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Posts posted by Skinny9

  1. lol omg Will.. :rolleyes:


    machamp made a mistake i dont even see him being rude (in this case :) )


    let it go



    Gj again.. was mad at myself after the war but its just a game so w/e


    edit: oh wait Machamp is trying to cover saying lf instead of df now..

    ugh why we all saw you .. :/

  2. Cr should have stayed for the whole war i mean its just not right to leave like that :unsure:

    anyways gratz TR and gl in round 2


    Somewhat.. but its not right to waste time.


    It also annoys the clan thats up by 10 in the ladder stages of the match to pick off people that will take who knows how long..


    Swallow your pride and just leave :)

  3. looks like downfall got owned badly :lol:


    goodjob cr

    i dislike alot when ppl says those kinds of stuff why not get dv to war cr?LOL lets seee who gets owned

    This, oh wait DV is not even man enough to enter the tourny for some fun, that's because there isn't a +10 advantage spot for you guys,shame. Stop talking [cabbage] when your clan is crap. #downfall to make it 7-0 or #cr to get humiliated after talking crap out of your mouth.


    OT: Gj CR, looks like we all had some fun, gl on your other fights <3:





  4. and uffan5 be my valentine? <3:

    Na idiot :rolleyes:

    all mine baby

    In your dreams metallic :rolleyes:

    so you new we were made for each other too, 3rd times the charm

    It's not a charm today pumkin.


    I'm sorry, he's taken.

    <3: :-D


    OT: Gratz CR.


    By me

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