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Posts posted by Keiphus

  1. Don't get me wrong - I'm glad it isn't the same color as her wall. If it was, I was going to suggest a darker hue, or a complimentary color to give it that much more interest in the room. I'm no interior design major, but it seems like it would look nicer if everything wasn't the exact same color. Sort of like peptobismol throw-up. And I've not done too shabby a job on my own room. :P

  2. Pixel isn't how the technique is executed, it's the style of the end result. When you do pixel you are going for a certain style and look. Obviously you can't use a 10pixel AA brush to achieve those effects, but just because you don't use a 1pixel pencil tool doesn't mean what you are doing isn't pixel. And it's a stupid name for it anyway.

  3. Imagine if you could zoom, rotate, etc with one hand on the pad, and use your wacom (since alot of you seem more comfortable with it) with the other hand... I can only imagine pulling my fingers apart, and that affecting the canvas by it zooming in closer, while my arms don't have to move to the Z button and then back to a resting position. To be honest, I don't think a cintique has much more power over this... The main reason traditional artists have problems moving to a digital pencil is the texture and feel of the canvas, not necessarily the ability to directly draw on it. Altough I guess drawing directly on a screen would have a bit better of an effect than a tablet.... Either way, I doubt our studio would pick one of these up anytime soon, but if they do come to production for a fairly cheap price we might consider it. Anything we can use to speed up workflow is always a plus.








    Speaking of workflow, we recently hooked up some midi controllers to one of the computers running SoftimageXSI, our 3D package... Now we can rotate, transform, scale, zoom, dolly, crane, etc all by moving a real set of sliders right next to the keyboard. It's really pretty cool.








    Sub, I think it's all about quality of life and how you measure it. ;) Besides, EBay business are very profitable these days. (if you're looking for something on the side)

  4. What I would like to see next, would be a sort of integrated keyboard. Maybe, once you are done drawing with your hands, you can then go and step on a pedal (or something) and the tactipad will "turn into" a keyboard. Basically, have the hotspots on the tactipad be a map of a keyboard as well, on command. That seems like it would further reduce the inconvience of having a big microscope for a mousepad, and having to work around it. I had this idea a long time ago, I guess someone else did too.

  5. Am I judging the brushing or the overall piece? I think the can looks great, and could use some refining. I think overall you should crop some of the bottom off and add some more to the top. I don't like how empty it is at the bottom. Looks good though. :)

  6. I don't like the greencast you have on your mountains... If you want the sky green that's fine, but I suggest colorizing/balancing the mountains and everything else seperate. The composition here is better than most of the other ones, but it's also way too contrasty. You should never have such a huge white blotch on something like this. You need to learn how to work your levels, and if needed you might have to clone in extra clouds, etc. I understand you want the "the sky opened up" idea to fly, but a big white blotch isn't how it would work. A light yellow or similar color with depth and variety would look alot better and be more interesting to look at. Right now, looking at it hurts my eyes.



    Looks nice. But you yet again just picked a random name that had nothing to do with the piece. You'd be better off just naming your terragen pieces with numbers "Generic Mountain #452" -- or you could actually start looking up real a mountain and try to design your next piece to resemble it as much as possible.




    Just a thought.








    Azvy my friend, the terrain I used was a mt st-hellens terrain.








    Nadril, When I use a texture of rust in my photo manipulations i dont call the piece "Rusty Metal Face"
















    The composition is horrible. You almost had it. I like the angle. And I like the whole right side of the piece.... but the left side kills it. You can tell it's not leveled correctly, and it looks like the picture was cutoff.








    Also, you should do more postwork in photoshop.... the levels on this are no good, it needs alot more contrast and probably some color correction.

  8. Col - I do Multimedia Design and Visual Effects for a living - what did you expect? :P








    darkrick - I think your interpretation of flash is a bit skewed, but I can see where you are coming from.




    Personally I think AS can be considered a web language, more so now because of all the integration with other languages, and the increase in flash practicality on the web. But I think what this boils down to is an individual interpretation of design, and the reason you visit a website. Obviously, when I am browsing a freelance 3D artists site, I would like to see some eyepopping effects; that's what is going to land him a job. Then again, if I'm searching for reference pictures for an Air Command Tower to model in 3D, Google's design is perfect. To simply discard flash as not being a worthy design is very elitist and unfair. Flash isn't going anywhere, and I see it only getting more and more practical on the world wide web.








    // Oh, and you mentioned that you are forced to load an entire flash movie, even if you don't want to... I wouldn't have normally addressed this but since you say it's such a huge design flaw I had to. There are very simply ways (and most people effectively use them) to externally load movie clips so that only what is being viewed, or about to be viewed is loaded.

  9. Wyrm, that site you posted doesn't work at all in IE. And although I know how much you hate IE, a large majority of the internet browsing crew still use it.








    Frankly, I could give a [cabbage] how easy XHTML is to learn vs. AS, or CSS or anything else. The name of the topic is best designed sites. PixelRanger is one of the best designs I have seen, and I just love looking at it. That's good webdesign. Because in theory, who cares if it's web, multimedia, print advertising...? We are talking about design here, and the use of Flash or not should have no bearing on the judgement of the design.








    And not to be controversial, but from what I DID see of that site Wyrm posted, it looked very 1998.

  10. I don't submit anyways... though yeah, I wont. This will be about as effective as a petition being shoved in your face.. which, admittedly, isn't very effective at all. Though the combination of a powerful statement and a powerful attorney could make a difference. The only problem being that this might increase profit. It'd be best to not goto the site that day.








    My thoughts exactly.

  11. I like it. The style lends to the mood very well, and I enjoyed the crooked eye. Looks nice. Btw, wasn't a big fan of the wolf, a bit too sloppy for me, but forgot to comment. Keep up the good work.:)

  12. I'm not sure I agree with the atmosphere for that type of mountain... It looks real rocky and jagged something about it is fishy; although I must admit I do not know what.








    Think of it like this, if you tried to your bread with a teaspoon of jelly, it's going to be missing some spots and poorly concentrated. If you get more jelly, you have more to spead, and you increase the amount on the bread and its concentration. The same is true here. By increasing your tiles you increase your detail, and will get a much better looking surface. Just becareful of overlaps.








    Your surfaces are getting alot better, but your composition on this one sucks.

  13. I think it would be better if he you sped up the walk cycle and added more frames on that symbol in the main timeline. (I'm guessing that's how you would have it setup) This way, he looks like he is running really hard, but not moving very far. It will give it a more cartoony effect, I think, and be alot funnier.

  14. Although the idea seems noble I'm not too sure I support it. I do agree that $jark was a great leader and helped the community alot. One might even go so far as to call him the cornerstone. However, I think the whole boycott thing is a bit childish and doubt it will work anyway. Obviously there are more corporate issues at work here that we know nothing about, and is none of our business. I'm not sure what happened but from the sounds of it, $jark has plenty of things he can do to become a staff member or whatever he wants. DeviantArt is a business, like it or not; and I'm sure he had some kind of stake in it, being he was an original founder... Him just being kicked out seems a bit wierd... I don't think the boycott will work for the simple fact that some people will submit, some won't, some are doing only yellow, etc. Pick one.








    I've never spoken to $jark directly, but I used to browse DA daily, and I must say I have enjoyed reading his bulletins, and have greatly appreciated the work done for the community.

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