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Posts posted by Skinny9

  1. downffall please don't take anything seriously just becuz 1 member was joking around and said df next. I'll tell my members to stfu about that. We don't like beef it doesn't taste good. All we want are fair and enjoyable wars and our goals are to have fun. If any of our members offended anyone with that ill talk to them personally and I apologize for it.Also lightspeed good job sniping, one of our best tanks dced also... It was a fair and fun fight. Hope to have more in the future and lth will be back on twr really soon.

    I don't think no Downfall members took that serious. I just said to pass by #downfall if you want a fun war, no beef silly <3:

    Beef is good but since most of Lth is asian, we prefer fried cats and rice. Our British unit does enjoy tea and crumpets once in a while too. Our Canadians only like Mac and cheese and they always make it late cause they're driving the Zomboni to hockey games. So yea...we love beef, but tea and rice is way better.


    OMG -quits df- AZN PRIDE


    lmfao we know your kidding <3 Grats on the win again :razz:

  2. not much more to that 15 page goal Van :P


    There's a lot of hate in here but- if Lgz have said they've dealt with the multiclanning issue then for the time being you should take their word. Good people make bad choices and I reckon they'll bounce back. Hopefully we'll get to see Df vs Lgz without the flames- this rivalry i getting nearly as intense as Dv-Df O_o


    I guess we take this game too seriously :P


    We're a competetive bunch :thumbsup:

  3. Okay, think about it like this. Your facing your rival clan in a matched opts fight. You pull 40+, your rival pulls 33. You pull 10+ people 110 combat or below. Are you going to keep the people 110 combat or below and probably lose, or drop them and most likely win?

    Why have I fought in every matched downfall war accept for 1 8v8 and im level 109. Which we pulled like 30 to so tanking would be easy.


    Because your one of those people that are a low level but your skill makes up for your lack of combat.






    Some people have different ideas of the word "War" Some take it serious, some see it as having fun.


    Like radica said, if low levels never get a chance to war, whats the point of them showing up + their hopes would be down.


    Answer to your question..I'd rather have fun in a war, instead of always being serious. Downfall is a family tight kind of clan and we do as much as we can and help each other. Afterall it is just a game.


    Okay, but its not like all people take it serious. But if it is your rival clan, that always flame you, you would think you would want your best chance to beat them and shut them up/


    We're only stating ONE thing, they just can't comprehend. If it comes out as flaming, maybe thats the only way to get it through :wall:

  4. I'm not going to try to troll, I'll leave it with the regulars..


    I however do think it's sad you needed these members to win your wars.. and am frustrated as to why you always need numbers advantage.


    I dnno what im typing atm it sounds better in my head, but w/e..i really dont care..


    i know we lost this war ourselves but grow a pair k, and believe in real lgz members

  5. Skinny 9 is a small boi !!!!!!!!! Don't fool me Mr. Skinny 9 you canasianess (< ---- nice word ? ikr thx ) stands out. <3: Also GF DF, looking forward to a Rm in the future. Hoping jack maybe will get a war with LGZ. Either way was a good fight. Got killinghorns kill. But a beast tank from ED best I've seen.



    noob :(.

    .. but yea that surprised us all LOL, ed owns

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