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Posts posted by BBK

  1. Thanks for all the replies, I have decided to add buying broad bolt tips and arrow tips from kuradal to dailies and morchella mushrooms every few herb runs, don't have the points for JOAT, don't need bork (99 summon) and most of the other suggestions seem to be too little profit to be worth the time (feel free to prove me wrong), may give bloodwood trees another chance but I did them for a few days after the update and never got more than 3 logs from 1 tree, I may have just had a string of bad luck though (happens to me a lot lol)

  2. I hate huge lists of dailies that take forever to do, atm I just do flasks, battlestaves and crafting bloods from wicked hood, are there any others that are definetly worth doing, as in I wouldn't be better off just using the time at frosts instead, thanks in advance :)

  3. I'm usually between 10-20 fps, and I get similar freezes to what toad mentioned, I also get bad freezes when teleing to an area, or when someone activates an aura near me, among other things. And the rs client will close itself very regularly when I run through loading screens, especially if it's an area I haven't been to for a while. Going to get a new graphics card soon and see if that helps, but I know at least some of the problem is on Jagex's side. I always play on software and minimum graphics settings.

  4. Maybe I worded my post badly, I know rcing is faster rc xp than gathering effigies but my point was on the way to 200m all skills you will get a decent amount of xp from effigies, quest rewards, SoF lamps and so on, atm the best skill to use them on is rc because it's the slowest but runespan is confirmed to be faster than zmi so I was asking how much faster will it have to be, for it to be more worthwhile to use xp rewards on agility (next slowest skill) instead


    edit: posted that before I saw gemeos' post, nvm got my answer

  5. So, how much would runespan have to speed up rc xp per hour for it to be more efficient to use effigies/lamps etc. on agility instead? Not sure on the xp rate at barb advanced since it got slowed down by 2(?) ticks and taking into account the pit but I think its likely runespan will take away rc's title as the slowest skill (not including slayer)

  6. Are torstols still the best herb to farm or are the seeds too expensive to be worth it, I averaged about 9 herbs per patch and with prices atm that would only make me about <100k per run which isn't as much as I remember it, i have juju pots but not remote farm, is it worth the time/effort to get or is there a more profitable herb I could be growing?

  7. So I've got about 20 fire capes in the past but just got back from a break and got fight caves as a slayer task and I haven't done it since tzhaar update and flasks and gano armor and things like that, so what would be best invy and gear to do caves, gano armour and poly staff or melee and rapier/claws or something else, and is there a good vid that can show how to tell between jads mage and range attack since they were updated, thanks :)

  8. Anybody have a figure on how many flasks you can make per hour? Doing 11 per invy without mousekeys, I'm trying to work out if its a viable money maker. Also is there any other decent bank standing or low APM money makers, I'm looking for good ways to make money at times in the day while my net is too laggy for pvm (I already know about dailies herb runs and MTK) thank you :)

  9. So glacors are slightly better in ever way (profit/charms/effigies) but not enough to make a huge difference, thats kind of what I was expecting, maybe I will just kill tds til I can afford virtus then try out glacors, but with my luck by then boots will have dropped and tds will be better profit anyway lol

  10. That's interesting, I always found tds pretty easy once I knew what i was doing and I heard glacors are very easy to die from so I thought they must be harder, I assumed kills would take longer too. But I can't afford virtus atm are they still worth doing with ahrims?

  11. Which is better for profit/effigies/charms? Pros and cons of each? I have a lot of experience with tds but havent played since glacors were released, should I just stick to tds or is it worth learning to kill glacors? Thanks

  12. Can anyone tell me accurately the gp per hour on deaths/double astrals/double nats/bloods/zmi (or any other good money making runes that I forgot), I've been away from rs for a long time and prices are all completly different to how I remember them and I need to rebuild my bank, thank you

  13. Having a lot of free time and a lot of updates to catch up on makes me come back usualy for a few weeks then "quit" again, havent logged on for a couple of months but I will when I find the time to get my quest cape back and maybe finish a 99 or two. I just can't play rs day in day out like I used to, I enjoy rs a lot more now if I take it in small doses. I've never intended on quitting for good, I just take breaks from the game sometimes lasting over a year but always intend on coming back to scape at some point, the day I get completionist cape maybe I will quit :)

  14. The players might be losing respect for jagex but they certainly aren't gonna go bankrupt, in face they're probably making more money than ever now that they have several diferent games and more in the works, and a lot more players online at a time than they ever have since 07 wildy removal, even if a lot of those players are bots somebodys still paying the membership fees. So yeah the game might have gone downhill but it doesn't its gonna shut down. Personally I play war of legends atm and it has microtransactions (i play it f2p), theres so many people on there spending ridiculous amounts and it has barely any support from jagex it probably has less than 5 staff members dedicated to it lol, that's just one example of a way jagex is making big profits, in fact they're probably one of the richest MMO companies in existence.

    @makaveli, jagex can't remove wildy/ft again. They made a decision and now they have to stick to it, if they did that the game really would die, there'd be a mass quitting like in 07 and all the bots would go (good thing for us but bad thing for jagex's wallets). Anyway I have no idea what all this has to do with 200m all skills but since everyone else is talking about it I'm just putting in my 2 cents


    edit: jagex has been all about the money for years now, they just hide it less these days. They are a business after all

  15. Honestly jagex don't deserve to win, they're nominated for best free to play game and the f2p is completely trash atm, bots and autotypers everywhere. And the trailer they are using to encourage people to vote is of clan citadels, members content. I voted for league of legends, I have no respect for jagex any more and the sad thing is they probably will win again not because theyre the best but because they put an announcement up encouraging people to vote for them

  16. Interesting interview thanks for translating essiw. What jagex somehow don't seem to realise is creating a reputation of caring about the game and the players would make them a lot more money in the long term than little money grabbing schemes like the friend referral that will damage their reputation (if they even have one left) and make people quit. They are so confused and paniccing about why they're losing players, and what they're doing to try and fix the problem is the very thing that's causing it.

  17. http://puu.sh/4v4I


    gud1 jargonex



    Is it just me or do the botters and gold farmers will benefit more from that new feature?


    And the people with deep enough pockets to buy a month of membership on a new account every week for a permenant 10% xp, terrible idea by jagex but whats new


    It works for 5 weeks per year.


    Didn't see that part, not as bad as I thought then but still 5 weeks is plenty of time to save 10% of your gp on 200m herb and prayer, and open a bank of effigies...Save up 400 effigies and get 40 free basically

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