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Everything posted by elfwall

  1. Ugh, please, no sailing skill. What's next... Well in reality trees take more then a couple seconds to regrow, so we should nerf that too.
  2. Yes, I would consider that a bug. Unless of course jagex is attempting to advertise members on the free worlds.
  3. Lol despite the over winded arguments against, I still support. All this does is make repetitive banking easier. That means players spend more time doing things that they enjoy. You say that this makes it far too easy to reach 99, yet every time jagex does anything that reduces mouse clicks, they add a time delay. Clicking the mouse fewer times doesn't make any of the 99's easier to achieve as without a doubt there would be a pause between clicking the withdraw button, and the items actually showing up in your inv. So please, what valuable gameplay is added by forcing people to repeatedly click the mouse over and over and over. Other then an increased chance of hospitalization... nothing. Now I'm not talking about making more skills afk, as I'm against that. But truly now, what important part of the game is lost, if we are able to bank with a couple fewer clicks of the mouse?
  4. No support. Why reward people for never being members? As clearly you don't want them to be members, then cancel membership and buy that special f2p cape *rolls eyes* Creating anything that is f2p only, is extremely counterproductive to producing a successful game. The new skill that is currently being worked on is going to be f2p as well (for the guy who said f2p never get updates) The dual arena was given to f2p. Wilderness capes. FOG. Great orb project. Clan wars... f2p gets updates, only not as often as members do. Which makes sense as the vast majority of jagex's income comes from memberships. I do give support to allowing f2p to buy and wear skill capes though. Including trimmed skill capes.
  5. It's photoshopped >:o... I dunno :/ Report it to Jagex? It's not photoshopped. I believe the problem as that instead of showing me seeds that i had dug up, it showed me a "1". And I don't know how to report it in the runescape forums, as I'm not able to post pictures there.
  6. Never noticed a glitch in vinesweeper before. But clearly there is one.
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