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Blog Entries posted by Snowpelt

  1. Snowpelt
    Sorry for any grammar mistakes that you may find, after reading a bit of it I realized how many I had made.
    chapter seven: What was not meant to happen
    I cant believe how good this stew is! Kentis exclaimed. He was enjoying the time they spent at the herbalists home.
    It is good. Jay agreed She is a master of herbs after all. it had been three days seance they found Silvia and Jay felt that they should have left long ago but his friends didn't agree, they liked it at the herbalists cabin. Its time for you to go. Triss said as she walked towards them. You still have a long road ahead of you and I hope I have given you some strength. At that moment there was a knock at her door. Silvia's face grew worried. No, there not suppose to be here till tomorrow. A look of alarm appeared on Jays face. Who's at the door?!
    Men from the clan of shadow. Silvia said worriedly There will be at least twenty of them you must leave now! Why are they here? Tyran asked, anger in his voice. And if you knew they were coming why didn't you warn us? they come every month and ask for potions. If I don't give them what they want they'll burn down the forest. so why didn't you tell us they were coming? Cfett asked in a level tone. because if I did you would have left as soon as I told you and would have been no better then you were when you found me here. the knocking got louder as they talked until Jay decided it was time to go. we have to leave right now! he said do you have a back door Silvia? of cores I do, follow me. as they went to the back of the cabin they herd the front door brake and and footsteps coming turds them. go!
    Silvia yelled as she threw the door open. but what about you? Kentis asked. ill be fine. she said as she turned and ran into her house. as they ran into the woods Jays hart stopped. In front of them were twenty men standing right there in the woods. They were surrounded. i knew this was going to happen. Jay muttered. give up your surrounded. the man that seemed to be the leader said stepping forward. over my dead body! Tyran said stepping forward with Cfett have it your way. the man said as two archers stepped forward and shot there arrows state into Tyran and cfett's chests. no! Jay yelled but there was nothing he could do, not without reviling that he was a mage. Tyran and Cfett's dropped to the ground motionless. The men tied Jay and Kentis with ropes and started leading them threw the forest, leaving the body's of Tyran and Cfett on the forest floor. Jay whispered to Kentis as they were led threw the forest, Kentis whatever you do don't say my name.Jay said trying not to cry at the loss of there friends. Kentis seemed confused why? he asked quietly. because they think I'm dead, and if they find out who I am they will kill me. what should I call you then? Kentis asked. Jay thought for a moment. call me sparrow. he said, quite fond of his choice. OK Sparrow, but next time don't choose a bird name, its kind of lame if you always choose the name of a bird.
    Silvia got up, her head throbbing from the bleeding gash on the side of her head, right over her left ear. Everything was dark, her candles has gone out and it was dusk outside. All of the sudden she had a thought did Jay and his friends make it out alive? She ran out her back door and started looking for sines of a battle of anything that might indicate that they were caught. After awhile she herd gowning from the forest and ran to the source of the noise.
    When she found it she gasped. She saw Tyran and Cfett laying unmoving on the ground, arrows still in there chests. Tyran was the one gowning she noticed and she grabbed him first, dragging him back to her home. She knew she could save him if the clan of shadow didn't take all of her supplies when they came.
    She was running back to get Cfett when she started getting dizzy again. She noticed the gash on her head was still bleeding and she wound need to get a bandage on it soon. She found Cfett and was dragging him back when she heard him speak. they took Jay and Kentis he said weakly. don't talk, reserve your strength. when she got him back she started looking at there wounds. ill have to cut there shirts off. she said to herself with a grin. She had grown quite found of Tyran in the three days she had spent with him. She looked around her wrecked home and found a knife and cut off there shirts. She gasped at what she saw. An arrow was sticking out of his chest just below his heart.
    You are a lucky boy. She mutters to herself, A little higher and you would be dead.
    chapter nine: its a long rode in captivity
    Jay and Kentis had been walking, walking for so long. It had been two days after they had gotten captured. Jay tripped in the mud and almost fell face first into it, luckily Kentis caught him and they continued walking. It had started raining the day after they had been captured and hadn't stopped in the two days they had been walking. It seemed to be making fun of them for being captured. They were tied side by side by a thick rope, now wet from the rain. There captures would pull on the rope every so often and try to trip them but rarely succeeded.
    They were walking east from what Jay could figure. They had left the woodland they had been walking threw one day after they were cough and had been walking on a dirt rode threw moorland full of hills and dead long grass.
    Well it had been a dirt rode, the days of rain had turned it into a thick mud and Jay and Kentis were always slipping in it. There captors pulling on the rope weren't helping ether.
    They eventually stopped because they captures decided to rest after two days a marching, how they did this Jay didn't know. They tied Jay and Kentis together and left them ten or so feet from there camp with a guard watching them from the camp. They were far enough away from the camp they they could talk without being overheard.
    Jay... about the battle that got us lost, there was a man running turds you and you had no time to cast a spell. Kentis started.
    Kentis, this is not the time, and I told you to call me sparrow. Jay cut in.
    Ok then. Sparrow, you had a dagger, a glowing red dagger.
    I said this is not the time! Jay snapped.
    Do you or do you not have one of the legendary dragon weapons? Kentis blurted.
    Jay sighed. Yes I do, it was a gift to me from long ago. Not even Brom knows about it.
    One of the guards hears them talking and walked over grinning. Having a nice chat are we. He asked smugly.
    O yes, a lovely chat. Kentis answered in a sarcastic voice.
    Well I have something for you. He said and threw a lump of bread in front of them. It looked moldy and damp.
    Are we suppose to eat that? Kentis ask sounding horrified.
    Ehh iv had worse. Jay muttered.
    The guard pulled out a fresh looking chunk of bread and some cheese. He held it under his noes and inhaled its aroma. Ooooooh he groaned. It smells soooo wonderful. he said and took a bite. Kentis thought he smelled smoke, pine smoke as the guard grinned at them was walked away.
    Well he wasn't very nice. Kentis commented
    He wasn't very smart ether. Jay said with a smirk.
    What do you mean? Kentis asked, looking around.
    Jay pulled out a chunk of bread and some cheese from behind him.
    How did you get that?! Kentis exclaimed.
    Did you happen to smell pine smoke when he was walking away? Jay asked giving some food to Kentis.
    I did. he admitted, I didn't think much of it.
    Has it been that long seance you lost your ability to use magic? Jay sighed.
    That's the sent of your energy inst it, pine smoke. Kentis said in a hushed voice, looking around to make sure a guard wasn't close.
    That was extremely risky sparrow. If the guard knew what to look for he would have known you were a mage.
    Well the rain is stopping finally, lets get some sleep.
    Kentis finished the bread and cheese Jay had stolen and laid back.
    The grass was still dripping wet and he was freezing but at least he had a decent meal. It seemed like hours to them as they tried to fall asleep but final they drifted into sleep.
    Chapter ten: a serch
    I hate using portals. Soro groaned as she stepped threw one after Brom.
    I cant say I like them much ether. Brom agreed.
    They were in the ruins of a village long deserted. She could see houses crumbling and rotting. Everything in the village was covered in moss and plants. The village itself was surrounded by a large looking forest full of tall pines that seemed to touch the sky. Looking up at them made Soro dizzy so she turned her attention elsewhere.
    Is this the village were Jay was born? Soro asked Brom as she looked around.
    That it is. Brom replied
    So you think that he made a portal here?
    Its my best guess, tho he might not have come here in the village.
    I'll look around in the surrounding forest. Soro said heading for the trees.
    Don't be gone long. Brom shouted after her.
    As she entered the trees she immediately felt cold. It was dark in the forest and it felt damp. She wondered how anyone could want to like in a place like this, you couldn't see ten feet in front of you in here.
    She shivered.
    I better get moving. she said to herself.
    The first thing she noticed was the smell. It was horrible!
    Ugh! It smells like something died around here. She muttered to herself.
    She kept walking and the smell kept getting stronger and stronger as she walked until it was almost unbearable, then she saw it. About ten feet in front of her she saw a huge furry shape on the ground that the smell seemed to be coming from. She walked up to it and almost threw up at what she saw. It was a huge bear, it had been shot in the forehead with an arrow.
    This is the work of Kentis if I ever saw it! She said to herself
    she started looking around for any singes of the lost friends and found the remains of a fire and the rewind of a makeshift tent. She also found dried blood and trampled grass, like someone was sleeping there with a wound.
    Brom! she yelled.
    Within minutes Brom was there.
    What is it?! Brom cried.
    I found there camp. she said calmly
    Well you could have said that instead of giving me a heart attack.
    Soro showed Brom the remained of the camp and the dried blood she had found and, at the request of Brom, showed him the dead bear. She didn't like going near the huge smelly bear so she just pointed to were it lay dead.
    After Brom had a look around he returned to Soro.
    They went north. he said They left about three days ago.
    Soro groaned that means five days of hard running are in store for us.
    Brom let himself have one of his rare smiles
    Yep, we better get going. But don't worry, chances are they aren't still walking and they made a more permanent camp somewhere. Then a worried look came over his face.
    What is it? Soro said sounding a bit alarmed.
    Its nothing. Brom said. Lets get going.
    As they were walking Brom was thinking. what if shes still here? If Jay finds out who she is... or if she finds out who he is... Brom put the thought out of him mind. What are the chances shes still living here anyway.
    apparently he was muttering to himself because Soro started asking questions.
    Who do you thinks living here Brom? she asked
    Brom silently cursed. Its nothing. he said quickly. Just someone who I knew at one time.
    Soro looked like she wanted to ask more but Brom shot her a I don't want to answer your questions look. She had never seen Brom look like that and she shrank away. What about this place is making Brom like this. She thought as they walked threw the trees.
  2. Snowpelt
    They are fairly short I know, I hope everyone enjoys them anyway.
    chapter five: a quest begins
    It had been six days since they last saw Jay and the others. Brom walked up to Soro and Oramis. They were in a clearing somewhere far south. It was sunny, and contrasted to the events of the present, it was irony. They had set up a huge cream-colored tent in the middle, and six dark green tents for the rest of them. Archers, Warriors, and Strategists walked around like ants, shouting orders, meeting with friends, chatting about relatives. Some even wrote letters to loved ones.
    "There are three more spies in our camp." Brom said, reporting to Soro and Oramis at the main strategy table, behind the huge cream-colored tent. He had been looking for spies via telepathy around camp. "His name was Matthias. The other spies are Sara, Marten, and Arthur. Arthur left as soon as he got here but the other two are still in our ranks."
    "So, how can you to find them?" Oramis asked
    "I think we should have Mina find the spies." Brom replied.
    "Am I not good enough to find them?" Soro asked in an irritated sort of voice, the one she used with new people, who usually doubted her services as a woman.
    "I have plans for you, Soro." Brom went on. "I want you to accompany me to find Jay, Cfett, Tyran, and Kentis. "If it's okay with Oramis."
    "I think it's a good idea, Brom. You may go look for Jay.", Oramis responded, adding in a worried tone, "and please don't die."
    "Well try our best." Soro answered. "Now where are we going to start looking, Brom?"
    "Well I taught Jay everything he knows, and knowing him, he probably made a portal out, and unless you are a very powerful mage like me, you can only go to a place you have been before."
    "So, what do you think?" Soro said, getting irritated. "There's about a million damn places to look."
    "I bet he went back to the place of his birth." Brom said simply. "When a mage is in trouble, he always witnesses images, however deep in memory, of his place of birth. It is an instinct, useful for fast escape via a portal, but incredibly obvious. We will start there. But there's only one problem."
    "Yeah, and what is that?" Soro asked, making to pack.
    "Jay was born in the Clan of Shadows."
    Soro and Brom left a few hours later, at sunset. Oramis summoned Mina to the cream tent to get her assignment. "Hello, Mina." He said as she walked in. "How are you today?"
    Mina was seven-teen years old, like Kentis, and had nice, dark, hair, streaked with blond.
    "I'm fine, Oramis." She said, sitting down on one of the sleeping bags, elevated by magic. "So, why have you called me here today?"
    "I have an assignment for you."
    "Does it have anything to do with the spy Soro found?" she asked.
    "Why, yes it does." Oramis said, surprised that Mina had guessed her assignment easily. A glint in her eyes reminded him of a stalking leopard, and he suddenly felt slightly uncomfortable, like he was being scanned.
    "We need you to find the spies here in the camp, and then go find Arthur, the spy that escaped."
    "It shouldn't be to hard," she answered, "what are the named of the spies?"
    "Arthur for one. Also Sara and Marten, they are in the camp right now."
    "I'll get right to it." Mina said, "This should be fun." she said as she left.
    "We need them alive!" Oramis yelled after her
    "Yeah, yeah, I wont kill them. Just break some bones and such like that."
    "Why did I choose Mina?" Oramis said to himself after she had left, "last time she went on a mission she almost got herself killed." And as he sat pondering the evening's events, he realized he was incredibly sleepy. It was nighttime after all, the sun had set. He slapped himself to keep awake, a decision that would prove it's worth much later.
    Chapter six: The Herbalist
    "Come on, Tyran!" Jay yelled. The group of four were walking through the forest. Tyran, who was still sore, couldn't move as fast as the others and had started to annoy Jay by lagging behind.
    "Well, maybe if you didn't let me get shot I could move faster!" he yelled back, irritated.
    They had been walking threw the forest for a while and had no idea were they were going, but Jay figured they would have to run into a village sooner or later.
    "Why don't you just make a portal back to our old camp?" Cfett asked.
    Jay sighed. "I don't have enough power to make a portal, getting here used the last of my law runes and I'll need more if I don't want it to drain my life-force. Plus, I don't think that's safe. Enemies might be swarming around there."
    Jay's answer seemed to satisfy Cfett so he didn't ask more questions. They walked for a long while, enjoying the shade that the trees provided.
    "Is that the end of the forest?" Kentis asked, pointing ahead of them.
    "Finally." Tyran muttered as they walked to a point where the trees were thinning.
    "Would you look at that." Jay remarked as they walked out of the forest. In front of them was a beautiful log cabin. It didn't look very old. In fact, it looked a bit young. "It's nice here, but you wouldn't expect someone to live alone in there. Especially with the bears around here."
    "Well, we might as well see if anyone's home." Kentis said as he walked to the door. He reached the front step and knocked, waited, and knocked again. Nothing happened.
    "Whoever lives here must not be home." Cfett said, "We might as well keep walking."
    As he turned to walk away, he saw a young woman walking out of the forest. She had blond hair and was considerably tall, not as tall as any of them, but still tall and she looked about twenty years old. She looked at them with interest and addressed Jay.
    "Well, well what brings you here? Have you come to buy something? Some herbs to boost your strength, or a good staff perhaps?"
    She spoke with a strange accent that Jay couldn't quite place where it was from.
    "Could you point us out in the direction of the nearest village?" Jay asked.
    "Yes, I could." The strange woman replied. They waited for several minutes waiting for her to tell them. After a while, Tyran got impatient.
    "Will you tell us for Pete's sake?" he asked not too kindly.
    "Yes," she replied. They waited. After another wait of several minutes, the woman spoke.
    "Well, why are you just standing there? You asked me if I could tell you and if a would tell you but you never actually asked me to tell you." She said in a plain voice.
    "Fine." Jay said, "please tell us were the nearest village is so we can be on our way."
    "The nearest village is Seers' Village. About 3 miles that way." She pointed the way they had been walking.
    "Thank you!" Cfett said, "Now, can we go?"
    "Well I guess you could but I don't see why you would." The woman answered him.
    "And why would we stay here?" Kentis asked. "Well, because its almost nightfall and you don't want to be traveling in the dark, now do you. And besides, you look as if you have been through the forest for a while, and I love a good story. And I would give a proper meal and a place to sleep. It seems that you haven't had either in a long time."
    Jay turned and walked to his friends, and said, "Well, what do you think? It would be nice to have a good meal and a place to sleep, and I don't think she means us any harm."
    "It's fine with me." Kentis said, licking his lips at the thought of some food.
    "Good, what about you two?"
    "Fine" Cfett and Tyran both answered.
    Jay turned back to the woman.
    "Ok, we will stay for the night. By the way, what's your name?"
    "I have gone by many names, but you can call me Silvia."
  3. Snowpelt
    This is actually my first story, or at least, the first one I really started working on. I don't play RS much anymore, but when I wrote this I was playing a lot and it reflects in the story.
    chapter three: a spy uncovered.
    "What do you mean they didn't come through the portal!?" Soro yelled at Brom, her face red with anger. They were in a forest, highly wooded, and everyone was walking around, getting there bearings. The trees were tall, and it was shady. It looked the sort of place that Shadows would lurk all the time.
    "The portal was closing," Brom said sadly, "and Tyran was wounded. They wouldn't leave him behind."
    "Well, that's Jay for you," Oramis said, "never leaves his friends behind."
    "Well, that's behind us now." Soro said, calming down. "Now we need to focus on setting up camp."
    "And let's not forget the assassins we have in our ranks." Oramis put in. "we must find them before they give away our position again. Now that Jay, Cfett, Kentis, and Tyran are lost somewhere we are even weaker than before."
    "Well, lets worry about all that later," Brom said, "now, we have work to do."
    As Soro went to see to how the camp was coming along, she heard a commotion coming from somewhere in the center of the camp. As she ran up, pushing through the crowd that had gathered, she saw a fight had started between two men.
    "What is going on!?" she shouted as she ran up. "What is this about?"
    "This man is a spy!" one of the men shouted.
    "And what proof do you have of this?" Soro asked.
    "I saw him sneak out of the camp about two days ago, and he just appeared back in camp just before we were attacked!"
    "What do you have to say about this?" Soro asked as she turned to the other man."
    "I will say nothing to you." He spat.
    "Take him to Brom." Soro said. "He can tell us whether on not he's a spy."
    As they started to bring the man to Brom, he cackled maniacally. He pulled out a knife concealed beneath his cloak and stabbed one of the men that was escorting him.
    "Don't kill him!" Soro shouted as several men knocked him down. "Bind him and knock him out, then take him to Brom, he might know something interesting."
    "With pleasure," said one of the men as he produced a big stick from behind a tent.
    "I said don't kill him!" Soro yelled as the man hit the spy over the head with a little too much pleasure. He fell to the ground, still cackling, and the ghost of his smile lingered on his face as his eyes turned to blank white slits.
    "I take it that he wasn't very popular?" Soro commented.
    "Not popular at all."
    well now that that's taken care of Soro said cheerfully. lets get back to setting up camp.
    as she walked away she didn't notices the hooded figures standing by one of the tents.
    things are going as planned. one of the shadowed figure said. they took the bate to easily.
    with the false information he hes we can go unnoticed while the look for fake spy's. the other said cheerfully. They paused as a man walked by. When he was gone the continued. we need to get rid of Brom, hes the only real threat to us now. we cant forget the mage will. the other reminded him. Brom is the problem not Will! the other snapped. Brom will find us eventually were as Will will believe the information we planted in the spy they cough.
    hay you! Oramis called over to them, what are you doing standing around, theirs work to be done.
    we can talk latter, meet me here in two days time. Its best if were not seen together in the mean time.
    the other man nodded and walked away. this will be fun. the other man chuckled as he went to help put up tents.
    chapter four: lost, well sort of.
    Jay got to his feet and looked around. They were in a forest that looked somewhat familiar to him. The trees were all pines and very tall. It looked like they were in the middle of the forest.
    "Where are we?" Cfett groaned.
    "I'm not entirely sure." Jay admitted.
    "What do you mean your not sure?" Kentis said in an angry voice, "you said you could only go to places you have been before."
    "Well, that doesn't mean I know were we are. That just means that I have been here before." Jay answered plainly. Then, he remembered Tyran.
    "Is Tyran ok?" Jay asked as he started to run over to his unmoving form. The others followed.
    "He's still breathing!" Kentis shouted. "Jay, think can you heal him?"
    Jay examined Tyran's back.
    "The arrow didn't go in deep, so I think I can heal him." Jay said to Cfett and Kentis's relief. "It will take some time, though. Will both of you start setting up camp and gathering supplies?"
    "Ok," Cfett answered, "We will get to work right away."
    "Good" Jay said, "Get to it then."
    As Kentis went to set up camp, and Cfett went to gather firewood, Jay started healing Tyran. When camp was set up, Jay was almost done healing. A little color was starting to return to Tyran's pale skin. All of the sudden he heard Kentis shouting in alarm.
    "Bear!" He yelled. Tyran turned around to see Kentis running for his bow and quiver. Jay jumped up and looked at the bear, it was about ten feet long and pure black. Jay thought for a moment, contemplating the possibilities, then stuck out his hand. The effort of healing Tyran had left him drained, so he didn't dare use any of the elemental magic's using his own energy. He would have to get runestones, or he would pass out. He reached into his pocket, searching for runestones. He found a single Nature rune, enough to control a bush, and crushed it in his hand. The bush behind the bear started rustling and shaking. When the bear turned around to see what was there, Jay yelled.
    Kentis shot an arrow at the bear, missing it completely and almost hitting Cfett as he ran out of the trees, firewood in his arms, to see what was happening.
    "Shoot the bear, you idiot!" Cfett yelled at Kentis as he reached for another arrow. He let it fly. The bear turned around, and the arrow hit it square between the eyes.
    "Nice shot." The voice came from behind Jay.
    He turned to see Tyran, still a bit pale, but sitting up, was watching the events a grin on his face.
    "When did you wake up?" Jay asked. "When Kentis yelled "Bear!"" Tyran answered, in mock imitation of Kentis's face.
    "Oh, and nice trick with the bushes by the way, it was very impressive." He said sarcastically.
    "Nice to have you back, Tyran." Cfett said with a grin.
    "So, where are we?" Tyran asked to no one in particular.
    "I think I know." Jay answered. "I think we are near the village that I grew up in, we used to see bears like that all the time."
    "That you grew up in," Tyran scoffed, "you're only thirteen. Where is this place? Like, how far from our old camp?" Jay ignored his question and went on.
    "We can stay here for a few days to let you heal a bit more, Tyran, and I'm not sure how far away we are. I hardly remember were this is."
    "Sounds good to me." Kentis said. "I could use a bit of rest."
    did you ever finish they soup Kentis? Jay asked. good idea Jay, we could all use some food.
    Kentis walked over to were a he was making a soup in a large rock Jay had hollowed out with the last of his earth runes. Along with the bigger rock he also make some makeshift bowls the Kentis dipped into the soup and gave to everyone. well. Tyran said as they started eating. its a good thing I don't have much apatite, otherwise I might be tempted to eat all that and I think it might had finished me off. Kentis shot Tyran an evil look and laid down in the grass. well this is a good a place as any to have a nap. Kentis said tiredly.
    You think we should clean up the camp a bit, we wouldn't want to attract animals to the sent of our 'soup'. Cfett said yawning.
    There's no point, they would come for the corps of the bear anyway. And there's no way I'm moving two thousand pounds of bear.
    Cfett nodded and lay back, falling asleep almost instaintly.
    After everyone was asleep Jay walked over to the dead bear. It was huge, and even in death the eyes still seemed to glow yellow. Jay drew a small red dagger from under his cloak.
    I mean no disrespect to your spirit, and I hope you hold no grudges to me or my friends. Jay said respectfully and went to work. He cut out several large peaces of meat and wrapped them in leaves and put them on a large rock. We can use them to make a stew if nothing else, he thought. He removed several bones and a few clumps of fur and put them in a small leather bag.
    He left there camp and went looking for the dwelling of the bear, were its spirit would be strongest. He found a large cave scattered with bones of several animals. He looked around and saw a large pillar in the center of the cave. He pulled out the leather bag he had put the bones and fur in and took them out along with a small, cloth bag no bigger than his fist, and a few stones. He put the fur and bones in the bag and added two of the stones then tied the bag shut. He held it up to the stone pillar and muttered some words. There was a flash of blue light and the small bag glowed faintly then faded. Jay tied the bag to his belt and walked back to camp, covering his tracks behind him.
    Better not to let anyone know of this. He said to himself as he sat down beside his friends and fell asleep. If anyone asked about the missing bones he would just blame wolves.
  4. Snowpelt
    Birthday in two hours lol, and another chapter.
    Enjoy everyone, this is one of my longest story's, longer than tails of a wolf. So I'll be posting for a good long while. :3
    Chapter Two: A Battle and an Escape
    As Jay looked across the plain, he saw a group of about ten warriors and archers from the clan of shadows. The clan of shadows was a group of about two thousand skilled warriors, rangers, and two mages. Some of the last mages in the world sided with the clan of shadow.
    When Jay saw them, he was stuck between two decisions. Save Will, or to warn the camp. He had decided the camp was more important than any one person. Even a mage like Will. But someone else saw the incoming threat and sounded the alarm. This gave Jay the chance to help Will. He ran out onto the field, straight for Will. When he got to him, they started back to the camp as fast as possible. In their mad dash, they noticed the arrows coming down all around them. Jay turned and saw about five arrows coming straight for them and before he could react, Will's arm shot out. The arrows turned and flew black at the archers that fired them. Jay didn't have time to see if they met their target as they ran, faster now, back to the camp.
    By the time they got back to camp, they were both about ready to collapse from fatigue. Soro ran up to them.
    "What's happening!?" she cried.
    "They have found us." Will said simply, "and now we either fight or run and that's up to Brom and Oramis."
    we must run. Oramis said appearing beside Jay. this is just a scouting party sent after Will, there main force will be about a mile behind them.
    "Jay!" Brom called. "Get a team to hold them off! I'll try to summon a portal out of here!"
    "Yes, Brom, I'll get Kentis, Tyran, and Cfett."
    "Good." Oramis said. "they are good men, go now."
    As he left to look for his team, he quickly found Kentis the archer running from the edge of the camp. Kentis was tall and inn his mid twenty's with medium brown hair and bright green eyes. He was a strange fellow, and was good friends with Tyran and had a takes a liking to Jay when they first met.
    Kentis! Jay called seeing his friend. Kentis ran to him. whats going on? he asked, the hole cape is in panic!
    they have found us after all this time, they have found us. so what are we going to do about it? Kentis asked. follow me, By the way, have you seen Cfett or Tyran anywhere?"
    "They were both over at the mess hall last time I saw them." Kentis remembered.
    "good lets go.
    They found Cfett and Tyran putting on their armor. Tyran was slightly taller than Kentis, with long, blond hair and brown eyes. He was very "furry" as Kentis put it and was also in his med twenty's. Cfett was the tallest, with jet black hair and lightning blue eyes that seemed to pierce your thoughts he was a bit older than Jay at nineteen. Jay spoke.
    "I need you two for a mission."
    dose it have anything to do with the scouting party? Cfett asked.
    "Why yes it dose. Me, you, Tyran and Kentis are to hold them off long enough for Brom to make a portal out of here." Jay said simply. so get your armor and a weapon and lets get going.
    Tyran and Cfett both but on heavy suites of chain mail with the sing of the forgotten, a flying bird, on the front were as Kentis get some dark hard leather armor favored by rangers. Jay just grabbed a long, gray cloak with hood that left his face in shadow and a yew staff.
    is everyone ready? Jay asked. They all nodded. then lets go.
    As Jay and his team advanced on the scouting party Jay manipulated light so it shone in the enemy eyes while they all got into position. As they got ready to attack he herd Tyran and Cfett muttering to etch other. five gold coin says that ill have more kills than you by the time this is over. your on Tyran. Jay gave them the signal to attack and Kentis started shooting at random targets. As the enemy turned to find the source of the arrows, Tyran and Cfett snuck around them and attacked. Then Jay created a fire in the middle of the enemies. As the fight started everything seemed to be going well. he herd Cfett and Tyran shouting at etch other I'm at three, what are you at Tyran! just got two! Jay chuckled at this. Jay herd a sound behind him and turned, a huge man was not 3 feet away and was raising his sword to strike. Jay has no choice, he didn't have time to use magic. Quicker than a snake he pulled out a small dagger made out of a red steel. There was a flash of red light and two cuts appeared on the mans neck. The man fell dead at Jays feet. He looked over and saw Kentis staring in amazement at him, he quickly his the dagger under his cloak.
    I hope Brom gets done with the portal soon, Jay thought as he manipulated a fireball from the fire at an oncoming warrior, effectively frying him. All the magic he was using made him tired, and his friends didn't look much better. Jay thought he was going to collapse from fatigue when he heard Brom, telepathically telling him that the portal was ready.
    "Back to the camp!", Jay called, "Retreat!"
    As they ran back to the camp, Jay looked back. An arrow was heading straight for Tyran and it was too late to stop it.
    "No!" he cried as the arrow hit Tyran in the back, drawing cheers from the oncoming soldiers. He knew he didn't have time to get Tyran to safety, and he couldn't do it on his own, but he had to try. He ran back to Tyran and started dragging him back to the camp. He didn't notice Kentis and Cfett helping him until he was halfway back to camp. His mind was racing, trying to find a way to save Tyran.
    "Almost there", he suddenly found himself saying.
    They made it back to the camp with the enemy right behind them, and they ran for the portal.
    Brom was waiting by the portal, right by the picnic table, for them. He was yelling, "Run! I can only hold the portal open for a little while longer!"
    As they ran, they saw the portal starting to shrink in size.
    "Go!", Jay yelled at Brom, "we can't make it through, but we will find you!"
    Brom glanced fleetingly in their direction and jumped through the portal. It was shrinking... shrinking... gone.
    "Great." Cfett muttered. "We're stranded, Tyran is dead, and we're surrounded by an army of shadow."
    "I think I can make a portal." Jay said "but I don't know where they went so I can't go there."
    Making portals to distant locations took a while to do. However, making portals to locations closer took a few seconds at most, if the mage did not break concentration.
    "Well, just about anywhere is better than here at the moment." Kentis said.
    At that moment, arrows started to fall all around them, and the distance that they missed was not at all reassuring.
    "Make a damn portal!" Cfett yelled at Jay.
    Jay closed his eyes and concentrated on a place, a place he had been before. It came to his mind, and instantly, there was a bright glow. He opened his eyes, and a portal appeared in front of them.
    "Get in!" Jay yelled as they all ran through as the portal shut behind them.
  5. Snowpelt
    Another day another chapter. So to speak.
    Anyhow, another chapter, hope everyone likes it. :)
    Chapter one. The happenings
    "It has happened again." Said Jay, a fourteen year old red haired boy with gray eyes. A council of Oramis, Soro, and Brom had been listening to Jay's report.
    "Who was it this time?" Oramis asked in a sad tone. He was a old man with s medium length silver beard and hair.
    " John." Jay said flatly, "I suspect it was poison. As that and magic are the only possible causes of death, and mages are increasingly rare now, but we should have Will inspect the body when he gets back, just to be safe.
    "We have to find this assassins." Brom said, he looked as old as Oramis but no one knew his real age, but he was obviously very old. "This is the seventh time it's happened in a month, and all important civilian leaders and now one of our last mages."
    How do you think we should go about that Brom? Soro said, she was young, with short brown hair girl with blue eyes. We dont even know how many people are here let alone who they are.
    "Well that has to change then. Brom put in, Me and Jay could read there minds and
    No you cant Brom. Soro cut in. Your to old to use magic like that now, not without it draining all of your energy, and Jay has other responsibilities to attend to.
    I could use rune stones. Brom muttered.
    Soros right. Oramis put in, but we need to make a list of the people we evacuated from the villages in the clan of shadow.
    The clan of shadow. Soro scoffed, you think they could have come up with a better name than that.
    Hello? Jay said. O sorry Jay, is that the end of your report? Oramis asked.
    Yes but theres one thing id like to add. Jay answered, With john gone me, Will, and Brom are the only mages left in the forgotten.
    You know. Soro put in, Who came up with that name? The forgotten?
    I did. Brom told her, Because when I formed the forgotten I went looking for mages. It was back when the ways of magic were forgotten and so were mages. The forgotten was originally going to be a clan of mages, we planned to leave the land and seek our own path and not take part in the affairs of other humans.
    So when did you start rescuing civilizes from villages being attacked by the clan of shadow? Soro asked awed by the news, She had lived with Brom and Oramis in the forgotten for years and yet she had never heard the history of the group.
    That's a story for another day Soro. Right now you have work to do.
    After Jay left Oramis found himself thinking about the day they had found Jay and his brother Cfett He had gotten a message from some of his good friends that there village was being attacked and he had led a scouting party to see if they could save and villagers, and they had found Jay and Cfett fighting for there lives surrounded by five men of the clan of shadow, one of them being a mage. It had been clear that Jay had the potential to be a mage and that he had some training in the art, and Cfett wasn't a half bad fighter for his age. Oramis and his men saved them and had started questioning them. That's how he had found out that their mother was a mage and that she had resisted the clan of shadows and that's why their village was destroyed.
    He also found out that Jay had a two sisters that had disappeared when the attack had started, neither of them were mages or good fighters so he didn't think much of it at the time. As they were preparing to go back to the the forgotten camp the mage that had been attacking Jay and Cfett had appeared out of nowhere and cast a spell that had almost completely wiped Cfett and Jay's memories so they wouldn't be of use to the the forgotten. But luckily Brom had been there and he saved some of there memories. To this day Jay and Cfett couldn't remember almost anything before they had been brought to the the forgotten. But that was the curse of magic he thought, a mage never gets out without a scar..
    After Jay got outside, he started walking around the camp. It was nice to be back outside. The council chamber was too hot and tiny for his taste. Jay loved were they were camped, the camp itself was simple, it consisted of many dark colored tents spread around a large field with a forest to the north. He was walking back to his tent on the edge of the camp, when he saw Mina walking turds him. "Hi Jay." She said as she ran up. "Have you seen Tyran around?"
    "Hello Mina" Jay greeted her, "and no I haven't. Why are you looking for him?"
    "he said that he wanted to see me." She replied.
    "Id ask Kentis, he should be around here somewhere."
    "Thanks Jay." She said as she ran off.
    Jay wondered off into the camp, watching the people going about there business. He was walking by a big tent used as a mess hall when it was raining when he herd a yell from behind him and turned just in time to escape being smashed by a pole that had some loose from the tent.
    What the!: he yelled as he jumped out of the way. "Sorry!" a man yelled at him from somewhere behind a tent "I was trying to move it and it came loose, you wouldn't mind giving me a hand would you?" "Sure, iv got nothing else to do so I might as well make myself useful." Jay replied. Some time latter Jay had helped the man move the pole back into position. Thanks. the man replied. No problem. Jay called as he walked away. He decided to go back to his tent, and on his way there he saw a shape in the distance. Searching his memory, he remembered a spell that would enhance his sight. He quickly casted the spell, looked across the plain, and saw a person, Will. He was running for the camp. More importantly, Jay saw what was chasing him.
  6. Snowpelt
    I'll be posting another story here seeing as people (seemed) to like tails of a wolf.
    I hope everyone likes it.
    Into the shadow
    A old woman groaned as she got to her feet. The knocking at her door continued and she walked over to it.
    Who's there? She asked tiredly.
    A friend. Was the reply.
    The old woman smiled and opened the door. A young woman walked into her house. She looked weary and sore, wearing dirty looking old cloths. She had a pretty face with long brown hair and green eyes. She looked to young to be so weary and looked as if she had a lifetime of experience behind her green eyes.
    Its nice to see you Mina, I heard about Tyran... The young woman said sitting down by a small stone fireplace. The house was small, and made mostly of stone. There were many shelves full of books and old knives and such.
    Soro! Mina exclaimed, her face loosing its tiredness. I haven't seen you in ages, how have you been?
    Soro chuckled. Iv been fine, it looks the like years have been kinder to me than you.
    Mina smiled at her friend. Well if I was blessed by magic I might look as young as you.
    Mina sat down beside her friend and put a kettle over the fire. She sprinkled some herbs into the pot and sat back.
    Why have you come Soro? Its good to see you again, but if anyone sees you... She trailed off.
    No one will see me, and how could I not come? Tyran was a good friend of mine.
    Mina's face saddened.
    Its been two days, we are having a funeral in three days.
    Mina, you know that's not the only reason I'm here.
    Its about the book isn't it, no Soro I wont get rid of it.
    Soro's face angered.
    You cant keep it, our history is not met to be known.
    You know I would never get rid of it, even more so now that Tyran's...
    She trailed off.
    I know you loved him Mina, he lived long, longer then we all thought he would. We all thought he would die in the war the way he attracted trouble, and arrows. Soro chuckled.
    Soro, if you are sure its best to get rid of it I wont stop you. Mina said with a sigh, she suddenly looked a lot older. Just let me read it one more time.
    We should both read it one last time. Soro agreed. Then I must track down Kentis to see about destroying the thing. What did Eli have to bind it with magic. Soro said sadly at the thought of her friend.
    Well the tea is done, so lets get some tea and read this book for the final time.
    Soro got up and walked over to a large shelf and pulled out an old looking book with a gold trimming that seemed to glow.
    While Soro's back was turned Mina muttered to herself.
    But our memory must live on, if not threw the book then threw the minds of humans.
  7. Snowpelt
    I couldn't help but come back and check in on things. Its been months since I left and I thought it was about time to visit.
    So, has anything changed, has everything stayed the same? Is anyone craving another chapter?
    Dose anyone even remember me?
    I may become a bit more active on tipit, maybe start up another story blog or something like that. Would anyone be interested in reading another of my story's?
  8. Snowpelt
    Not sure how many people here know me or read my blog, but I just thought id tell everyone here that ill be leaving tip.it. Theirs not much here I do anyway, all I ever really did was give my two cents about some RS related things and post my story's in my blog. Not sure how many, if any, people will even notice I'm gone but I just thought id tell people before I just dissipated off the face of the earth.
    So goodbye and farewell, if you liked my story's and want to read more, Iv got most of them posted on Runehq. My user-name there is ForThe Foxes if you wish to look me up. Hope you all enjoyed my story's and good luck to everyone. "My body may have left your world, but my spirit will always be with you."
  9. Snowpelt
    Who knew they would find such a strange ally. He was a bigger part of the story than anyone thought he would be. But i need not bore you with more of my ramblings. The dead seem to do that iv found. You know its strange to think of myself as dead, its more like I'm still there, just powerless to help in any way but giving them knowledge. Its as if I'm every wear, and no wear, all at the same time. Ahh look at me, iv gone and started rambling again, here is the story.
    Chapter Eleven: An unexpected friend
    Zorropelt visited her in her dream again that morning. He was sitting in the clearing he had been captured in waiting for her. She walked into the clearing, there were no singes of the battle that had happened there and it looked just like it had in her last dream. Zorropelt looked worried, she saw his worry in his eyes.
    I told you not to come looking for me Silversheen, if you continue there will only be more pain.
    She blinked in surprise, how could he know she was looking for him.
    How is it that you can walk in my dream's? She asked. Zorropelt give her a sad half smile.
    Its part of who I am. Was all he said.
    Is Jadeeyes with you? Was all she could think to say.
    He gave her that sad half smile of his that always made her start to feel sad.
    Is he dead? She asked quietly.
    Our paths have separated, but he is not dead.
    once again her dream started to fade and the last thing she saw Zorropelt's sad smile as he faded away and the last thing she herd was Zorropelt. He was howling and his howl seemed to be joined by others as her dream faded.
    She wasn't awake, but her dream had changed. She was looking at a dark forest, mist filled the air and made it hard to see. She saw a lone shape running threw the mist. She started as she realized who it was. It was Ashpaw. He looked like he had been fighting, he had many fresh cuts and there was blood on his face. Silversheen couldn't tell if it was his or not. He looked different from the young wolf she had known now long ago. She jumped and she heard a voice beside her.
    You have to help him Silversheen.
    Silversheen looked around and saw Snowpelt sitting next to her. She could just make out the form of her dead friend, she seemed to be made out of the mist that surrounded them.
    Snowpelt. Silversheen said her voice catching in her throat. Seeing her friend made her death seem fresh and a wake of sorrow washed over her. How are you in my dream? Silversheen asked.
    I am as the stars now, I may walk were I will but I can only interact with the living in dreams. She replied. Thoughts raced threw Silversheen's head. Did this mean Zorropelt was dead? Or Was this really just a dream?
    Snowpelt seemed to know what she was thinking.
    No Silversheen, Zorropelt is not dead. How he can walk in your dreams is a mystery to me but I would know if he to was as the stars.
    Silversheen nodded to dazed to speak.
    I did not just come to talk tho Silversheen. Snowpelt continued. I need your help, I'm worried about Ashpaw. He's throwing himself into danger needlessly and is following you. I Think he blames you for my death. I have tried to walk in his dreams but they are blocked to me.
    She paused for a moment. Snowpelt seemed to be forcing herself to say this.
    I want you to stop him. He recently found some young wolves from another pack wandering the forest, they weren't from the pack that attacked us but he didn't care... He... She trailed off, almost in tears, but Silversheen understood. It must be hard for her to see her twin so filled with grief and hate that he would kill needlessly.
    Hes changed. Silversheen said finding her voice. He is lost without you and thinks killing needlessly will somehow avenge your death.
    Snowpelt looked away from her and seemed to be talking to someone else Silversheen couldn't see.
    My time here is up Silversheen, pleas help my brother.
    Snowpelt's misty form disappeared from sight leaving Silversheen alone in the misty forest.
    She awoke and looked around. They were just crossing a bridge that went over a fast moving river, she could see other humans standing along the river bank that seemed to be holding sticks. It was almost sunset and the world was covered in amber light. Standing on the side of the bridge was a young boy with red hair dressed in gray, he gave her a sympathetic look as she passed. She was surprised but the look of sympathy, she didn't think humans cared about animals. She shot him a pleading look and he nodded to her and have her a mischievous smile.
    They drove past the boy and turned right into a small campground. The boy walked from the bridge into a campground across from hers, he seemed to be there with many other boys but none of them gave her any notice.
    Her truck stopped and the truck with the two young wolves pulled in beside her. The drivers got out and started talking, after a while one of them came around and pulled a bundle of cloth from the back of the truck near her. He hurriedly spread the cloth out and grabbed two polls from the truck and started pushing them threw the cloth. When he was done the cloth was in a cave like shape and the man threw two more bundles of cloth into it then crawled in. She heard a bark of pain and looked over at the young wolves. The other man was moving the cage they were in and had set it on the ground. One of the wolves paws had fallen threw the mesh and had been hurt when the cage was set down.
    She growled at the man and he jumped in surprise and whorled around to glare at her. He muttered something to himself and walked away. Silversheen had no idea what he was saying but she could tell that he was angry.
    Are you two alright? She called over to the Twins.
    Were fine. Rainfur called back. Stareye just hurt his paw, nothing real bad tho.
    Silversheen nodded in acknowledgment. She looked back at the bridge and saw the red haired human watching them quizzically. He saw Silversheen looking at him and nodded at her, his blue eyes sparkling.
    Who is that human? Rainfur asked seeing Silversheen starring.
    I think he is a friend. Silversheen replied.
    Humans are the ones who captured us, they kill us and tear down out forests. They are not our friends. Stareye said simply.
    Silversheen looked over at him, this was the first time she had heard him speak, his sister had done all the talking up to this point. Hes voice was wary and he sounded tired.
    He doesn't seem like other humans. She said, her tone making it clear that the conversation was at an end.
    Are we there yet? Grayear groaned as they climbed a steel slope. Dose it look like were there? Redfur replied.
    They were climbing a steep slope to the top of a hill that overlooked a river. They had traveled miles that day and Redfur knew it was hard on Grayear but he refused to let him stop.
    We can rest at the top of the hill. Redfur called back to Grayear who was several feet behind him.
    His paw slipped on a rock and it came loose and started rolling down the steel hill.
    Look out! He yelled. He turned and saw Grayear step out of the way at the last moment, eyes wide.
    Watch it Redfur! I'm not as fast as you! He barked irritably.
    Redfur Retched the top of the hill and looked down at the river. It was far below and he could see the bridge spanning it and the rode winding up the mountain on the other side. He looked around and saw the top of the hill was covered in large outcroppings of rock. He quickly turned his head as a large rock started falling down the hill to the river below. He looked to were the rock came from and saw several figures climbing the hill.
    Humans! He growled. There were about five of them on the hillside, two heading down in the direction of the bridge, and three at a large rock outcropping to his right.
    He turned and saw Grayear scramble onto the top of the hill, he clasped in a furry heap and started breathing deeply.
    Stay here, ima go look around. He said and started walking in the direction of the rock outcropping were the three humans were. Grayear nodded to tired to answer.
    Redfur ran low along the hillside hiding behind rocks and staying in the shadows. There was a small cave in the rock were the humans were and two of them were lounging in the shade of the cave. He couldn't see the other. He was in the shadow of a rock near the humans when he felt someones gaze on him. He looked around and crouched lower into the long grass that covered the hill. He didn't see anything. He head a noise and looked up. A red haired boy was looking at him from his perch on the top of the rock outcropping. He was dressed in gray and his blue eyes were looking at him expectantly.
    Redfur began backing away slowly when he heard the boy speak.
    He didn't understand the speech but the meaning was clear enough. I'm a friend.
    Redfur stopped and looked at the boy again. The red haired boys look told him everything, he knew why Redfur was here and they both wanted the same thing, to help Silversheen. Redfur heard human voice calling from around the rock and started backing away again. The boy winked at him and disappeared from view.
    There was something about the boy, he wasn't like other humans. He wasn't frightened by the sight of a wolf and he seemed to understand more than most humans about animals.
    Redfur returned to Grayear who was still panting.
    So what happened? Grayear huffed. He had seen Redfur walking in the direction of the rocks and had seen and heard humans near the rock a bit before Redfur had returned.
    I believe we have a friend. Redfur replied chuckling. I'll tell you the story latter. He continued seeing the questioning look on his friends face.
    Well we need to find a place to rest, we go at midnight. Redfur said to his friend.
    Grayear brightened at the mention of rest.
    Redfur looked at the rock were he had met the red haired human. He was leaving with the other humans, walking back to the river. He remembered the small cave and the view it had of the surrounding landscape.
    Redfur chuckled. I have just the place.
    He and Grayear started walking to the rock, they didn't notice the red haired boy watching them. He smiled, it was not every day something like this happened.
    Midnight. He said to himself. He heard voices calling him and turned and sprinted down the steep hillside, expertly weaving threw the trails and staying balanced. This was beginning to be one of the most interesting scout outings he had ever been on.
    I know what your planning Silversheen, I beg you not to do it.
    Silversheen was in complete darkness. She didn't know were the voice was coming from, it seemed to come from all around her.
    I have to stop falling asleep, this is just getting annoying. She muttered to herself.
    There was a flash of light and she was standing in a human cage. It was a large fenced in area with a stream running threw it. A human building was built along the side of one fence with a gate leading into it. There was a single tree in one corner with a lone wolf under it.
    Silversheen looked round, she couldn't see anything outside of the pen and she didn't see any way out. This time there was no singe of Zorropelt or Snowpelt. She walked over to tree to see who the wolf was that was lying there. She gasped when she saw it was Jadeeyes, he was scratched and bleeding and one of his eyes had a long cut over it and looked clouded over. She doubted he could see out of it. Her hart sank at the sight of her friend. She walked ever to him and tried speaking to him but he showed no singe of hearing her. She tried to touch him but her paw just passed threw him.
    This is your fate if you continue with your plan.
    She heard the voice say. This time she recognized it as the voice of Snowpelt. Snowpelt's forum appeared, glowing in light and almost transparent.
    I still plan to go threw with it. Its my only lead to were Zorropelt is and I cant just throw it away. Silversheen replied, her voice echoing.
    Zorropelt told you not to follow him, you should honor his request.
    He is all I have left. Silversheen whispered. I have no love for my father and you and your brother were my only reason to stay, when you died I had no reason to go back, nor do I have any desire to without Zorropelt.
    Pleas don't Silversheen, its not that I don't think you could find Zorropelt, its that I know my brother will follow you there.
    You know were he is don't you. Silversheen whispered realizing it to be true.
    Snowpelt didn't reply.
    The world started to fade until they were sitting in blackness once again. The only light was from Snowpelt.
    Pleas. Snowpelt said.
    Before Silversheen could reply Snowpelt's forum dissipated as if blown away by the wind.
    Silversheen awoke to see it was dark out. By the position of the moon she estimated it was about an hour till midnight. Snowpelt's words rang in her mind, Pleas don't, its not that you cant make it, its that my brother will follow you.
    How can I? She thought. Zorropelt was all she had left and she refused to give him up.
    I love him. She whispered to the night air. And that's who I cant stop looking.
    The red haired boy looked at her sadly from his position on the mountainside. He was dressed in dark gray, not quite black cloths, invisible in the night. He glanced up at the sky. Almost midnight. He whispered.
    He couldn't believe he was doing this, but he didn't feel he had a choice. As soon as he saw the captured wolves he knew he had to set them free. He had planned to do it on his own but when he was the other wolves on the hillside across the river her knew it would be a bit easier, they would leave the captured wolves away.
    He knew most people would think he was insane for thinking like this, most everyone he knew would. But he had always had a connection with animals he couldn't explain. He saw the seance of loyalty and sympathy in there eyes. They are more human like than people think, he often thought. He had seen the fear in the eyes of the pups and the seance of duty the other captured wolf had to then.
    A flicker of movement caught his eye, he looked over at the bridge and saw two shapes disappear under it.
    Iv not to do but wait. He muttered and sat back on the mountainside.
  10. Snowpelt
    I feel rather guilty about her capture, if I didn't let her go it wouldn't have happened. I wouldn't have died, and life would be different for us all. But that could have never happened, her desire to find Zorropelt was to strong for me to sway. But if it didn't happen who knows what would have happened to Rainfur and Stareye, they never could have survived without her. But I'm getting ahead of myself, here is the next part in the tails of a wolf.
    Chapter nine: captivity
    When she regained conciseness Silversheen found herself in a steel cage that seemed to suck the heat out of her. It had started raining again and the sky was gray and overcast. She was still in the back of the truck, it was driving along a paved rode now, she didn't know how long she had been out. The forest around her seemed unfamiliar to her, it was blanketed in a shroud of mist. She estimated she had been out for at least a day, maybe more.
    She was cold and was soaked from the rain. The memory of Snowpelt's death was still fresh in her mind. The memory brought a wave of sorrow and hopelessness over her. She remembered the sorrow and hate in Ashpaw's eyes as he stood over her body.
    She had no idea were they were taking her but if she was cough in the same place Zorropelt was there was a chance they were taking her to the same place as they took him. She couldn't get the strange wolves that had attacked her out of her mind. There must have been more of them that were in another part of the forest and they were so strong. She hoped that they weren't strong enough to attack her pack. She thought her pack was strong enough to fend they off but she wasn't sure, not with her disappearance and Snowpelt's death.
    She was hungry and her side heart from being pressed up against the cage for so long. She winced as the truck hit a bump and her paw was cough under the cage and was pulled hard. The rain continued to fall and felt soothing on her fresh cuts. She could hear strange sounds from the front of the truck, strange beets mixed with human speech. She heard other louder slightly off key voices joining in with the notice every so often and winced as it hurt her hears.
    It was several hours before she noticed her truck wasn't the only one on the rode. She looked up and saw another cage in the back of another truck that was driving next to her. She looked closed and saw that there were two young wolves huddled together in the other cage. They looked scared and about as miserable as she felt.
    They hadn't noticed her yet and she debated alerting them of her presence. She looked at them again. They looked so helpless and she saw them jump as thunder boomed across the sky. She wished she could comfort them but she couldn't see how.
    She decided to at least let them know she was there. She let out a quiet howl. The two wolves looked up and saw her, a quick flash of hope in there eyes. It disappeared quickly tho as they saw she two was in a cage. She looked at them reassuringly but she couldn't talk to them over the noise of the trucks and the falling rain. There truck pulled ahead and Silversheen got a fain smell of there cents.
    She was disheartened when she didn't recognize there cents. She would have sworn that she had smelled it before but she didn't know were. She searched her mind, trying to remember were she had smelled that cent before.
    Her heart skipped a beat as she realized were she knew it from. It was so long ago she had almost forgotten.
    The two young wolves shot her a questioning look when they saw her astonishment and excitement. She ignored them and tried to figure out how this was possible. Her truck hit another bump and she winced again. Is this why he was taken? She said to herself.
    She howled in pain as she tried to shift her position and a sharp peace of metal tore a deep cut in her paw. She moved back to her original position and started licking her heart paw.
    The young wolves hearing her howl looked at her and saw her injury. They shot her a sympathetic glance but there was nothing more they could do.
    Bloody water was washing around the bed of the truck now, staining her fur a reddish color. She decided to try to sleep and hope her journey would end soon.
    She had new hope now, for now she knew the answer to a question that she had long seance given up hope of ever finding the answer to. She knew the wolves in the other truck were from the same pack as Zorropelt.
    Chapter ten: Help of sorts
    Tis a fine day today mate, get up! Redfur barked his his brothers ear. Redfur was a red furred wolf that had a undercoat of silver that give him an odd almost glow when in direct sunlight. He had blue eyes and one white paw. He had an easy going way of life, he hunted when he needed to and did what he liked.
    His brother, Grayear, groaned and rolled over to look at his older brother. Grayear was a cream colored wolf with one silvery-gray ear fir which he was named after. He had brown eyes and was not in a good mood after his awakening.
    Get up yourself, iv no reason to. He replied irritatedly.
    Your reason to get up as a fat rabbit that was stupid enough to walk out in front of me, unless you want to catch your own meal you best get up.
    With this Grayear was up in a flash.
    Why didn't ya say so mate! Wares the food?
    Redfur chuckled, all he had to do was mention food and his brother was there in a flash.
    They were in a forest not far from a rode, Redfur could hear the sounds of distant cars and smell the fumes they released. He didn't like how close they were to the rode but a promise was a promise and he had nothing better to do.
    He signaled in the direction that the rabbit lay and his brother ran over to it and started eating.
    Ima go watch the rode, you do what you wish for the time being.
    He barked as he ran off into the trees.
    It was only a short walk before he saw the rode. There had been more traffic than he had liked the last few days witch met he had to spend more time here. Only two more day. He thought, then he would be under no obligation to stay in this place. It wasn't that bad, but the rode made it hard to hunt and the sounds of the cars kept him awake at night. His brother on the other hand, he could sleep threw anything.
    If we went back, would we be excepted? He thought out loud. He had left the pack with his two brothers long long ago. They were only pups when they had left. After there dads mate disappeared he had become angry. Altho he was not all that big and strong, he was fast and extremely smart.
    He sighed at the memory of his brother Redtail. They had looked almost exactly the same, except for there ears and his one white paw. He disappeared about a week after they left, there had been no singes of him that the young wolves could find. His brother Grayear was barely old enough to eat soled food and he was only about three months old at the time. He had always thought that if he had the skills he had now he could have found his brother but he didn't and his brother had been missing for almost twelve months.
    He was distracted from his thoughts as two trucks came to a stop a short ways away. A man with a blood stained cloth rapped around his left arm got out of one and walked behind a tree on the other side of the rode. He decided it wasn't anything interesting when he hears winning from the back on one of the trucks. He went to investigate, sticking to the shadows till he was behind the trucks.
    He almost cried out when he saw the two wolf pups in the cage. He recognized there cent immediately as one of his old pack. Who were they? He wondered. He knew were the trucks were headed and he knew he didn't have the time so save them, not now at least.
    He saw the man walking back to the trucks and disappeared back into the trees.
    He watched the man get into the truck and start it. As the first truck pulled away he saw the silvery wolf in the cage of the other truck.
    When he saw her he knew this was the wolf he was watching for.
    She saw him and caught his eye. She looked startled but she sent him a silent plea in that few seconds before her truck started on its way again. He didn't know her cent but there was no mistaking her.
    So there is a Silversheen going to the grounds after all. He muttered realizing what had just happened.
    He knew he had to go after the trucks, and he knew were they were going to stop next. He ran threw the forest till he was at his camp.
    Grayear! He called sliding to a halt.
    What is it Redfur? I just finished the rabbit and I'm trying to not do anything physical.
    He saw his brother and groaned. He looked like he had swallowed a watermelon.
    I saw her, we need to go now if we want to make it to the human camp before nightfall.
    Grayear looked startled.
    You actually saw her? I thought that guy was just being paranoid when he said a silver wolf would be caught.
    Well I hope your not to fat to run mate, because we have a long day ahead of us.
    They both took off running into the forest, there destination was clear. It was far away, several miles but Redfur had no doubts they would stop there. They didn't need to get there ahead of the trucks but he knew that they would be gone in the morning and he didn't want to risk being to late.
    His younger brother was already panting after only a few minutes of running. He needed to get moving more, all he relay did nowadays was eat and sleep and his body showed it. He was a smart wolf and had a good personality, but the easy life he was living was making his slow and weak. Redfur on the other hand was lean and fit from hunting for the both of them and keeping active unlike this brother.
    So what are we gonna do when we rescue her? Grayear panted.
    I don't know. Redfur admitted. But we owe that wolf our lives and we promised to save her.
    What ever happened to the other guy who escaped with us?
    Gone, iv not seen nor heard from him, I didn't even learn his name before he disappeared.
    Grayear grunted acknowledgment and turned all his focus to running.
    Redfur thought about how they were going to rescue the silver wolf. He also couldn't leave the pups he had saw, but they would slow them down and make a quiet escape hard. The female pup looked a lot like the silver wolf, they both had the same silver fur and blur eyes. It reminded him of his mother, she had been a silver wolf too. He pushed the thought out of his head, he needed to come up with a plan, and sooner rather than latter.
    It was a nice day. Silversheen thought, the niceness of the day seemed to be mocking her. The humans had given her a bowl of brown balls that tasted like sawdust. She had been so hungry she had eaten them anyway. They had also given her a bowl of orange tinged water that she lapped wearily. It was discussing and tasted old and stagnant but she drank it anyway.
    The cut on her paw was starting to heal but she felt aches and pains throwout her body. The sun was nice and it wormed her and took away the cold that had come with the rain. They had left the misty forest behind. When they had stopped for a brief time earlier that morning she had gotten the chance to talk to the two wolves in the other truck.
    They had been captured in the forest near there dens, they weren't suppose to be out roaming the forest and wished they hadn't that day. She found out they were twins, a boy and a girl, and at that Silversheen felt guilt and sadness wash threw her. They were so small, to young to survive on there own. They reminded her of Ashpaw and Snowpelt on the night of the storm on there last day of training, helpless and scared. She mad a promise to herself at that moment to protect these pups, she would let nothing happen to them.
    There names were Rainfur and Stareye. Rainfur, the girl, had a light silver-gray pelt and her eyes were a light blue that reminded her of rain. The name fit Silversheen decided. Stareye had a white pelt with splotches of brown. His eyes were his most interesting feature, they looked... strange somehow. They were a dark almost purple and looked, for lack of a better word, starry. They were like looking at the night sky, endless and full of stars. It was almost creepy.
    Silversheen had told them the story of her and Zorropelt, how they knew each other and how she left for hunter training. She told them about how she had gotten back and he was gone and how in looking for him she had watched her friend die and gotten captured. When they were done talking a man yelled something and they had started driving again.
    Silversheen started thinking about how they could escape. She didn't know were they were going but she knew she couldn't let the pups go there. She knew she had to, it was her only lead in her search for Zorropelt, but she would save the pups first. Her thought were cut short as they stopped again and one of the men got out and ran behind a tree.
    She waited for him to return her thoughts wandering when she caught a movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head and saw a wolf. At first Silversheen thought he looked just like Zorropelt and she was about to cry out when she noticed he didn't have any white on his ears and he had a white paw. Her mind was racing. Was he going to rescue them? Would this solve her problem? She caught his eye and she saw recognition flash in his eyes. She saw the silent promise he made to her, they he would help then disappeared into the trees as the man came back and the trucks started again.
    Silversheen's mind was whirling with questions. The wolf had looked so much like Zorropelt, had he been from the same pack? Why had he been this near a rode? Had he been looking for the pups?
    She didn't know the answer to any of these questions and she soon fell asleep in the morning sun, she didn't know what the day would bring but she knew her situation was going to change drastically.
  11. Snowpelt
    It was a hard choice helping Silversheen escape, but I'm sure it was the right one and iv never regretted it. Unfortunately it was helping her escape that turned Ashpaw against her. It wasn't her fault, I made my own choice and I don't blame her, but Ashpaw didn't see it that way.
    Well enough of that, here is the next chapter.
    Chapter eight: Gone
    We were right, there are guards everywhere and there not to let you out. Ashpaw said to Silversheen. Ashpaw was spying for her so try to find a way of getting herself out undetected.
    Its no less than I thought, any idea on how to get out without being noticed? Silversheen replied quietly.
    If you go threw the bushes to the north and use them fro cover you should slip out unnoticed.
    Thank you both fro your help. She said to Snowpelt and Ashpaw.
    You are good friends.
    I didn't know Zorropelt or Jadeeyes very well but pleas try to bring them back safe and unharmed. Ashpaw said kindly.
    Do be safe Silversheen, I know you will look but remember this, don't put yourself in danger when you know he wouldn't want you to. Snowpelt put in.
    Ill try to bring them back safe and Snowpelt, ill do whatever I need to to bring him back.
    I know, just be safe.
    Silversheen turned and walked in the direction of the northers bushes. It was the dead of night and there was almost no moon this night. She moved quietly like she had learned in her training, blending into her surroundings. She paused as a wolf walked past not five feet in front of her. She could barely make out his form in the darkness. She held her breath and he continued on. She started moving again. When she was in the safety of the bushes she crept threw them, careful not to make any noise. She looked around to see that there was no one around then she dashed quietly into the trees outside of the den clearing.
    She sighed with relief and started walking threw the trees. She could just make out the shapes of the trees in the darkness of the night. She was sad at the thought of leaving her friends Ashpaw and Snowpelt but she had to find Zorropelt, he would do the same for her whatever the cost.
    She had had Snowpelt ask Graytail about when he was shot and were it happened so she knew what way to go. She was heading to a small clearing to the west of her camp. It wasn't to far away and she was determined to make it before sunrise. She wanted to rest there and when the sun came out look for any singes of were her friends might have gone.
    It was strange she thought, that she was so happy to return home and the same day she had left for the same reason she had wanted to go home in the first place.
    She walked a bit and found the spot, she was horrified when she realized she recognized it. It was the same clearing she had seen in her dream the night before. It looked the same, barren on life. It was a ten foot clearing with no plant life of any kind, it was just rocky dirt, wet from the recent rain. She noticed something tho she had not in her dream, there was a dirt rode running into the clearing and it looked like it had been recently used. She could still smell the fumes from the human trucks.
    She looked around a bit in the darkness. It was almost sunrise and she could have a proper look then. She could see the sun starting to rise sending a amber light over the forest.
    She had decided to sit down and wait for the sun to come fully up when she heard the first howl. It wasn't from any wolf in her pack and it sounded strange, different somehow. She heard it again, and it was getting closer. She remembered Ashpaw and Snowpelt had heard strange wolves on there three days in the woods and Blacktail seemed distresses by it at the time, like that wasn't the first sighting.
    She was on her feet in a heartbeat and ready for battle. She scanned the forest around her and decided to go to the middle of the clearing so she could see all around her and there was no way they could sneak up on her. She smelled them now, it was a musty dirty cent nothing like the cent of her pack. She thought it smelled wrong somehow, like how the howls sounded wrong. She was scanning the woods when she saw the first of the wolves appear out of the dark trees into the amber light of the clearing.
    When she saw the wolf she lifted her head and let out of howl of warning to the rest of her pack. She hopped someone would come to her aid but she didn't think she would be so lucky.
    What are you doing here? She asked her voice trembling.
    The wolf looked at her, she appeared to be seeing if she could take her in a fight. It was a girl she thought, the way she held herself looked different from most boys she knew.
    You don't need to know who we are. The wolf replied. She was big and mean looking and she looked amber in the early sun. she spoke with almost and accent, the speech was strange to Silversheen.
    More wolves were appearing out of the trees and Silversheen found herself surrounded. They all looked like the first, big and mean. She didn't she could win or run if a fight started. There were about five in all.
    Motion flicked at the edge of Silversheen's vision and she saw a white form moving silently threw the trees. She saw a dark forum following the first.
    He hart started beating faster, Ashpaw and Snowpelt were coming to her aid, she was sure of it. But would it be enough. The first wolf started moving forwards turds Silversheen and she stood and faced the oncoming threat.
    The wolf was only five feet in fount of her now.
    You will tell me how many of you there are, you will tell me how strong you are and were you are camped. If you do this we will let you live. The wolf said starring at her.
    I will tell you nothing. She said bravely.
    The wolf snarled and jumped at her. The attack was quick but Silversheen had just enough time to dodge the attack and hit her from the side. The wolf stumbled but quickly got to her feet.
    Thought were racing threw Silversheen's head. She noticed everything in the low amber light. She saw the other wolf's muscles tensing and she dodged out of the way as she jumped forward again. This time Silversheen bit down on her tail as she went past. The other wolf howled in rage.
    Attack her! She cried to her companions. The other wolves started advancing on her. Silversheen knew she couldn't fend them all of at once. Suddenly two forms shot out of the trees and hit both sides of the attacking wolves. In the confusion one wolf fell to the attack, falling unconscious with Ashpaw standing over him. He quickly went to help his sister take down another one.
    Two wolves, the first and another, came at Silversheen snarling. She was ready for them. She waited for one to attack then dodged and hit them with a counter strike. She jumped on one and sunk her teeth into his throat. She let go as the first wolf came at her again. She was dodging when she heard rumbling near her. She looked over to see a human truck coming down the rode. It stopped and two men jumped out holding guns.
    One of them shot into the air. This distracted Snowpelt and one of the remaining wolves jumped on her and pinned her. Ashpaw jumped at the wolf that was pinning her. There was another gun shot and the wolf that Ashpaw was wrestling with fell. Ashpaw starred horrified at the hole that had appeared in the wolf's side.
    The remaining wolf ran off into the forest and Silversheen found a gun pointed at her. She froze. The gun shot and a little dart hit her in the side. She stumbled and Snowpelt ran over to her.
    The other man took aim and fired.
    No! Ashpaw howled at his sister dropped, blood oozing from her side.
    He jumped at the man that had shot her and bid down on his arm. The man screamed and tried to shake him off.
    Silversheen tried to get up but stumbled. She was feeling dizzy and the other man was running turds her. She managed to make it over to were Snowpelt's body lay on the rocky ground.
    Snowpelt! She cried. Snowpelt! She was crying now as she looked at her friend. Her sight was starting to get blurry but she saw her try to say something so she bent low over her friend.
    We heard the howling, then heard you cry for help, we came as fast as we could. Snowpelt whispered, her breath coming in short gasps. I'm sorry I couldn't do more to save you.
    No. Silversheen whispered. She couldn't imagine Snowpelt dieing. She had only met her at the start of her training but they had become good friends. She wouldn't have even been here if I didn't run off. Silversheen thought, sadness and guilt taking over her. She was fighting sleep as whatever was in the dart flowed threw her veins.
    Watch over Ashpaw for me. She said with a sad smile, excepting her fate. That was the last thing Snowpelt ever said. Her head slumped and her breathing stopped completely.
    I will. Silversheen sobbed as she fell to the ground.
    A man shoved Silversheen in a cage and called another man to help carry her. She felt lost, like there was no hope left for her. She had lost Zorropelt and trying to find him only led to more death.
    The man had shaken Ashpaw off but was bleeding badly. He ran into the truck and slammed the door. She was put in the back of the truck with two other cages, both empty. They started the truck and it turned around and started driving away. Silversheen could see Ashpaw lying by his sister's body, his howl was heartbreaking. She saw the sadness and anger in Ashpaw's eyes as he silently vowed to avenge his sister. She cough his eye and his look told her that this was not the end, that he would seek revenge.
    Other wolves ran out of the trees, she could tell they were from her pack but she couldn't tell who they were.
    She heard someone howling her name as she fell into unconsciousness.
  12. Snowpelt
    I'm back, not really, but I'm posting another story. Not really, just a short story, what's here is what there is, so its not a bloody huge story like my last few. Anyway, anyone remember me? No? Didn't think so. I'm just Snowpelt, the storyteller, rather fond of what I am and all that.
    Anyhow, this is just a bit of a sad short story I wrote a while back. Not sure why I wrote it (Well, yes I do, but I'm not going to get into that) but its been so long since I've posted a story here I decided to :3
    Well, hope everyone enjoys it. If you have a question, leave a comment. I don't know why you would have a question, if you want to know why I don't think you would, leave a comment. If you have a comment, leave a comment. Otherwise, don't leave a comment :3
    A New Day
    You don't want to do this, take my hand, Fox
    Your right... I don't want to do this. I didn't want to do any of this. Fact is, it happened.
    Soro was frantic now, and she grabbed for her friend. He looked at her sadly.
    I swear, if you jump, I fully intend to follow.
    Fox's face darkened and he looked down at the cliff edge he was standing on. His clothes were ragged, and he was thin, like he hadnt eaten in days. He was covered with cuts and buses, like he had barely survived a fight, and his red hair was dirty and ragged.
    Don't kill yourself over me, I'm not worth it. Just leave me be, its better this way... He replied, his red hair falling over his gray-blue eye's, covering his tears. He took another step towards the edge, his feet partially hanging over the side.
    Soro ran forward and hugged him tightly, her long brown hair covering one of her bright blue eyes.
    If you go, I go. She said stubbornly, tears running down her face. Thunder cracked in the distance, the moonlit night was darkened by gray rainclouds. Wind whirled around them, pulling at there clothes.
    That's not fair Soro. My life has no meaning anymore.. You can go, live your life. Forget about me. All I ever did was cause trouble, only made things worse. Its better this way... He said sadly.
    I'm not going to let you kill yourself. If you don't want to live for yourself, live for me. I don't want to live without you. There are still lots of people who care about you, think of the lives your death would hurt.
    Fox looked down at the girl. The girl who had followed him, who had risked her life to find him, and the girl who cared enough about his life, to use her own to keep him alive.
    Do I mean that much to you.. He asked softly.
    Yes. She replied, hugging him even tighter.
    A flash of lightning lit the sky, and thunder exploded around them. He pushed Soro away and stared down off the cliff.
    I don't want my life to mean anything, to anyone... I'm just not worth it Soro.. Go back home. Forget you ever met me. Live your life! You still have a chance! You can live the way I never could, without the pain and loss I'd bring you. I'm just not bloody worth it.
    He looked down at Soro, she was on her knees now, crying softly. Her cheeks were red and her normally bright blue eye's seemed drained of color.
    Don't leave me... She whispered softly.
    Rain started to fall gently around them. The once bright, moonlit night, was now almost completely black. Fox dropped to his knees, completely lost in sorrow.
    For you then. He whispered, then fell unconscious to the ground in front of Soro.
    The girl grabbed him and hugged him tightly.
    Tomorrow is a new day. Maybe eventually, you can forget, leave the pain of your past behind. It won't be easy, but I'll be here for you. No matter what happens.. Soro whispered into the air.
  13. Snowpelt
    Well, it seems I sort of messed up the chapter numbering somehow...
    Also jsut a quick warning, this is still a draft. I have been changing the names of Silvia and Triss are all mixed up. Also there is no henley, she no longer exists.
    the story is a bit mixed up currently... But its just a draft to it will be fixes eventually.
    Enjoy :D
    Chapter eleven: A trap and a mistake
    Ugh whats taking them so long. Mina thought as she waited in the top of a large pine tree. She was looking down on a tent a little way form the camp. It was a cream colored tent and it looked like a white smug in the darkness. She had been waiting for two hours after sunset, waiting, just waiting silently in the tree. If her trap was to work she couldn't afford to make any noise that might give away her position. She had three throwing knifes ready, all rarer sharp and deadly. Throwing knifes were her favorite weapons because they could be thrown and used in close rang to stab.
    She was beginning to loos feeling in her legs when she saw three dark shapes moving turds the tent. Finally. she muttered getting her knifes ready. All of the sudden she saw a light appeared in the hand of one of the men and she smelled the sent of rosemary. No! she whispered in horror. One of them is a mage. She was stunned for a minute then she shook herself and threw her knife at the mage. She saw the light of the mages fire glint of the blade of the knife and it flew turds him. At the last second the mage seemed to notice the knife and stepped out of the way and the knife hit the third man and he fell without a sound. He looked right at Mina and she saw the fire split and half of it came flying at her. She just had enough time to jump before the fire hit the tree and it went up in flames. She screamed as she went hurtling turds the ground. Oramis! Get out of the tent!
    She saw a light come on in the tent and a flash of blue light and the smell of mint came shooting out of the tent and hit the other man, killing him. As the man crumpled to the ground the mage screamed in anger. I'll kill you all for his death!
    Mina had just enough time to grab a branch that wasn't on fire and she pulled herself up onto it. She looked and saw the mage, a girl she realized, starting to glow. Shes going to sacrifice herself to kill us all! Will yelled, he grabbed Oramis and ran for the camp, now alive with activity at the sound of the yelling and the light of the burning tree.
    Mina dropped to a lower branch and from that branch to the ground and started running, past the glowing mage and turds the camp. When she was about twenty feet past the mage she felt a invisible force grab her. A feeling of absolute terror washed over her. She was being pulled turds the mage. The mage herself, was still glowing and getting brighter every second.
    Help! she yelled.
    She saw Will running turds her and in her mind knew she couldn't make it. Bracing herself she knew what she had to do. She pulled out her two remaining knifes and took aim at the mage. She threw her knife. It flew turds the mage and hit her right in the chest, but to Mina's horror she saw it bounce of the the light emanating form the mage.
    Now she can only be killed by a stab to the throat! Will yelled as he ran faster turds Mina.
    Wonderful. She muttered.
    She was five feet away form the mage now and the mages light almost hurt to look at now. Mina took in a deep breath and threw herself at the mage stabbing at her throat.
    Right before she stabbed the mage it shot a ball of energy and it went right by Mina barely missing her.
    She stabbed the mage and it fell. Mina looked at her knife and saw it was glowing with a bright light. This is interesting. She muttered to herself. She turned and saw a group of people were starring at her in amazement. Them she heard a voice behind her and spun around. The mage had a smile on her face and was saying something to Mina. What are you saying? Mina said to her walking over.
    In a raw and bubbling voice the mage spokeI said, we may be dead but our mission is complete. she started wheezing and with a last chocking breath and fell over dead.
    What dose she mean her mission is complete? she muttered to herself and turned and started walking back to camp. She stopped when she saw a large group of people standing around a man lying dead on the ground. Her heart almost stopped when she saw who it was. Will was lying of the ground, a hole burned in his shirt.
    Damn it! She yelled as she saw Will's body.
    Oramis walked over to her and put his hand around her shoulders.
    Mina, we need to talk.
    Oramis and Mina walked to Oramis's tent. The tree fire had gone out when the mage died for reasons Mina didn't know.
    When they got to the tent Oramis took her inside and sat her down on a chair. He pulled up a chair and sat down facing her.
    Mina. He started. What happened tonight?
    Mina gave him a half grin. It started as a trap. she began, then explained how it went wrong and the part about the mage.
    Do you know how dangerous and stupid that was?! You put no just your own like but the lives of me and Will.
    I didn't mean for this to happen. She said flatly. I didn't know one of them was a mage.
    We know, me and Will just found out tonight. He inspected the body of John and found out that he was killed with magic, that's why he was in my tent tonight.
    And that's why they wanted you both dead so bad. Mina concluded.
    I just have one more question Mina, how did you know they were going to attack us tonight?
    Mina grinned. I started a rumor that we found out who the assassins are and that you were planning how to kill them tonight. I regret the death of Will greatly and you must realize that the forgotten now has no mages in camp.
    Oramis grimaced. I do, and that's why my must move yet again.
    But how will Brom and Soro find us? Or Tyran! Mina objected.
    Ill leave them a message only they could find, or even if it was found, only they could understand. I will also leave more than one in the latter happens and whoever found it take it.
    Mina relaxed a little but still didn't like the idea of leaving while her friends were still gone. She couldn't read the look on Oramis's face, witch was odd, his emotions were usually plain to her.
    We will leave tomorrow, and this time we wont have spy's in our ranks to tell the clan of shadow were we are.
    But were will we go? The Clan of Shadows wants us dead and the Children of Guthix don't have any love for us ether, not seance we didn't take part in the war.
    We aren't fighters Mina. Oramis replied sadly. We must go to the Children, we have no choice.
    Chapter eleven: what they hoped was the end of the rode.
    Run Kentis! Jay yelled as they ran threw Varrock. They had narrowly escaped there captures when they turned there backs on them to buy some fresh food from a market. They had been running threw alleys for five minutes dodging tramps and and running past old rundown houses.
    Varrock was a large city on the top of a large hill surrounded by grasslands. The houses were all wood which was strange considering there weren't any trees for miles in any direction. It was the first big city Jay had ever seen and he wasn't thrilled to be running for his life threw it.
    There hands were still tied and to each other which made thing even harder.
    Jay stop! Kentis yelled as he tripped and fell. He had given up event trying to remember to call Jay Sparrow to the distaste of Jay.
    Jay turned around and helped his friend up.
    Jay we need to make a plan. Kentis said as they started walking.
    I know, but we are still getting chased by twenty or so men.
    Jay tensed when he heard footsteps behind him. He spun around and saw a woman walking turds them. She had shoulder length blond hair and brown eyes. She was a bit shorter than Jay and was wearing dirty looking clothing.
    Ah now what's this? She said walking up to Jay and Kentis. She talked with the same strange accent that Silvia had spoken in. Jay thought that they look kind of alike as well.
    We relay don't have time to talk right now. Kentis said not stopping.
    You don't happen to be running from those mad looking men are you? It would be a shame if they were to find you. the woman said with a almost evil smile. At this Kentis stopped. He turned to and examined her.
    Are you threatening us? Kentis asked in a low menacing voice.
    I might be. she replied, the evil look still on her face.
    Jay looked at her and Kentis noticed that his eyes seemed to be glowing with a silvery light.
    Threatening me is a very bad idea, especially when I'm angry, you wont like what I do when I'm angry. Jay said in a strange accent Kentis had never heard before, but he thought it almost sounded like the accent Silvia and the woman in front of them used but slightly different.
    Kentis had never seen Jay like this, the normally cool tempered carefree boy he knew never did this. Kentis put a hand on Jays shoulder.
    Don't do anything stupid Jay. Kentis whispered in her friends ear, his eyes never leaving the strange woman in front of him.
    What do you want? Jay asked the strange light leaving his eyes.
    Why do you think I want something? The woman asked with a knowing smile.
    If you didn't want something you wouldn't be threatening us. Kentis said in a grimly.
    I know your from the forgotten, before you ask its because I saw the Jay on your cloths. Now from what iv seen of your captures they don't know this yet and they will probably take you to slave camp. She said with a grim expression.
    You have it right, now what do you want? Kentis asked getting irritated.
    They wont take me, so I want you to go for me. She replied.
    What!? Kentis exclaimed. We ask what you want to keep your mouth shut and you say you want us to go with out captures?
    Jay had been listening to everything, his face expressionless.
    Who do you want us to brake out?
    Kentis look at Jay, this hadn't accrued to him and it made seance.
    There are three children they took from me two months ago, Feldo, Triss, and Henley. Feldo and Triss are brother and sister and Henley is like there younger sister. Both there parents are dead so iv been taking care of them for three years now, if anything happens to them... She didn't need to finish, Jay knew what she was going to say.
    Well do it. Jay said immediately looking at Kentis.
    Good, I'll call the men. She said with a sad smile. You better start running so it doesn't look like you want to get caught.
    Lets go. Kentis said and started running.
    Jay. The woman whispered surprising Jay.
    How do you know me name? He asked. She ignored him.
    I know your a mage, that's why I believe you can save them. With that said she turned and ran off yelling to the men.
    You know. Jay said catching up to Kentis. I hate it when people go all mysteries like that.
    What do you mean? Kentis asked not stopping.
    She just popped up threatened us and sent us on a mission to save some kids, she didn't know us or were we were going, or at least we didn't tell her.
    I think she was watching us the hole time. Kentis said in a hushed voice.
    I think shes been watching us because Silvia told her to.
    Kentis starred at Jay realizing that what he said was true.
    She knew that we were captured and that we were from the forgotten, and it looked like she was expecting us.
    Just then Jay heard heavy footfalls behind them and saw the hated men running turds them. Jay sighed and they started running. They got about five steps before Kentis tripped and, because they were still tied together, both fell in a puddle.
    Well that didn't work as well is id hoped. Jay muttered.
    They were grabbed from the back and pulled up. Jay noticed that Kentis had a deep fresh cut on his knee. Kentis noticed Jay looking at his cut and said as they were being dragged away.
    I got it when we fell, I hit a sharp rock. he said in a pained voice.
    I would heal it... Jay was cut off when he hit a bump in the rode and cracked his head on a rock. He heard Kentis sounding frantic as he yelled to the guards before falling into unconsciousness.
    Kentis watched as they pulled his friend along, his body hitting bumps and being pulled threw dirt. He wished he could help Jay but there was nothing he could do. This was the woman's fault! He thought, a serge of anger running threw him. If she didn't ask them to save some kids this wouldn't be happening. Kentis winced as his injured knee hit a rock. He girted his teeth and hoped they would stop soon. He was dragged past people who just didn't give him a secant glance. It felt like days before the men stopped at a cart and threw him and Jay into it. The cart was tied to several horses and had two levels, the men rode on the top and him and Jay were on the bottom, the walls were solid wood and had no windows. The back of the cart was made of wooden bars and looked like it has be scratched and hacked at from the inside.
    I don't think we are the first prisoners to be taken away in this cart. Kentis muttered.
    Then he remembered Jay and crawled over to him. He was cut and bruised all over his body and the gash on his head was oozing out blood. This sight made Kentis feel sick.
    I'm sorry Jay but there's nothing I can do for you, looks like we don't have to walk anymore tho.
    The woman watched sadly as the cart rolled out of Varrock.
    I wouldn't wish the arena on anyone. She said sadly to herself. But hes destiny is entwined with Feldo and Triss, for better or worse.
    She heard something behind her and whorled around. She only had a split second before a man dressed all in black grabbed her and put a hand over her mouth.
    You disappoint me Nightfire, I thought a person of your reputation would be harder to catch. The man whispered in her ear. Now, who were those boys you were talking to? He grunted in surprise as Nightfire kicked him in the shin. She took advantage of his momentary surprise and took out a small dart and pricked him in the side of the neck.
    So they finally found me. She whispered to herself. Time to go.
    She dragged the man in black into a small shed and locked the door.
    Don't worry, ill be here when you wake up. And when you do, I'm getting answers.
  14. Snowpelt
    This is a new story I decided to start in my free time. I sort of miss posting my story's here (I have no idea why...) So here is another. I would like to know, is the concept any good? If people like it I will continue it, but otherwise I probably wont. So here you are, a new story.
    What We Were
    Chapter one: The beginning
    The world was a changed place, and I don't care what others say, its there fault. They meaning humans, if they didn't go and screw things up everyone would be living normally, and I would have gone unnoticed. Humans fear what they do not understand, and in this case, there fear lead to a massive war, a war they mostly blamed on me although all I ever did was try not to start wars. Heck if it wasn't for me, they would have all killed each other with nuclear bombs. I just happened to be able to disarm them before they destroyed the world.
    But now the war is old news, it happened years ago. But its not an event ill soon forget, no they made sure of that. But I'm getting off topic a bit, this story is about me basically. Me and three others. Well, one other now, but at the time of the story there were still four of us. What are we? Well that's a long story. But I guess I'm telling the story now anyway. Here is the sort version.
    We are NOT aliens first of all. That's what we were called when we first were discovered. Well first off, my name is Cinder, and I'm human... sort of. See my friend Simon is or was... sort of a super genies. He was twenty-seven when this all happened, I was fifteen. I was what some may call a street rat, tho I made it threw life better than most people do with there jobs and fancy cars. Well anyway, Simon was working on a formula, he told everyone he was trying to find a cure for cancer, but that was just an excuse to get the funds for his experiments. I thought it was rather clever myself, as I myself, have no problem with tricking people into giving you there money. Its how I lived. Anyway, we were good friends and he told me about his little scam and what he was trying to make. He was after a serum that enhanced human ability to that of animals. The night vision of a cat, or the cleverness of a fox. It took him ages and a few failed tests before he was sure he had it right. I was failed test number three. Snow was number two and Dawn was the first.
    We all turned out differently, Dawn ended up growing claws and his brown hair became striped with gray. His voice changed, it grew a bit higher, and his night vision grew to that of a cat. O and his eyes turned yellow and he grew whiskers. Dawn was seventeen at the time and volunteered eagerly when he heard what Simon was trying to achieve. The two million in cash he was offered for helping might have influenced the decision a bit tho. He didn't mind his look so much, and rather liked the night vision. With the cash he had a mansion build and kept it dark all the time so only he could see. I didn't know Dawn before he showed up and agreed to test the serum. From what Simon told me he was an orphan like me that was living in a foster home.
    Snow got it fairly good I think, his snow white hair turned to a light gray and all of his sciences improved. The problem came when he grew the gray wolf tail, it was easy enough to hide but still he hated it. His speed also increased we noticed latter. Simon was happy with the results of that test but wanted to try to fix the tail issue and maybe make it so peoples hair color didn't change. I had known Snow for years before hand, we lived together on the street for a while, back when I was eleven and he was sixteen. He eventually left in search of a job but came back when Simon offered him the same deal he offered Dawn. I was thrilled when he came back, altho I'm fairly sure Simon chose him because he knew we were friends.
    What happened to me was a fluke, I didn't take on the traits of an animal like Snow or Dawn, for the first week I showed no singes of change. Simon thought it was a fluke and told me I didn't have to try another dose if I didn't want to and id still get payed. I felt rather lucky I didn't start to look like an oversized cat like Dawn and took the money. I told him id rather not try it again.
    We were at a zoo when it happened, Simon was collecting DNA samples and I was there because I had nothing better to do. I still lived on the street, despite having two million in cash. I has Simon keep it for me and I went to him whenever I needed any cash. I trusted Simon with my life, he took me in off the street and we became friends. That was a few months after Snow left. I had been following his work for years and was the first to volunteer when he was ready to test. He refused to let me go first. Anyway, that day at the zoo we were walking by the fox cage. Simon wanted a sample of the foxes hair and one of the zoo employs was holding a fox and letting kids pet it. He asked me if I would get the hair for him while he stopped by the wolf den. I agreed. He walked off and left me with a small plastic bag to put the hair in. I walked up to the employ and asked if I could pet the fox, she said yes. I got the hair sample and put it in the bag, I was on my way to find Simon when a massive headache hit me. It was so sudden I almost dropped the bag and fell over into the penguin cage. I put the bag in my pocket and asked the employ if she by any chance had any aspirin. Growing up on the streets, I had endured days without food and lots of pain, but this headache was bad. I mean Someone just hit me in the side of the head with a baseball bat kind of bad. The employ just looked at me quizzically. I glared at her, everything seemed to loud all of the sudden, and it seemed like someone had turned up the light. This added to her headache. The employ looked as if she was going to say something but hesitated then turned and walked away. I couldn't believe she had actually just starred at me like I was an idiot then just walked away. Simon walked up and looked at me. His eyes widened and he rushed me back to his place. It was only when I looked in a mirror that a noticed my features had changed. My face looked foxish, and my ears had pointed slightly. My normally brown hair had turned a shade of red and my eyes had turned gray from there usual blue.
    Simon pondered my sudden change for a while then with a half smile handed me a tuft of wolf hair. The headache that had just gone away came back instantly. I glared at Simon. He was looking at me like he thought it might happen. The headache lasted for about a half an hour before subsisting. When it went away Simon handed me the mirror again. My hair had turned gray and my face looked more wolfish now, my hearing had improved and I felt the erg to run threw a forest. He had smiled at me and said Well would ya look at that missy, It seems you take on the traits of animals you come in contact with. Meaning my formula is nearly done... Sort of.
  15. Snowpelt
    Thank you for everyone who read and enjoyed my story Tails of a Wolf, I hope you all enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. As I said before, I'm not going to stop writing, I rarely abandon a good story, but I have decided to finish the story and try to get it published. And because of that I will not be posting it here anymore, I would hate for someone to steal the story ya know.
    I do have another story here, it goes by the name of 511. I may post other of my story's here, mayhaps a bit of Into the Shadow, another of my favorite story's about a mage named jay.
    If anyone want's me to post other of my story's just ask and I will.
  16. Snowpelt
    This is the last chapter I will be posting, I hope everyone who read this story enjoyed it. My reason for not posting more is not that i have stopped writing, quite the opposite actually. But that's not important, I hope you all enjoy the last chapter ill be posting.
    Ashpaw was broken, its not something I had wanted or even thought would ever happen. He took my death as me abandoning him, and the fact that i chose to stay... It was to much for him. There was nothing I could do to help him, but I tried my best to guide him.
    Chapter Twelve: Broken
    Were is the howl coming from! Ashpaw heard his sister bark as they ran threw the trees. The night was dark but the light of dawn was peaking over the horizon. They continues running. They had heard the howl for help as they were heading back to there den. The camp had been in chaos when they had ran out, none of them knew what was happening of who it could be. They had knows instantly who it was and had left immediately. They had no idea what had happened but they knew Silversheen needed help. They heard the sound of several wolves up ahead and they both stopped just outside a small clearing. They saw several strange wolves surrounding Silversheen, there cent was unfamiliar was smelled fowl.
    Snowpelt caught Silversheen's eye then darted around the clearing. Ashpaw stayed were he was and waited for his sisters signal. One of the wolves jumped at Silversheen and he sees his sister jump out into the battle. Ashpaw jumps out and takes down one of the wolves on the age of the clearing, taking him out with a surprise attack. He caught the wolves neck in his jaws and bit down till the wolves breathing stopped. He looked over and saw Silversheen grappling with the biggest of the wolves and his sister fighting with three smaller wolves. He ran over to his sister and jumped on one of the wolves. He watched helplessly as one of the wolves pinned Snowpelt. She struggled vainly against the wolf. The wolf looked at her smugly and got ready to finish her off. He opened his mouth when all the sudden light filled the clearing. A human vehicle had appeared out of nowhere and two men jumped out, one of them holding a gun. There was an explosion and the wolf on top of Snowpelt fell dead. Ashpaw starred shocked at the wolf, blood oozing form a hole in his side.
    He didn't know what happened, it seemed to all play out so fast. The last thing he remembered was a gunshot, and the red stained pelt of his sister. He saw Silversheen stagger over to her and collapse. One of the humans ran over and grabbed her and put her in a cage.
    The anger and sadness he felt was overwhelming. He turned and lunged at the other human, latching onto his arm and biting down as hard as he could. The human screamed and tried to shake him off but Ashpaw would not let go. Ashpaw finally let go, he had bitten to the bone and the human's are was gushing blood. The human ran over to the vehicle and hid inside. The truck turned and drove away. He saw Silversheen in the back of it, she was unconscious.
    He ran over to his sister.
    Snowpelt! He howled.
    Other wolves flooded into the clearing.
    What happened! He heard Blacktail bark at him.
    He ignored his leader and laid down by his sisters body. His mind was numb and he drifted away from reality. All he could think of was the fact his sister had died, and it was Silversheen's fault. If she didn't go running off after Zorropelt this wouldn't have happened! He would not let her go unpunished.
    I'm sorry Snowpelt. He wined quietly, then slipped into the trees.
    No one noticed him leave in the chaos of the clearing.
    He felt alone in the world, he had never imagined living without his twin. He didn't know were he was going but he refused to stop. He refused to stop and hunt or eat. The forest changed, the mist the usually flooded the forest dissipated and the air started to get cooler. He found the rode the trucks had taken and started following it.
    I will find you Silversheen, and when I do you will pay for what happened to my sister.
    The voice came from all around him. It was the voice of his sister he was sure. He was in a dark forest, he could smell human machines nearby but he could not see a rode.
    Snowpelt! He howled into the night, his howl was full of his anger and sorrow.
    A dim light filled the forest and he saw his sister walking towards him. She was almost transparent and seemed to glow faintly.
    Snowpelt. He howled again softly.
    Its good to see you Ashpaw, you haven't slept in days so I wasn't able to walk in your dreams.
    I saw you die, I saw the life drain from you. He choked. The humans dragged Silversheen away shot you.
    My death was... It was not what was meant to happen. I felt myself slipping away, but I refused to leave.
    What do you mean? Ashpaw asked.
    My spirit was bound to this earth, I will never leave to be with our ancestors. I will forever be a spirit of these woods.
    Ashpaw stared at her in disbelief.
    Why? Why would you do that? Its a curse! You will be bound here for eternity, unable to leave!
    It was my choice Ashpaw.
    It was the wrong choice! He growled, anger filling him, replacing his sorrow.
    I must stay! I will not leave Silversheen to fend for herself!
    But you don't care what happens to me!
    I do Ashpaw, why would I have come if I didn't?
    Ashpaw slumped to the ground, his anger gone.
    Then why do you tread a path I cannot follow? The sadness in his voice stabbed into Snowpelt like a thorn.
    I'm sorry. She whispered and faded away. The forest fell back into darkness.
    If you were sorry you wouldn't have abandoned me.
  17. Snowpelt
    The final test was fairly easy compered to what i thought it would be, me and my brother completed it without much effort. That night was harder to get threw then the test itself. Such happy days... The days before we get back home, that was when everything went wrong.
    But that's enough of my ramblings, on to the story.
    Chapter six: The final test
    Everyone get up, I let you sleep in long enough.
    Everyone groaned when they heard Blacktail calling.
    Its not sleeping in if you wake us up before sunrise. Ashpaw muttered.
    Silversheen pulled herself up and shook herself to wake herself up. She stretchered and walked over to Blacktail and sat down. They waited wail Ashpaw and Snowpelt got up, shook themselves and came over to join them. Grayfur on the other hand looked at them but made no move to get up.
    Are you going to join us Grayfur? Blacktail impatiently.
    I can hear you from were I am. He replied.
    Blacktail growled at him. I'm tired of your attitude Grayfur, get up and get over here now!
    Grayfur rose to his feet and slowly walked over to were they were sitting. He looked at Blacktail.
    So what is our final test O mighty one. He asked sarcastically.
    First off, I will have you all know that this is your last test and if you pass you will get to go home tomorrow as hunters. And if you fail the test, you will go home as a failure and ill have to find some other use for you. He looked at Grayfur while he said the last part.
    So What will we be doing? Silversheen said excitedly.
    You will track a herd of deer and you will each take one down, I will be watching your speed, strength, stamina, and skill at hunting. Ashpaw, Snowpelt, you may work together to kill two deer if you wish as long as you both use the skills you learned. If you fail to kill a deer or I think your skills are lacking, you will ether go threw training again or ill find something else for you to do with your life.
    Lets go. Snowpelt said excitedly.
    I Will take you to were the deer slept last night and you will take turns tracking them from there. With that Blacktail got up and beckoned for them to follow.
    He led them threw the forest, past streams and ponds, and past bushes Silversheen didn't recognize. They seemed to walk for hours and when she asked him about it he told them that if they were closer to the deer, it was more likely for them to get scented and that would ruin the test.
    It was about noon when they stopped. They were in a clearing with a small stream running along one side. Silversheen could see were the deer had been sleeping.
    They left here about an hour ago, who wishes to go first?
    Snowpelt spoke up.
    Ill go first.
    She started walking around the clearing smelling the ground and the bushes.
    They went this way. She said finally, walking east.
    Not bad. Silversheen heard Blacktail mutter to himself as he started to follow Snowpelt.
    They followed her for several minutes, she never lost the trail and eventually Blacktail had her stop and Ashpaw took over, then Silversheen, then Grayfur. This went on in a circulation until late afternoon.
    Blacktail called a halt and addressed them all.
    They are bedding down in a clearing about twenty feet ahead of us, you will all go at the same time and try to catch them off guard. If you succeeds this should go fast and easy. If not you will have to chase them down and kill them that way.
    They all nodded. Silversheen led them threw the trees sticking to shadows and staying low. They spread out when they got close and picked there targets.
    Silversheen chose a doe that was on the edge of the herd. She looked like she was limping and she wouldn't be to hard to run down is needed.
    She saw the others choosing there targets and getting into position. She was about to give the signal when one of the deer heard something looked up. Silversheen froze. If she moved now she would be seen and everything would go wrong. She was glad the clearing was full of long grass, she could easily hide in it and it made it easy to spot the forums of the deer.
    The deer that had looked up soon settled down but still seemed uneasy.
    Silversheen stood up and gave the signal and then jumped at her target deer. As saw the others doing the same. She saw Ashpaw and Snowpelt working together to bring down one deer then they ran off to get another. They were wonderful hunters when working together.
    Silversheen landed on her deer and pinned it down without to much effort then locked her jaws around its throat. When it stopped moving she looked around to see how the hunt went for everyone else.
    Ashpaw and Snowpelt had dragged both of the kills into the middle of the clearing but it looked like Ashpaw got hurt when chasing down the second deer. He was limping but looked proud at there catch.
    She saw the body of another deer but no sing of Grayfur. She dragged her deer over to were Ashpaw and Snowpelt were sitting and sat down with them.
    Is your paw ok? She asked Ashpaw.
    I may have broken it, the damn deer stepped on it. He said with a chuckle.
    Were is Grayfur? Silversheen asked. I haven't seen him sense we attacked.
    We haven't seen him ether, mayhaps hes with Blacktail. Snowpelt suggested.
    As if on Q both Blacktail and Grayfur came walking over to them.
    Well done all of you, you did a good job tracking and your hunting skills are wonderful. I am proud to announce that you will all become hunters and you will take on the duties of feeding the pack as soon as we get back.
    Pride rushed threw Silversheen as she heard this is she puffed out her chest in pride. The other were having similar reactions to the news. The weather however didn't seem to like what had happened. As Blacktail was giving the news a dark cloud covered the sun and the day all of the sudden seemed overcast. This did nothing to dampen the spirits of the newly appointed hunters tho.
    So are we going to bring these deer back to camp? Grayfur asked. Silversheen shuttered at the thought of dragging a deer miles threw dense undergrowth.
    No, we will eat when we can tonight and berry the rest. It will give us strength to make it back to the camp, a journey we will start before sunrise so rest and eat now.
    It was starting to rain as they went back to there kills and started dragging them to the somewhat dryer ground under the trees.
    I don't like this weather. Silversheen heard Snowpelt mutter to her brother. It came on to fast and its been not but sunny the last week, I think something bad has happened.
    Don't be silly. She heard Ashpaw as he tried to comfort his sister. Nothing has happened, well get back tomorrow and everything will be fine. You'll see.
    Silversheen thought he sounded like he was comforting himself as well as his sister and she couldn't help noticing how young they looked. They were all young but Ashpaw and Snowpelt look like pups huddled up together under a large oak tree.
    Silversheen walked over to a willow tree a bit away from were the others were. It was kind of strange to find a willow tree here Silversheen thought as she curled up under it. The rain was falling harder now and she saw a flash of far off lightning.
    I doubt any of us are going to get any sleep tonight. She muttered to herself.
    She thought about going over to sleep with Ashpaw and Snowpelt, to try to comfort them and decided it would be nice to have other body's near by. She walked over to them.
    Mind if I shear your tree? She asked kindly. She saw Snowpelt look up at her and nod.
    She curled up by them, close enough to feel there heartbeats quicken when thunder sounded overhead.
    She looked at the two forms of Ashpaw and Snowpelt and thought about how nice it must be to have a twin, to always have someone there for you even at the worst times. Silversheen wished she had a brother or sister but her mother had died when she was very young, a few months before she had met Zorropelt in the forest. Zorropelt was as close as she had to a brother and she realized that was why she loved him so much, he was someone she could talk to when she was sad and she could always count on him when she was lonely. She didn't know what she would have done if she did now meet Zorropelt as those months ago.
    She flinched as lightning flashed threw the sky and thunder sounded. She felt so small and like she was a pup again, not the strong hunter she was now. She may have left an excited pup but now she was a hunter! Her training had changed her in so many ways and yet she was the same. I have responsibility's now.she thought, I have work to do everyday to feed the pack. I'm not a pup anymore. Iv changed so much in these months, lets hope its been for the better. She slowly drifted off to sleep, visions of her new life flying threw her head.
    Chapter seven: Home
    She dreamed that she was with Zorropelt that night under the trees. She was playing with Zorropelt the day they had met. She was only four months old and Zorropelt was about her age. She chased him threw the forest laughing and yelling about the new friend she had found be chance. She chased him deep into the woods, no fear, no worries.
    So whats your name? She asked.
    I suppose I don't have one. He said with a shrug.
    Well if I'm going to take you back to my den you'll need a name.
    She examined him. You have a pelt that look's like a fox.
    She commented. I think ill call you Zorropelt.
    Zorropelt. He echoed. I like it! I will now be known as Zorropelt! He said proudly and jumped on Silversheen. They wrestled and he jumped up and ran into the forest with Silversheen chasing him laughing.
    They ran into a clearing, it was barren of any plant-life and he stopped and turned to look at her.
    Things are no longer what they were. He said to her.
    What do you mean? She asked confused.
    Zorropelt turned and ran into the woods away from her. She tried to follow but she found her way blocked by a human fence. She tried to call out to him but her voice had stopped working. She could see him on the other side of the fence, he looked older now, older than he had been the last time she had saw him.
    Were I tread you can not go Silversheen. He said and started to fade.
    Wait! Were are you going!? She called her voice suddenly working again.
    Don't come looking for me Silversheen, you wont like what you find. His voice faded and she couldn't see him anymore. A serge of fear went threw her and she tried to dig under the fence. No! No don't go! She screamed frantically pawing at the dirt under the fence.
    No! She howled and woke up. Ashpaw was standing over her, his sister at his side. She couldn't see them well in the faint light and it was still raining.
    Are you ok Silversheen? He asked.
    Umm yes I'm fine, I just... had a nightmare that's all. She said standing up and shaking herself.
    Whats happening? Came the voice of Blacktail from the darkness.
    Nothing. Silversheen called. It was nothing.
    She saw Blacktails shape come over out of the darkness.
    We will leave in about an hour. He said his voice flat. He turned and walked away and Silversheen followed.
    Dad. She said softly. I had a dream... a dream about Zorropelt.
    She explained her dream and Blacktail listening not seeking until she was done.
    I did know you chose his name. Was his only comment when she had finished.
    She starred at him.
    Is that all you have to say? She asked.
    Well if your asking what I think of your dream I think its just a dream. He said.
    Silversheen glared at him.
    Fine, I don't know why I even bother. She said and stormed away.
    She walked over to the willow she had seen the night before and curled up, fighting back tears. She didn't know why her father didn't care about Zorropelt or why she even thought about telling him about her dream. She looked up and saw Snowpelt walking over to her in the dim light.
    I heard what happened with your father. She said soothingly. I'm sorry that happened, do you want me to keep you company? She asked.
    What about your brother? Silversheen replied.
    Snowpelt gave her a nudge with her noes.
    Come back to the oak were me and my brother are. She urged.
    Silversheen gave her a grateful look and fallowed Snowpelt.
    Thank you for sleeping with us last night. She whispered in Silversheen's ear. It means more to us than you know.
    When they got back to the oak they both curled up, Ashpaw walked over and joined them.
    I'm sure Zorropelt's fine. He said comfortingly.
    I haven't seen him in so long. Silversheen said sadly. I hope everything is well with him.
    Silversheen felt the two twins start breathing slowly signaling that they were asleep. She knew she should join them but found herself hesitant to fall asleep. After awhile however she fell into a light sleep
    She was awakened from her sleep at the feeling of a paw on her noes. She opened her eyes and saw Grayfur standing over her. She groaned and wondered what the jerk wanted.
    It was still dark out and it looked like it would be dawn an about an hour, faint traces of light could be seen on the horizon and the rain had stopped. She sat up and stretched then addressed Grayfur.
    What do you want. She said quietly now wanting to wake the twins.
    I wanted to say I'm sorry. he said to Silversheen's amazement. Iv been a jerk to you and the others, I was looking at the training as a competition and didn't care about making friends. I like you but I know you probably cant stand me, for that I am sorry. I just wish for you to forgive me for the way iv been acting.
    I forgive you. Silversheen said honestly. You have been a jerk and a bully, Ashpaw and Snowpelt are afraid of you and try to avoid you, id try to make up with them if you relay are sorry for the way you have been acting.
    Ill talk with them on our way back, we'll be leaving soon I think so you might as well get ready. I already berried the remains of the deer so don't worry about that.
    Thank you Grayfur. Silversheen said.
    With that Grayfur walked away into the trees, back to whatever place he had been sleeping she assumed.
    She still felt damp from the privies nights rain so she took a little walk to worm her up and clear her head. She saw Blacktail starting to get up and knew her walk would have to be short. She didn't dream in the light sleep she had been in and she was thinking about the dream she had had. It couldn't have meant something could it? She shook her head. She was going to get back to camp and Zorropelt would be waiting for her there. She heard her father waking the others up and decided she better head back. The undergrowth was damp and she shuttered at the thought of walking all the way home in it, her paws were soaked as it was.
    When she got back everyone else was up. She ignored her father, still not forgiving about the way he had treated her the night before.
    She walked up to Snowpelt.
    Were finally going home. She said excited
    I know. Snowpelt replied. I wounder how big my sister is now.
    You have another sister? Silversheen said surprised.
    I do, her name is Whiteears. She was just a week old when we left.
    Silversheen felt that pang of sadness that she always felt when she heard about or saw other wolves with younger brothers or sisters.
    Its time to go. Blacktail called to all of them. Its a long rode home to we best be on out way.
    The journey home was long and hard. It took them hours going at a fast pace. Everything was wet from the rain but with the days first light there had been no singes of clouds and it had been a nice if not windy day. They were under trees for most of the way and it was cold. The sun was shinning but they walked in shade. The wetness of everything didn't help with the wind and it took short work in freezing Silversheen clear threw. She saw Grayfur talking to Ashpaw and Snowpelt and she assumed he was giving them the speech she had gotten earlier.
    Blacktail refused to let them take a brake until it was well past noon and even then they couldn't hunt. They rested for about an hour at there old training den.
    Good riddlins to this place. She hears Grayfur say as they left. She agreed with what he said completely. She had liked her training but was ready to be done. They were only a few hours away from there camp now and she felt anticipation at arriving.
    The last few hours seemed to fly by and it didn't seem as cold. Soon they were passing threw familiar forest and she knew they were almost home.
    She saw the top of the small mound of rocks that made up her and her dads den over the trees and broke into a run as did everyone but Blacktail. They ran threw the trees and into the den clearing. They saw there families waiting and pups playing around the dens. The elderly sunning themselves and other wolves there age lulling about. Silversheen stopped at the top of the rill that led down into the den clearing. The others ran past her and were swallowed up by the crowd. She saw Snowpelt and Ashpaw with a cream colored wolf and a young pup that was pure black with white ears. She smiled and started looking threw the mass of faces. She saw Grayfur and three older wolves that were all gray but with markings of black. She kept scanning and she saw Zorropelt's teacher laying on the ground by Blacktail's den. Her father was beside him and it looked as tho he was injured.
    She made her way slowly down threw the crowd keeping an eye out for Zorropelt or Jadeeyes. Several wolves walked up to her and congratulated her on being a hunter. She thanked them and kept walking turds Graytail.
    Upon arriving by Graytail and Blacktail she looked the old wolf over.
    It look's like you have been shot by a human! Silversheen exclaimed.
    He has. Blacktail explained.
    He was out on a fake scouting mission with Zorropelt and Jadeeyes when they were ambushed by humans. Graytail was shot but made it back and has been recovering swiftly.
    What about Zorropelt and Jadeeyes!? Silversheen asked getting worried. I haven't seen ether of them seance I got back, are they alright, have they been shot as well?!
    Silversheen, I should have told you this a long time ago. When Graytail got shot he lost conciseness and when he woke up there was no sings of Zorropelt or Jadeeyes. There was no blood on the ground but there had been no sings of ether of them in over a week.
    And you didn't think you had the need to tell me! Silversheen screamed almost in tears.
    I didn't want to interfere with your training, something like this would distract you and you wouldn't have passed your training.
    The look She gave her father was of pure and untamed hate. When she spoke her voice was dangerously calm.
    You didn't tell me, even when I asked you how he was and you swore to me he was fine, you lied to me. I know now that you don't care anything about me, you just want me to be your perfect daughter and not to question anything you do. We no more. I'm leaving to find him, and I'm not coming back till I do. I hope I never see you again and that a hunter shoots you and leaves you to die slowly along in the forest! She was in tears when she finished.
    She turned around and walked away from her father.
    She was in tears and she found Snowpelt and Ashpaw and told them what happened.
    And I'm going after him first thing tomorrow morning.
    they looked at her in shock.
    You do know your father will never allow it, he is still the pack leader. Ashpaw replied.
    I'm still leaving, even if I didn't hate my father id still go after him.
    You have no idea were to start looking, you'll never find him. Ashpaw argued. And didn't he say not to go after him?
    What do you mean didn't he tell me not to go after him?
    In your dream. Ashpaw said.
    Ashpaw. Snowpelt said softly. She will go no matter what you say, wouldn't you do the same for me?
    You know I would, but that's different.
    She loves him Ashpaw. Snowpelt said stunning her brother. She wont stop till she finds him just like you would do for me, and I for you.
    Silversheen nodded.
    I do love him. She said quietly. He was the one I could always talk to when things went wrong. He was the thing that kept me going and kept me doing my best in my training, I wont loose him. The sadness in her voice was enough to convince Ashpaw.
    I'm not asking you to go with me, I'm just telling you that I'm going.
    You can sleep in our den tonight. Snowpelt said kindly.
    Thank you Snowpelt. Silversheen replied.
    Its getting late, if your leaving in the morning you better get up early, if your dad knows your trying to go after him he'll have guards posted to keep you in.
    We can help you sneak out. Snowpelt said.
    Silversheen nodded and they all went inside there den for a long sleep.
  18. Snowpelt
    Training was the first time I formally met Silversheen. I also met the high and mighty Grayfur in my training, that was en experience I could have lived without.
    They were probably the best months of my life and I wont go threw all of it, only whats important. Well by now you probably will be getting tiered of my ramblings so here is more of the story.
    Chapter four: training
    Silversheen crouched low to the ground, slowly moving turds her target. Her target, a young deer that had gotten separated from the rest, was grazing not five feet away from her. This was her first test, to use her skills to catch a live animal then feed her training group. She had been training for almost five months now and she felt a twinge of anticipation at the prospect of bringing the deer down.
    She was not three feet away from it now and it had no idea she was there, she got ready to spring at it and sink her teeth into its neck. She paused as the deer heard something and looked up. It seemed to know danger was near and she knew this was her only chance to catch it. She sprang. She flew out of the bushed and hit the deer, and scrambled for its neck. The deer was thrashing around trying to get away from the wolf but it was to late, Silversheen got a hold on its neck and bit down hard. She kept her bite locked until it stopped moving.
    Very good Silversheen. Blacktail said walking from the trees to her left were he had apparently been watching her hunt. You are already surpassing my other students.
    Thanks. She said releasing her hold of the deers neck.
    This she make a good meal for us tonight, better than that rabbit Grayfur brought back yesterday. He said with a chuckle.
    I don't suppose you will help me bring this back to our temporary den? Silversheen asked already knowing the answer.
    Nope. He said with a grin. You will have to do that yourself, its part of the training.
    I was afraid you were going to say that.
    Silversheen started dragging the body of the deer to there temporary den, it wasn't too far away but still a good five minute walk from were she was and she would have to drag the deer witch would make it more of a ten minute walk.
    Well I might as well get going. She muttered to herself.
    She groaned under the wait of the deer and wondered why she didn't just kill a rabbit like Grayfur did. She put that thought out of her mind, she was much more skilled than Grayfur and that's why she had caught the deer on her first try.
    She relay liked hunter training, she got to wander around and learn the secrets of being a hunter. She wished that Zorropelt was with her and she felt a pain of sadness at the thought of her friend.
    Ill see him soon enough. She told herself. And hes much to smart to get himself killed.
    When she got back the den there was much rejoicing at the meal she had brought back. That night they feasted and Blacktail told them what the next day had in store.
    Tomorrow, you will all go out on your own and survive on what you hunt for three days, this will test your strength and the skills you have learned.
    After the others had gone to sleep Silversheen approached her father.
    Dad, have you had any news from camp?
    I always have news from camp, I'm still leader after all.
    Do you have any news about how Zorropelt is doing?
    her father hesitated. Him and Jadeeyes are doing fine in there training, there out on a fake scouting mission, not unlike what you will be doing for the next three days.
    Silversheen bowed her head.
    Thank you. She said then headed to get some sleep. It was going to be a interesting couple of days for her.
    As she drifted off to sleep she found herself thinking about Zorropelt, he was so small when they first found him wandering the forest. Silversheen had found him on her illegal wanderings of the forest and she had brought him back. Her dad had taken an immediate hating to him but he said he could stay. Zorropelt and Silversheen had become instant friends and that had driven her father crazy.
    She smiled at the memories and fell into a deep sleep.
    Chapter five: news of change
    They have been missing for two days, there's been no sing of them.
    How is my old friend?
    Hes fine, hes recovering swiftly.
    With the sightings and now the disappearances, I don't think anyone should go out alone.
    I agree, ill keep you posted as I know more.
    Thanks, ill go wake the young ones. You better leave, I don't like questions and there are far to many in the heads of these wolves.
    Blacktail watched him go and sighed. He walked over the the young wolves sleeping. 'Ill wake them in a bit' he thought, 'if they see him leaving they may ask questions.'
    Everyone get up, there's been a slight change of plans. Blacktail said walking threw the sleeping forums of his students.
    What change of plans? Silversheen said yawning.
    Nothing much, once everyone's up ill explain.
    It took a bit to get everyone up as it wasn't even dawn yet but once they were all up Blacktail continued.
    We will not be going out alone for this test, you will be paired in groups of two. Grayfur, you will go with Silversheen. At this Grayfur perked up and grinned at Silversheen. Silversheen rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Blacktail.
    Ashpaw, Snowpelt, you will go together.
    Whats this about? Snowpelt asked.
    There have been human sightings in the aria and I don't want anything to happen to anyone.
    Silversheen felt a bit uneasy at the thought of humans but pushed it aside, she was a hunter in training after all.
    Has anything happened? Ashpaw asked.
    Nothing yet, but better safe than sorry with humans. Blacktail replied.
    Silversheen thought she heard a hint of guilt in his voice but she must be mistaken she thought.
    So what are your orders sir. Grayfur said winking at Blacktail.
    Blacktail glared at him.
    Silversheen, Grayfur, you two will go east. Ashpaw, Snowpelt, you will go west. You must go at least one mile and no more than five. You must hunt for yourself but keep each other in sight at all times. You will all meet back here by sunset of the third day, do not be late. And Grayfur, He said giving him another glare. If you try anything with my daughter I give her my full permission to tear your eyes out.
    At this Ashpaw and Snowpelt started cracking up but a glare from Grayfur silenced them.
    One last thing, you must all bring a kill back here when you return and no slacking off this time Grayfur, no rabbits. You must be gone by noon.
    Blacktail dismissed them and Silversheen walked up to him and sat down.
    Were will you be going?
    Ill head back to out den to check up on how the trainings going there.
    Silversheen brightened.
    Can you bring me a report on Zorropelt? I just want to make sure hes alright.
    Sure, ill bring you report on him if... you stop pestering me about him, you must keep your mind on your training and you cant do that if your always thinning about that kid.
    Fine. She muttered and walked off to find were Grayfur had run off to.
    You ready to go? Grayfur asked with a grin.
    Don't forget when my father gave me permission to do. She said giving him a snarl.
    Ill take that as a yes, I'm ready to go, to the east then.
    What ways east?
    Err its... that way. He pointed a paw to the left.
    Ok then, lets go.
    They started walking threw the trees. It had been summer when she had left and it was fall already, time had been going by so fast. She had grown fond of Snowpelt and Ashpaw but Grayfur she hated.
    He had this idea she loved him and wouldn't leave her alone. He was always slaking off and if it wasn't for his strength and speed, he wouldn't have been trained as a hunter. Ashpaw and Snowpelt on the other hand, they were twins and looked nothing alike at all but the were both relay smart and cunning when it came to hunting, the problem was they weren't very strong but they were fast. They did most everything together and they were a grate team when hunting. On there own they weren't extremely danger's but together they were better than Grayfur would ever be.
    When they had been walking for about an hour Grayfur stopped and sat down.
    This looks like a good place.
    Silversheen didn't argue with him and she went around making a makeshift den.
    Well we will be here for awhile, so we might as well hunt for some food. Silversheen said.
    Grayfur stared at her.
    We just got here and besides we ate this morning, I was thinking on not eating till we get back, less work for us.
    Silversheen glared at him and said
    I'm going hunting and if I'm hunting your hunting so get up.
    Grayfur yawned
    I think ill take a nap, we can hunt latter if you think we have to. he said winking at her. And there's room enough in my bed for two.
    Silversheen couldn't take it anymore. She walked ever to him and bit his tail as heard as she could. He yelped with pain and sprain up.
    What was that for! He howled.
    Next time ill tear out your eyes. She spat and then walked away into the forest.
    Silversheen's training seemed to fly by after she got back from her three day survival trip. She didn't need to tear Grayfur's eyes out on the trip and it went fairly well.
    The first day she killed a young buck and refused to shear it with Grayfur, witch finally drove him to hunt from himself. The days were uneventful and on the dawn of the third day they set out back to there training den.
    On there way Grayfur and Silversheen worked together to bring down a full grown deer and were quite proud at the catch they were bringing back. Dragging the deer made the going slow and it was almost sunset by the time they got back.
    Snowpelt and Ashpaw were waiting by Blacktail when they arrived. They were sitting by two young deer and seemed happy with there catch.
    When Blacktail saw them he looked pleased.
    That's a nice catch there. He commented seeing the large deer they were dragging.
    We figured one big catch was just as good as two smaller ones. Silversheen replied.
    Blacktail nodded.
    Now that everyone's back, I want to hear a full report on what happened in the last three days.
    Snowpelt and Ashpaw went first and explained how they had a run-in with a bear and narrowly escaped. They went to to talk about how they had found a nice spot and had made a temporary den and how they had found a burrow of rabbits near there.
    But last night, we saw some other wolves. Snowpelt said, a hint of fear in her voice.
    Other wolves? Blacktail said sharply. Were?!
    Well we didn't actually see them, we just smelled them and heard howling. Then... She trailed off.
    Then what? What happened?
    We heard a gunshot, and the howling stopped. With that she refused to say another word and she went and laid down by her brother.
    Lets forget about that for now. Blacktail said shaking his head. How was your trip?
    Silversheen told him all that happened including the part when she bit Grayfur's tail. When Blacktail heard this he glared at Grayfur but kept listening.
    Sounds like your trip was rather uneventful. Blacktail said when Silversheen had finished.
    You all did well, you are becoming good hunters and your training is almost complete.
    Well, whats next? Grayfur asked.
    For the next few days you may do what you wish here, but rest up, for final test will be coming up soon, for the next few days I will hunt for all of you unless you wish to hunt for yourself.'
    Silversheen felt a serge of excitement at hearing this, she liked her training but she thought she had been away from the den for to long and she missed her friends. She also couldn't wait to get back and be a hunter for the pack. She wondered how Zorropelt's training was going, and Jadeeyes, how was he? She was glad she would see them soon and she was glad for the few days off she now had.
    The days dragged by, with no training to do Silversheen didn't know how to spend her time. She hunted for herself most days partly to get away from Grayfur, he was getting prideful and didn't seem to realize that they were all about to be hunters, not just him. He seemed to think he was the boss of everyone but in reality no one respected him and he was at the bottom of the class. Silversheen didn't even know if he would become a hunter. He was always picking on Snowpelt and Ashpaw and bossing them around and if they didn't do what he said he would attack them. Even together they couldn't take down Grayfur so they disappeared into the woods together most days. She found it strange that they could be twins but look nothing alike, Ashpaw was a dark gray, almost black and Snowpelt was a pure white. Only there eyes looked the same, they both had blueish purple eyes.
    As Silversheen was walking threw the forest she heard a rustling and she froze and looked to see were the noise was coming from.
    She heard it again and this time she smelled it, it was a rabbit. She rather liked the taste of rabbit and she was feeling a bit hungry to she waited for it to move again then sprang forward and sank her teeth into it.
    She laid down and started eating. It was a nice day, the seasons seemed to have skipped winter this year because there had been no sings of snow and it wasn't very cold out ether.
    She was about done with her rabbit so she got up and buried the remains, there was no point in attracting bears. She was waking away when she saw Snowpelt and Ashpaw.
    Hello. She said walking up to them. How are you today?
    We have to live with Grayfur, how do you think we are. Ashpaw replied
    Silversheen chuckled. I know that feeling well.
    Do have any idea what the final test will be? Snowpelt asked.
    I haven't the slightest idea, but whatever it is I'm ready for it.
    As are we, but I don't the Grayfur is.
    What do you mean by that?
    I don't think he can pass, he ignores his training and takes the easy way out of everything, that and he thinks he the god of the woods.
    You have a point there. Silversheen sighed.
    Well only time will tell. Ashpaw said then him and his sister walked away into the trees.
  19. Snowpelt
    Hi! I'm new to this sight and this is a story i have been working on, it has nothing to do with rs but i wanted to post it. It may seem strange but its one of many of my stories.
    My tale begins near were my life ends. I am Snowpelt. This is the story of one of my dear friends, it is also the story of how I died. Why am i telling you this? Because i don't want this forgotten, even after I am.
    Tails of a wolf
    Chapter one: a tail of pups
    And the mighty hunter sneaks up on on the unsuspecting pray. Silversheen muttered as she advanced turds Zorropelt. Silversheen was a young pure silvery gray wolf, she had blue eyes and her nose was slightly darker than the rest of her fur. Her pray, Zorropelt, was a red wolf with gray eyes and a bit of white on the tips of his ears.
    She was sneaking threw some tall grass to were Zorropelt was pretending to be unaware of her presence.
    And now for the kill. She muttered and got ready to attack. She sprang at Zorropelt and landed were he was a moment before to find he wasn't there.
    Not again. She groaned and started looking around trying to find him.
    She heard some grass rustle and spun around scanning for him. Then she felt something hit her back and fell flat.
    Got ya. Zorropelt barked in her ear.
    I hate it when you do that. She muttered and, with one quick motion, flipped over and pinned him.
    And I hate it when you do that. Zorropelt groaned the wind knocked out of him.
    Silversheen got off of him and he got to his paws. Zorropelt's fur was covered in dirt and dust so he shook himself.
    You know I relay wish I was as good of a hunter as you. He commented.
    Its a gift. She said and started walking turds there dens.
    Zorropelt followed trotting behind her.
    You know it wont last. He said a hint of sadness in his voice.
    Silversheen stopped and turned around to look at him.
    What wont last? She asked.
    Everything. He replied. As of next week were old enough to start training.
    And that's a good thing isn't it?
    It is and its not, you will get trained to be a hunter and a leader because of you speed and cunning, and the fact that your the pack leaders daughter.
    I don't think about it much but ya I guess I will.
    That's just it, I wont be. We have known each other are hole lives and you will be leaving on a six month trip into the wild to train and when you come back you will be a full hunter and next in line for leader if all goes well.
    I wont be next in line for leader. She said surprised at the thought.
    Your Blacktails only child, you will be next in line.
    I guess so but whats you point in all this?
    A lot can happen in six months, and I have no idea what training ill receive.
    Silversheen paused.
    I guess your right, we wont see each other for months and when we can ill have duties as next in line for leader.
    And your father hates my guts. Zorropelt muttered
    He doesn't hate you. She said surprised
    I'm an orphan adopted by your pack, he hates that were friends.
    You don't think he will have you get scouting training do you?
    As a scout id be away from the pack for long periods of time and its dangerous work, yep ill bet that's what training ill get.
    But you train here at the den clearing, and only go out occasionally in your training, he will be stuck with you until your training is done.
    Only time will tell. He said and started walking back to the den clearing.
    Chapter two: times of change
    Get of off me Jadeeyes. Zorropelt groaned heaving upwards.
    It was a fair fight Zorropelt, it seems I'm the better fighter after all.
    Zorropelt heaved upwards again trying to throw his friend off but he was to heavy. He grunted and fall back down under his friend.
    Fine you win. Zorropelt said annoyed.
    Jadeeyes was a gray wolf with streaks of white along his back and had jade eyes.
    All of the sudden Zorropelt felt the wait lift and he looked up to see Jadeeyes pinned under Silversheen.
    This was suppose to be a fair fight Silversheen!
    It was suppose to. She giggled. But it isn't anymore.
    Seeing his chance Zorropelt jumped on Silversheen and they rolled off of Jadeeyes falling into the dirt and throwing up a cloud of dust.
    To no one surprise Silversheen came out on top of the squirming mass of Zorropelt.
    Ha! I wi... She was cut off as Jadeeyes jumped her and Zorropelt helped pin her down.
    We win. They said together looking smug at there win.
    Fine. Silversheen muttered getting up.
    Zorropelt and Jadeeyes started wrestling again and she was tempted to join in. She was about to when she heard a deep voice behind her and she spun around to see Blacktail starring at her.
    Silversheen. He said in a stern voice. You know I don't approve of you playing with that. He spat glaring at Zorropelt.
    Zorropelt and Jadeeyes stopped fighting at looked it him.
    Well I'm not to fond of you ether, but you don't see me ignoring your daughter because I don't like you. Zorropelt retorted earning a snarl from Blacktail.
    It doesn't matter. Blacktail said. Silversheen is off to training for the next six months and you wont be going with her. He said with a grin of triumph.
    The hurt was visible in Zorropelt's eyes and Silversheen glared at her father.
    Maybe I don't want to go. She said defiantly.
    Its not your choice, you are leaving tomorrow.
    But what about Zorropelt? What kind of training is he going to receive?
    I'm sure ill find a use for him. Blacktail said with a grin. Maybe he will clean out the dens.
    Silversheen looked as if she was about to object be Zorropelt shushed her.
    Don't worry about me, well see each other soon enough.
    Your life will be a living hell, no way I'm letting that happen.
    It's not up to you Silversheen, its my choice. Blacktail said. Anyway its getting late and your leaving in the morning, go to the den and get some sleep.
    Silversheen gave her father one more hating look before going of to the dens.
    Zorropelt and Blacktail watched her go and after she was out of earshot Blacktail addressed Zorropelt.
    You already know I don't like you, but I wont have you cleaning out dens.
    What will you have me do then?
    Well from what iv seen you not much of a fighter or a hunter but you have some skills in disappearing and re appearing in places you don't belong.
    That I do. He said with a half grin remembering the time he had stumbled upon Blacktail running away from a rabbit.
    Blacktail had been hunting and heard a wildcat then he saw a bush rustling and ran. Zorropelt watched as a rabbit came hopping out.
    To this day he didn't know Zorropelt had saw this and if he did he would probably kill him.
    Let me guess, your going to have me train as a scout for new hunting grounds?
    That I am. Blacktail replied. Naturally if I told Silversheen this she would try to kill me for sending her... 'Friend' to scout training,
    so I might as well tell you what that's going to require, you will train here at the dens and take trips into the forest occasionally for days at a time.
    And its very dangers and your only doing this because you hope ill die. Zorropelt cut in.
    Jadeeyes had started slinking away when they had started talking and but when he heard them talking about training he started eavesdropping.
    So what kind of training will I get?
    He said startling Blacktail. Blacktail looked at him with distaste.
    You will also be a scout. He answered, horrifying Jadeeyes.
    At least we will train together. Zorropelt said playfully pawing his friend.
    Well I have important work I need to get back to and its getting late. You two go back to the dens, its late and you start training tomorrow. Blacktail said walking away, leaving the two friends pondering about how there life's would be changed.
    Chapter three: done and gone
    Blacktail sat in the middle of the den clearing surrounded bu the hole pack. They had been like that seance sunrise and he was almost done assigning young wolfs there training.
    Grayfur, you will be going with the hunters into the wild for your training. Whitepaw, you will be a guard to the camp and will be training here.
    Silversheen, Jadeeyes, and Zorropelt were at the end of the line of wolfs and it was almost there turn to get there trainings assigned.
    Silversheen was happy and exited that her training was going to start but felt a deep sadness at leaving her friend Zorropelt. She already knew what training she was getting but she wasn't sure about Zorropelt, she thought her father had been lying about having him clean out the dens.
    And for my daughter Silversheen, she will go off to train as a hunter.
    A serge of pride went threw Silversheen as she heard this, she was going to be a hunter! It was the most sought after kind of training.
    She waited to see what kind of training Zorropelt was going to get but Jadeeyes was addressed first.
    Jadeeyes, you will have training as a scout, you will train here but will go into the forest frequently in your training.
    Most of the wolves seemed shocked at this, Jadeeyes was was popular in the pack and everyone thought he would be a hunter.
    As for you Zorropelt. He said annoyed. You will also be a scout.
    Silversheen glared at her father with a look of pure hatred.
    She knew he didn't like Zorropelt but she didn't think he'd try to get him killed.
    I abject! She found herself saying. I know you don't like Zorropelt father but I wont let you try to have him killed!
    All eyes were on her as she said this.
    I'm not trying to have him killed. Blacktail said his voice calm with anger. I'm putting his skills to good use, he's not much of a fighter or hunter but he can disappear fairly well and that will come in useful in his training.
    Don't worry about me Silversheen, ill be fine. Zorropelt said calmly. You know I'm to smart to get myself killed, but i don't think that will keep you father from trying.
    Blacktail snarled at him.
    I am not trying to get you killed, now this is not a debate. Silversheen, you are leaving in one hour with the other training hunters rather you like it or not. And Zorropelt, I don't want to see you for the rest of the day, but in an hour I expect you to be with Jadeeyes at Graytails den. With that Blacktail went back into his den. The crowded wolves left and Zorropelt found Silversheen sitting alone at the edge of the clearing.
    Don't worry, I can take care of myself, just go off and become a hunter, ill still be here when you get back. He said walking up to her.
    I know that, I cant wait to become a hunter, just be careful will ya, I don't want anything to happen to you.
    Well you better get ready to go, ill be there when you leave but until then I have other business to attend to.
    Zorropelt walked off and Silversheen get ready to go. She was waiting in the middle of the clearing along with Grayfur, Ashpaw, and Snowpelt. Zorropelt walked up and sat down beside Silversheen as they waited. When it was time to leave Blacktail walked up and told them all to follow him. Silversheen said a final goodbye and Zorropelt watched her leave. It was in the middle of summer and he wouldn't see her again till around next spring.
    Well see each other eventually. He said to himself and started walking turds Graytail's den. 'This is the beginning of a new part of my life.' he thought and joined Jadeeyes for his first day of training.
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