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Posts posted by Frede173

  1. Well, merchanting is indeed an excellent money maker provided that you have a large amount of cash to start out with.

    And if a person already has a 'large amount of cash', why would he ask for advice on how to make money? :huh:


    Back to high level skilling... OP doesn't have the required level for graahk runecrafting, nor torstols. (I don't do herb runs myself, but don't people usually make juju farming pots for these?)


    Try getting your Hunter level a bit up. At level 77 you can catch grenwalls in Isafdar. I haven't tried them myself but on the paper they seem like neat money and experience (29-31K and 1100 Hunter XP per catch)

  2. ^Bossing/PvM is one of the few, if not the only, solid money makers left in the game.

    If you want to make a lot of cash you pretty much don't have much of a choice but to kill some sort of monster/boss.

  3. Bumping this, I wouldn't mind someone to do a trip with me 2morrow, as I wish to test both rapier and maul there, see how weak to crush they are, compared to stab with rapier...

    Best of luck to you. It seems impossible to stay at revs for more than 5 minutes without getting attacked by a group of PKers. :(

    Pkers I can handle. I normally bring about 10 dragon bolts (e) and my Avas, along with a bow. Range Maul comboing is fun.

    That might be enough to scare one or two pkers away, but an entire clan? Nah. :mellow:

  4. Bumping this, I wouldn't mind someone to do a trip with me 2morrow, as I wish to test both rapier and maul there, see how weak to crush they are, compared to stab with rapier...

    Best of luck to you. It seems impossible to stay at revs for more than 5 minutes without getting attacked by a group of PKers. :(

  5. -Tears of Guthix for weekly XP in your lowest skill.

    -Throne of Miscellania/Royal Trouble for free resources (which can be sold in the Grand Exchange for money)

    -All the penguin quests because free XP is the best XP

    -Fur 'n' Seek For fighting the Skeletal Horror once a week (gives Slayer and Prayer XP)

    -While Guthix Sleeps for Tormented demons

    -Temple at Senntisten for Ancient Curses

    -Lunar Diplomacy/Dream Mentor for the Lunar spellbook

    -Desert Treasure for the Ancient spellbook

    -The void knights quest series for Korasi's sword (mainly used for PvP) and elite void armour.


    Can't really think of any other quests that give 'good' rewards.

  6. You can also cannon greater demons in the Forinthy Dungeon for incredible XP (68K+ Slayer xp an hour according to


    You need to be very careful though, as the entire dungeon is a PvP-zone and PKers regularly pass by.

  7. Isn't blood necklace a bad bind? It breaks your SSH and I can't imagine that the the heal every 15 (?) seconds is crucial for completing a dungeon.

    It does indeed have some very nice combat stats, but the effect is kinda meh.

    Blood neck won't heal off monsters that aren't agressive, except mercenary soldiers.

    it doesnt break my ssh. i have 100dg.

    Oh. I thought it would damage all monsters and not just the aggresive ones.

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