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Everything posted by Weekdiertje

  1. Dragonseance and some random noob account might be close
  2. I'm sorry to say matt, but i don't like your update style. Add nice stories around it, cuz this is not fun to read. Good effort though.
  3. Hate to break it to you but no single skill takes 3 years to max. The players we are talking about in this thread take about 6-7 months to max the slowest skill (rc).
  4. Suomi is getting 700k rc xp on average a day since he started rcing (crawlering). Like i did when he started slaying i made a prediction for when he would be finished. It was not really accurate but if he continues on this pace he will have 200m rc in the middle of may.
  5. Looks like elias has come back to life! Unbelievable. A13d? You're friends with him right? Any info yet? EDIT: dang forgot you wouldn't post here as much. Well hope you do this time
  6. Alkan is getting 99 slayer untrimmed and then he's gonna try to get all 98's and level them the same day indeed!
  7. I was hoping I could do it this week Yes you mentoined that last week, i vote for you man. Anybody else can do one too but preferably after sojournitis'.
  8. Sorry i'm just lvl 99 in the ninja skill
  9. yh just like literally all the people who quit after 2 weeks of setting that goal, right? Well actually forsberg888 has had one of the first 200m all skills thread on the rsof. It's been made at least over a year ago, not 2 weeks. Sure she's not close, but she has time. So what YD squad said.
  10. Langer started with updates at like page 40. He just wrote some random stuff about players first, then made an order of xp total. Started with a top 10 (logical wise). Then changed to a top 15 like few months later because top 10 got boring :P. Time for a top 20 i say.
  11. Nice update a13d, do you by any chance know for how long richard has been collecting effigies now?
  12. That would be true if we were talking about the first person to achieve this, but we are not.
  13. Probably a combination of boredom + the need to achieve stuff that has not been done before. By boredom i kinda mean that you think to yourself: what else could i be doing.
  14. And if jagex does so, they won't get much more money. They also did this, i think, so that people feel urged to stay member, like with loyalty points and the forum changes where you can see how long you've been a member.
  15. Hate to disappoint you but that picture with no glasses, beard and shortet hair is not pretty much the same haha it's like totally different. Well nice we finally know how you look, cool, only thing left is first name. My guess would be sander.
  16. Wow dapledo really has a 1000 hours lead on elias. Weird
  17. Suomi has a 401m lead on #2 Jake now. Damnn girl
  18. Congratz! There will never be anyone to beat you in this record unless you die, how does that feel hmm
  19. SUOMI is only 1m xp away from the 358m lead on #2 in xp now. Gertjaars has had this record since april 23 2009. Go snatch that record now!
  20. Yea might be better, but if we're talking about 200m all skills (which we are supposed to here lol) then it's not worth it since you already get maxed magic from mining/smithing. Maybe a little leftover but oh well. Teleports and what not make up for that. (Or barraging lobs for leftover charms you'd need). And you do not get all 200m melee skills (assuming you do not nolife the cave crawlers for 2000 hours for rc). So you'd be missing out on exp. As for green, maybe she likes the look of the mage spells haha, they look cool. Especially in comparison to melee attacks. But ofcourse, when not going for 200m all skills, it'll be worth it.
  21. I personally like A13D updates better then langer's, because you know top players personally and have acces to hlf and take many pictures, man keep it up
  22. I think the bots won't be there because the nuke is probably gonna be a system update, where everybody has to log out. So no more bots in 13,5 hours. Who knows for how long indeed...
  23. I think suomi got his buyables at the right time :D Frost dragon bones don't buy for less then 18k in ge anymore.. (Med price: 13k (week ago: 10k)) Same with mahogany planks and probably alot more. Don't know for how long this will last though
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