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Posts posted by Earth

  1. You know, I really get stressed easily, and I've been overloaded lately. That's quite troublesome because for some reason I'm getting slammed with a lot more homework than normal at the end of the year. There's a reason, ut right now not even "God has decreed MORE HOMEWORK IRREVOCABLY" is a good reason.

  2. ... It's times like this i really wish Caffine worked more on me. I work better when hyper stressed in conjunction with my medication and right now I'm not feeling the stress. Urgh.

  3. Nefer, no rotational GM's, because I personally know that I can trust Archi to not make damn stupid maps that're made to purposefully trap people at every corner. Not saying yours would, but I KNOW archi's wouldn't.

  4. I get mad sometimes, mostly just rather stressed and hyper. Other times I just post random things in attempt to either A. provoke discussion or B. derail the current one. Full time job right there.

  5. Maybe you'd like to take it to a PM so it's a damn sight easier to find the information, instead of leaving it to the future of maybe digging through pages of backlog to find the posts on seperate pages?

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