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Posts posted by Pluckey

  1. Another Satisfying day. Or Trade Me and I lured Range Guild for 2 hours. Split loots 50/50. Great team-mate, hope to work with him in the near future.









    Rare Pain is in that picture. :ohnoes:





    I haven't seen him in ages. Always wondered what happened to him.

  2. Hey. Thought about getting 99 attack down at AZ's. But i can't seem to enter the tunnels. Only gives me the message "It's way to dangerous to venture down there alone" or something. Whaat? I'v done Defender of varrock, ofc.



    Go to Hartwin and talk to him.



    He'll teleport you to AZs. Best part is, They're uncrowded because they're instanced.

  3. I do agree with you blade, the guided price is pretty inaccurate and it is true that people are overcutting me and undercutting me when i comes to the buying/selling aspect. The economy is wierd but not messed up, it will rebalence and hopefully people will be selling/buying within the guide prices.


    But you didn't have to be such a trololol about it. X_X



    Blade ALWAYS seems to be like that.

  4. 30k bots means that at that point, rough 1 out of every 9 people you see is a bot. Since that graph incldues both f2p and p2p, I would agree with that statistic, as f2p training spots are always FULL of bots. Ever been to draynor willows? it's like 30:1 bots:non-bots.



    It's probably that for pure essence mines and LRC for p2p as well.

  5. Its not dying..... its growing and your to dumb to see that....


    its definately not growing in terms of players.Your dumb not to see that..


    plus why do you think theyre bring wildy and free trade back?? because it IS dying(in terms of traffic)!


    it is growing in terms of players... people are coming back, and people were returning before they re-announced the wild. But they brought back the wild because it was a stupid thing to remove in the first place. that was why people played. when they removed it, people quit yes, but that didn't stop new players from starting up in their place.




    whys everyone so argumentative on this forum, i thought RS forums wer bad but there always seems to be at least someone agreeing with you. I don't see how you can think that in general RS is growing, when it is not.Even if you get 200k online at weekends RS still used to get 300k..


    Because you're wrong.

  6. I was thinking about 99 ranged.



    I would be getting this through yaks.



    What weapon should I use?


    My current gear is:


    Helm: Void

    Amulet: Glory

    Body: Void

    Legs: Void

    Gloves: Void

    Ring: Explorers

    Boots: Snakeskin



    What weapon shall I use?


    And how much of it would I need?

  7. Don't act you never noticed how F2P's got treated . You all know it.

    Don't ask for respect when you never had for F2P's. I have never seen one excuse for what they said in the past. Why should i forgive it then.


    What about us P2P who started out in F2P?



    And really have no negativity about it?



    Not all P2P hate F2P.

  8. Hi I was wondering I was going to register a clan soon can someone explain this


    IRC:what is this

    ML:and this

    RSN:runescape name?


    MSN:is it required??




    IRC: Internet Relay Chat.

    ML: Memberlist.

    RSN: Runescape name.

    Rank: Your rank in the clan.

    MSN: I don't think it is.

  9. I think that had less to do with you wearing member's armor and more to do with the fact that a bunch of bored 12 year olds at a place like F2P Karamja dock are going to be rude. So it is, so it always has been. You stood out because of your armor, which made you a perfect target for HORMONE RAGE and mob mentality.


    Lesson: don't go anywhere in Anywheres. with the idea of striking up a meaningful conversation.




  10. Hi.


    So a member has access to both F2P AND P2P worlds Right.

    So why are we so hated when we show up in F2P?


    Back Story :


    I am fishing on Karjma dock in world 47 Minding my own business and such.

    When someone calls out. Hey why are you here [Name] Why aren't you in your own world.

    Obviously hes reffering to why am i not fishing in a members world. Someone else answers hes botting.

    the group says why doesnt he bot in a members world after much debate about botting. i anwser and say im not botting just fishing.


    Then, they say well then your just here to show off your expensive Armour no one cares [ i am wearing full bandos atm] i said no im just hear beacuse FTP are known

    better for fishing spots with active users talking then P2P.


    I didnt do anything to offended these guys, or make anyone made they just came at me with anger for being a member in a f2p world.


    I mean sure who can say we havent gone to f2p to show off cool amour to noobs and thats great publicty for jagex to get f2p to sign up for members.

    which is why i assume members can log in to f2p among other reasons


    what do u think is the main reason for hate on members in f2p

    do u have any stories like mine of member abuse lol


    TL:DR Why are memebers hated on f2p servers




    It may have seemed to them that you were showing off your armour. No one likes a show off.



    As to why P2P can log into F2P worlds, It would make no sense for them not to.

  11. The main reason of becoming a pure is that you have the advantage of having a low combat level

    Not true, now 99% of people up to level 100 are pures... There is practically no advantage to be had other than being equally matched (and not giving them an advantage).


    The problem with pures is their absolute hatred for defence. It isn't just that they don't train it, they fear it. They use someone's defence as a reason to NOT fight them, but isn't their lack of defence supposed to give them the upper hand?



    They're not scared of defense,



    They're scared of armour.

  12. I pronounce it as it is written.


    Finnish ftw.

    Ain't it just lovely when our English fellows are struggling to pronounce these words and we can just walk in and go "lolitspronouncedlikethisnubs"? :P

    But yeah, I too get (at least mildly) annoyed when people repeatedly mispell a word over and over again and the wrong spelling spreads like a virus. Anyone want to barrow something from me, by the way?




    That "Barrow" thing annoys me to no end.

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