into the object in closeups and working with it as much I could. What unique compositions and styles could I get with just using the clothespin by itself?




















    Phase B: The second task was to try and repeat certain elements of the design. This phase had many interesting pieces, but ultimately I chose some of the weaker ones in hopes of being able to digitally enhance them. Unforunately I feel that this attempt was a bit unsuccessful, and I'll probably be trying some new ones.
















    Phase C: The next phase was to implement a sense of line & shape, opposed to just redrawing the clothespin with positive and negative space. I have very many beautiful (in my opinion) designs for this one, but so far I've only reworked 3 on the computer. Hopefully I can get around to doing a few more if I have time.
















    Phase D: The final idea was to attempt to combine letterform with the shape of the clothespin. What if I have a client who wants a clothespin in their logo, and the name of their company is "Pete's"? How can I best describe this visually? One of the "J's" on this one will be replaced by another design using a Y for the mouth of the clothespin. Of all the Phases, so far these are the least refined in terms of angle/line accuracy. I'll be reworking them later tonight.




















    Hope you've enjoyed a look into what I've been doing the last 2 weeks. :)




    All comments and suggestions appreciated.

  8. Since my last post I have done a few minutes of reading on Terragen. I used it once before it was too popular several years ago, and haven't touched it since. I just downloaded it and I'm going to learn it, and proceed to teach you about all the excuses you are making for the program.

  9. My friend down the street is a 37, he plays with a bunch of other level 35-41's... Everytime I go over there, they are on Halo though.... Haha... I've heard them say though that matchmaking doesn't matter and levels don't even matter, it's all about those custom games with the big dogs...


    Well I like those sigs, think they're pretty good, whatever people are saying; but a lot of people seem to have lapsed into 'omg rap music sucks, I don't like it, so it obviously sucks!!1!' I'd have thought people were more sophisticated than that. :?








    We are. Which is why we say rap sucks and isn't music.








    And besides, the sigs aren't exactly good, either. Slap a pre-cut picture on top of a poorly made background. That is neither artistic nor challenging in any way.








    At the end of the day, all that matters is whether or not it's pleasing to the eye. With a little bit of help these are some of the best looking signatures I've seen here in a while.








    And to say that rap isn't music is ignorant and lame. How old are you? You sound like a little white boy raised by Scapeboard turned troll. Shut up. I think your music isn't music. How do you like that? Yeah, it's [developmentally delayed]ed isn't it, because I'm sure you don't give a [cabbage]. Guess what, neither do we.

  11. changed the background to blue.








    Amazing how much that can do, isn't it?








    What about some orange too? There are a few places in there that an orange will look simply fantastic, especially with the blue background and green to complement it.

  12. I think you need to throw in some other colors to compliment the design... There is alot of potential there but I think the green starts to hurt my eyes after a while... Use colors to accent your designs, they shouldn't BE your design... (at least in this instance)

  13. Why would you need fonts anyways. 90% of user fonts are horribly tacky looking and are laughable in professional work. Well, anyways, sorry - I pretty much stick with the basic fonts. Arial and Arial Black mostly.








    I'm on a new computer and I've been doing some designs recently, but I have about 12 fonts on it... So I need something.... Darkrick, I'll add you later tonight, I'm in a class right now; Thanks for the offer.








    I agree that most fonts are tacky and lame, but I just need a variety of fonts I can work with, right now I'm specifically looking for script fonts. Once I get some I will sort through them and install the ones I want, keeping them seperate from the downloaded ones.








    The reason I don't go to the free font sites is that their fonts usually suck, and I don't feel like downloading them 1 at a time.

  14. I've used almost every size tablet there is, and I like the 6x8 Intuos the best I think.... It's the perfect size, just big enough but not too big. I've used the huge 18x24 pads or whatever size they are too.... gets your arm tired kinda quick, but it's necessary for what we use it for....

  15. My only crit would be that you should change up the girls a bit... so that they don't look like directy copys of each other?








    I love the green you put in there.. it would also be cool if I saw it somewhere else... (although I don't know where you would put it)








    Looks great Froth, keep up the great work. Be sure to post the animation too!

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