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Posts posted by Jonanananas

  1. I'm not really convinced that it's a high risk venture if there are posts discussing at length how people need to crash each other at monster hunting spots in order to cope with overcrowding.


    What? The only correlation between the risk and competition is that your competition will sometimes try to get you killed. And how are you not convinced that it's a high risk venture? If you die at GWD, you lose your stuff. If you die at DKs, you lose your stuff unless some nice guy in bursting lobs decides to help you. TDs is really the only place where you're pretty much guaranteed to get your stuff back.




    If you go solo at GWD, you won't get your stuff back. But, if you go solo, you probably will be experienced enough with it so that you normally don't die when you apply some attention to it. I don't really know about DKs, I won't comment here.

    But it's not all about Boss hunting. what's with green dragons? Easy money even at low levels if you know what you're doing, and don' tell me that it's soo risky there.

    I personally could never get near 1m/h with unfinished pots, maybe with herb farming(not really my cup of tea here :P)





    About the economic stuff: Grant you, I'm really not an expert in this. All I can comment on is what I see. And what I do see are inflated prices slowly coming down(e.g. armadyl gs)

    Maybe I'm missing some hint here, can be, if you don't want to comment about this because of the upcoming article, then I'm looking forward to that one. Still, as the average RS player, the economy currently looks pretty ok to me, when some months ago even I could see that something is wrong.


    Also, apparently Jagex has no measure to deal with those bots. That's sad, but you can't just calculate the economy without them. If they do supply us with sharks, then it's sad, but you have to calculate it when we're talking about economical situations. And seriously, it's no wonder that so few real players want to fish sharks, with them at less than 1k each and terribly slow.

  2. Excellent Articles this week!

    I wholeheartedly agree with both authors' views, and apart from that the style was very good, a pleasure to read.


    So, first article: Only recently, there was another instance of this. The Impling Spawn Spots on Mos'le Harmless were nerfed. While I don't have a hunter level high enough to be affected myself, I can understand how Hunters are upset about this. Puro Puro is crowded 24/7 and red Chins...we all know what is up there. Those spots were nothing really over the top - about 1-1.5m/h (not like the resource dungeon was). It is very good money, but you can get that at high combat levels relatively easy. AND in combat you have the chance for the "big drop", something not there for skillers at all.

    Jagex has always been on the stance "more risk, more money", but how much risk is there really? Of course it's higher than with normal skilling, but if you go for most Money-making combat methods, you simply don't die if you spare at least some attention to what you're doing(I'm typing this post while fighting iron dragons.). And you need to apply the same attention, if not even more, in order to use good non-combat skilling methods. And even if you do die in combat, we still have Gravestones, lasting 6 minutes, enough to get everywhere but the most distant places. And there are always other players to repair and to bless.

    So, the risk actually doesn't justify the bias toward combat.


    Just one part I do not agree with: "Since these skills (construction in particular) are often gold sinks, Jagex may have unwittingly further prompted the rate of in game inflation, as less gold leaves the land of Gielinor."

    Essentially you are right, but it doesn't really matter. Jagex has done a very good job with managing inflation, it is next to no problem anymore(although we should be in a crisis as a certain update flooded the economy with ultra-gazillions of gp, right?). Also, the argument doesn't fit here. Your article is not about the economic situation, and I wonder why everybody feels the need to argue with at least one economic argument, no matter what subject. Your argument here is weak, therefore it puts your other arguments in a rather bad light, I would simply not mention it.


    Second Article: As you can see, I personally have a adequate high total level, yet only 99, and even that only recently. This is due to the reason that once I get bored with something, I quit it. I like Runescape, and I like skilling. But I can get bored from everything I like, and when I do get bored, I don't want to ruin the fun I'll have, so I quit doing it. I once made that fault, and did quit Runescape after cutting and burning willow logs for 5 days straight. I do not plan on making it again.

    I don't know why some do play a game which seemingly doesn't yield any fun. And I am shocked to see how large the percentage actually is.

  3. Maybe I may comment here from a rather neutral point of view. I'll add my comments in green.





    I didn't find Racheya's article to be at all insulting. It presented a sometimes exaggerated view of the people who get bent out of shape over BTS updates being delayed (a rather childish behaviour, but one all too common in many so-called adults), but that is a common tool used in writing, by many of the most celebrated authors in the world.


    Perhaps those who found it to be insulting need to do two things:


    1) Learn that there is a difference between calling a behaviour stupid, and calling the person exhibiting the behaviour stupid. Racheva did the former in the article, not the latter.


    2) Grow a thicker skin to get over their over-sensitivity. It will be a big help if and when they ever decide to take a step out into the real world.


    Actually, you are wrong. Maybe you should take some logic, as well as writing, classes to learn the difference, before you attempt to correct others, k?


    "that many players took the predictions of the BTS to be set-in-stone truth. Then, when Jagex didn’t manage to get all the updates in for that month, or were having issues that delayed one of the updates in the BTS... a lot of people didn’t like it."


    That is, rather obviously, aimmed at TIF'ers who complained. Its based on the assumption that others believe the BTS is set in stone, which, if you read the thread, is actually NOT what people said. In fact, I don't remember one person saying so.

    It's mostly about the discussion on this thread. I have not read it, I don't know what you said, I don't know what Racheya said. But to me I can say that I cannot see it aimed at TIF'ers but rather at all people discussing about the update, where a large majority DID take the BTS for set in stone. Once again, I don't know about this thread or what happened there, but as an unknowing reader I cannot find a hint to it.


    "Yet, the people complained and cried. There was outrage and fury. Jagex had promised the new Treasure Trails! How dare they postpone it for a week! "


    Possibly correct about RSOF, but this assessment is made about ANYONE and EVERYONE, with no differentiation between those who complained, but still understood the need for delay at times, and those who just raged. Another logically fallacy, and a rather childish attack.


    Here a bit of differencation is missing, you're right. However, when you look at the words (cried, outrage, fury) I don't think Racheya meant the normal players who just voiced legit complaints(As I did too, for that matter). Of course it could also be the attempt to put down anyone who complains, but I don't believe that from the wording of the article. Still it is of course a possibilty.


    "How on Earth am I supposed to entertain myself if I don’t have shiny new things to click every week?! We pay, we say!"


    That is just idiotic, I can't believe any thinking author would write that. Saying something like that is comparable, in some ways, to a taxpayer saying because they pay taxs, they can direct where their tax money goes to. We pay, but we don't direct what updates come out, rather we pay to be ABLE to pay RS. That argument is a straw man, attacking something else, rather then the issue at hand.


    This is interesting. You say who idiotic the Phrase "we pay, we say" is, and criticisize Racheya for it who has been critisizing the whiners(If I may name the part of the community which is mindlessly complaining about it whiners). Unless you didn't get the sarcasm, which I doubt, I honestly don't understand what you're getting at.


    I'd really be interested in knowing how much Racheya knows about programming, and coding. From reading her blog, as well as other areas, I feel rather secure in saying that she has NEVER coded ANYTHING in her life.


    I don't actually see how that makes a difference. She didn't say anythin like "they are fail nubs, putting updates out is sooo easy" I cannot see where she would have needed the experience how difficult coding is anywhere in writing her article


    "So really, the rage and upset over this is just rather stupid if you ask me."


    Ok, fine, that is an opinion and everyone is entitled to it. I rather think your writing and logic skills are poor, but that is just my opinion, and I am entitled to it.

    You're right, opinions on both sides, nothing I can add to it.


    "The update will be out soon enough anyway and there’s enough content to be getting on with in the meantime"


    Quite a lame argument. Considering 1.) I know people who only play to try out new updates etc, and 2.) saying that "Don't whine, it will be out later" is rather silly. If I owe my brother money, he is expecting it on a certain day, although he knows for sure I might not be able to pay him, and then I don't pay him, he might be upset with me. Sure, he'd be understanding, and he'd wait, but I wouldn't blame him for not being happy.


    It's ok to play only for updates, everyone can play as he may like. But they have to calculate that an update may be delayed, and getting in rage because they limited themselves(for whatever reason) to only playing new updates is rather idiotic tbh. Once again, it's not about complaining, but about whining/raging. On the second point you're kind of right, I think she is taking it too lightly here. A lot of people however,(mainly on the RSOF) are taking it a lot too important.


    "And, if you think that you ‘deserve’ this update NOW because you’re a paying member, then the solution is to stop paying."


    sigh. Show me ONE post where anyone said they DESERVED this update now? That argument to stop paying is so stupid, I shouldn't even have to correct it. I love culvers. (A restaurant) However, if one time, they fail to serve food as expected, and I complain about it, will I stop going their forever? NO. It was a disappointment, but I don't just stop going there. I instead complain to management, in order to receive either a reason, or a refund.


    "I’d be tired of hearing kids going “But they said!” too"


    Way to go. The ending of an writing should be the summation of your whole argument. You did that quite well, by showing that your only retort was to resort to calling anyone who complained a "kid"


    Here again from my point of view, it seems to me that Racheya is getting at the whiners(which DO act like kids) and you take it as an insult to everybody. It's possible that she meant it that way, you seem to be sure after the discussion going on earlier. Uninformed about happening earlier between you, I do not deem it likely.


    I have to go know, I'll be back later to finish my response.

  4. That makes even less sense, since, barring dust devils or abby specs, you can tell if someone's on-task because they're wearing a slayer helm. If they're not, they aren't on-task. And the standard response to "[skill]?" is, as far as I know, "[my level in skill]" which still doesn't tell you that.




    I guess I'm never on task then, because I don't have a Slayer helm.

    Then you're doing it wrong. Black masks are only ~2m. No slayer should be without one.


    I am not paying two mil for a mask. And even if I was willing, I don't have the bank space.


    Don't have the bankspace for something as important as a black mask? What the hell is your bank cluttered with?


    Also, care to elabore WHY you're not paying that money? In efficieny standards, it's definitely worth it(although I would wait some time atm, as they seem to be merched)

  5. Well at least I now know why I'm not using up my shade dungeon keys this weekend trying to get clues. Awwww well, I can wait. It gives me more preparation time.


    You'd think though that they'd post something on the home page about delays if they posted it in the B.T.S..


    why should they? we have forums for a reason, and that information was always in future or recent updates(when fu wasn't there)


    The article was o.k., I generally don't like articles about recent updates so much, because there usually isn't anything very new about it.

    I'm not really upset about it, maybe just a little disappointed.

    Atm I'm still occupied with getting a lvl 3 clue halfway done, they are always finished after the fifth step :(


    The article about etiquette at slaying was quite good, I'd hope more people would stick to these guidelines.


    Especially the cannons, it's just so damn annoying...

  6. Are we sure about the DYK? I know for Tactician you have to be using accurate stance, but is the same true for Berserker and aggressive stance?


    The RuneScape KB, the in-game description, and even Tip.it's guides all say nothing about having to use aggressive stance to get the bonus strength levels. I have not tested it to try to find out for myself, and although I did notice that I was hitting higher when using aggressive than accurate, this is also just a normal byproduct of aggressive stance.


    Essentially, I'm not saying the DYK is wrong, I'm just wondering how it was discovered.


    It is definitely true. The fact you mention, that it's actually nowhere stated caused a lot of discussion as a lot of spear users thought they could still use berserker and wasted their tokens on it. That was even made worse as Mod Mark H "confirmed" it works without aggressive stance, he concluded that from the KB formulation.


    However, JMods rolled back after that, said they made a mistake and cleared that it only works in aggressive stance.


    Honestly, beautifully written.


    I think Jagex is adopting a very important paradigm in the recent update trends of making xp gains slightly less tedious. May I note some points about experience multipliers - Barbarian Assault takes quite a long time to fill up a penance horn, even with an experienced team. Stealing Creations offers no experience while playing, and even if you are using a noncombat world, the average game time is about 10 minutes per game. But realistically, slackers and pkers often try to take advantage of the situation to slow down the game. Most activities come with a HIGH opportunity cost, but this usually balances out with the time commitment to directly training that skill through older means. If I spend 12 hours filling up my penance horn and collecting sacred clay tools, then using it all to reap a great amount of experience for mining, would we really consider that XP rate to be imbalanced?


    We've already invested the time - just elsewhere, so that the training process is less tedious.


    The same argument for opportunity cost applies for buyable skills. If you see yourself as making 3m+ an hour, then perhaps it is even less worthwhile to use alternative methods of training (using experience boosters) than to just buy that skill with raw cash and make the money back. There are multiple considerations in the balance of a skill, be it cost or accessibility. But don't forget, ladies and gentlemen, TIME is just as much of a resource on Runescape as, say, rune essence, magic logs, or rocktail.


    On the same token, do effigies REALLY have as much of an impact as many people claim? Looking at the stats of many naysayers, I find it almost strange that they argue so vehemently against the effigies when in reality, the effigies are designed to be forgiving to those who don't have the skills to fully investigate. "I don't deserve to get skilling experience for killing monsters"...? If you're maxed out on all skills and complaining that Jagex made it too easy for people to earn experience, that'd actually be an understandable line of reasoning. But if you can't even investigate a single effigy, Jagex is HANDING you experience so that you can access more parts of the game. Please, is that really so bad?


    This leads to my final (but also first) point - the paradigm behind these updates. When more of the game is accessible to more people, the game naturally becomes better and more attractive for MORE players. There will always be high leveled players who have leapt ahead of the crowd to attain their levels. Old-school players who had no choice but to chop yews and magic logs to 99 WC were rewarded handsomely for their time - moreso than players who powerleveled with SC hatchets and ivy. Players who leveled up Herblore before extremes and overloads came out were rewarded by missing out on the ridiculous jump in herb prices - and with the ability to be the first players to experience the domination of the new potions. With every update that Jagex introduces to help lower leveled players attain their goals, there's something there too for higher leveled players as well. A year ago, I would never have imagined being able to attain the levels I have today or purchase an AGS, let alone get the cash to buy ten or fifteen of them.


    Without even discussing whether Jagex can or should raise the level cap to 120 for all skills, Jagex is (consciously or otherwise) creating a large high-leveled playerbase that will be ready for an endgame release. Content that requires teamwork, skill, and coordination. Dungeoneering offers a brief glimpse into the raid-like potential for such content. That would turn RS into much more than a sandbox game.


    But at the end of the day, that's what RS has been all these years, hasn't it? No end, no goal. Just you, paving your own path to greatness or fun, whatever it is.


    Why should THAT change?




    It is true that directly training the skill is most often faster than using multipliers. Even if that were not the case, it would still not hurt too much(unless it is MUCH faster) as it makes skilling more varied as you can decide if you want to train the normal way or play some minigame and train for less time.


    I do not agree, however, that handing out levels is good because players get too access more content. Runescape is, in my opinion, about the way to your goals, whatever they are. Sure, the reward from the achievement may be nice and interesting, but that's not what keeps me playing, mostly.

    Most often the reward for High-level players is only short-lived or is outdone by negative aspects (e.g crashing at godwars)

    On the other hand, that's just my opinion and i don't think we'll reach a real conclusion here.



    On the point of how bad the effigies really are, and about my levels:


    Of course I know that it's practically handing xp out to me. But I'm not the type of runescape player that laughingly embraces any update which gives them free xp. I do know that it does in fact help me, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. I'd rather get my goals by doing it myself and with work, any enjoy that work.

    Apart from that, why should it always be the high-levels that care about the game getting easier? Why not the low-levels who still have the most of the work in front of them, and do enjoy that work as they should when they are playing runescape?


    You are also right that the effigies influence isn't too great. They are too rare for that. My point still stands, there still is no reason to add them in the first place. They don't have a big negative influence, but what would be the positive side? Players getting just free xp for basically nothing? No thanks.

  8. Still, why should they get Skilling xp for killing monsters? Can you give my any vald reason?


    Also, they may have already gotten their skill up to 91+, but what difference does it make? I don't deserve free xp on my way to 99 just because I'm already 93 or w/e...>.>


    Besides that, have you forgotten about the dragonkin lamp?


    That's a lot of free xp you get too, at worst for nothing more than for posting in some stupid thread "93 con assistance needed pl0x!"



    But I ask you again: Why should these effigies have been added to Runescape? Can you see any other purpose than making skills easier?

  9. I don't understand what reqium said about a effigy giving you 135k xp in rc. From experience you never get to choose any one skill more then one time.


    Yeah, his/her logic is flawed. You would never get that much in one skill from one effigy. Also you have to be doing combat to get the effigy so it's not like you're adding that on to experience that you're already getting.


    I did find the quest article interesting :D



    Of course you will never get an effigy which requires runecrafting 4 times in a row(or can you? I'm not sure about that lol). Anyway, keep in mind you will probably get multiple effigies. Okay, that part of the article maybe wasn't worded the best way and leaves some side open for attacks, but you have to admit that it IS a lot of experience.




    And the part about doing combat....Yeah, you're killing monsters. And you're getting Runecrafting XP for that. And Thieving XP. And Smithing XP. And Construction XP...

    Need I go on? People who do combat, which has nothing to do with skilling get skilling XP. Why, o why?

    Players were already battling Waterfiends, Dragons, Tormented Demons or whatever.

    Why? Because they got money off it, or maybe charms. And now? They get some nice shiny XP as well, for the sole reason to satisfy some Members who only care about XP and not how they get these.



    It's called a Distraction and Diversion. I ask you, what's distracting you here from grinding? You get the drop, you get some XP and its over.


    I'm normally not the one to complain about Skills getting easier, but I am honestly outraged at updates that give XP just for the sake of it.



    If Mining gets a bit easier because of the BA assault horn, who cares? It offers a new way of training and adds more variety.

    If Woddcutting gets a bit easiert because of the Sawmill addition, who cares? It offers a new way of training and adds more variety.

    Easier Skills aren't the problem, as long as new content gets added with it.


    But I am, honestly spoken, outraged at something like the Effigies, which don't add any content at all but just offer free XP.


    And to make it even worse, to players who DON'T even deserve it!


    I DO NOT DESERVE skilling xp for killing monsters! :angry:



    Shattered heart is almost the same, however, there is at least the goal of the statue, apart from that it's impractical because of two reasons:

    1.A lot of the methods which yield Stones are actually the ones giving lower xp than others.

    2.You need to get stones in all skills before you can get new stones again.


    So shattered heart isn't that bad.


    But Effigies...tbh, I hate them, and I hate it that there are so many players who like them, just because they can't be bothered to train skills the normal way. I hate this kind of attitude where it's only about the levels and not HOW you get there. I don't want a 99 without any work - but sadly, there are a lot of others who do. I personally find this pathetic.




    Regarding the Quest Article: Interesting view, and although I don't find "grinding" that bad, there's one point I wholeheartedly agree with - What the hell is wrong with quest requirements? On the forums I often see a lot of players complaining about too low requirements, and I wonder...who cares? I want to do a quest because I like quests and not because I want to feel great just because I have some stupid level requirement.



    As a restriction for quests which give good rewards, OK. But apart from that- Why?

  10. The only skills I could see a raise to 120 are hitpoints(this may be actually a not so bad idea) and maybe smithing(if they [bleep] up the smithing rework)


    It wouldn't be a good solution for smithing, and regarding hitpoints...It isn't really the solution for higher-hitting weapons either, as most wont get far past 99...and 2 hp really don't make a big difference here.



    so: imo, even the most plausible skills wouldnt be so wise for rising the cap. Don't think that it's likely

  11. So how did the author and editor of the D&D article both miss the fact that the Evil Tree wasn't an initial D&D but it was the Circus?

    In response to the section of Court Cases, they probably will get better along the way, given that this initial batch was merely to set up the basic skills needed for the more difficult cases in future.

    Also, is it possible to produce a DYK that isn't really common knowledge? One of the useful ones I read in the past was that Mystic at Stealing Creation giving free teleports to your spawn.


    The ranked people of course have the ability to stock up before everyone else, but they don't dump early and have to resort to rares and junk trading to get rid of their new crashing junk.
    Bedman, I thought that was the ultimate purpose of merchant clans? That way, any junk that people end up with from missing a dump can be sold with anti-junk.


    Well, personally a friend of mine showed me the tree, shooting star and penguins as d&ds first. So I think I had that connection in mind and did skip that page too fast.


    And I don't really think it's the assignment of the editor to check every statement, it's more like looking out for typos or unclear sentence structure, that kind of thing.


    Blame me, not Racheya :oops:



    And about the Court Cases:


    Yeah, you're right, they plan to release another batch of them. However, when I wrote that article, the Development Diary wasn't out yet.


    Apart from that, they didn't choose the best way to go. A lot of people haven't liked the first court summons, so many won't even bother with going there. The should've offered a smaller tutorial, and one real court session to perform immediately. And that should be a good one, as all the others should be.


    The system of the game isn't that difficult, especially since everyone has already gone through King's ransom, so they shouldn't bother with easy cases like this and rather make fewer but better ones.

  12. Just putting this out there... Jagex also made macroing bans not permanent bans. First offence for macroing is 14 days and I think the second is 21 days.


    I've heard that several times now, but I haven't seen any quote from a Jmod or other evidence. Would you know where to find that by any chance?


    And, in case it's true, that's very sad. If they really don't want to make it perm at first, then it should be a year for the first offence and perm for the second...

  13. I have always seen distractions and diversions as they were meant to be seen by Jagex, they are a quaint, fun, and mini-game like way to get a little extra exp. They were not meant to be a full time thing for us all to do on a daily basis. I find these distractions and diversions a fun way to get little trinkets and rewards of small items and some experience. Like the author said distractions and diversions like that do not add any content to the game, so why should Jagex put any over the top experience reward or some very coveted item in it.

    P.S- Shattered hearts is just a way to make skilling that much more rewarding.

    P.P.S- Ancient effigies are not the "main activity" the combat of monsters that drop the effigies is the main activity the effigies themselves are, like shattered hearts, just another great way to make combat training that much more rewarding.

    The problem is, the newer D&Ds are neither quaint nor fun or lack good xp. I never said xp should be over the top(that's also why I am regarding Shattered heart and Ancient effigies rather critical) but what's the point of it being restricted if it's actually less xp than just training the skill like normal?

    On the other hand, I don't know anyone who thinks Familiarisation is fun, and most find Court cases also rather disppointing.



    Replying to: 'Do you mind being distracted?'


    I remember when the first 3 Distractions and Diversions were released. It was very exciting! Then later on, they released the Circus. It was interesting at first, be become boring over time. I still go to it when it's convenent for small amounts of xp, but the rewards are pointless. The D&D that I am not a fan of is Familiarsation. It takes forever for an obelisk to sparkle, they are usually out of the way, the D&D its self is boring, and the rewards aren't the best. I haven't been able to try out Court Cases because I haven't completed King's Ransome. I don't mind evil trees because they give fair amounts of WC and FM xp, and the magic that automaticly sends logs to your bank for a short amount of time is convenient, and the other rewards aren't half bad. Penguin Hide n' Seek isn't very hard, and the xp or coins can be very nice. I haven't tried out shooting stars, but it does sound fun.


    I just really wish RS would put some more time into their work and didn't just shove out new D&Ds every other week. They need to take more pride in their work in order to satisfy their coustomers.

    As said, D&Ds in itself aren't bad, I think it's the focus to make a D&D for every skill, and preferably fast, which leads to updates like Familiarisation


    In reply to the second article:


    I checked the news archives and the first 3 D&Ds to be released were Penguins, Shooting Stars and the Circus; Evil Tree came a few months later. :unsure:


    Apart from that, I agree that some D&Ds are a bit useless, the only ones I really use are Penguins and the Circus, with the occasional bit of Shattered Heart.


    My bad, you are right :oops:

    I did skip that page too fast...

  14. And regarding the first article, I must say I'm rather shocked. I believed that the credit card was only for verification so no one could get multiple free memberships on different accounts - to prevent botters and rwters. I find it appaling that this system automatically signs you up as a member if you don't cancel it.

    Really? It's not as if it's a surprise. Have you ever heard of a service giving a 7-day free trial that requires a credit card and doesn't auto-renew? It's not exactly fine print either. It's right at the top of the page.




    It's obvious that the information for cancelling must be somewhere lol. They have to inform about it, and Jagex surely isn't the type to base money gain on deceiving people. Still, I don't like it. And it would be completely logical to me to require a credit card for verification only. I don't see why not. Just because other games do so, it doesn't mean jagex has to do the same thing.

  15. Excellent articles this week.


    The fictional was short, but good, as it's coming from a rather unexpected point of view.


    The article about fun in Runescape showed what this MMORPG really should be like. Unfortunately for me, I wouldn't think I have friends with whom I could do something like this. I'm not the most socializing type, and even if I do add someone to my friends list, conversation often dies quickly. The update to name changing gave the last push, and atm I'm stuck with two friends I chat with - one of them a rl one. Well, after I get 99 thieving I'll attempt to DIY for some time, I think that will be fun. We'll see.



    And regarding the first article, I must say I'm rather shocked. I believed that the credit card was only for verification so no one could get multiple free memberships on different accounts - to prevent botters and rwters. I find it appaling that this system automatically signs you up as a member if you don't cancel it.

    My personal theory is that Jagex is trying to make up lost money from Mechscape. I've seen several occasions for new attempts to get more money - the lobby, the price draws, the "summoning" pets as easter reward, now this free trial, also the advert for the kingdom keeper books/game and banning game adverts from supported fansites.

    What really makes me angry is that we don't get an official statement for it - this may be obvious as we only get to talk to CM mods and these don't have the admission to give an honest answer to the question (more than: "We are a company, we need to make money")

    In my eyes, this is probably the most worrisome development in Jagex's behaviour for the last months.

  16. Being an avid Tip it times reader... I have to say recently the quality of articles have gone down greatly. Not only did the first article did not do any research before making an article like that (The screenies of all those boots have been proven to be faked. Mod MMG even confirmed it numerous times.) But it just seems like an extension of a rant as no viable solution have even been proposed nor has it provide any good alternatives.


    Honestly after all this drama people are still making a big deal out of those boots. Even if you had 1k of them that's only 45m. Which is pretty much a little more than an Arma hilt split. Considering this is a one time event I don't think is is any problem at all. More GP gets introduced to rs via statuettes in a day than those boots added together. It's not the end of the world.


    Considering the inflation, you are definitely right. Items going up in prices was only due to panicking, and they are already going down again. 45m for the whole game is not much.


    45m for a player, however is a lot, and considering how unfairly it was gained and how easily it could have be prevented...it saddens me, and also makes me a bit angry.

  17. While I am really opposed to the Climbing Boots update, and especially to the way Jagex handled it, the fear of inflation is ridiculous. Not only that Jagex does know how much money enters the game(8 to 10 times the cb money every day, according to mod emilee), there weren't so many players who had that many boots. Every, Every picture of more than 2k climbing boots I've seen(and I have seen rather a lot of them) was faked. The speculation about inflation caused more harm than the actual inflation did, because players bought items in panic of their gp devaluing. With the last Grand Exchange update, dragon bones(one of the items a lot of players would buy if they had a lot of spare money) went down. I think talking about inflation with this update takes away the focus from other, more important points like the needless favoring of some players.

  18. I believe all familiars last exactly three times as long as stated in the runescape KB. it fits with all collected date so far.


    Confirmed times so far:

    Brah skinweaver(6) - 30 minutes

    Brave skinweaver(5) - 30 minutes

    Sachem Stormbringer(10) - 45 Minutes

    Naabe Worldbearer(7) - 60 minutes

    sachem worldbearer(10) - 60 minutes

    Keen worldbearer(4) - 60 minutes

    Brave woldbearer(5) - 60 minutes

    brah worldbearer(6) - 60 minutes

    naabe worldbearer(7) - 60 minutes

    adept worldbearer(9) -60 minutes

    little worldbearer(2) - 60 minutes

    sachem bloodrager(10) - 45 minutes

    cub stormbringer(1) - 45 minutes

    adept hoardstalker(9) - 60 minutes

    adept deathslinger(9) - 45 minutes

  19. btw, the lowest possible score is 286, that's if you get 3 extra resources every turn(takes 6 turns)


    387 is the score with 2* extra resources if you know what you're doing.


    anyone lower than that got 3 extra resources in 7 turns or got three extra resources at the first two rounds. o.O




    that's mine..



    EDIT: thanks lowc15 ;)

  20. I got a statement from mod fetzki that there are no dragon weapons currently planned, how can that be wrong? You can check it yourself, the forum thread with the content Q&A is still there...


    EDIT: ok, I just checked the rswiki and see which posts you are referring to. However, with the dragon xbow, Mod mark said "not until we have balanced the combat triangle"

    Also, keep in mind that the Q&A I'm referring to is more recent, maybe they changed plans.


    I don't think they'll never release them, but I think "under development" is too much for the moment. It implicates that will be added soon, no more than half a year for a weapon I'd say, and I don't think that will be the case...

  21. But we have a few things in store still. At the time I write this article, we have confirmation that the Warhammer and the Crossbow are in development


    I heard this rumour more often, and obviously people can't read. I must say that I am shocked that such a huge content error could occur in a tip.it times article. I've always liked stormrage's articles, and I don't know where he got this from, but it's unfortunately completely untrue.



    Let me quote from the recent content Q&A:


    Will be there any new dragon armour/weapons coming out?


    lew neal960


    None currently planned; we are looking at higher levels at the moment.


    Mod Fetzki



    Do you think that it might be possible to release a new dragon weapon sometime in the remaining dwarf/Red Axe storyline, like, say, the dragon warhammer, since the dwarves do use warhammers and it would fit the theme?



    Nice idea, although I feel new dragon equipment is more likely to come from a drop table than as a quest reward, so it depends on the type of creature dropping it rather than the quest it’s associated with. So, if we released some new dwarf NPCs to fight we might add this, but I am not sure that we need more level 60 equipment in the game.

    Mod Mark




    for some reason I can't find the crossbow statement again, but it was something along the lines of the warhammer statement. Actually, the first quote says all. Please, edit this quickly!!


    EDIT:Oh, and btw....the first statement is from Mod fetzki...if that guy doesn't talk his way around a question and clearly states something, it MUST be true...^^

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