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Posts posted by Quagsire

  1.  Hello and welcome to Quagsire's epic blog, to start let me say a bit about myself. 


    My RSN is Quagsire (the #1 pokemon at least in my mind). I've been playing RS on this account since March '05 and have taken multiple breaks lasting from 6 months to 2.5 years. I've recently started getting back into RS3 and decided it's time to finally get that max cape :^). I plan to eventually get completionist's cape, but that might change as time goes on. I'll update with levels and goals etc etc all that good stuff and I'll be using this blog as a gallery of my final grind to max and for some added motivation. 



    Current Stats (As of 4/15/2015):




    Starting off strong, here's my most recent level-up :~) 



  2. I don't care what sigil i get, but hopefully it wont take half a year aha. The fc/cc is sigilpl0x. Its 120cb for melee, or 90+ range. its 24/7, anyone who meets the requirement is welcome to come along :)


    Btw, whos Animal??







    rarer than sigil? :L


    After you get/if you get a sigil invest in overloads so you can actually corp correctly


    Wow thats a disgusting comment. "Corp correctly"? What the hell has this game's community come to?


    The fact you think runescape's community is "good" is pretty god damn funny lmfao. But corp correctly means not massing, fyi. Not really meant to be rude it's more of just saying once he gets overloads he can corp using a better method. Idk why u mad................................................................................

  3. I don't care what sigil i get, but hopefully it wont take half a year aha. The fc/cc is sigilpl0x. Its 120cb for melee, or 90+ range. its 24/7, anyone who meets the requirement is welcome to come along :)


    Btw, whos Animal??







    rarer than sigil? :L


    After you get/if you get a sigil invest in overloads so you can actually corp correctly

  4. Also, is that guy over there using a rapier? :roll:


    No, that's enhanced excal.


    Probably using it for free healing since he's obviously not contributing by bringing a defence lowering spec wep.

    Pretty sure not every player can bust their balls on a stupid hammer that breaks after 1 hour and only used in one place.


    Bone dagger. Not even 10k.


    BGS. Like what, 5m?


    Barrelchest Anchor, free and like 250k for a replacement?

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