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Everything posted by Aom1

  1. My luckiest Slayer tasks after losing 1.4m on an Irons task so far - Worms task after the Irons task - Same task - If it couldn't get any better.. Yay ^^
  2. That would usually happen when the world itself is already full and people try to mass enter it. It'd cut off people, npc's, and some other things. Or, maybe there was something wrong with the skill or rooms that Jagex felt the need to fix. ^^
  3. Hello to the Tip.it community, my name is A O M 1. I have been playing Runescape since Classic, and I have never really bothered to register on any Runescape-based Forums, until now. ^^ I'll just be around to hangout, chat, and maybe post a bit. Nice to be able to join. :)
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