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Posts posted by jijilentosmi

  1. either simply feel animosity for those who gained 200m before them


    Nobody doing post-200m feels this and it's a misconception that people have had of me.


    It's a misconception to think everything is about you.


    Edit: That sounded trollish, but what I mean is I'm making a generalization on the reasons for people wanting the experience cape raised, it doesn't mean you or others doing post-200m(and those maxed at 200m) are necessarily conceited, but there are some.

  2. It's also worth nothing that you'll gain far less experience in magic and smithing, than in mining. Just a rough estimate is .81 smithing experience and .63 magic experience per 1 mining experience. You could alch the gold bars, which would be more costly, and gain a much higher ratio of magic experience.


    I'm also going to confirm what everyone else is saying: don't bank the bars.

  3. I think those few players are the only valid reason to raise the experience cap, however, as we know(from Jebrim and others), they're able to make their 200m+ skill goals work with multiple accounts. Most of the desire for the experience cap to be raised is by these maxed players (who already have 200m in a skill) and either simply feel animosity for those who gained 200m before them, or they're big fans of the skill and want to raise them further. Since the latter can be achieved by making multiple accounts and the former holds no ground in an argument, I don't see any real reason to raise the cap, although I would like to see 120 level caps installed at some point(I like the idea that only those with enormous amounts of time could gain maxed total, while everyone else would have to choose which skills to gain 120 in).

  4. if there was no xp cap, overall xp race would be way worse, as it would be like cooking vs cooking all day long, or wathever skill


    with no xp cap, people like suomi couldnt make a goal to 'beat' the game, at least xp-wise


    i understand what you say about rank 1, but i really think is better this way, and go for overall rank 1, its still open to compete ;)


    Alone, sure. But if Jagex raised the Level limit to 120 or higher for all skills, then it'd be perfect.


    Which is (if im not mistaken) something they said they would NEVER do? And alas, we have Dungeoneering...


    And regarding the whole XP I am not sure which way I would like it to go. Both have great points and arguments to them, and as it would likely never personally effect me, I guess that keeps me from ever having to definitively side with one side or the other.




    Which is why, I THINK, the best way to appeal to the masses on both sides of the whole "XP Cap" / "Ranks" debate, would be to just raise all the skills to dam 120 or something else over 99 as well.


    Because lets face it, that should appeal to both sides.


    The rank chasers now have more skills to level up, their favorite skills / 200mils would give them a huge advantage over the 2496's with 440mil total or whatever.


    All the while...the folks that grinded out the 200mils when they were harder and did it first will still keep their individual skill rank set in stone. Because, lets face it, no matter how the hell you slice it, runescape is not a hard / challenging game to play in anyway other then time. So why not let the person with essentially speaking (or 99% of the time anyways) the most time invested in their 200mil skill keep the best ranks for it?


    (INB4....debateaboutamountsoftimepeoplehavetoplaythegame...that always seems to be triggered from just about anything on here nowadays.)


    I'd say I pretty much agree with all of that.

  5. I've had an odd one a few times, similar to these. I'll be in the lobby and when I click to enter a world, the game tells me my account is already logged in. After waiting 15-30 seconds, your able to enter the game perfectly.

  6. At what point do you guys think the xp cap was brought in? I assume it was decided once Jagex realised some people were prepared to keep training and training way past 99 then they brought it in during a normal update to the game.


    Was the ever an announcement or anything?


    I believe it was always there.

  7. I guess my Habit is kind of useful...I have never filled my bank. If the amount of items in it goes past 400, which is extremely rare, I have a panic clear out of it so I don't fill it. If I ever fill it, I'd possibly lose what little of my sanity is left.


    I also have a new habit of Alching anything that has an increased value through doing so, though I never consider the cost of the runes I use.


    I do this too, I've been filling my bank so I can ZMI runecraft but I normally keep only the bare essentials.

  8. Technically he is right that we have not seen proof that there is no xp cap. There is no reason to assume there is one, but nothing prevents it from existing. Now can we drop this, as we can't even find out without cracking the source code (which I do believe is a Jagex rule violation?).


    Even though it's a frivolous discussion, I'd just like to point out that even if the experience cap exists(before 5b exp), a player can still get to 5b experience by getting 200m in all skills. It just wouldn't show it in overall experience.

  9. I do the 5% thing when I need something pronto, though it's not really a bad thing, since your getting it at the price people are selling for.


    My bad habits include: ignoring friend's messages when I'm in the zone doing an intensive skill/activity, moving the screen around when doing agility(i get a perfect static angle for Gnome Advanced and I end up moving it every 10 minutes), and getting inspired to train something or buy something, then quitting/selling shortly after.


    Also, this isn't exactly a bad habit but, pyrelord double line firemaking is really hard to get used to after normal firemaking.

  10. It's still playable. Just a matter of spending time hopping worlds and training in less efficient areas (OH GOD I SAID THE E WORD). :|

    Where do bot's cause such a problem that you need to go to less efficient areas? I genuinely want to know because I can only think of dagannoth tasks and black demons forcing something like that.

    Example: Red Chinchompas. -.- At my hunter level, grenwalls would be extremely inefficient.


    Draconic Jadinko's are better than chinchompas at 81+.

  11. I'd say effigies annoy me not because they make a skill easier, but because they make it so you don't even have to train a skill. I have 99 woodcutting, and I wouldn't be that mad if Jagex released a new tree that gave 150k/hr xp and profit, but I'd be kind of pissed if they made an ent you could kill for wc xp.


    Pretty much my thoughts on the issue. I don't like the idea of effgies, but when I had 40 in my bank at 99 Slayer, you can be sure I didn't drop them. As it stands, if you get 2 Random events per day, do troll invasion, and penguins, your banking around 300k rc exp a month with 99, with very little time put in. Assuming your getting an effigy once every 88k slayer experience, you'd net something like 2k effigies getting 200m slayer experience from 99 with 13m exp. That would get you pretty close to 100m Runecrafting experience on lamps alone. I guess once you maxed combat stats it would be faster just to runecrafting, but you could get a front page rank in rc without ever touching an altar.

  12. The problems caused by bots are overstated. I mean, sure, certain aspects of the game are frustrating because of bots, and profits for moneymakers are in the pits. Some places, such as Frost Dragons or Black Demons, aren't even worth going to anymore, but most of the game is unaffected by botters. Don't get me wrong, bots are becoming a huge problem [again], but it's not like it makes the game unplayable in any respects.


    The real tragedy is how commonplace and accepted it's become, even if people rail against it. I've seen posters on this very forum rant about botting and then be caught botting themselves(which I find laughable). Jagex hands out slaps on the wrists and doesn't understand/care(take your pick which) that the problem is only going to worsen. A friend of mine created a new account, got membership and ran a bot program for a week and half until he was 99 Woodcutting, he never got banned and did this just to show how poor Jagex's detection system really is.

  13. A dark bow is pretty useless unless your going to pk(and even then, I'm not sure[since I don't pk]).


    Try raising farming, most herbs are profitable to farm. If your diligent you can honestly make all the money you'll need purely from farming, at least for awhile(assuming your next goals aren't 99 prayer or something)


    Train slayer, it's not as profitable as it once was, but it's the best way to train combat.


    You could flip, or use methods that don't give exp, but I don't like these because there are always ways to make money while training.

  14. Yes you can, it is highly logical because they have different recharging times.


    In this case, I'm going to get the reverence and knock-out auras before returning to slayer.

  15. Effigies ruined the skill tbh, to level up Runecrafting, you should have to RUNECRAFT, thats the whole point of it....



    Effigies were a good idea, but the lamps should be for a fraction of what they are, or they should be a bit less common. I guess there is nothing we can do at this point.

  16. Also, I love how this has turned into a cannon discussion.


    It's relevant. I proposed that the whip vine would be useful on tasks where the cannon does most of the work, then we had to discuss how that effects cannon accuracy.


    As for the verac's switch thing, I read somewhere that they're planning to fix it. Although that could have been a dream. :unsure:

  17. What is the best way to use Grogog....Oglog....the guy in the Ogre city that gives you shards for your pouches. What's the most efficient way to use him since he doesn't take noted shards? I'm hoping its not just sprinting back and forth from Yanille.


    Shards stack. As for Summoning pouches, I normally sell mine on the Grand Exchange so I'm unsure about that. Sometimes you can get shards for 22-24 ea on the forums, so look for those sorts of deals to save a bit of money.

  18. 1) My bank items are 258/438 what are really cheap junk items that i can fill it with

    Afros(from the party room), 1-4 doses of potions, bronze, iron, steel weapons and armours.

    2) Is using essence pouches good idea for this?


    3) Is it just faster emptying inventory then taking out 20 runes and 27 ess than filling pouches and the 20 runes

    A bit unsure what you mean here. I use all four pouches and a familar. Keep whatever rune you use for payment in your inventory

    4) should i just keep the runes i make in my inventory and just worry about the essence?

    No. You should have a placeholder for each rune(except the one your using as payment), click deposit all and then withdraw ess to add to your pouches. You'll almost always make enough runes to teleport back.


    Try watching a video on efficient Zmi runecrafting, it's pretty helpful.

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