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Posts posted by Helm_Lardar

  1. but is it worth it, when not imbueing it, makes it only half the value???


    It's also about 1/4 the price of Bandos for the same strength bonus. Buy it.

    This. How do people look at Bandos and zerker ring and decide Bandos is the one they want? Less defense than barrows, less str bonus than zerker, and more expensive than zerker.

    Because it looks good and it's more new. Honestly, that's all there is to it. It's 'cool' to have bandos armour.

  2. The best armour to use while maging is the combat equipment from Fist of Guthix. Include with this the s[bleep]y boots and the runecrafting gloves, and you have your armour. Then you need a tome of frost, an arcane blast necklace, and a gravite staff. Then you're set.

  3. What I normally do is just to alch off byproducts of other skills. For example you could alch urns, or you could try alching bows or unstrung bows. You're unlikely to find something that loses very little which you can get high amounts of, and in any case you are training magic so it's perfectly reasonable to expect to lose money.

  4. A solution to botters? I swear I saw the answer to this on the times, but here goes.


    Captchas don't work.

    Random Game-Changes (e.g. move inventory) don't work.

    Pattern-finding software doesn't work.

    Temporary game-changes for mass bans don't work very well. (e.g. move LRC rope to a portal for one day).


    All of the above merely irritate legitimate players, while botting technology slowly gets better at them.


    The answer lies in random events. Update the events. Change the events around. Regularly increase the random events, and don't tell anybody. Simply allow these frequent updates to take place every week, and that way no botting program will ever be safe, so long as nobody knows what events to program against.


    2. So Jagex are working on a replacement for Runescape? Fair enough. A shame it's got to happen, but hopefull I will have full bandos, an enhanced excalibur, and have completed While Guthix Sleeps by the time it's released. RS is going to reach its shelf life soon enough (in 5 year's time, I doubt it will be played much), so yeah...hopefully the new MMO will be fun to play :) .

  5. It's a great shame the rarity of those things went up, as I was nearing the stage where I could buy one. As it is, they are extremely expensive, but worthwhile if you want a good offensive setup, espcially since they are free to replace.

  6. But...the fun is a reward? *shakes head in confusion*.

    It's the difference between wanting to get the levels (which slayer is great at- it's a fun skill), and wanting to USE the levels.


    Rewards are abilities unlocked by the skill that you want to use outside of training the skill. Herblore's rewards are untradable potions, dungeoneering has chaotics and frost dragons, summoning has pack yaks and steel titans... slayer has dark beasts. Nobody ever would want to kill dark beasts off task. Abbys are similarly poor for camping, as are all of the other slayer monsters. Every single one is outdated and inferior to newer, shinier monsters that for some bizarre reason don't require slayer levels, as if Jagex forgot about that entire skill about unlocking better monsters to kill.


    Fun makes us want to train, but it doesn't provide any reward after we've stopped training. That's an important distinction.


    Ah! Now I understand you properly. So slayer used to be rewarding, but isn't any more. How sad. I imagine Jagex did forget about the slayer skill then, since I doubt most of them are very into the game (oh, I'm sure a few are, but not all by any stretch).

  7. Do Jagex announce mass banns? I'm pretty sure they do it quietly so that people don't think the only time they ban is when they announce.


    In any case, the last mass ban I can remember was for people abusing an enchant dragonstone bolt tips glitch. That was really just to highlight the jagex policy on bug abuse.

  8. What? You guys are kidding me, right? Just because someone can get rewards from another creature, then slayer is no longer rewarding???


    I have never heard someone who has 90+ slayer before say that slayer is unrewarding-surely special drops such as a whip, a staff of light, dragon boots, and many lesser drops such as herbs, battlestaves and even dragon bones make slayer well worth pursuing?


    As far as I am aware, the key strength of the slayer skill is that people find it a fun money-maker: as a result it is more rewarding than camping at a particular monster such as frost dragons or TDs because you have more fun and still make a reasonable amount of money?


    Slayer isn't rewarding at all. It is both less exp per hour than other methods, and less money per hour.


    I have almost 20 million slayer exp, so please don't generalize.



    You have to be kidding. You find slayer unrewarding, and you have 20M xp in it? Unless that's one of your lower stats, I'm amazed. Obvioulsy you find the skill rewarding, either because you find it enjoyable to train or you find reward in climbing the highscores IE being better than most at it.


    Saying that "You can't call slayer rewarding because it's fun because that's biased." is silly. All that proves is that slayer is differently rewarding to different people, something that your 20M slayer xp proves.


    If a skill is more rewarding for you, it may well be more rewarding for the general population. Most people like slaying, so far as I've heard.


    Let me explain: I enjoy fletching. I'm not very experienced in it yet, but I personally find it relaxing. I could make more money elsewhere, and I could get faster experience in another skill, but the fact is I find the slow acumulation of money and experience while clicking every now and then in a bank relaxing. As a result, I find this skill rewarding to train. I would never say it's not rewarding at all, because it is. It's rewarding because it helps me relax.


    In any case, isn't the point of the slayer skill to have fun?

    I'll address this first- absolutely. You may notice I'm 99 slayer, and I did that because I wanted an impressive, good looking cape that I could enjoy getting. For that purpose, no skill better fit my purposes than slayer.


    For the rest of your post- I agree that every skill you listed there is essentially useless besides doing stuff in dungeoneering (slayer has that as well, by the way) and opening effigies, and maybe a couple of other fringe benefits here and there.


    I see that as a problem. Why would there be skills that don't benefit someone for training them? The whole concept is foreign to me. If the skill is useless, surely it should be renovated? Surely somebody with a 99 that I don't have should have some kind of benefit I wish I had too? As it is the majority of 99s are instead tokens of wasted time.


    In this respect, summoning is perhaps the most well-designed skill in the game. All the way up to 99 it keeps on making the player more and more powerful, up to unicorns at 88 that provide stackable healing, to pack yaks at 96 that allow banking from anywhere, to steel titans at 99 that are capable of tearing through low defense monsters with their scroll effect. If I had my way, the very next project taken on by every Jagex developer would be making the rest of the skills like that, before any other content was developed. It's the most pressing issue in the game.


    Dungeoneering makes an interesting point, although sadly only two main binds seem to have been accepted by most: the hexhunter bow and the shadow hood. Still, I'd certainly not thoguht of effigies, which are a huge reward for training slayer.


    If the skill is useless...well, there we are. Teh concept seems foreign, but then you realise why two updates of Jagex are just so genius: Skillcapes, and the Highscores. People are perfectly prepared to spend many, many days training their skills just to get a cape. The otehr advantage of non-functional skills is quest rewards.


    I suppose why I have a problem with slayer gettign so much attention is that there are other skills that need this more IMHO. Slayer has recieved two big updates in the past year: Strykewyrms and Effigies. I'd rather firemaking or my personaly favourite, fletching, got updated.


    What am I talking about? I agree with all your points, I just wish it wasn't slayer seeming to get the most attention because I don't enjoy slaying myself. However, I do believe slayer has worthwhile rewards but would work better if most of the special drops like the whip were untradeable. There, I've said it.


    Right: now for the post, what would I like to make slayer more interesting? Well, if I was Jagex I would have not put the combat levels requirements in. In my opinion, I'm prevented from doing the fun stuff because I'm not good enough at combat yet-I need 85 to start receiving special points and I'm only combat 83.

  9. @xSxqPowerx-you surprise me-are you one of those, err, 'powerslayers'?


    Here's my beef: we have an entire skill whose rewards come solely from being able to kill monsters exclusive to people who have trained the skill. There is no point in a skill like that, at all, if there are better monsters than the ones that can be killed with the skill.


    Yes, training slayer is fun, but that doesn't make it useful. It's right down there with firemaking, cooking, etc. as far as ultimately being a waste of time to level.


    Interesting point. Very interesting. In fact, I'd never thought about slayer that way before.


    I suppose the key question here is wether monsters are on a rolling scale of good to bad. Being able to kill abyssal demons may not be as fancy as being able to kill frost dragons, BUT you might still think it's worthwhile even if you can kill frost dragons.


    I'm not sure frosts and tormenteds are necessarily better monsters to kill than all the other ones you can try with slayer. For one thing, they might not be as fun.


    I suppose your argument, however, destroys a lot of point to skills. For example:


    There is no point in the bow section of fletching because rangers can get a darkbow.


    There is no point to smithing and crafting because all things can be obtained as drops or TT rewards, or services bought from NPCs.


    There is no point to thieving as better things can be obtained from monsters.


    There is no point to firemaking as ashes can be obtained very easily from level 1 and ranges are throughout runescape.


    There is no point to runecrafting as runes can be bought from NPCs more easily.



    So I don't really know what to say. I've never been a fan of slayer, since I don't hugely enjoy the combat aspect of the game, but I've always assumed high-level slayers thought it was absolutely brilliant. In any case, isn't the point of the slayer skill to have fun?

  10. They could easily incorporate a teamspeak voip system using the teamspeak SDK. I just hope to God if this does come out there will be a "Click here to mute idiots who act like they have tourrettes" button. Also, be prepared for vocal gold seller ads if this comes out for other than clan chat.



    Ever heard of the ignore list?

  11. What? You guys are kidding me, right? Just because someone can get rewards from another creature, then slayer is no longer rewarding???


    I have never heard someone who has 90+ slayer before say that slayer is unrewarding-surely special drops such as a whip, a staff of light, dragon boots, and many lesser drops such as herbs, battlestaves and even dragon bones make slayer well worth pursuing?


    As far as I am aware, the key strength of the slayer skill is that people find it a fun money-maker: as a result it is more rewarding than camping at a particular monster such as frost dragons or TDs because you have more fun and still make a reasonable amount of money?

  12. Equally, I think that the Grand Tree wasn't updated so it would be just as efficient for everyone. Efficiency "noobs" annoy everyone like that. Not trying to offend anyone here.


    There's nothing efficient to do at the Grand Tree, in all honesty.

    Yes, but I think Jagex were worried there was and that this would upset somebody. After all, efficient people are their main member playerbase.

  13. Owch. Anyway, those pictures are so boring. I want to see a ceremonial sword and a bling'd out dwarf cannon.


    Equally, I think that the Grand Tree wasn't updated so it would be just as efficient for everyone. Efficiency "noobs" annoy everyone like that. Not trying to offend anyone here.

  14. Dungeoneering is intended to be the "end-game" skill, requiring all previous skills to work well. As a result, it would nto make sense to make any single skill also go up to 120, especially not slayer as it only becomes worthwhile at relatively high levels and is done almost exclusively by people who enjoy combat (dunge is done by both skillers and combaticians).


    Giving slayer some new weapons and cool stuff would, I guess, make sense-personally I'm much more in favour of unique little items that aren't necessarily armour, like rings, bracelets, amulets, boots, and so on. Perhaps a monster that drops the onyx gem or that drops an amulet of fury would be in order?


    I wouldn't like to see a slayer equivalent of nex. Nex is empty enough, nex is hard enough, and nex is rewarding enough. Few bosses require a slayer level (there are exceptions but these are mostly relegated to minigames or low-level quests) and to have slayers asking for a slayer-Nex just seems pointless. Slayer is already a thoroughly rewarding skill at high levels.


    A new melee weapon would also be completely unecessary, since the chaotic equipment set was released extremely recently. Dark Bow and Staff of Light are both high level slayer drops, so they are unecessary-in my opinion some new jewellery or offhand weaponry is what's needed now.

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