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Everything posted by MithosKid

  1. when i was der u mean? LOL No Sean it was way before you.
  2. RIP akel when it was at it's peak was good stuff.
  3. Sad how your colors just changed (see post to your current ML) you obviously just removed him aswell. EDIT: Look at the color of hidalgo in the previous picture, plus the color of the warlord changed. Please don't lie =D>
  4. Since when is multiclanning allowed? [ CLAN ]: Hidalgo301 is in 9 clans. | Clans: Team Relentless Ending, Tempted Killers Ending List, Divine Hunters, Corrupted Knights, Bucket Unit, Deadly Reign, Dragon Spirit, True 0wnage, Crashing Sw | URL: http://runehead.com/clans/search.php?search=Hidalgo301 You all have the warlord of CK on your ML?
  5. Thanks for the war Godz :thumbup: Gj Akel
  6. Seeing as general came on and continued it you should expect a little more maturity from members of your own team :thumbsup:
  7. first of all get your head in straight first of all was a rule of the war no post, so when blck gets here that will be posted [wagon] you could have pm'd me as well and claiming a win and stating i flamed show me the screenie my members where told to hop and your team isnt so innocent now if you even read this topic it stated juan was setting up a rematch he spoke to everton yesterday thirdly you stated your werent going our irc anymore why where you there this morning? remember you spoke to killamonsta now the fighting on this topic was done yesterday as I asked Akel to stay off it, and now ima ask you let everton and juan set it up as they have discussed it and its been stated that tpr wants a weekday war, and we are working on securing a date in the near future. So if you dont know whats going on don't come ask for a rematch as its already being worked on: [11] Hi [11] would akel be interested in a rm for 1 est? matched? [11] we might be able to pull 15 now. [11] if it get lowers than a determined number u dont want ill pm u to cancel it. [11] I told Everton I would come to him with a date because of our declarations on twr [11] well we lookin for short prep [11] and he didnt told me [11] so yes or no [11] no [11] k Now plz stop wasting Akel's time and let those two figure it out, as you are really showing tpr has no lines of communication in the team QFT
  8. why rematch to cancel another event so they can only pull 6 nty not wasting akel's time for a joke and im not mad lol lmfao on ts at tpr tbh I agree :) And she isn't mad laughing on TS :lol:
  9. Lmfao, we dropped an event for you guys who were so sure on pulling 13, and you pulled 6. #-o 6v6 isn't even a 'miniwar' imo. Second of all your not going to find a screenie of our leader flaming because it didn't happen :lol:
  10. Your Clan Name: Akeldama A link to your clan's banner: http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/6078/akeldamanewbanner2cland.png A link to your clan's website/forums: http://z13.invisionfree.com/Akel/index.php? A link to your clan's runehead/memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=akel Your Clan Leaders: Rainmyst90, Miaka Kage Your Clan Initials: Akel Your Clan's Main Focus: Warring and Community.
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