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  1. RuneScape Name: jtKayla RuneScape Clan: Lethality
  2. replace with one up before thanks :)
  3. noted things as clue scrolls before graphics update
  4. noted things as clue scrolls before graphics update
  5. ...Purple eyes? nah, the light got in my eyes or something idk. Damn. If you had purple eyes I would think you were the most awesome person ever. Nice picture either way, very pretty. awww thanks :P people might think it's fake pic etc, but I got webcam/mic so gf all lol
  6. It really sucks one of your members got one of yours perm muted. But other than that was a good war, it's ashame we went out of bounds though.
  7. But.. he looks like a girl.. Oh so you like girly looking guys? How about.. You think he's hot? Zac Efron is okay I suppose, I don't like the way he looks that much. I guess Brian Molko looks a bit girly though lol,
  8. ...Purple eyes? nah, the light got in my eyes or something idk.
  9. Brian Molko from my favourite band, well before they got crap. Even though I don't like their new album his voice is just amazing.
  10. http://i25.tinypic.com/343fzwk.jpg index under KaylaLauren or something.
  11. I just came up with mine quickly really, just wanted to see the game, didn't think I'd play it for so long.
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