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Everything posted by MartinPkedU

  1. I don't see how that is so sad. You can notice us when we attack them so, capes don't matter just a little thing to mess with the eye. Gf DV, gf Digan
  2. "was funny" how you guys had mostly melees and tried to trans on me and got dragged past spiders from gap, please learn to have plenty of dirrent styles. "was funny" how you guys had to go to w93 to remass "was funny" how everything you say isn't backed up by evidence "was funny" how you just mad bro!
  3. Well Rushingly made Sure doesn't apply to Godz, FYI If you didn't know Godz was running for 3 years and 4 months, the decision was made and we had many meetings with Ascension Staff to decide things, don't go judging merges when you haven't even seen the outcome.
  4. they didnt want to drop to match the rules after the late dc you think they woulda restarted? anyway ty for the fight LGZ
  5. Sweet fight good job both
  6. Sweet fight! Good job CR and RSD!
  7. seems like it was a succesful night out, great job.
  8. gratz maybe if you get higher cmb average match war Godz :]
  9. We Fight as One and die as One, because Once a GOD always a GOD.

  10. First round wasn't piled second round i dragged them off me, i was left with 48 hp no food good thing they didn't stay on me :P easy win though. Ty for the clean fight.
  11. very great job AA nice win
  12. Nice fight, I should be stopping by really soon for a rm.
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