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Posts posted by Frede173

  1. Waiting 1 month for the real xp amounts ? Wow.

    Very Jagex-like. You need to purchase another month of membership if you want to try the waves again. :thumbup:


    Eh no, you don't.


    You need to purchase another month of membership if you want experience from the waves again.

    But I can't imagine people doing the waves for anything else than the monthly XP reward.

  2. Spoilers[hide]

    The first waves are a complete joke for anyone with above 90 Defence and decent melee armour. The only thing you have to watch out for is the rangers' special attack which damages up to 200-300.

    The sick troll (which I thought would be a pain in the ass :|) lowers your melee stats by 1 every fourth or fifth second. And that's only if you're in melee range.

    The final boss is level 238 and uses a stupidly inaccurate melee attack whenever you're close to him. If you're stand more than one square away from him he'll use a magic attack (he probably also has a Ranged attack although he didn't use it on me) which is completely blocked by protect from/deflect magic.


    The XP reward is kinda nice though. I got 54,5K xp for spending my points on a level 83 skill.




    That's really low for once a month.

    Low for once a month, yes. But keep in mind it only takes 15 minutes to beat the easy wave.

  3. This is a very old thread, but it's still relevant so I'll post what I know after a recent experience.


    My last hood (after a world crash) took 155 logged Night Spiders for the drop, however I got another 2 hoods in the next couple dozen kills. By my best estimate, the droprate is about 1/32-1/64. It's definitely not near 1/16 like hex/blood necklace seem to be.


    To find night spiders, I recommend doing your Furnished and Abandoned floors with solo meds.

    Suicide key your larges looking for spiders. Many keyers will ignore spiders or not look at monsters in rooms without a key.

    What about the warped floors? I see a lot more night spiders there than on any furnished/abandoned.

  4. So... I'm chillin' at frosts after spending a good 5 minutes finding a world that isn't too crowded. Apart from myself there's only one other person (bot of course >_>) in that part of the cave. I decided to check his Adventure's log What I saw was;

    28M Range xp

    2 visages (both on the same day)

    7 effigies


    The person (bot) also didn't have any non-combat skills above 60. Don't tell me that gold farmers have replaced green dragons in the CT with frosts now?


    Sorry for poorly constructed post, I'm just so mad D:

  5. Why do some 'free players' even bother training their skills in P2P? If you're becoming a member you might as well stay one. :l


    The most likely reason I can come up with is because they are seeking the fame and prestige and whatnot that comes with being high up on a list like this. Getting p2p and training there gives them an advantage over everyone else; it's kind of like the athletes who did steroids so they could get the gold at the Olympics. Also, it's definitely easier to train a maxed "f2p pure" in p2p than to get 2496 total and 2b xp for the front page highscores.


    Of course, Arkhie had said that she didn't know about this list, but it seems pretty obvious that she was lying about being pure f2p, so I'd guess that was just something to make it less suspicious than "I've been trying to get on the top of this list for ages".

    This is just ridiculous, this player has already stated they want nothing to do with this list. It is neither my business nor yours to then debate about whether she is truly f2p as she claims to be. I suggest you and everyone else just drop it because it serves no purpose in this thread.


    You do not know her motives in any case so I would stop throwing around accusations.

    I'll have to agree with pakalolo on this one. :l But it still remains a mystery to me why people purchase membership only to train free skills.

  6. One of my friends was killed at a rev trip by a pker and lost his G2H. Some weeks later when he went to the dungeon again, he killed a rev imp and gained a statue (5M). Maybe there is some system :rolleyes:

    Or it's just luck :P

    I thought you couldn't get the 5M statue (ancient statuette afaik) in F2P. :mellow:

    Either I was wrong or your friend used a G2H on a P2P world. ...I just don't see why you would do that.

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