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Posts posted by Wessan

  1. RoW is pretty much useless these days. Go with a Berserker if you can afford it.


    Also, new "Whip Vine" just came out which adds a small boost to the abyssal whip. It wont help much and its value continues to drop in the GE.


    Other than that, 6 months is about the time Free Trade and Wilderness came back so have fun with it.

  2. I had a 68 torstol run and a 56 torstol+2 seed run today. umad?


    you could just have cured the 3 patches and lost nothing and you should be composting my arms, seems like a personal problem

    Of course I cured the patches, just sucks to have 3 diseased in one go around. Good run on your torstols.



    Yesterday while on a run I ran upon a diseased patch (Catherby). I cured it, saving my ass a torstol seed. The next run I run back only to find it dead. :thumbdown:

    That is terrible luck. I had a snapdragon patch in Falador get diseased twice with the same plant in it, thankfully caught it both times.

  3. The problem I have with this center of commerce idea is that the Grand Exchange, by it's existence, killed player to player trade for the most part. It's a double edge sword, we're all nostalgic for the old days, but now that the Grand Exchange is here, the thought of not having it is just stifling.


    Note: When I say we, I don't speak for anyone else.


    The fact that the GE is the largest Player-to-Player trading system pretty much discredits your first sentence. No you do not know who is buying your stuff or who you get it from, but it is safe, secure, and since February... the Altar at which Runescape's capitalistic system prays due to its release from government (Jagex and Manipulation clans) chains of regulation.


    If you want to trade directly with another player, just move about 10 spaces away from the GE counter and there will be someone selling what you need. The fact is in life that people have always congregated somewhere to buy/sell goods and when they have a complex system, they create a center that streamlines the process. The "Good Ole Days" in the case of trying to buy and sell stuff was long, frustrating, and frankly took way too much time from skilling and other things people want to do. If you still want a player connection, you can do that even with the GE.


    You may not be advocating the removal of the GE and my post seems to accuse you of such blasphemy, but I assure you I am not attacking ya. I am merely outlining that the GE is a great player-to-player trading system and a great mirror to all major stock exchanges around the globe really.


    On Topic: I hope these updates roll out soon, maybe a nice surprise for BXPW?

  4. I have pretty much been just farming herbs for the past week rather than anything else. I am not focused on levelling farming at any good rate, I just like the money from my snapdragons at the moment.


    Anyway, did a herb run to collect from my 5 patches this evening and this was my yield:


    - 1 Dead plant at Mort Myre

    - 3 Diseased plants at Falador, Ardounge, and Catherby

    - 3 Snapdragon herbs from the one patch I am guaranteed disease free thanks to My Arm


    This is a yield from using supercompost on all patches necessary (meaning all but Troll Stronghold), and going to Edgeville while it all grows to smelt some gold. WTF Runescape.


    Feel free to post your own farming luck (or lack thereof).

  5. I think prices on goods for the BXPW are just starting rise. Only a few days ago, things like snapdragon seeds hit a low of about 12k. Thankfully on that day I bout about 100 seeds and I will be using those and more to stock up for when snapdragon herbs hit 8-9k each.


    On topic however: are yall saying this is affecting Phats at all? or just spirit shields? I know other rares began dropping yesterday by a good percentage. Damn santa cant stay over 130mil for over a day can it?

  6. I am also a bad money maker. Recently I began farming herbs and I regret every second I wasnt doing this. Your main is definitely able to do snapdragon which is good profit, so I would suggest that for some money making.


    Also, I do not expect significant rises in ashes or bones any time soon considering Prayer is nerfed during Bonus XP weekends, and botters will continue to keep bones and ashes low (or dropping) for the foreseeable future.


    My advice would be not to sell off your entire bank in achievement of 92 prayer... but I will attest that I am no expert in such matters and only want to lend ya some of my thoughts.


    /End drunken advice

  7. Definitely the latter on that one, but players would congregate somewhere for trade no matter what.


    It used to be in certain places out of convenience, such as Draynor when certs were relevant. After that, you have things like Falador Park that get used for specific areas, much like areas around the GE today.


    Not to mention, Jagex obviously supports trade in certain areas given they have worlds marked for "Trade"


    /End drunken reply to this thread

  8. I think that first one is pointing towards not only graphical update to GE, but a geographic change too. Looks like they may split up several desks instead of just one central one.


    I would fully support that. the lag getting to the middle of GE is ridiculous.

  9. I thought morphic tools stayed around 50k per tool, but I could be wrong. However, assuming you are doing addy platebodies, at current prices, you lose 3112gp per platebody by buying bars and then selling bodies on GE. Thankfully with hammers, you only need ~56k addy bars equivalent of 11.2k platebodies.


    Initial cost of bars: 56,000*2593 = 145.2mil


    Return on addy plates: 11,200*9853 = 110.3mil


    Net Cost: ~35mil

  10. ...To play Runescape?


    To rid RS of bots?


    What would be the price of an account per month that makes the gold farmers' prices too high for most people?


    Or for gold farmers to say that the cost of each account is not worth the money they make from it?


    I understand that this would put a strain on normal players with multiple member accounts (or even just one), but these people are probably part of the "get rid of bots" chant.


    We have discussed at length that Jagex is just after money, so why not give them enough money through legitimate players? If Jagex is a company that says their goal in terms of money is just "more" then this is a moot point. Also, I dont know the real numbers on how much gold farmers make, but there must be a cut-off limit where the price per account outweighs the amount the make from it.


    If the price per month per account were to rise to a point where the gold and items gold farmers sell become too high for reasonable demand, they lose money and eventually go away. This would probably create an elite class of gold farming that affects a small segment of the RS population, but that is "acceptable" I guess.


    This could be a reality, but how much would you pay to make it happen?

  11. I have seen it several times in this forum that once you get 62 farming, you should do Snapdragon for money.


    How much does this actually make? What is the average number of herbs I will receive per patch? and any other helpful info?

  12. I still remember the old dangerous randoms fondly. I was usually armored & ready for the fight. :thumbsup:


    Yes, as were most people. This is a point I forgot to bring up in my last post: considering the advent of things like lumberjack outfits and the rewards from the Lava Flow game, these outfits would be fairly defenseless against things like the rock golems and river trolls of old. That may be reason for their decline because those who use those outfits would be at an unfair disadvantage compared to the time they put in to achieve the rewards.


    I personally dont own any of the outfits, but I could understand someones point of view who does.

  13. Great interview with SUOMI, I look forward to seeing the race go on to 200mil in all.


    I liked the other two articles, especially the one about the little updates; however, I think Jagex could move the good graphics updates to encompass all RS by now instead of random places around the world map.


    I agree that it is sad to see the old random events go by the wayside when the fighting ones usually had a good reward you could get that others liked. Plus the battles were fun for everyone. On the other hand, if you take a trip down to LRC, you have a mining area patrolled by constant Rock Golems (I hated fighting those things) and yet they do not really stop the problem anyway. So overall, I think bringing them back would be a good thing, but they do not serve as much a purpose as one thinks. Complex puzzle events are probably more of a deterrent to bots.

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