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Posts posted by HAR

  1. Clan Europe -vs- Clan Envy


    Semi Finals Round Robin of the 20v20; drawn against TKO and Envy - Envy was first on our hitlist, a battle to see who the better CE is :wink:


    • Sunday 18th | | 6:00GMT Start,
    • 20 -vs- 20,
    • Melee | | Binds | | ONLY,
    • Center Bounds | | Classic,
    • Ring Allowed,
    • CE Team Cape 17,
    • NO Corrupt Dragon,
    • 3 Man Sniper Cap,
    • North spawn attacks and
    • Post Mandatory.


    Envy had done well to get here so underestimation was out of the question.


    CE Starting Ops: 60

    CE Starting Ops: 60


    We rushed and took down our pile faster than Envy took down theirs, they did a few switches and depleted some of our members food but with good sniping as usual and some solid tanking, we were able to butter up our piles, halt Envy's binds and take them down quickly towards the end - no KOs from either side I believe.


    Well done Envy, your sniping and switches were well planned (you caught out Subwoofer with one) and some of your tanking was a credit to your progress in this competition.


    CE Ending Ops: 36

    CE Ending Ops: 0












    Thanks again Envy for the challenge, you've performed impressively well over the recent weeks, especially to come this far beating some top clans and teams - very well done.




  2. hm i got a question.


    There a add-on for maple bows that makes them hit harder, but is the difference noticeable? It can't really be not allowed if there is no way to see it.


    The sight is for longbows only and being honest, longbows are so slow that even if they could hit harder, they are still fairly obsolete. One of the main reasons people chose the scimitar over other weapons for clan wars is because even though it might not hit AS hard, it still hits enough and quickly as well making them overall, better.

  3. The gravite Rapier is better than the Rune Scimitar as is the Longsword and it lasts for 10 hours before a 1M recharge is needed. Considering the time it takes for 10 hours of wars to go through would be ample time for your kingdom to generate 1m profit. The staff is also better only if your blasting since it gives the offense bonuses of the normal staff and defense bonuses of an RC staff.


    Since each costs 90k tokens and that takes a long time to get, I see this being a CWA based update over a PvP update. As for rules against it, would be a bit stupid since its penilizing skills. It would be the same as disallowing overhead prayers since 126s who have higher levels can use more than 120s.

  4. Honor has always been an easily thrown around word. Imho, honor pretty much is based around respect. And yes, there are some respectable clans out there who don't immerse themselves in drama and are always respectable to their opponents. Obviously, there aren't many left but there are some.

  5. Do you think this beef could turn into a crash war? Almost certainly not.


    If this occurs would the effects be positive or negative? Negative, but it won't happen here.


    Anything further: Most of the clans here are smaller and more CWA based. Finding and hunting a clan from here in the mess that big RSC clans leave would be virtually impossible and I highly doubt many clans here would want to waste their time and armour sets returning for hours for a bit of E-Pride.

  6. We did well considering we were outleveled. We had a 1 or 2 man advantage so I called to take out the snipers which is when piled A T B K, binds slacked and we couldn't take the pile down fast enough and he ran laps around us putting you ahead.


    Thanks for the fight, good luck in the final.


    Thanks to SE for teaming with us, you guys exceeded my expectations - I didn't know much about you guys before this so I wasn't expecting us to do well in this tournament but to come 3rd is a great achievement. Maybe with a few more levels and a bit more experience, we might have gotten to the final :P Thanks nonetheless guys, its been great fun.

  7. I honestly thought TKO wouldn't pull it off but I was surprised. As someone said in IRC, it wasn't the way TKO won, but it was the way that NG lost. NG sent no snipers so TKOs binds were immaculate taking down their targets quicker and without sustaining damage. Had NG sent snipers, it might have been different but that delivered a decisive blow in this war to NG.


    Well done ladies and gents.


    Gonna be an interesting final - will be funny if the three main teams get there, TKO, LND and CE.

  8. Clan Europe -vs- Wilderland


    Next round was against WL, heres the rules:


    • Tuesday 30th | | 8:00GMT Start,
    • 20 -vs- 20,
    • Melee | | Binds | | ONLY,
    • Center Bounds | | Classic,
    • Ring Allowed,
    • CE Team Cape 17,
    • NO Corrupt Dragon,
    • 4 Man Sniper Cap,
    • North spawn attacks and
    • Post Mandatory.


    We had actually fought WL the previous week and funnily enough we had been drawn against each other just as both clans met each other in CWA for our CWRI (we spammed "Gl in the 20v20" ofc) and due to the increasing difficulty of the tournament match ups, we needed to show yet another strong performance.


    CE Starting Ops: 60 {Cut from 135 Ops}

    WL Starting Ops: 60


    Just as we rushed, they had a DC. I got piled first for CE while we piled Hega Man from WL and a 2 man lead from the start along with our strong sniper unit and solid binds and tanking from start to finish made this win comfortable.


    Some very good tanking from those CE members who got piled, well done! Thanks also to those people who stood out of the fight, keep training ...!


    CE Ending Ops: 48

    WL Ending Ops: 0










    Thanks for the fight WL, clean as always. Looking forward to more fights with you in the future.




  9. banner1fp322af1.png

    Clan Europe turns 4!


    Today is Clan Europe's official birthday from when we first opened back in March of 2006 under the leadership of Dimitrix. Clan Europe had the 12th best Memberlist on Runehead a few months into its existence and were taking on some of the stronger GMT based clans like NG and SoG. However in early 2007, CE began to slump and as a result, came very close to closure. The leaders decided to take up on a last ditch effort to help "save" us from dieing - by making a planned PK Trip on offer to all X Members to which almost 50 attended. Therefore we decided to open as a Country Clan, open to all members in Europe at the start of September 2007 - which is when we really began to gain momentum. Previously, we had been fairly quiet but our biggest achievements all began from around 2 and a half years ago when we opened as a country clan to work our way up to become one of the strongest CWA clans out there.


    Some of our best achievements include:

    • Pulling a record ever 73 people to a full out war vs DH - which we won.
    • Being ranked 4th on the Country Clan RAW List beating FOOLS for their place.
    • Coming 2nd in the 20v20 Category in the CJ Tournament 2009, second only to the unbeaten RDC.
    • Being ranked in the top 15 of the UCL after RAW was dismantled.
    • Working our way up from fighting small matched ops fights to then be able to fight, contend and win against top clans like RSD, TT, DF and Corr.
    • More recently, beating TR in a CWRI first to 200 kills by 6 kills whilst being outnumbered by 5-10 people for more than half of the fight.


    So on that note, happy 4th birthday CE!





    I thought it would also be appropriate to make an introduction to Tip.It since I'm writing this topic - something I've been debating about doing recently. As far as I'm aware, CE used to be Tip.It based a long time ago with ties back to Dimitrix being involved here, CE fighting for Tip.It in the big Fan Site Steel Wars, but we slowly lost contact and lurked around RSC for a while. However with the amount of drama and disrespect that fills RSC, I've personally been wanting to make more of a home here - especially being part of the Tip.It tournament here which has been progressing nicely over the recent weeks.


    So, formally, hello Tip.It!


    Clan Europe is a continent clan which allows any players from Europe to join providing you have the necessary requirements - meaning we allow multiclanning. One of our requirements is having a nice personality, although sounding a bit cliche, we are a clan which doesn't tollerate our members flaming or performing NH acts to any extent and punish harshly on these subjects to maitain a clean and respectable atmosphere, especially towards other clans.

    We have members tied to almost 65 different clans ranging from TT and RSD all the way through to Harmony and NBK. We are heavily CWA based with our focus being primarily on F2P Warring with a few P2P wars and fun events sprinkled on top. As a clan, we specialize in performing to a high degree in all fights we participate in making sure that everyone works together to get the best result possible with us excelling in big CWRIs using experience from members and leaders in bigger clans but also doing very well in smaller matched ops fights with members from other small clans who have focused on perfecting their warring ability.


    Our IRC is #CE if you wish to talk or join, our website is www.claneurope.net. Our latest recruitment video is stream able here:

    Promo Video 09 - http://www.filefront.com/13991891/Recruitment-Video-3.wmv/

    We are currently making our next one to be released later this year.


    Thats about it, who we are and what we do. Thanks for reading;


  10. I'll be honest, if it wasn't for your numbers, Envy would have won easily. You had close to 40 people melee+binds+ranged - easily enough to KO most if not every target and they had less than half your numbers but still gained half your kills?


    Gratz on your numerical win PH.

  11. Ascension members tanked well, some of the DW members didn't.





    As for the SW trees being "out of bounds" - I told you they were in, heres the proof. Thats the section of the same picture used back in the RSC UN when "Center Bounds" and the "Northwest Bounds" (before it was singalised) were organized.


    I disagree, tanking those trees makes tanking extremely easy, and hardly anyone does it. If you wish to hug trees then make sure you discuss it with the other clan when getting the war. Just because some fan site dictates what mid bounds are doesn't mean anything. To most general knowledge people consider that out of bounds.


    Considering most if not every clan uses "Center Bounds" which is derived straight from this picture when CWA was introduced, those trees are in bounds unless stated specifically by the rules: "No Trees" - there was no rule that stated this before the fight - so I used them. Yes, tanking them is easy - I'm surprised why more don't use them especially in range fights since they block arrows and hug meleers - RE uses them almost every fight they can and they are arguably one of the best matched ops clans out there because of this - yes because its easy but also because it is technically in bounds and is also very effective. The only reason why most people class it as out of bounds is actually because they don't know its legitimately classed as in.


    I think it's respectable for you to ask for SW Trees to be allowed in instead of getting a fight w/out stating so and then using them when you knnow that no one really legitimately classifies it as in.


    When I make fights for CE, I do ask; since I can't make wars for DW and no rules are set against trees, I assume that they are in since they are unless told otherwise.

  12. Ascension members tanked well, some of the DW members didn't.





    As for the SW trees being "out of bounds" - I told you they were in, heres the proof. Thats the section of the same picture used back in the RSC UN when "Center Bounds" and the "Northwest Bounds" (before it was singalised) were organized.


    I disagree, tanking those trees makes tanking extremely easy, and hardly anyone does it. If you wish to hug trees then make sure you discuss it with the other clan when getting the war. Just because some fan site dictates what mid bounds are doesn't mean anything. To most general knowledge people consider that out of bounds.


    Considering most if not every clan uses "Center Bounds" which is derived straight from this picture when CWA was introduced, those trees are in bounds unless stated specifically by the rules: "No Trees" - there was no rule that stated this before the fight - so I used them. Yes, tanking them is easy - I'm surprised why more don't use them especially in range fights since they block arrows and hug meleers - RE uses them almost every fight they can and they are arguably one of the best matched ops clans out there because of this - yes because its easy but also because it is technically in bounds and is also very effective. The only reason why most people class it as out of bounds is actually because they don't know its legitimately classed as in.

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