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Everything posted by fruitdisc00

  1. Well...I'm back again. This is the main thing I wanted to post, but didn't. After I came out of my depression, life was good. I'd learned a lot, and was taking the summer as a fresh start. New appearance, new personality...I went from socially awkward nerd to cool geek socially win guy. There's a problem...of course. This isn't really much of a 'omg guyz i got friendzoned wtf shuld i do' but I think it might be a bit serious. Like mentioned in my previous posts in this thread, I've never before had a relationship work out (as in, never started dating)...always got bleep'ed with. Things are different now. I have tons of confidence, I know how to flirt very skillfully. This problem I've pondered almost every day, talked to my close friends about, with no help. I simply just don't feel that emotion you get when you like someone anymore. I've tried going after girls, now I'm going after a special one that also, did, screw me over before. That sort-of-magical, happy, nervous feeling you get? Well, I felt it all the time last year...now, after my recovery, I simply don't. I've considered that maybe this is just a childhood feeling dying off, maybe it happens to everyone...but my friends have said it's never happened to them. The odd thing though, is that...as smell is the sense most directly linked to memory...whenever I smell a certain perfume that a girl I used to really, really, really like...the feeling briefly rushes back to me...the first time this occurred, it overpowered me...but I don't know what happened to me...I just can't feel it anymore. My theory, that I've lamely come to the conclusion to...is that with all the failure I've had in relationships...it just did something to me, psychologically. The thought even crossed my mind on a date recently that maybe I'm just in my current (first actually working relationship) just for the kisses, and all that 'other hormonal stuff' that happens...I really don't know. I want to feel it again. Is this just a childhood feeling that happens to everyone? Or am I just screwed up?
  2. Damn. And there's the reason I keep coming back to TIF. Thanks for the advice. I don't think I could of gotten a better setting-forward third perspective anywhere else in this situation. There is another girl that I've been starting to meet that I'm interested in, that I've been getting to know 'the right way'...with stuff I've learned from here such as attraction switches and the like. I'll see what there goes. Again, thanks.
  3. Lot of advice, uh, thanks, I guess. I'm trying to be careful with my opinions regarding these replies, trying not to bias them with my own views...and as much as I often admire Iamdan for his advice...I feel kind of offended by your post, l0l0l. You automatically assume that my best friend, just because she's a girl, wants nothing but sex from guys, and that because I am her best friend, from her point of view, I could never be more than someone to confide in. If that's the case, then I really should just give up, because I honestly don't understand what true friendship is. Perhaps you have some cloudiness in that area. When I say she's my best friend, I don't mean that she only talks to me about her guy problems. She is my best friend. Second, I dislike the fact that it's assumed that I'm obsessed with her (uber formatting included). I've reread my post and I can't pick up any sign that I'm obsessed with her. The strength of any feeling I have with her is mutual, and I know that, because we've talked about it. We've talked about how it is when we're together. I highly doubt that I'm just store-brand playdoh that she's going to mold into a crude image, spit on, then throw away. The 'go for it' and 'GTFO OMG SHES THE DEVIL BOBBY YOU CANT PLAY FOSSBALL ANYMOAR' advice count is tied here. I'm open for more advice, but I suppose for now I'll just see where things go. Thanks for the advice everyone, Iamdan, Rpggamer, and l0l0l0. Even if I may not like your advice, it helps.
  4. When RL fails, come to my old favorite online community...this alias turned out to be handy after all... I usually post really vague questions on here to avoid recognition, fell less shameless... However, I'm at crossroads, and I figured I could entertain you guys with a nice, long trip into my past. About a year ago, I became best friends with this girl, and we became really close. We gradually started to flirt...she told me that she liked me, and I told her that I had felt the same way for a while. Things, for once in my (retrospectively pathetic) life, started to look up. Although, there was another guy she liked, too. He was a jerk, a pervert, and he just wanted in her pants. That wasn't just my judgment behind my blind eyes, either, but that was what he was known for. After a few more weeks of thinking about her all the time, feeling different about her than any other girl I'd liked, she told me she didn't like me, that I was more of a brother to her. (Imagine that!) And she started dating Jerkguy. It really hurt me. That, along with other things, made me fall into a period of (serious, not attention-seeking) depression for a while...but I managed. While they were happy, I tried to move other another girl, but then failed in the friendzone again. That led to the end of the school year. That summer, I basically just punched life in the face. Sick of depression, sick of always failing, sick of being pathetic. And I matured and changed really fast. I'm not the pathetic, chubby, weird kid I once was a year ago. This year, I'm popular, I have girls going after me, and overall, I turned out to be pretty awesome. And, after a year of Jerkguy pressuring her to do things she didn't want to, eventually leading to a lot of controlling, and emotional strain, they broke up. Now, the girl, who has still, throughout that time, always been my best friend, and the one girl in my life that I can honestly say I unconditionally love, has now fallen for me. I really don't know what to do. We're even closer this year, and she hates herself for the decision she made. I've forgiven her, and we've talked about it so much...I don't doubt her, don't doubt that I would be a rebound, or that she would screw me over again. We're so close, beyond just talking...and I want it to go somewhere. As I've posted before, after the change, although being very success, I kinda lost faith in relationships. Couldn't imagine being with anyone on an intimate level, just because of being screwed over so much. I guess it was a learned self-defense, after never having a successful relationship. I dunno. In my circle of really close friends, every single one of them are just telling me that this is a bad idea. Every single one of them. They say I'm being blind, that she's a flirt, she'll screw me over again, that I'll believe anything she says, that I need to find another girl, now that I'm a changed person. That I'm already in too deep. Get out now, because they don't want to see me get hurt again. From my point of view, I would really rather just be with my best friend. Because I do love her, and because we both make each other really happy, and we have a connection I can't picture being able to share with anyone else. I don't think she'll screw me over again. I don't doubt her. I want to give her a second chance and be with her. When it comes down to it, I would really, really rather have her, then just throw all of it away to chase after some random girl that probably wouldn't work out anyways, which all of my close friends want me to do. I'm at crossroads. What should I do?...
  5. Doesn't really seem in my mind to be too thread-worthy, but I'm here and I'll share it with you anyway. Alright, so, I was at work, minding my business. Then I had to go do some routine, daily business after drinking some lemonade with lunch (in the winter...?). After, I washed my hands as usual, being the germ-freak type person I am. As I was drying my hands, a co-worker informs me that someone urinated...into the soap dispenser. I immediately sanitized my hands and then just ran them under water for about 3 minutes straight. I tried to avoid touching anything throughout the day, and later sanitized anything I did. Once home, I cleaned my hands in ways probably not entirely conventional, but it got them clean. So, everything's sanitized on my desk, etc., but are there any serious infections I could of got because some idiot [bleep]ing urinated into the soap? I really don't care if I get sick, but I don't really want to get an STD or something. Seriously, that's kind of pathetic. It's like a story I heard on the news where someone put HIV-infected blood-covered needles into the coin return of vending machines. Now, I doubt that anyone actually was doing this to spread diseases (the person informing me it happened could of most likely been screwing with me), more likely because they're just an idiot. So, OT, I didn't eat glass, but, could you spare some slightly-medical advice here?
  6. Bleeping awesome. The only reason I dropped chrome was because it didn't have AdBlock and NoScript. Now it looks like it has some cool extensions I haven't seen available for FF before. Alright.
  7. Hmm, well, here I am again, on a random alias again, for advice on a thread I read all the time. Meh. Anyways, My past relationship history hasn't really been all that great...a few months ago, after I underwent a great personality and physical change (which is awesome, I went from depressed nerdy socially inadapt kid -> cool, popular guy)...but I didn't really feel like picking up a relationship right off the bat. I couldn't really feel or imagine dating anyone, mostly because of just the fact that dating has never really worked out before. Well, there's this girl that I've taken interest in. It seems almost perfect. She's great, cool, etc. The first few weeks, I was too much of a ... to say anything. Well, not really only that, but also the fact I never really had a chance in my busy life. I did catch her staring sometimes...but instead of being coolcat and smiling, I just looked away =/. Well, I joined theater, which coincidentally she's in. The first practice, we basically just talked the whole time. She seems cool, and I made her laugh a couple times, although there were a couple of awkward silences here and there. I don't really know if she likes me, or even if she thinks I'm weird or not...(it's hard to get out of one conversation)...I've already added her on MySpace once at the beginning of the year before I'd even said anything to her, and she declined my request...so...that might be a bit weird to her... My question is, what do I do now? Talk with her more when I can, and see where that goes? Become friends with her, or just start suggesting dates right off the bat? When I mention my past bad experiences, they've pretty much all ended up in the friendzone. I used to have nice guy syndrome bad. Now, I'm perfectly capable of scoring an awesome girl for once, but...I don't know for sure what to do...any help?
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