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Posts posted by T-Roach

  1. Sorry, I have to ask, are you white?




    White people cannot carry off dreads. Fact.








    thats ur BS opinion with no facts to support it.








    just because it looked gay on u, doesnt mean it looks gay on everybody

  2. Blah, we don't have that many sights here where I live. But our neihgbour city (capital city) has plenty of them.












    Anyways, some that are close to where I live:








    Nokia world headquarters (just a small part, it is an huge complex)












    Culture center












    ALTAAAAAT! : :D::D :: D D::D








    no but really, espoo doesnt have any special places worth seeing <.<








    helsinki on the other hand... Kamppi xDD 14 year old PISSALIISAT! 1!1












    sorry, im tireed..



    An Ocarina.




    A nice sweater.




    Some jeans.




    Books on Celtic/Roman/Greek mythology.








    Semi-Dream, Semi-Real:




    -Final Fantasy 3(DS)




    -Dance Dance Revolution : Mario Mix








    Dream list:




    -Help proffesional acting




    -Nintendo Wii




    -Arabic tutor




    -German tutor








    Wow, you play?








    Yeah, add to my list a Swedish tutor, and a Finnish, Dutch, Russian, and Spanish tutor.








    And a hammerhead shark, with a huge circular tank. :D








    Yeah, but I'm quite new. I know the fingerings, and like any TLOZ Fanboy, Epona's Song, Song of Time, and Minuet of the Forest(Three favorites) xD.








    I love learning languages, I feel like it's the key to another world. I have the feeling you're bilingual, learning a third language. I'd love to learn Russian and Spanish, seeing how useful they are (:












    spanish yes, russian, no, as in useful.. unless ur planning to visit russia, the 1 country i hate on earth :)











    Right now in Calgary it is -24 celcius, but -34 with the wind chill :-X
















    +6 celcius here in southern Finland, and a very dark night (mostly because for some reason it suddenly came warm and all the snow melt away, and now there's nothing that would reflect and multiply the light...)








    MisÃÆÃâÃâä!? You live in Finland? That is soooooooooooooo cool!!!! ::'












    It isn't actually that special at all. I guess. I have never tought what other people think about finland.




    I always tought that you were finnish or at least scandinavian due your RS name o_0




    I've been trying to figure out where you are from for quite long actually, but never managed to find out.








    btw, "misÃÆÃâÃâä" isn't quite a word. Did you mean missÃÆÃâÃâä (where) or mitÃÆÃâÃâä (what)? Just curious.












    same with me :D:D:








    Espoo ftw <3










    Hmm, I wonder whom I'd get. :-k












    ??? who wud u get?








    Stephen King.








    i checked but no stephen king :S why did u lie to me?








    Because I thought it was quite clear enough that by searching "Viktorkrum" on google, you would get Viktor Krum. I guess it was difficult to figure out then.




    Wow, for really no reason that made me actually laugh out loud. Good stuff.








    ??? what is up with this sarcasm??? u can all rot in hell for all i care, i thought this was a serious forum








    and who is viktor krum??








    You sound like you need a vacation. And Viktor Krum is the fictional character viktorkrum77 based his username on. You can find him in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire if I remember correctly.








    And yes, this is a 'serious forum'. 9212445624117b69eeb2ca.gif Fortunately, that dancing man doesn't decide who rots in hell and who doesn't, I wasn't even insulting you.








    [insert laugh here made by my friend] lmao, good things happen when u drink <3








    Hmm, I wonder whom I'd get. :-k












    ??? who wud u get?








    Stephen King.








    i checked but no stephen king :S why did u lie to me?








    Because I thought it was quite clear enough that by searching "Viktorkrum" on google, you would get Viktor Krum. I guess it was difficult to figure out then.




    Wow, for really no reason that made me actually laugh out loud. Good stuff.








    ??? what is up with this sarcasm??? u can all rot in hell for all i care, i thought this was a serious forum








    and who is viktor krum??

  7. It was "meh" for me. Little to no action.








    -15 minute parkour scene at the beginning (action)




    -Hour and a half of casino talk, (story building))




    -10 minute ending scene (action)








    And no gadgets? What's up with that? I mean Bond films defined what an action movie is. There have been hundreds of movies that try to "be like a bond film". Its practically its own genre. And this movie was not in that genre.








    ur opinions suck.











    actually, i think a girl with earpiercings is more attractive than a girl with not :S




    Couldn't resist, mate.























    what u talking about, shes hot :-s

  9. Last year was dramatic, because this kid tried to commit suicide, then this one girl started crying over it.




    Then one of my friends got lukemia (A type of cancer, don't know how to spell it) and me and a few other people knew about it, then the word got out over the announcements and everyone was crying but us because we already knew.








    But this year has been the most undramatic year ever so far.












    leukemia, blood cancer.

  10. But after the final shot I just bursted out in tears. It was so strange, everything of that day just flashed trough my head, all the memories I have from it and I was thinking about all that misery and anger and whatnot, and it just poured out of my eyes, I couldn't hold it. Damn.












    there there, its all good :3>








    i sumtimes cry too when watching movies.. when i watched this document about the jews and nazis and the camps, i literally cried for like 3 hrs :( :XD:





    not really, that movie wasnt that sick








    actually, if any1 can tell me a movie which is really sick, inform me, im trying my limits








    Try "August Underground's Mordum" or try the Guinea Pig series (movie series of course). You'll have a very gory night. You could always try Aftermath (1994) as well.








    [edit] They're not exactly G-rated.








    seen guinea pigs, BS, gonna try that aftermath, thanks ^^

  12. If you wanna feel sick theres always Cannibal Holocaust...








    not really, that movie wasnt that sick








    actually, if any1 can tell me a movie which is really sick, inform me, im trying my limits

  13. A not commonly known thing is that you can't target fat loss. By working out, where you lose fat is determined by your genetics. You can do 45 thousand sit ups a day, you will have the tightest abs in the world, but your stomach fat may still be there covering them up.




    wow didnt know that. Where did you get the information?




    thats actually common sense

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