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Posts posted by Isthatok

  1. Hmm, very, very interesting. But if ranged produces similar xp rates to melee (assuming you don't flash prayers), and costs hella more, then why do the top f2pers go for ranged more? :huh:


    That's just what I'm really considering. I've always assumed melee was the easiest option to go for.

    Probably since if you were to consider yourself a completely maxed meleer you would have to get 200M in all the melee skills whereas for ranged you only need one.

  2. Melee

    That's about right, but just keep in mind that you should not hesitate to use strength potions, and that you can flash pray both +15% attack and strength boosts, or use the amulet of zealots to effectively increase that to 20% a piece in replacement of a strength or power amulet. Back when I trained melee (Stats 95+/95+/95+) I got upwards of 52-57kph off this, not including the extra 17-19kph in constitution. Without it, I only registered at about 45kph.




    -Ranged should be done on either the level 75 or 82 ankous under the Stronghold of Security. I personally preferred training on the 82's as it was both a better safe spot and more solitary. The XP rates are the same. Training there with mithril back when I had 95+ ranged with flash prayer yielded at least 42-45kph. Now with the Amulet of Zealots the flash praying effects are effectively increased from 15% to 20% so expect even higher rates.


    -Flesh crawlers aren't the worst but if you want anything better than 35kph then you'll have to do a LOT of clicking (misclicking all the while).


    -Any kind of training on giants or demons should be avoided as there is either too much tracffic or too few of them in any particular location.


    -While a longbow sight is highly effective in PvP situations, it is not beneficial in training as it is too slow and the shortbow already produces a high enough hit frequency.

  3. Actually, after some contemplation over the whole thing you can disregard that idea. I just realized that we would have to start a whole new thread here; thus causing all of these posts from legendary people to be pruned; or contact a moderator or what not to edit the title to "Top 300 F2P Skill Total List". I would also have to register a new Runehead memberlist since I cannot change the url of the list (currently it is ...ml.php?clan=top250f2p&sort=overall), and that would open up an entire new can of worms with confused F2Pers wondering where their Top 250 list went, getting the news out, etc.


    It's not impossible, obviously, but too much hassle for something we never really had to do, so I apologize to anyone in whom I planted false hopes.



    Anyways! Check out my new updater tool! Based it off of what Armeng did before he retired: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Aq6nmDjFWLCZdFNqUUZBbjQ4N0VhNDZVMjIwdW1GS0E&hl=en&authkey=CKS0iLgK#gid=8

    I plan to do more with it, so hopefully updating the list will become almost automatic :) Note that it might take awhile for the information to actually load into the spreadsheet and sometimes it fails to retrieve data.


  4. List updated: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=top250f2p&sort=overall


    I might start working on my own tracking spreadsheet for the actual list itself, which will enable me to bump the list up to the Top 300 (I've been using Armeng's spreadsheet to keep track of the Top 250). If I'm not too busy, expect it by the end of the month. To update another 50 entries each time is hardly any extra work for me.


    That being said, if anyone wants the list to stay as is, please say so and I'll be fine with that.

  5. Just got a monolith on a med F22 5:5 (125, 101, 9, 3, 3); took us over 7, if not 10 minutes.


    One floor later, we got a mercenary, med F23 5:5 (125, 101, 9, 3, 3); took us less than 20 seconds.


    Have to hate those monoliths...

    Me too. <_<


    Btw guys, is F2P Dungeoneering as good as P2P? (Tokens wise)

    I'd consider it the same as a P2P with the same amount of floors (35), or slightly more; so it might be equavalent to someone who has access to F40 in P2P.

  6. Here is the list of potentials, at your convenience:



    The last link to this is located many pages back, so I figured I'd post it again.



    Speaking of spreadsheets, I starting playing around with Google Documents again today, and so I've updated my Highscores module:



    Go ahead and put any username in the blue text field, and it'll pop up with their stats! Anyone can edit this since I've made it public.

  7. In my opinion, the monolith still holds the title for the most annoying F2P puzzle in Daemonheim.


    -The coloured ferrets don't take that long for me; maybe just a little less, but at least they don't require combat and/or other people on a team to complete.

    -The mazes can be done in a faster time, and are also passable without completing the entire thing.

    -Mercenaries are fun, and while in some cases require less food than a monolith of the same difficulty, generally take less time to complete.


    Luckily for me, I've only gotten the monolith once ever since my return to dungeoneering (90 to almost 92).

  8. Would the max f2p melee hit be with amulet of strength or the zealot now?

    It should be amulet of strength, because zealot boosts you to 133/111, which only about 6 higher than the previous maximum 127/11, whereas the amulet of strength gives +10. That's only correct if the ratio between equipment bonuses and strength levels is 1:1, though but I do believe it is.

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