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Posts posted by Earth

  1. Heh. I just use Thaumcraft. Also, I found a GREAT cave. A long, easy branch for early constructs like a sugarcane farm and a Wheat farm, and two deep branches with visible crystals already. Hell yes.

  2. I always renovate existing cave systems because I could dig up to leave an entry way and then seal off the original entrence, and then herpderp, I've got my mine and house all in one go. Take the spots I've mined dry and turn them into new rooms, while I explore the new caves I find. Simple.

  3. Archi didn't send me it, thanks.


    However,t hat link you sent was very useful. Here's my sheet.




    WS:30 BS:31 S:30 T:27 Ag:37 Int:40 Per:33 WP:37 Fel:31 Wounds:12 Fate Points:2 Insanity Points:0 Corruption Points:0






    Homeworld:Void Born










    Skin Color:Fair


    Hair Color:Copper


    Eye Color:Green




    Quirk:You are pallid.


    Ship Tradition:Space Hulk


    Divination:The only true fear is of dying with your duty not done.


    Starting XP:400


    Starting Package:None

    Traits: Charmed, Ill-Omened, Shipwise, Void Accustomed


    Basic Skills: Navigation (Stellar) (Int) (Shipwise), Pilot (Starcraft) (Ag) (Shipwise)


    Advanced Skills: Speak Language (Ship Dialect) (Int), Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int), Tech-Use (Int), Literacy (Int), Secret Tongue (Tech) (Int), Trade (Scrimshawer) (Ag)


    Talents: Melee Weapons Training (Primitive), Basic Weapons Training (Las), Pistol Training (Las), Electric Graft Use


    Gear: metal staff, las pistol and 1 charge pack, las carbine and 1 charge pack, knife, flak vest, glow lamp, data-slate, Mechanicus robes and vestments (Good Quality Clothing), 9 spare parts (power cells, wires, chronometers etc), vial of Sacred Machine Oil, Mechanicus implants, whittling knife (memento), oily cleaning rags (memento)


    Special Qualities: None


    Family: None

  4. The Teacher scrambled with his students to get out of the firey wreckage of the lift. He laughs. "Yeah. Tricks of the trade, remember the lift command for letting the lift fall entirely.."

    The students stare at him as if he had gone mad, and Fluttershy pipes up with "You could have KILLED us!" The teacher stares right back. "Maybe, but it's a better chance than waiting for the lift to get to where we needed to go without us starving to death. The lifts are old, and so they move slow." The teacher stands up, and looks around. Now where was he supposedly going again?....

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