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Posts posted by Nifflin

  1. Nope, and I explained why earlier. Reread the thread while I try and find the post. I'll edit this to include it.


    Edit: Beat you to it!


    "On the topic of Mod Timbo, I would like to point out that once I needed to contact a J Mod to try and figure out if something was legal or not.


    The community mod told me "if you need to ask it likely isn't," their cookie cutter response. The mod from the macro team told me what I wanted to know about was in the rules given certain things, quite an in depth response. So that is why it matter what mod you hear from. Some will blow you off because they don't actually know or understand the answer to your question. That is fine, they are PR guys, it is to be expected." - From yours truly.


    Edit 2: When you mass delete posts don't leave orphans like this one. That's just heartless.


    Yet you have failed to post it for 5 pages


    And then said that they hadn't gotten into contact with Jagex Staff on the issue and were doing so asap.


    On another note, I would like to criticize the very opaque policies in TIF. I think it is really important for discussions, especially those between users and admins to be out in the open. I guess the "PM me if you have any responses" seems to breed confusion amongst users. It creates accountability on both sides. Transparency is something that has been proven key time and time again in the running of all sorts of institutions, TIF isn't really an exception.

  3. Unfortunately I feel the need to reiterate that this is not an insult; rather, I'm explaining that this guide should be advertised as providing basic, foundational knowledge of dungeoneering that everyone should know before they really begin training the skill.


    What do you mean exactly by "really begin training the skill"?


    It's more or less accepted that you shouldn't step foot in deamonheim until you have 60-70 dung from tears and pengs. Really training the skill usually comes later when people start training because they love it and not just for the rewards. At that point they need to learn a lot about the skill in very little time which of course, they will do and then eventually become able to proficiently function in teams.


    You aren't really training the skill until you can function in a team and consistently do sub 30 dungeons.


    Edit: Beat me to it.

  4. To start off, this is all for members dungoneering. I suggest you split the guides into members and f2p dung because they are really two very different things.


    First, the binds section. It is more or less accepted that primal 2h > primal baxe > prom 2h > your best 2h. Maul should only be used if your strength level is 20 levels higher then your attack level. Make it clear that by 80 dung a person should have t7 berserker and t9 by 90 dung. The only bow that should ever be bound is hexhunter. Only keyers should ever bind a plate as a third bind. The best third binds are ccs/emp fire staff, hexhunter, primal gaunts, blood neck and primal/prom rapier. For ammo surgebox > laws. Only bind arrows if you are using a hexhunter.


    Skillers should only be present in f2p dungeons.


    "Before entering a room, survey the guardians within and be aware of their attack styles. Activate the appropriate prayer to protect your weaknesses, and enter as a team."


    This is false, you should immediately enter unless it is a raperoom. The time lost by waiting for the whole team, ect is too great. Just pray mage and run in, adapting as you go.


    The section on important resources. First, resources should be carried until you happen to pass the ht (herbs,blue/crim charms and stuff for alter). Carrying unf pots and 2nds is a really good way to speed up the dung if you can gather them as you move. You should never need to fish/cook food. Leather bags are also useless, one of the surest signs of a novice dunger is that they make worldbearers. The only familiars to make are ragers and their scrolls for the boss. No other familiars speed up the dungeon.


    I'll add stuff if I think of anything. I personally think there should be separate guides for rushing, clearing and f2p as they are all very different dung styles.


    As a lay person in all of this, it seems pretty easy for me to understand what's happening.

    >As a lay person in all of this, it seems pretty easy for me to understand what's happening.

    >As a lay person in all of this

    >As a lay person


    lay person or layperson


    — n , pl lay persons , lay people , laypersons , laypeople

    1. a person who is not a member of the clergy

    2. a person who does not have specialized or professional knowledge of a subject


    MFW you admit you can't contribute anything new to the discussion and are writing with no knowledge on the subject. MFW you actually understand nothing about the scripts. :wall:

  6. Glad to see this is all getting worked out.


    On the topic of Mod Timbo, I would like to point out that once I needed to contact a J Mod to try and figure out if something was legal or not.


    The community mod told me "if you need to ask it likely isn't," their cookie cutter response. The mod from the macro team told me what I wanted to know about was in the rules given certain things, quite an in depth response. So that is why it matter what mod you hear from. Some will blow you off because they don't actually know or understand the answer to your question. That is fine, they are PR guys, it is to be expected.


    Also, Darkdude, please don't claim to have evidence and then fail to be able to actually present it for verification. That is a very novice debate tactic and makes you look really bad.


    And thanks so much Kimberly, you are the voice of reason from the TIF mods.

  7. Nope, that function imitates the advantage that people playing on a touchscreen have. On a touchscreen people wouldn't use a mouse. You should read up on the latest in technology.


    And for all you know I might be playing on one, I just use that function when I swap to my desktop.


    Edit: Because I have that advantage, it should be available to everyone. Cheezedude and Wicked are kind enough to give up their time trying to provide that same advantage to people who can't afford a touchscreen.

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