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Everything posted by Suomi

  1. Tbh makes me wonder too, can someone else go try and if it still works? If they did it on purpose still pretty funny rofl.
  2. Lol Jacmob showed me it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjGIUAS0r0w&lc Like I had no idea about that, why would crumbling wall even give 0,2 Thieving xp lol.
  3. Yeah good point about those bankers, didn't even notice that lol.
  4. This is a bit off-topic but when deskjethp showed that screenshot about me doing pyramid plunder someone gave very accurate explantion about it and even guessed the date it was taken almost exactly just by seeing the screenshot. I was just wondering if you can tell if this screenshot is fake or not? Or if it's impossible to say. I guess I have no reason to think it's fake since the sender of the screenshot said it was taken 3rd March 2005. I was f2p back then or just joined p2p and my combat must have been close to 114 since I didn't train prayer/magic close to 99. Prayer was a lot slower in f2p. Idk how he could have guessed my combat level like that. I just can't remember meeting Paul back then lol, well no wonder since it was almost 8 years ago but still. I remember I saw him a lot in RSC though. I know I had some Jagex mods added back then too. I remember before I started accepting donations I asked so many Jagex mods to make sure I wasn't doing anything wrong and they all supported it and said they support helping each other. It's a multiplayer game after all. But ofc I wish everyone had to do everything theirselves so everyone would be on the same line. Also RS is so much about luck, someone might have gotten divine 1st kill when others could have keep killing it for months and still never get anything. But yeah thanks everyone and was just wondering if someone can give some kinda analyzes of that screenshot too haha, just seems too amazing to be true :P 1 Xp to go!
  5. Lol well yeah when they opened it first time I was too busy with school/work and didn't really follow rs much so I can't access the veteran servers. Kinda silly because I have been playing RS since 2002 but yeah it's Jagex they come up with silly things :P
  6. I live with my family atm but used to live alone for long. My parents are getting old and I want to be there if something goes wrong. They have some health issues and one family member almost died because of health issues so I don't wanna be somewhere else if something goes wrong :/ Would always think if I could have done something better. I don't really see why people even look down on people who live with their parents or family. There is nothing wrong with being close to the people you love and taking care of each other. But so many other values are messed up in this world too so nothing surprising I guess. Trust me this world would be so much better place if people would care about each other more. Instead people see it negatively. But yeah this is way off-topic but this whole conversation has been offtopic. But yeah Aylarliez is right, I am very careful about what I eat :P I havent eaten any unhealthy in over 5 years, I sometimes feel bad when I refuse to join my friends to eat pizza etc but it's worth it. I enjoy healthy food so much more too, usually healthy food is so much cheaper too so it's a win-win.
  7. Lol, it isn't that hard to make money nowadays. Million ways to make money from your computer if you just want to. And I am not talking about anything rs related, so many companies are looking for workers online. I have been working from home also when I was still busy with school/work I used to go to work after I was done with my school days. Studied/worked during summer holidays days too so I would be done sooner. Done some studies online too. Also usually I worked during late nights, they paid more for those. I used to work at offices back then and sometimes at construction sites or idk what you call that in English. Also many years ago I started investing in stocks, I got very lucky when I invested in Nokian renkaat. That's what the company is called in Finnish, idk about English but it's company which makes tires for cars anyway. Economy isn't at that good shape anymore, at least here in Finland. I have never been rich though but I just need money for food and I will be just fine. I don't have a car or anything like that, I just use my bicycle or public transports when I need to go somewhere. Mostly just bicycle, that saves lots of cash. I never drink/smoke/party or go to movies etc so that saves a lot of cash too. It's isn't that hard to take care of yourself if you want to. Don't wanna sound rude but some people use the same amount of money one night when they go outside to drink/party etc what I use to buy food for like a month lol. So it isn't hard at all to get along by yourself if you just use your money carefully :P
  8. Photoshopped... oh wait I was supposed to be sleeping. I know the party will be huge lagfest eitherway. I will just make like 10 after parties , some in f2p too. Less and less people will come eventually. Ofc after party wont be the same as the actual 5b party but I know it will be chaos lol. People will be frustrated because they can't get into the world etc etc and even if they make it maybe they can't find me since it's so laggy and ofc the spam gonna be so hard nobody can see anything.
  9. Jagex will announce it unless they fail it too lol. I can see Jagex failing the party somehow, if not them the server will lag like hell :P But you can blame Jagex for that too so it's all good.
  10. LOL tbh today before I woke up I saw nightmare about getting 200M thieving by mistake and ruining Jagex's plan and making everyone mad because there was no party. Rofl so glad it was just a dream. Inb4 someone hacks me and gets 5B.
  11. Thanks a lot guys <3 2xp till 5b now and gotta leave it there till 21st February. Didn't wanna risk it and get 1xp till because of the .0 xps or idk if there is anything which gives exactly 1 xp. Anyway time to go sleep finally :P
  12. Lol sorry but I am going to sleep, been awake so long but wanted to get rdy for 5b so don't have to worry about xp gains ever again :P
  13. Thanks a lot James, I remember you posting here too when langer was still posting. But yeah you said it, sadly gotta wait till 21st February but it's gonna be worth it :) Lol so close now, like 30k left so gonna stop posting for a while so I don't hit 5B XP by accident and ruin Jagex's plan. Vann sorry but hosting flowers would be the last thing I would want to do, just imagine all the hate rofl.
  14. Lolol can't really put that feeling into words but yeah it will be EPIC. Probably will spend days just staring at my XP.
  15. Yeah that or just go outside. Of course I will come to my comp once in a while to check my stats and be like omfg so close now cant believe this 10 years of hard work and finally I am there omgomgomg is this true inb4 new skills
  16. Aww thank you so much langer, so happy to see a post from you. I remember always looking forward to your weekly updates :D You kept this thread alive for so long, I remember this thread was buried for a while untill you came and brought it alive. Huge thanks for all the effort you did for the thread, I am sure it never would have been so great without your effort. I remember when you were doing weekly updates so many top players used to post here a lot. Drumgun, Zarfot (mostly negative posts but haha those were funny and ofc the quitting post was legendary), Aasiwat, Paperbag, Telmomarques and Elias, I am sure I missed some of them. Those were great times, thanks to you! EDIT: Yeah I forgot Jdelacroix posted too. I remember someone asked Zezima to post here too but he said he wants to stay away from drama, totally understand that though :P EDIT2: Forgot to mention Kingduffy too but anyway the point is that so many top players were posting here too and it was really intresting to keep following this thread.
  17. Sorry had to quote to avoid potential xp waste (I am not 5B Xp yet) Also my destiny was to hit 200M all skills once, it said nothing about any capes.
  18. You aren't cool unless you buy spins +1, Jagex approved. Still looking forward to my 5 free spins reward for getting 5B XP. Maybe they will even reward me with extra 5 runecoins to show their appreciation for sticking with their amazing game for so long.
  19. Awesome! Imagine all the xp you could get :D 200M all skills in no time, also remember to use that money I sent you to your paypal! Also don't forget to get your premium membership so you don't miss out on any free spins. Happy spinning! :D Can't wait to see all those amazing xp gains.
  20. m8 what are you talking about? Just buy spins, this is rs 2013. Buying spins is the way to go, just flip some burgers and use that money to buy spins. More efficient that way. Or maybe do some rwt and use that money to buy spins, I heard many people prefer that method so no money/time wasted. Maybe even that guy in the screenshot, who knows. Or I got even better idea, make videos about you buying spins and use that money to buy more spins! :D I bet Jagex would be so happy too, pmod coming in no time. O and some guy was asking why Agility isn't the same when you can just buy spins, well no point in training it anymore. Just flipping some burgers and buying some spins is a lot faster and enjoyable. I enjoyed Slayer and Dungeoneering since it was a lot more fun. But the thing I enjoyed about Agility was that it was easy to perfect. I don't know any other skill where you can keep getting perfect xp all the time. Well not easy you couldn't afk at all but it wasn't the problem. Like all banking skills, you won't be able to take the items from bank with mousekeys exactly the same time always. Of course there are some things like that like alching but that's not best/perfect xp. Now the best way to train Agility is to buy spins + do daily challenges so it isn't the same feeling ofc. Or just skip the daily challenges too if it's too much effort and do spins all the way.
  21. Haha like I said I got like 1K more friends I can't add but maybe after Jagex makes flist bigger(like 2k friends) I might consider it, but only consider haha :P
  22. Sorry but friends chat aren't my thing. They just cause drama and there would be people constantly begging for money/add/ranks etc etc. Also people would spam the fc with bots. When I was doing runespan I was using this fc called runespan pro and people were spamming it nonstop just trying to annoy me. Ignore list filled in less than a day. Some people were even considering to kick me so they would stop spamming lol. Also on my notepad list I got like 1K names I need to add, most of them have quit but still want to keep them there just for memories. Even Alkan who is great at dealing with trolls and other annoyance closed his fc when he was doing hunter because people were telling his world in his fc. Also I think some people were abusing their rank. I just want to stay away from drama like that, sorry :P Being rank 1 is too annoying already as it is, enjoyed rs so much before I maxed. I knew it would be like that so I avoided maxing as long as possible. I remember ages ago whenever I saw Zezima doing something people would come there and force him to hop. I remember once I was fishing monkfish with my friend and suddenly Zezima hopped there to firemake and my friend made him hop by placing fires on his way nonstop. I was like wtf what kinda friend is that, idk why but for most people when they spot rank 1 the first thing pops to their head is "lets do everything to annoy him!". I know people often say I will never be like Zezima and tbh I don't even want to, I never could have reached 200M all skills then or even enjoy the game the way I wanted to. Just listen to Alkan's video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9alZ7zQEKE From 2:30 onwards, he said it better than I could say. I remember I was doing hunter the day he uploaded it and it gave me some hope. he is so much better at dealing with things like that. I know he opened his fc later but opening the fc wouldn't be a good idea sorry :P I really wish I could have shared every day of my journey to 200M all skills but if I would have done that I would have never reached it unless Jagex changed the game but I doubt it.
  23. I think the symbolism of not using a sof lamp could only be good. I'm glad you are in good humour about jagex being sellouts Yeah true :P I guess I will find something to pickpocket for the last xp. If it's something you can kill though I know everyone will keep killing it just to mess things up. Also it's gonna be huge lagfest lol. Btw forgot to mention I haven't even used any auras for my 200M all skills. Except reverence sometimes for a vid but it only helped me to make like 1min longer trip at Cave crawlers lol, so it was totally useless. Never bought any other auras, not even Jack of trades. I remember I sometimes told people I got it so they wouldn't call me xp waster rofl. Anyway I will stop complaining now about sof, gotta remember I got most of my xp before it was even released. Had like 4,3B Xp and probably timewise about 90% done to 5b. Most of the time I played I was enjoying it a lot.
  24. Depends on the new skill. If it's 100% afkable like most skills nowadays then sure why not. I have said this many times but just taking one day at a time, wait and see. If they release the new skill after some months though it won't be likely that I will get it 200M unless it's very fast. Life is so much more enjoyable when you don't have to sit on the computer 30 hours a day, I don't think I would want to go back that anymore. Also when you haven't gained xp in so long time you don't have the same drive to get it anymore. Also if I am in Lapland when they release it I am sure I won't be logging in. I can't be stuck with this game forever anyway. Tbh I didn't tell this to anyone but at first I was going to leave Dungeoneering out too from my 200M all skills goal but my friends got me training it and I ended up having lots of fun. Idk, it's just doesn't feel the same to train the new skills anymore, especially now after the SOF. I always enjoyed the oldschool skills like Agility/Mining/Woodcutting/Fishing the most, they have been here since the RSC. Slayer was amazing too, my favorite skill for sure. Agility isn't anymore since you can just buy spins for it nowadays, wouldn't feel the same. If I had to get 200M Agility now I would have zero motivation so I am glad I did the slow skills first. Dungeoneering one of my favorites too with a great team. Btw I don't see why I shouldn't finish 5B with sof lamp, gotta respect Jagex. After all they created this game. Also I think I have got the least xp from sof from all the current active top players. I didnt even use my free spins at first, also quit for over 2 months and never logged in to do spins. Also when sof was released most of my skills were already 200M so I rarely would have got any xp from it even if I used it.
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