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Everything posted by Teamed

  1. Not caring a crap about family/the other sex? Lol, those people hopefully don't exist..
  2. This :thumbup: /stillsadtoplay10hoursadayanywaystbh
  3. Netto, bruto would be about 14-15000 And he is 15, his dad is 50. So he is 50 and he just finished university, weird. Also weird how he pays so few taxes. Normally your netto is just over half of what you make bruto. /he does something with taxes, getting not-paying people to pay them. Very badass stufff. How do you mean just finished university? he's been earning that since he was in the 20s tbh.. hes 50 now whats the weird thing?
  4. Netto, bruto would be about 14-15000 And he is 15, his dad is 50.
  5. You said there were a cabageload of jobs that earn over 10 000 euros, which kind of implies it is easy to find one... I have yet to even think of a job that earns 10 000 euros right when you get of the university. The only one I could think of was a specialised doctor, who has to study 13 years before he can make the big money, but you just said that's only 7000. Art makes money? Only if you are the best of the best of the best. Most people who studied art are dirt poor and have trouble finding well paid projects. Maths/engineering etc? Makes pretty good money, if you get into a good componey, but NO WAY that you get payed over 4000 euro's a month at your start, let alone over 10 000, that's completely ridiculous. Anyway, what I just wanted to say is: stop posting false info about the Netherlands. There's already enough people coming here with false hopes created by other people. The father of my best friend does something with taxes, just finished secondary school (6 years of VWO) then a couple years of universitary and earns 12,000 euros a month and so 144,000 euros a year. Rather that then playing games.
  6. Sometimes the way someone WANTS to spend their life isn't healthy. Not working and spending those 8/9/10 hours you'd work playing a game is not healthy, period. Being healthy is eating healthy, going to the gym and/or doing Multiple sports, have a girl/boyfriend, have a lot of social contacts etc. Sad but true is 95% of the top players do not have anything mentioned of the above. Might still be good for them to do what they want, does not mean it's healthy. I agreed with the first sentence, but stopped when you started to describe the stereotypic life as the standard. Healthy in my opinion is a good mix of everything, and having a balanced life. When you play 10h a day, this mostly isn't the case, but there can be exceptions. But by all means, please don't tell everyone to go to the gym, frantically find a girlfriend, doing *multiple* sports, having *lots* of social contacts. Damn, you are giving everyone a lot of pressure... Sad but true is 95% of the world doesn't have this healthy life you described. ? well, OVER 50% of the almost 7 billion people on Earth Do have a relationship, friends, do sports tbh.. Over 50% of people are in a relationship? BRB KIDS GOING TO MEET MY OTHER FAMILY@@#!12 *hic* (You realise if over 50% of the population of people are in a relationship, some people MUST have more than one partner.) You are wrong charliebrown: Both my parents are counted in this percentage, yet it's one relationship. 3.5B people are in a relationship, 3.5B aren't. This means there are rougly 1.75B relationships, each consisting of 2 partners. Teamed, I meant that 95% doesn't meet ALL the reqs you listed. Also, claiming it's easy to earn 10000 euros a month in the Netherlands just makes you seem stupid, so please don't make any claims on stuff you don't know [cabbage] about. I didn't claim it was easy, I claimed it was pretty easy when you finished university, afaik a cabbageload of the people here become a doctor, 7000 euros, easily. ~3000-3500 euros for a vet, and so on.. If you're going to do something with mathematics/art/medical stuff it's pretty easy to earn loaaaaaaads..
  7. Well idk what flippin' gay country you're from, but here in the Netherlands, you earn enough to do close to anything you want, and if you finished university theres a [cabbage]load of jobs that can earn you 10.000 euros a month or more. /notgoingtoconvert YAAYAAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAY Lets insult other people and the country THEY LIVE IN, because THEY DON'T HAVE THE SAME OPPORTUNITIES THAT YOU DO. You sir, are very, very naive. HE is the one who used HIS country as an example, so I use MINE? " Working a dead-end job and earning near minimum wage?" Lol yes, like that applies for every country....NO. He never once insulted where you reside. He replied to a stereotypical post YOU made. My excuses. It just kind of boils me up inside when.. not boils me up, but I freaking love my life, and that's because I make the right decisions (imo) and even still it's opinion-based, you can spend your life better then mainly gaming.
  8. Well idk what flippin' gay country you're from, but here in the Netherlands, you earn enough to do close to anything you want, and if you finished university theres a [cabbage]load of jobs that can earn you 10.000 euros a month or more. /notgoingtoconvert YAAYAAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAY Lets insult other people and the country THEY LIVE IN, because THEY DON'T HAVE THE SAME OPPORTUNITIES THAT YOU DO. You sir, are very, very naive. HE is the one who used HIS country as an example, so I use MINE? " Working a dead-end job and earning near minimum wage?" Lol yes, like that applies for every country....NO.
  9. Sometimes the way someone WANTS to spend their life isn't healthy. Not working and spending those 8/9/10 hours you'd work playing a game is not healthy, period. Being healthy is eating healthy, going to the gym and/or doing Multiple sports, have a girl/boyfriend, have a lot of social contacts etc. Sad but true is 95% of the top players do not have anything mentioned of the above. Might still be good for them to do what they want, does not mean it's healthy. There are many definitions of the word healthy, mentally healthy, fitness etc. Also where did you get the 95% figure of "top players" from? Unless you do a questionnaire of these "top players" you cannot confirm they dont have parteners, go the gym or have social contacts like you stated, making the point invalid. Also being a "top player" *sometimes* means you have the financial backing to do the expensive routes of training saving you hours a day as they value their time much higher. By doing these routes they can get daily xp in over half the time an average player could. This is where these players free up time and can do things in real life if they wish. Just because someone has a huge amount of xp doesnt mean they dont have a life. Your stereotyping players, as some might not do the things you stated while im pretty sure it's not 95%. Not stereotyping, if you play a game 10 hours a day, no social and popular person will like you, which means you'll get thrown out social groups etc.. Being social is not a requirement to be healthy, like pretty much all of the things you listed. Also it would be better to have friends with the same interests as you. If someone decides they don't like you because you play a game for that long, you probably wouldn't have much to talk about anyway. Forcing yourself to socialise with those people sounds stressful and pointless. Adding to the quote pyramid, but responding to Teamed. Hi. I'm ex-defence force. I currently play roughly 8 hours a day, and prior to that i was playing other online games for similar periods of time, while taking a break from Runescape. I have no financial need to work, and no intention to for a fair while. I read allot of uni-level nonfiction to keep my education going for my own intellectual fulfillment, I eat healthy throughout the day, I have a fast metabolism that enables me to do minimal working out to stay fit, and I'm currently living with my girlfriend who spends a good part of her day playing WoW. We'll socialise with our friends occasionally, but neither of us are exactly social butterflies that seems to fit this stereotype you think everyone should be conforming to. If you don't personally know any of the 'high-level' players, making assumptions about their lifestyles doesn't really contribute to this thread, even though it seemed to get extremely derailed a few pages ago anyway. Playing 8 hours a day is not good for your eyesight Having no financial need to work; that is not common/you get just enough to feed yourself and maybe pay for internet? Eating healthy :thumbup: Fast metabolism okay,, doesn't mean you shouldn't be active for 2-3+ hours a day (build some condition) Girls who play games :thumbdown: I don't think there is any proof for that. You want proof? Use your brain. Not going to say gaming is bad; just as bad would be sitting in front of a TV which is turned on for hours. Your eyes don't like it to be staring at one little point for a long time, it strains the muscles.
  10. Sometimes the way someone WANTS to spend their life isn't healthy. Not working and spending those 8/9/10 hours you'd work playing a game is not healthy, period. Being healthy is eating healthy, going to the gym and/or doing Multiple sports, have a girl/boyfriend, have a lot of social contacts etc. Sad but true is 95% of the top players do not have anything mentioned of the above. Might still be good for them to do what they want, does not mean it's healthy. There are many definitions of the word healthy, mentally healthy, fitness etc. Also where did you get the 95% figure of "top players" from? Unless you do a questionnaire of these "top players" you cannot confirm they dont have parteners, go the gym or have social contacts like you stated, making the point invalid. Also being a "top player" *sometimes* means you have the financial backing to do the expensive routes of training saving you hours a day as they value their time much higher. By doing these routes they can get daily xp in over half the time an average player could. This is where these players free up time and can do things in real life if they wish. Just because someone has a huge amount of xp doesnt mean they dont have a life. Your stereotyping players, as some might not do the things you stated while im pretty sure it's not 95%. Not stereotyping, if you play a game 10 hours a day, no social and popular person will like you, which means you'll get thrown out social groups etc.. Being social is not a requirement to be healthy, like pretty much all of the things you listed. Also it would be better to have friends with the same interests as you. If someone decides they don't like you because you play a game for that long, you probably wouldn't have much to talk about anyway. Forcing yourself to socialise with those people sounds stressful and pointless. Adding to the quote pyramid, but responding to Teamed. Hi. I'm ex-defence force. I currently play roughly 8 hours a day, and prior to that i was playing other online games for similar periods of time, while taking a break from Runescape. I have no financial need to work, and no intention to for a fair while. I read allot of uni-level nonfiction to keep my education going for my own intellectual fulfillment, I eat healthy throughout the day, I have a fast metabolism that enables me to do minimal working out to stay fit, and I'm currently living with my girlfriend who spends a good part of her day playing WoW. We'll socialise with our friends occasionally, but neither of us are exactly social butterflies that seems to fit this stereotype you think everyone should be conforming to. If you don't personally know any of the 'high-level' players, making assumptions about their lifestyles doesn't really contribute to this thread, even though it seemed to get extremely derailed a few pages ago anyway. Playing 8 hours a day is not good for your eyesight Having no financial need to work; that is not common/you get just enough to feed yourself and maybe pay for internet? Eating healthy :thumbup: Fast metabolism okay,, doesn't mean you shouldn't be active for 2-3+ hours a day (build some condition) Girls who play games :thumbdown: I hope you do actually have time to have sex?
  11. Sometimes the way someone WANTS to spend their life isn't healthy. Not working and spending those 8/9/10 hours you'd work playing a game is not healthy, period. Being healthy is eating healthy, going to the gym and/or doing Multiple sports, have a girl/boyfriend, have a lot of social contacts etc. Sad but true is 95% of the top players do not have anything mentioned of the above. Might still be good for them to do what they want, does not mean it's healthy. There are many definitions of the word healthy, mentally healthy, fitness etc. Also where did you get the 95% figure of "top players" from? Unless you do a questionnaire of these "top players" you cannot confirm they dont have parteners, go the gym or have social contacts like you stated, making the point invalid. Also being a "top player" *sometimes* means you have the financial backing to do the expensive routes of training saving you hours a day as they value their time much higher. By doing these routes they can get daily xp in over half the time an average player could. This is where these players free up time and can do things in real life if they wish. Just because someone has a huge amount of xp doesnt mean they dont have a life. Your stereotyping players, as some might not do the things you stated while im pretty sure it's not 95%. Not stereotyping, if you play a game 10 hours a day, no social and popular person will like you, which means you'll get thrown out social groups etc.. Being social is not a requirement to be healthy, like pretty much all of the things you listed. Also it would be better to have friends with the same interests as you. If someone decides they don't like you because you play a game for that long, you probably wouldn't have much to talk about anyway. Forcing yourself to socialise with those people sounds stressful and pointless. I do not have to force myself to do that anyways, i barely play anymore, but just damnit. People who play a game 10 hours a day consistently over days/weeks/months/years, IF THEY LIKE THAT, okay damn.. BUT. You can spend your life MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better. And I think it's a pitiful waste.
  12. Sometimes the way someone WANTS to spend their life isn't healthy. Not working and spending those 8/9/10 hours you'd work playing a game is not healthy, period. Being healthy is eating healthy, going to the gym and/or doing Multiple sports, have a girl/boyfriend, have a lot of social contacts etc. Sad but true is 95% of the top players do not have anything mentioned of the above. Might still be good for them to do what they want, does not mean it's healthy. I agreed with the first sentence, but stopped when you started to describe the stereotypic life as the standard. Healthy in my opinion is a good mix of everything, and having a balanced life. When you play 10h a day, this mostly isn't the case, but there can be exceptions. But by all means, please don't tell everyone to go to the gym, frantically find a girlfriend, doing *multiple* sports, having *lots* of social contacts. Damn, you are giving everyone a lot of pressure... Sad but true is 95% of the world doesn't have this healthy life you described. ? well, OVER 50% of the almost 7 billion people on Earth Do have a relationship, friends, do sports tbh..
  13. Sometimes the way someone WANTS to spend their life isn't healthy. Not working and spending those 8/9/10 hours you'd work playing a game is not healthy, period. Being healthy is eating healthy, going to the gym and/or doing Multiple sports, have a girl/boyfriend, have a lot of social contacts etc. Sad but true is 95% of the top players do not have anything mentioned of the above. Might still be good for them to do what they want, does not mean it's healthy. There are many definitions of the word healthy, mentally healthy, fitness etc. Also where did you get the 95% figure of "top players" from? Unless you do a questionnaire of these "top players" you cannot confirm they dont have parteners, go the gym or have social contacts like you stated, making the point invalid. Also being a "top player" *sometimes* means you have the financial backing to do the expensive routes of training saving you hours a day as they value their time much higher. By doing these routes they can get daily xp in over half the time an average player could. This is where these players free up time and can do things in real life if they wish. Just because someone has a huge amount of xp doesnt mean they dont have a life. Your stereotyping players, as some might not do the things you stated while im pretty sure it's not 95%. Not stereotyping, if you play a game 10 hours a day, no social and popular person will like you, which means you'll get thrown out social groups etc..
  14. Couldn't agree more. Myself, I am physically very active, and so is Zarfot. Jdelacroix has a job that enables him to play whilst working. Just some examples. Play..whilst..working.. Okay wtf, his job is Runescape?
  15. Sometimes the way someone WANTS to spend their life isn't healthy. Not working and spending those 8/9/10 hours you'd work playing a game is not healthy, period. Being healthy is eating healthy, going to the gym and/or doing Multiple sports, have a girl/boyfriend, have a lot of social contacts etc. Sad but true is 95% of the top players do not have anything mentioned of the above. Might still be good for them to do what they want, does not mean it's healthy.
  16. This thread has been tripled in pages over the last few months :mrgreen:
  17. Why is Telmo #1 then and not Elvis? :P Do minigame ranks count in or so? I am pretty sure it just means that telmo was the first to log out. 'Akay, thank jo!
  18. Why is Telmo #1 then and not Elvis? :P Do minigame ranks count in or so?
  19. I have to agree and disagree at the same time. Players like Suomi and Zarfot have clearly trained using what people here call "efficient methods" (mining,superheating and WC/FM/alching-fletching). A couple other players like Lan, Drumgun and Aasiwat clearly mentionned that they will not play the game in a way that they don't like with reference to intense clicking. While it's nice to make projections based on ultimate training rates, in the end we are talking about normal persons playing a game, having different tastes, ups and downs and activities outside of the game. With all these variables into the equation, projections become theory and nothing more. Talking about projections, some of my predictions made on page 69 are looking pretty good! Yeah, good answer :).
  20. You know what I think? All the people here are making difficult calcs and making up theory's but I think the top players actually don't really play like that (training based on theories and calculations), I think they take it alot easier then the people in Here
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