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Posts posted by Jmmy

  1. I'd suggest the bandos/maul setup above or you can use a void setup, switching to ranged (deflector) for the second form. Basically, use your regular max offence gear with void, claws, chaotic melee weapon (defender), acp + deflector + crossbow switches and rune or diamond bolts. Not sure how much ranged defence the second form has, but I had pretty low accuracy with a maul at 90 attack (that is with turm + ovl).



    From (a lot of) personal experience, I find that ranging the second form is a lot faster. Yes, melee does work, but similarly to what Enaid said, even with a maul, 99 attack, turm, ovld, slayer task, you dont hit all that often. Whereas CCBow, rigour, ovld slayer task hits a lot more than it misses.


    So if on task id take armour switches (start with bandos/barrows on and preferably a rapier and d defender, switch to dhide/arma for second form [handcannon is likely to be best here, but my firemaking is low and she has decent defense so I use CCBow])

  2. Or you could put up with DG for a short time, and I can guarantee that you would start to enjoy it.


    Sure the xp rates are poor at your current level, but they jump up pretty fast too, considering how often you are improving your prestige.


    Maybe DG is more like a minigame than the other "skills", but for me, this is what makes it so good. It takes the most skill and practice to perfect, providing something you can apply yourself to and be able to look back and think "was I really that bad!".


    However, if you're going to remain stubborn, I can only agree with the other posts. You can either solo (ineffectively), tank for a team, or have some friends willing to carry you.


    One place where chaotics are not such a massive requirement is DKing. A whip will down Supreme with ease (albeit not quite so fast as a rapier), Handcannon beats CCBow, SOL is barely worse than CS, and the Spirit shields are far better than Chaotic ones. Plus DKs are decent money.


    Bit boring though.

  3. Unfinished and finished is NOT the same speed. Unfinished is much faster


    2100 potions/hr is the standard rate. With cleansing that becomes 2363.5/hr (1/8 chance of making the potion twice as fast)

    I mean: making vials of water > unfinished and unfinished > finished potions is the same speed?


    No. Making unf's is considerably faster.


    Im sure someone will tell you just how much faster.


    I can confirm Levon's rates for unfs>finished pots. I bought unfs to get 92 herb, didnt make any myself.

  4. No I don't have a fury or a berzerker ring. I'll post a screenshot of my current gear and stats in a sec.


    Zerker is same str bonus as BCP, but 15m cheaper.... There is no point in getting BCP if you dont have zerk.


    Fury, is again cheaper than Bandos armour, and again gives better bonuses.

  5. Maybe they are more efficient to you, but consider this: If I were to purchase 85 herblore, I would have no money or items left. Having nothing isn't exactly what I call efficient, plus, I don't want a herblore level, I just want to know which of these items is the best for me to buy and which I will get the most use out of for general combat. If I do ever go for a herblore level like that I'll do it later when my stats are better and I can afford it. I really don't want to go into a herblore efficiency argument here, just to find out which of these items I've listed is the best for me.


    You're being ridiculous. He is giving you (correct) advice and you're giving any sort of real reason to counter it.


    Anyway. Of those items you mentioned, probably claws. Bandos is also a good choice though. DFS is useless except at Wyverns, do not get one.

  6. Sell SGS buy Bandos + Claws


    Edit: Godswords are outdated. Even if you hate DG, slash with whip, crush with ZS/SS. SGS spec is also largely redundant, due to healing familiars, eee, ss etc. Plus your spec is much better used on DPS than healing.


    Edit2: If you dont have a Fury or Zerker ring, those come first. 85+ Herblore is also a big priority.

  7. I'll shortly start being able to do warped floors and have some questions about the change. Specifically the strategy for the bosses (especially the first 3) and for portal rooms. If you can't be bothered typing out an explanation then could someone please let me know if the wiki is right on any of these?


    Watch videos to learn Gulegas attacks (you treat it almost like Jad) and having bloodragers will make this fight incredibly short.


    Treat Dread like Sara GWD, only you should be using mage. Tank runs from corner to corner until Dread switches target.


    Varying strategies on Blink. I do not know which is best. When he shouts "Here it comes", raise a nearby pillar and hide behind it. DO NOT randomly lift pillars when he is running about, as only one can be up at once.This is more a watch and learn Boss.


    Portal rooms are trial and error for me. Maybe there is a better strategy. Once in the middle, log to lobby then back in to finish unlocking the door.



    Um, wait. When in the HELL would you want void on a slayer task? I feel like these people I've quoted have kinda forgotten you can't use FSH and void at the same time, and FSH offers as good/better boost then void on slayer tasks.



    FSH - 15%


    Void - 20%


    Low defence void wins.


    Wyvern are not low defence. Use FSH.


    The end.

  9. FSH is better than void, assuming you're on task.


    This is only true when you're ranging high defence monsters and perhaps need tankier gear. So for wyverns this would apply, but for a lot of other tasks, void is superior.


    I was implying on Wyvern tasks.


    But yes, what you state is correct.

  10. Well the void offers range attack bonus, and beside the ranging method mentioned by ermricht means you can kill as many as you want without banking unless you run of out space or run out of bolts....


    FSH is better than void, assuming you're on task. Range safespotting wyverns is ridiculously slow. If you do not want to use a faster method you should just skip them.

  11. With regards to Oscar's vid.


    Love your keying, but one thing to query:


    Obviously making ragers did cost us time (albeit very little time as we already had charms + ore at ht).


    However, without having made them, bosses can sometimes take significantly longer, and can lead to deaths.


    I understand that to miss out by a few seconds on "sub 20" would be frustrating, but in the grand scheme of things, an extra 15 seconds with a much smoother boss fight cannot be considered a "mistake"?

  12. 1m for a hard? You are playing a different game my friend. 100k tops.



    What, when they could lead to 3rd age stuff? 1m, is a reasonable gamble on that id say. 100k is stupidly under priced for a hard.


    You do realise the rates of 3rd age items, yes? Youd have to have Jesus luck to make it worthwhile at 1m each...


    Most people in this topic seem sensible. Hard clues are fairly common. Adding 1-2m to most slayer tasks would not happen. People would not pay that much for them.

  13. In old discussion about it, Imo, the prices were very over estimated aka Crimson - 3.5k.



    Lol. Barraging for crimsons cost around 4k each, or 2k each with Brobes. Hence that sort of price. Obviously far cheaper via fiends. But then factor in the time taken to gather them, rather than purely the cost in supplies.


    4k each is not unreasonable at all.


    And I also found your clue scroll piricings amusing. 1m for a hard? You are playing a different game my friend. 100k tops.

  14. This is tailored to your stats:




    Void (Melee and Range helms)






    D Boots


    Fire Cape (perhaps SW cape if no Elite void)





    Use a Uni. Once you get 92 you can start using combat familiars, and brew instead. Note that with a Uni you should not need to brew, except when someone messes up lures perhaps.


    Not until you have a steel titan should you use turmoil. Rigour all the way for now.


    Watch videos to learn exactly what to do to lure correctly.


    Things you could improve:


    99 Firemaking for Handcannon

    99 Summoning for steel


    EDIT: If you care for it, you can take RoW and equip at end of each kill


    And afking each round after dealing the required damage is the least boring. That's what I did at least.


    And people like this slow it down considerably, ruining it for others.

  16. I would save the effigies. It basically means you have to make money for turmoil and charms now (tds) but it also means you'll get a free yak with the iron titan.


    This is a good point. Just earn cash, buy the prayer, and use all the effigies on summ. Possibility.

  17. Slayer lvl? (Sorry on phone can't see sigs) if not 99, start working on that and get summ xp that way.


    87. I would do this, if it were not for the fact that:


    Slayer would be faster with turmoil, and more enjoyable with soul split.

    and the same can be said for Dungeoneering, which I do a lot of


    But yes, I do intend to gather my charms via Slayer, rather than powering for them.

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