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Everything posted by Domini

  1. Hey could you post the name of the clan you used?
  2. Darkdude98, How did you get a +10 agility boost? I thought the stew and summer pies don't stack?
  3. Thanks for the replies guys. @George: Yea I think that's going to be the hard part. Finding a spot, don't know if I can take the frustration of trying to compete for spawns with three or four bots. @Jack: Nice tip might try that. I can probably play at times when most of America and Europe are sleep so that might actually work out in terms of competing with other real players. Though if frost at current prices and competition are at lower range of 1mil+ per hour, I might actually just go with barrows as I personally find it a bit more enjoyable.
  4. Hey, So I haven't been a member for about 5 months now and I am hearing that due to the "apparent" bot infestation and the tanking of frost dragon bone price, frosts aren't so great to do for money at the moment. Last time I was a member frost were 2mil + per hour even with a tort. From what I remember barrows always used to be about 1-1.5 mil per hour but very much dependent on your luck. So to my question, is there anyone who has a more accurate idea of the profit per hour number for these two places at the moment, able to offer advice on which is better to do for money? Just some additional info: I don't have a yak. I do have c rapier and if I do barrows I will do the barrage + salamander method. I do not have turmoil yet. I haven't done while guthix sleeps for tds. Thanks for any help.
  5. Wow so Suomi has cut about 340 ought hours in his remaining time since your last update right? Considering that was about 7ish days ago (so he had approximately 168 hours if he lives in the same dimension as us) does that mean he is training slayer at a faster rate than what you got in your formula or does effigies actually have that big of an effect in saving time? I guess the actual answer could be both, didn't think effigies saved time to that extent though.
  6. Any idea how much faster? Considering cutting the fish is slightly easier on my hand :D if it is say 2-3k xp per hour faster I probably won't mind it so much. Sorry for being pedantic.
  7. Hey, So I am just wondering when barbarian fishing is it significantly faster to drop the fish (without using mousekeys) rather than cut it and use the roe and caviar as bait? I know the answer to this would depend on how fast I can drop using the mouse but just wondering in general if anyone knows whether the xp per hour in dropping is much > than the xp per hour cutting the fish. P.S. I do know about the method of dropping the fish straight after you catch one but atm I want to train semi-afk. Thanks for any help.
  8. Sweet thanks everyone. So other than water fiends there isn't really any other task which is a whole lot weaker to crush then? Out of curiousity any one know if there are any tasks from Kuradal that are specifically weak to slash as opposed to stab? I.e weak enough to justify using the slash mode on rapier rather than the stab mode? I know that in Dungeoneering the weakness to different styles are way more emphasised but never really noticed it too much outside daemonheim.
  9. Like half the other people here, I'll get 95 pray and 96 herb. Then I'll just spend rest of the money barraging rock lobs to get as many crim charms as possible.
  10. IMO I don't really see any major benefits in saving up charms to use later. I don't think there is any rumour of summoning update in the near future (?) or any major changes in the way you train the skill. Also bonus xp weekend doesn't really help summoning that much anymore. So there is no real benefit in saving up the charms other than maybe doing all your training at once :-| . And I find the titans pretty useful. I generally use them for multicombat tasks and they do help, ofcourse not as much as the higher titans but it is better than nothing. They are probably the lowest level combat familiars that are actually helpful.
  11. Hey, So back before chaotic weapons, I've always found SS on crush attack mode to be more effective in killing gargoyles than whip + rune defender. I never actually did any rigorous testing though. So what I am wondering is whether that^ was correct? If it was, is C rapier + rune defender on stab better than using SS now? Thanks.
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