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Everything posted by Slaykan

  1. Slaykan


    Well i'm planning on training pray to 92 and I am using guided alter, I do know that drag bones are much faster but also alot more expensive roughly 120 mill for me to get 92, or big bones roughly 70 mill now I would rather save that 50 mill for something else but 108k big bones is alot, so does anyone maybe have an estimate on how long 108k big bones will take and 23k drag bones will take? And also plz don't tell me to w8 till i can get 95 because i will eventually get it, just don't have the extra 30+ mill right now
  2. Also another quick tip you may already be using but I found the F1 and F3 keys to be a big help specially when u have to switch wep and prayer at same time almost.
  3. Well northeast spot may be better never been there so, though I would rather stay in area that I got my first claws in :mrgreen: Kinda off topic but does any1 else have the problem where after you leave td area you still here their soundeffects? Maybe its just me .... :unsure:
  4. The southwest spot is my fav with use of d hally you dont have to pray good portion of the time. Also heres a guide that shows how to get to it and lure it, also the gear part is good to look at to. http://forum.tip.it/topic/211163-tormented-demons-solo-and-duo-guide/
  5. Ya dude I used to think I would never kill tds until yesterday my friend convinced to to try one more time, and guess what ..... D Claws now I know I got lucky but this is only my second day of killing tds and im already getting 6-12 kills without banking, when before i couldnt even get one. So ya they suck at first,but it just takes a while to get used to them then thats when you start making some serious money.
  6. Slaykan


    Ok well ty for answers and its not because I don't have filter on I just run through and hope they only melee.
  7. Slaykan


    I've seen alot of people that don't have anti fire shield or dragonfire shield run through a group of greens or blues and pray mage, what exactly does that do?
  8. Yes slayer is definitely the way to go, and you could do it at 80s but you'll really notice it once you get to 95+ def it will seem like it's taking forever, i would say at least 85 to make it a little faster, and also on the last mill or so xp it might be good idea to go az's because trust me by then you'll hate def and slayer soooooo, much I did at least. :grin: and gl on it totally worth it in my opinion.
  9. So does this just get me rank or credits to?
  10. And that works why? Also does it matter what scenerio?
  11. Well i've been browsing the tip/it, runehq, and zybez sites and none of them describe a technique on the best way to get ranks, so does anyone know a good way or a guide that describes it.
  12. Slaykan


    Ok well I guess ill sell it but another quick question whats the fastest way to get rid of its charges.
  13. Slaykan


    Hi I recently bought a dfs and now im wondering since I have 99 def do i really need dfs i mean most of the time my bunyip can easily heal any damage done to me, so is the dfs really worth it or could I sell it and just use defender or bss whenever i need some more def. And also I don't really kill dragons all that much and don't tank gwd at all.
  14. I think i'll just got with they weird, but ty anyway.
  15. Well the range sounds plausible but visability, i've had cannoneers stand right next to me and not attack while ones halfway across map do attack me, don't really understand that but owell not really that big a deal. And also while im at it does any1 maybe know an estimate on the drop rate of picks from cannoneers.
  16. Hi I was camping at cannoneers earlier and i went to far and got them aggressive, but that happens sometimes I know but what im wondering is why some cannoneers would walk past me and why some were still attacking me, and this was happening right after they got aggressive all the way to when they stopped being aggressive, anyone know whats up with this?
  17. Slaykan


    Ya I got to agree with lord slayer definitely the best way to go can make good profit and good xp plus isnt boring. But if you absolutely hate slayer then az's are the best way just wear good melee armour or pray and salve ammy(e) and piety.
  18. Well the good new is i just got some1 to make me a prom weapon so can close topic doesnt really matter to me.
  19. that can't be right though just had a friend get prom pl8body.
  20. Oh ok so say if i get a guy who has 90 smith and mine and start dungeon will prom items be at beginning.
  21. I am working on bonecrusher and am currently on floor 22, so im wondering is there a certain floor that you start getting gorgonite or prom at the beginning because so far the best I have seen is katagon 2h which I have binded right now.
  22. Well depending on what your defence lvl is you dont even have to get full barrows i'm at 99 def with torag legs and torso and i hardly ever use my EE so in my opinion guthans is a waste for that, but i have to agree with them it is pretty nice to have at DKs and barrows and in several other situations.
  23. The thing with the cannon though is im trying to do this with as little loss as possible and with cannon im not going to be selling them back so the c balls are pure loss.
  24. ok well I dont really do any boss hunting or anything and my main money maker is slayer, so i can probably get 24 mill worth of bones faster killing drags than getting it through slayer. Plus I enjoy combat and kinda want the xp to.
  25. I have decided to get the 4k d bones for 82 prayer by killing drags but I just tried greens and could not find a world that didn't have at least 6 ppl, so now i'm wondering what would the next best way to get them be blues or what any suggestions welcome. And also if it is blues are the ones in ogre city best.
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