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Everything posted by Finny_Rawrs

  1. Healing spec? The saradomin sword has a damaging special attack, it's the saradomin godsword that heals. You might have played in the Brazil server while they had the same names, I'm not sure. Unless an update changed the SS spec, I wouldn't know, since I only came back a few days ago :/
  2. I haven't checked through all the posts here, but this might be interesting. http://services.runescape.com/m=devblog/view_post.ws?post_id=101 Could be added to the first post of this topic.
  3. That was hilarious! :thumbsup: "Omfg durial321" xD Wasn't he part of the Falador massacre? xD
  4. People still use the life-card in arguments? Ha! That is pathetic! They should get a life! :thumbsup:
  5. It is pretty funny when used to laugh at a situation (i woz lyk omfgz0r noo00o wen he taked dclaw out!!shift1!eleven! bt it hited 0!111!!) but too many uses just turns humour into idiocy. I honestly can't understand some people at times, like the example of people mixing up borrow and lend. :shame: I would feel so ashamed if I saw somebody writing like that in school or at work, it's just a bad habit. In my school I've heard people in my class saying "lol", they SAID it. :wall: [insert facepalm.gif here] Edited a typo, I'm pretty much a grammar [bleep] most of the time. :thumbsup:
  6. Why can't they just put a 10% increase for everything, not just summoning? Or something like that... Ahh well, I got some nats yesterday, so I might just high alch some fire or mind runes during the weekend. *cough*FTP*cough*for now*cough*
  7. Hey everyone, I've just signed up here, but I've been reading for a while. Haven't played in a while, since whenever Dungeoneering was released. :P My skills aren't really good, stuck killing abyssal demons for exp and money, well, whenever I get my membership back I'll be doing that again, haha. A bit about my RS self... I'm amazingly terrible at PVP. haha. I LOVE solo-ing TDs, even got a pair of claws on my 7th kill, at least I think it was the 7th... I don't go much to other bosses, if I ever even go. :P Team dungeoneering is far too complicated for me, haha! I've recently started a new account called Vk Kaname (yeah, Vampire Knight manga :wall:), going to record all drops in an Excel tabel with some basic formulas about the percentages and drop:kill ratio. I know it won't really be the ratio and all that, but it'll be like my blog^^ Hardcore DIY, I guess. :P Damn, I posted much more than I thought I would! Well, see you all in some topics one day^^
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