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Posts posted by Pluckey

  1. Ha!


    When will the industry realise they need to change media, people don't want to apy 10£ for 10 tracks.


    I will continue to pirate everything until I can buy a song for 5p a pop in a format higher than 320.




    So easy to pirate too.


    Especially when you have the ability to download videos off of Youtube and convert them to Mp3.


    Is the Music Industry going to sue Youtube next?

  2. Neitiznot.

    Sorry for being a newb, just started playing again, but how exactly do i get there? :)

    Any requirements? Teleports?

    Thanks again


    Walk from Relleka to the docks at the north and take the boat.


    Getting there requires Fremennik Trials, The, I think.



    You need to have finished Fremmenik Trials and to have started Fremmenik Isles.

  3. Time update on a brand new time calc


    9. SU O M I 8016

    1. Allar 9588

    6. Zarfot 9647

    5. Elvis 10008

    7. Elias 10037

    [16] Skiller 703 10240

    3. Telmomarques 10280

    8. Tezz 10756

    13. Lan 11055

    12. Kingduffy 11108

    2. Jdelacroix 11137

    14. Green098 11736

    11. Gertjaars 12111

    10. Paperbag 12213

    4. Drumgun 12251

    15. Erw J 13351



    Biggest assumptions for this calculator are

    1. Players have no charms and effigies banked

    2. No time for making money

    3. C2 fishing is 100k/hr

    4. The player can't max summoning on crimson and blues alone and has to use greens



    Copy for you to play with




    This time the calculator will use effigy lamps on all skills slowest- fastest which is particularly useful for s u o m i because he has slow skills maxed




    By that calculator, I am 14974 hours to maxing out. :ohnoes:

  4. Great guide, will definitely try this out. I do prefer blackjacking the volunteers at Thieves' Guild, gives lots of more XP in my opinion. At Sorceress' Garden I prefer picking the herbs though, within a few weeks I've got 1-46 farming just by that and a couple of million gold, herblore XP as well.


    Thanks for the compliment! Yeah, I'm not sure on the experience rates over at the Thieves' Guild, but I do prefer the consistant freerunning at the garden. It's kind of relaxing to me. :P


    Also, on farming experience - according to wikia, picking the fruit in the Summer Garden yields 60 farming exp/fruit and 50 farming exp/herb. The difference is whether you want experience in herblore or thieving - and I'm pretty sure there are better ways to train herblore.


    Although this may be comparable to Chaos Druids.. I do believe the herb percentage rates are the same. It may also be more relaxing, or, one may be a skiller and unable to engage Chaos Druids in combat.


    Just something to add to the 1st method you have. Ring of Dueling can teleport you to Mobilising Armies which is a short run from the Energy Pools.


    Hey vader, thanks for the tip! I added it as an alternative to the 'Method 1' section and credited you in the 'Credits' section. :D


    Nice guide :thumbsup:


    Thanks for stopping by and enjoying it! :)


    It seems that spambots are targetting this thread again.. I'm not sure what rugs have to do with the topic, however... xD




    Spambots are always fun to watch you have to admit. :shades:

  5. Before people were talking about how long would it take to max from level 1 everything.


    According to a RWT site (don't support this sort of idiotic practice, but I was bored and googled it):




    It would take 17655.38 hours of training and the time to make 1184.874M before doing anything


    That is about 2 yrs and 5.15643458 days straight of playing, but I'm sure these sites don't do the optimal and most efficient methods.



    That's interesting lol.

  6. Just because someone plays RS a lot doesn't mean that they have no life or a bad social life.



    I for one, Play about 50 - 60 hours a week and I happen to have a wife, a soon-to-be child, bills, and a job. If THAT isn't having a life, I don't know what really is.

  7. which one is more xp ph?


    i always see people with 90+ agility at gnome course so just wondering if its there preference to go to gnome not barb


    im 94 agility now going to 99 havnt really done any research into it but i have to go to bed then work so i cant time and thought mght aswell ask saves me some time


    i know barb course has one extra obstacle but not sure how much it makes a difference



    Barbarian is faster xp/hour, But both of them are so close, it doesn't really make much of a difference.


    I would say do which one you prefer, I happen to prefer Gnome course.

  8. My fiance & I rarely use the kiss emote at all at each other nor actually type to each other. So Maybe that's why people leave us alone. But then again we tend to play in w119 it's a swe world. We haven't yet got the comment "This isn't a dating game". We're not swe, but the world runs smooth for us both. Other then that we try to stay away from our old home world which was w71. Which has ton's of immature kids. Usually the uk and usa worlds are crap with comments. We got nasty comments for yrs (both guys, "This isn't a dating game", etc). As for us both playing Rs together, when it was roughly 2008 or so, we started getting all 99's together. We are currently duo'ing dungeoneering for 99. The wonders of doing dung is that we don't get nasty comments about being a couple. We also dress the same on Runescape, because I perfer others to want to know we are a couple. I don't really want comments like "Hey babe", "Your hot lets go out", etc.


    Also I do get very angry at very negative comments about women. "All women were need to work in kitchen","All women were made to do xxx", etc. I kinda butt into comments like that and tell them to cut it out, since I do find it offensive since I am a woman myself. As for me in rl, both my fiance & I share the chores up. Cooking & Cleaning, we usually do them both together. I do tell other kids/males that I do that. So they will hopefully get that idea out of their head. I also sometimes get that sort of comments from my father, which then it turns into a fight or me ignoring him. Women should speak up more often about themselves, instead of being let down by males.


    I can understand why people would think a girl is a guy if their named xxpkxx or have a guy name in their username. I kinda do think the same. I don't actually know any girls that have that sort of name. There's not many that actually pk or do major boss killing. Meaning everyday... I actually never pk'd. I absolutely find pking boring. But I do sometimes play some castlewars. But that's one of the best mini-games. :P


    -Lovely Knife-


    My missus would probably like this post, but she can't read it until she's finished cooking my tea and done the cleaning up so I've replied instead while sitting down and having a brew.




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