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Everything posted by Effigyscape

  1. IMO he should have started his daily record doing prayer for the first 6 hours to avoid the dc. Too late now I guess I wasn't sure if it was going to log me out to be honest, the force log out doesn't seem to be to do with xp gained as I didn't get it till like 40m xp in. Summoning kinda sucked because of teleport lag so I decided not to do crimsons and save them for xp weekend, just been chilling out doing prayer. Regardless I am happy with the result and went exactly as originally planned, I'm not bothered that I won't get 100m+ I will probably end around 94-95m Nice to see people interested in my day anyway :>
  2. It takes 2-3 hours to fill a horn in a good team, I think the problem is finding people who want to fill their horn every day. I guess it's for people who don't enjoy running around in circles all day and enjoy speeding the process up, personally I find BA much more enjoyable than agility anyway.
  3. I would do that too tbh, but then again alot of people would have the same mindset. Nice bank though. New skill isn't coming out for a long time apparently, the new skill will most likely be several times faster than runecrafting also.
  4. Agility is easy in comparison to runecrafting and 1.5x as fast if you use ba horn in good teams. Another factor is that the runecrafting record will be harder to beat, if I did agility Jebrim would probably just spend 6 months at brimhaven beating it because he is the best at agility in the game.
  5. In a week or two hopefully if all goes to plan, I'm going to video opening them too :>
  6. Account made purely to brag. : / I don't usually post on forums so I never made an account here, so because I only just made an account it discredits my post?
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cnIO60TgznQ Currently working towards completionist's cape after maxing, notice I managed to fill my bank up with stuff pretty fast L Uncertain what comes next My Youtube channel
  8. Effigyscaper (Mithril) Runescape Bank Video 453/500 effigies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAMxODOMsWI
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