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Posts posted by Quagsire

  1. Was getting ready to go solo bandos and noticed my gear only costs about 108M. Call up my buddy IRL and tell him I can pay him back, so he gets on and I give him 100M so he gears up the same as me and we go duo FFA bandos. I haven't been there in months, and out of no where I get comboed from like 450 lp to dead. As I die, I see my buddy's lp is LOW (like <100 lp low) but he pulls off some ninja move and blesses me while staying alive and soloing the rest of the kill like a pro. Now we've decided we should just stay where we're comfortable at, Arma GWD. We were getting tons of kills there in welfare gear a few weeks ago, so now that I'm able to buy us Arma helm, chestplate, skirt, spectrals, and ranger boots, we should be just fine there.


    Dat failed bandos trip.


    I think I used up all my luck at the duel arena. Before I came back to boss hunting I was at 262M, then lost every single duel after that to put me back at 225M. I'm not mad though, because that 200M gain more than makes up for the 20M or so I lost when I first tried dueling haha.



    Not smart to be camping at 450 LP


    Kinda deserved it lol...

  2. At first I figured it would be done with bug abuse. Nah, Jagex did it. This is why stat resets don't work as planned. (I've heard this player as well as a lot of resetted accounts will be banned soon though)


    Turmoil is possible at 33 def at the lowest right now due to quests but thanks to the reset this guy has it at 10 defence. I do believe he is not the only one as well.


    He also has barrows gloves and I believe he has lunars.

    Good fight flawed system. If they want to implement this they need to remove quests or something too.


    That guy is already banned, I think


    That's so stupid, ban him for pking when he wasnt the one to reset his def. If you're going to ban somebody ban them straight away, don't give him a huge advantage over others and THEN ban them for using it. Dumb Jagex.

  3. ADVERTISER: MyFunCards

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    REASON: Causes significant lag to my browser, and plays some god damn noise that is annoying as hell, and I also get it on almost every single thread I visit, which is even more annoying.

  4. I like that half of this thread is like random spam and not pictures :thumbup:


    [an incredible level up, the likes of which will never be seen again]

    yeah cause 83 summoning is so much more interesting


    almost as interesting as my 73 firemaking, i had a really big party because this is a huge milestone in the runescape scape of the rs




    Why are we still going back to this?

    He had a party for his level...get over it....stop trolling.


    Excuse me, but it doesn't look like you've posted a picture with your post! Maybe you should reconsider spamming these forums while trying to tell others to stop trolling :shame:




    Demons are scary on rsc :o@@@@@@@

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