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Posts posted by Dupin

  1. If you are talking about killing brawlers, then you are a noob. Just kill something else. The brawlers are used to help the team win, and by killing them you are harming the whole team.

  2. 1: What do you think happens?

    Nothing happens. You are buried, decompose, and become great soil for plants.


    2: If you could have anything happen, what would it be?

    I would be reincarnated immediately as an immortal, all-powerful me, in the same body. The only difference: I would have super powers. Also, I could turn invisible and haunt people. So basically continue living, but with a few improvements.


    EDIT: Actually, to #1, I think it's important to mention that when you are dead, you become a memory. What you did in your life makes the memory last.

  3. [...]Now does that mean that Hindus and Buddhists won't get to heaven according to Christians because they don't believe in one all-powerful God? I don't think so; the religious ones still live virtuous lives and pursue true goodness (nirvana, whatever you want to call it). So, do people who pursue virtuous lives and still have faith in some kind of god go to heaven? Yes.


    Do people who reject all forms of God and yet still pursue a moral life go to heaven? This is where it get's icky, but I would have to say no. Flame me all you want (because obviously an atheist would care about whether I'd say they were going to hell), but I would think the greatest sin of all is to reject God himself (or whatever form of God you were introduced to).

    You are basically saying that, for example, a virtuous Buddhist could still go to the Christian heaven, but a virtuous atheist could not, because he has rejected God, right?


    Then, do you realise that a large part of Buddhists don't believe in an creator God? They are, in that sense, atheists. What about them? Where lies the boundary for you?


    I'm not speaking for Warren, btw.


    In my religion (Coptic Orthodox Christianity), God is all that is good, and all that is evil is not God. Basically, the way I see it, John 3:16 would mean you just follow God, follow all that is good. This is just the core, I could go on about this, but don't feel like it.


    I think that a few of the religious posts missed an important point: As far as I know, most religions claim that their god is all-knowing and all-powerful. Therefore, would that god not have the choice to cause or prevent the action? How can a human have free choice if "God" guides that choice, creates all experiences considered in the choice, and creates the opportunity to make the choice?


    For example, I could choose to attempt to cross a busy street in Boston while the sign says "Don't Cross". That choice would have been based on my past experiences of safely crossing at one of these times, which would have been created by an all-powerful god. The opportunity to cross the street at the time would have also been created by God, as would the outcome.



    And on an Atheist who pursues "good" going to Heaven: How do you suggest that Atheist knows what is good? I can't exactly ask this question about a religious person, as they completely trust the judgement of their god. A few pages back somebody said that this question is unimportant because right and wrong are decided by the entire population. But how does each member of the population know what is right? And if everyone believed that what they are told is what is right, then humans would never change. The most important and influential humans are the ones who stood up against the common ideas and changed those ideas.

  4. searching for holes, and filling them

    take on board



    So, what is the new year going to bring? For one, we want to continue producing quests at the rate and quality that we have been, which means expanding the most popular storylines and bringing a couple to dramatic conclusions. Well also be casting a critical eye over our existing skills, searching for holes, and filling them with new training activities and rewards. Thats before we even mention the new skill that is coming in 2010! And yes, there will be new combat equipment as well, and also a new Grandmaster quest but more on that closer to release.


  5. I'm kinda bummed out about taking off my skill cape. I feel that making us take off our capes was completely unnecessary. The event could proceed without taking off the cape.

    It was quite unnecessary. Honestly it disgusts me looking at the RSOF responses. Members are using the "no P2P on F2P" argument to hide the truly snobbish and selfish personalities that they possess. I feel ashamed to have actually posted on there regularly with the lack of holiday spirit I'm seeing now. Jagex really needs to stop allowing this... :shame:

    Looking at Jagex' FAQ answers, they seem to think the same...

    They have a point though, why would f2p wear something that is p2p? It brings no benefits in f2p and i don't see why complain about something you should not be wearing...


    Because it's a way to show off our skills and look unique in F2P. Not everything is about stat benefits. I didn't like having to remove my P2P robes, boots, etc but I can see why I had to wear the ghost robes. But forcing us to remove the cape because its not 'ghostly' enough is just cruel. Especially after Jagex scrapped their plans to allow F2P to buy skill capes. F2P need to spend more time and money skilling to get high levels and we don't get anything to show for it. I know....I know....we don't pay, but still when skills cost 3x as much and are 5x slower I think we should get something. It took me just as long to get 75 rc in F2P as it would have taken to get 99 in P2P.



    There you ahve a point, i believe F2pP should get Skillcapes, if anyone in f2p gets a 99, they deserve a skillcape more than any member, but until then i stay on my ground, but hey there is always quick chat where you can say your levels


    Unfortunately, I am one of those snobs. What gives you the right to wear something that other F2prs cannot? Its members content, you are not a member, quit complaining.


    However, I do see your point. If Jagex is faced with this decision again, I will support you - just for the sake of Christmas spirit. The people I really don't support are the ones spamming up RSOF Recent Updates with complaints about Jagex ruining their life by removing a members item which they can no longer put back on.



    On a brighter note, I thought it was a great event. I went the day before Christmas, and it was not crowded, but had enough people that you could start a snowball fight and make it last at least 15 minutes. And the graphics were verynice.

  6. A bunch of very deep thoughts based on completely ridiculous assumptions.


    On an unrelated note, do you have any strange birthmarks or unnatural abilities? :P


    I think this discussion could lead into a much deeper one: What is morality? How do we know that the things written in a book are what God, or Allah, or Jesus, or whoever said? And if we have no bible, what tells us the difference between right and wrong?


    The Torah, Qu'ran, basically the other religious books.


    Lol, I meant bible in a broad sense, so as to include those books. I guess it should have been phrased: If there is not greater power or diety, nor any works or religions that can be trusted as "correct", then how do we determine right from wrong?


    Naturally http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BThmL-Td-IE


    Interesting, but it seems to me that idea picks and chooses certain facts. I'm not expert on animals and nature, but aren't there spiders who eat their babies? If you check out a few of the comments, you'll see that the guy is basically getting critisized - In other words, that idea is far from proven.


    For anyone who doesn't feel like watching it, the video basically says animals and humans have a natural sense for right and wrong, and when we are unsure we should look to nature.


    I find this idea inaccurate. It is my opinion that a being's sense of right and wrong is entirely taught, and therefore there is no solid basis that can be trusted absolutely. However, I can't prove this at all, so carry on :P

  7. A bunch of very deep thoughts based on completely ridiculous assumptions.


    On an unrelated note, do you have any strange birthmarks or unnatural abilities? :P


    I think this discussion could lead into a much deeper one: What is morality? How do we know that the things written in a book are what God, or Allah, or Jesus, or whoever said? And if we have no bible, what tells us the difference between right and wrong?


    The Torah, Qu'ran, basically the other religious books.


    Lol, I meant bible in a broad sense, so as to include those books. I guess it should have been phrased: If there is not greater power or diety, nor any works or religions that can be trusted as "correct", then how do we determine right from wrong?


    And for non believers I think free will still does not really exist as theoretically, if you could look into every chemical causing every emotion, and then everything that has happened to that person in their lifetime, then you could tell for a scientific fact what they are going to do, and therefore they have no choice. (I don't think there is any proof for this, but it seems perfectly logical to me)


    This is an idea that modern science cannot decide on. My take on it is that you cannot take one future and say "this will happen". The conditions and situations we live in are constantly changeing, and there are many elements that cannot be predicted, or at least it would take so long to predict everything that by the time you're done, the event will have already occured and you will instead be predicting the past. The actual scientific opinion at the moment, as far as I know, is that all of the possibilities are happening at the same time.


    Personally I don't believe in any form of conscious God and believing in an all loving, all knowing and all powerful God in these days and time is completely illogical, as it completely falls apart under modern thinking, yet it will continue to exist as so many people have it so engrained in their mind that no logic can reach them. (in my opinion)


    This. This lack of logic and refusal to think openly drives me insane. I remember a few months ago seeing some niece or distant relative of Martin Luther King, Jr. on TV telling everyone how gay marriage needs to remain illegal in order to protect the "sanctity of marriage". Sorry if I'm insulting someone by saying this, but I just turned that [cabbage] off and walked away.

  8. Yes that is the eternal question that I have also asked many times. How to easily make load and loads of junk!


    I think the simplest answer is to go borrow an AGS on world 2 for 24 hours, but you're really losing money if you do that, especially if you aren't going to use the ags.



    I've decided it might be easiest to just use the mint in combination with cash to buy a rare. Money is not an issue, but are there any low-value rares that would need a mint to purchase?

  9. A bunch of very deep thoughts based on completely ridiculous assumptions.


    On an unrelated note, do you have any strange birthmarks or unnatural abilities? :P


    I think this discussion could lead into a much deeper one: What is morality? How do we know that the things written in a book are what God, or Allah, or Jesus, or whoever said? And if we have no bible, what tells us the difference between right and wrong?


    It's easy for one person to say "Oh that guy's evil, he's going to H.E.L.L. double hockeysticks" but nobody seriously thinks of themselves as a bad person. So how do we know what we should be doing to get into this wonderful place called heaven? With millions of different dieties, and even more contradicting rules, we really have no way of knowing. And to make it worse, there are all sorts of people doing terrible things in the name of their diety (modern terrorists, crusaders).



    The only real way to differentiate is that an action that makes peolpe unhappy is bad, and an action that makes a majority happy is right.



    On free will - while it is true that a person's thoughts and actions are determined by his or her background and environment, which is completely out of that person's control, he or she is still responsible for his or her actions. Otherwise, what would be the difference between each person? If you take away a person's actions, background, and environment - the things you claim are uncontrollable - then all you're left with is....nothing?

  10. When RL fails, come to my old favorite online community...this alias turned out to be handy after all...


    I usually post really vague questions on here to avoid recognition, fell less shameless... However, I'm at crossroads, and I figured I could entertain you guys with a nice, long trip into my past.


    About a year ago, I became best friends with this girl, and we became really close. We gradually started to flirt...she told me that she liked me, and I told her that I had felt the same way for a while. Things, for once in my (retrospectively pathetic) life, started to look up. Although, there was another guy she liked, too. He was a jerk, a pervert, and he just wanted in her pants. That wasn't just my judgment behind my blind eyes, either, but that was what he was known for. After a few more weeks of thinking about her all the time, feeling different about her than any other girl I'd liked, she told me she didn't like me, that I was more of a brother to her. (Imagine that!) And she started dating Jerkguy. It really hurt me.


    That, along with other things, made me fall into a period of (serious, not attention-seeking) depression for a while...but I managed. While they were happy, I tried to move other another girl, but then failed in the friendzone again. That led to the end of the school year. That summer, I basically just punched life in the face. Sick of depression, sick of always failing, sick of being pathetic. And I matured and changed really fast. I'm not the pathetic, chubby, weird kid I once was a year ago. This year, I'm popular, I have girls going after me, and overall, I turned out to be pretty awesome. And, after a year of Jerkguy pressuring her to do things she didn't want to, eventually leading to a lot of controlling, and emotional strain, they broke up. Now, the girl, who has still, throughout that time, always been my best friend, and the one girl in my life that I can honestly say I unconditionally love, has now fallen for me.


    I really don't know what to do. We're even closer this year, and she hates herself for the decision she made. I've forgiven her, and we've talked about it so much...I don't doubt her, don't doubt that I would be a rebound, or that she would screw me over again. We're so close, beyond just talking...and I want it to go somewhere.


    As I've posted before, after the change, although being very success, I kinda lost faith in relationships. Couldn't imagine being with anyone on an intimate level, just because of being screwed over so much. I guess it was a learned self-defense, after never having a successful relationship. I dunno.


    In my circle of really close friends, every single one of them are just telling me that this is a bad idea. Every single one of them. They say I'm being blind, that she's a flirt, she'll screw me over again, that I'll believe anything she says, that I need to find another girl, now that I'm a changed person. That I'm already in too deep. Get out now, because they don't want to see me get hurt again.


    From my point of view, I would really rather just be with my best friend. Because I do love her, and because we both make each other really happy, and we have a connection I can't picture being able to share with anyone else. I don't think she'll screw me over again. I don't doubt her. I want to give her a second chance and be with her. When it comes down to it, I would really, really rather have her, then just throw all of it away to chase after some random girl that probably wouldn't work out anyways, which all of my close friends want me to do.


    I'm at crossroads. What should I do?...


    It doesn't sound like you've really changed. You lost some weight and have some girls after you. She knew you before you were depressed and she passed you up for this guy who's known as a jerk. It doesn't sound like you've had some metamorphosis. She decided to date the jerk over the pudgier, less popular you. She wants a relationship now. Ask yourself what's really changed? If she wants a relationship she passed up on a year ago with you now because you lost weight and got popular, that's no basis for a healthy relationship. Ask yourself why all your friends think she's a flirt? If you think about it objectively for a moment, you might realize she's just the flirt who chose the jerk over you when she had the chance.


    The mix of advice you are getting is rather comical.


    While she may be this terrible person that the last two posts have illustrated, it is possible she made a mistake. You probably shouldn't take advice from me, but what I would do, is take a step back and look at it. Make sure you notice all of your other options, and don't act fall into this "oneitis" thing. If you can date her without being obsessed, it could be fun. Just be wary - they aren't wrong when they say she could mold you like silly putty then discard you like store-brand playdough.

  11. Jad is the only monster that I can think of that you can only do by yourself, so I don't think more will/can be added in this fashion.

    i hope you're kidding when you say that


    You would be surprised. Corp can be soloed, as can all boss monsters that I can think of. It's just extremely difficult.


    On topic, this is an excellent idea and would provide a great break from the normal monotony of slayer. GWD bosses would be especially fun :thumbsup:

  12. how can a mint be like 11mil when in ge its only a few hundred k trade limit prevents that....


    btw santa crash has begun


    People add junk so the buyer buys the mint cake with loads of unsellable stuff, for a total of 11m. On a related note, anyone know a good way to make 10m junk fast? ;-)



    i believe lending items is the most conservative way to convert junk back into cash. however, most people buy crashing items in exchange for junk in hopes to sell it again in the future.


    I'm sorry, I meant produce the junk, not get rid of it. Fletching bows is painfully slow, I won't be boss hunting for addy p++ arrows with these stats, and buying junk off another player completely destroys the purpose.

  13. multiple grand master quests plz :thumbup:


    Yess. :thumbup:


    It is huge if you've read what's on the horizon next year.


    Possible return of Zaros, Nomad Chaos ele hint (he's just been graphically updated), Priffdinnnas finally opens, Ele workshop 3, new skill and much much more can't wait!


    I thought they said Priffdinnas wouldn't be opened for a few years? And don't forget the Mahjarrat Ritual. Who cares about armageddon in 2012 when you have a collection of powerful near-immortals coming together to fight each other, with one of them planning on godhood.


    Also we should be getting FT3 within the next few weeks, and the 300th qp approaching. Epic year for quests.



    Ever thought maybe FT3 will be the next quest out, while being a grandmaster as well for 5 qps and 300 qp?



    That would be epic, and is definitely a possibility. I just hope it isn't also the GMQ with multiple 80+reqs. 80+ Farming and Herblore would take away my quest cape for months.


    Mints aren't really based on inflation, but instead based off imaginary demand. There is no "real" demand for mints, other than one person saying the item is valuable and another buying the item because of that.


    Actually, mints are related to inflation. Certain high demand items (partyhats, divines and elysians) developed a street value above their GE price. So it became necessary to "junk trade" for them. The problem now is that, because of inflation, gp is itself junk (and crashing junk at that). It has become almost impossible to buy a partyhat with pure cash. Nobody wants the cash. That is where the mint came in. It's a relatively rare item that emerged as a sort of currency allowing the high demand items to be traded for something other than themselves. So you can't buy a partyhat with pure cash (even using junk trading), but, if you can gather enough mints, you can buy one. The problem is accumulating enough mints -- easier said than done.

    Wow that made Gp sound like noob currency.


    Clearly it is. the general reason behind inflation is the supply of GP brought into this game. the statuettes, personal shops, and alching made it possible. if the Federal Reserve in America experienced inflation, they would lower the money supply to make it stable again but since Jagex isn't (or doesn't have the knowledge of) the Federal Reserve, then inflation can only prosper until we experience hyper inflation where money cannot function anymore. Mint cakes may be the theory behind the consequences of the ongoing inflation unless Jagex would take appropriate action to lower money supply like adding a new skill and such.


    Sorry if i'm sounding a bit annoying. i just happen to be the best student in my economics class. :lol:


    You are absolutely right.


    Now, since the amount of GP in RuneScape will only ever go up, what will be the consequences? In real life, economies crash - nd governments step in. What will Jagex be forced to do? Nerf all the prices?


    I think Jagex is already stumped with what they have to do, I really doubt they'll nerf the prices but they seem like they will update something with the statues, because for one thing Drop Potential PVPing, caused a big problem that Jagex didn't see coming and removed it after ONE YEAR. Meaning it may take some time before they can update the current EP PVPing.



    Jagex's normal solution is a moneysink, as far as I know. This seems rather lopsided to me, since it is normally in the form of a new skill. Normal Pvpers, who are responsible for the inflation, don't usually train skills that do not raise their max hit or give them a new way to fool people. Therefore, would it not be true that a moneysink would make honest players poorer, since they are the ones using the skill?

  15. Best content was Temple at Senntisten, especially if you include the high level prayers with it. But the best update was probably the 5 minute logout timer.


    An update that could have been better was the high-level wc update. It really didn't do anything great, just gave us a new way to train. If only they had added an outfit or something to the sawmill, it coulda been great.

  16. multiple grand master quests plz :thumbup:


    Yess. :thumbup:


    It is huge if you've read what's on the horizon next year.


    Possible return of Zaros, Nomad Chaos ele hint (he's just been graphically updated), Priffdinnnas finally opens, Ele workshop 3, new skill and much much more can't wait!


    I thought they said Priffdinnas wouldn't be opened for a few years? And don't forget the Mahjarrat Ritual. Who cares about armageddon in 2012 when you have a collection of powerful near-immortals coming together to fight each other, with one of them planning on godhood.


    Also we should be getting FT3 within the next few weeks, and the 300th qp approaching. Epic year for quests.

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