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Everything posted by ViT0C0RLEONE

  1. Yeah its become less of a goal to max out and more of a 'just have fun' deal. Just don't play enough to ever max out realistically. Not right now anyway.
  2. Cool to see another pure ftp player. Good luck on achieving your goals.
  3. Thanks for the welcome back. Here is an update on my stats as of right now. Like I said before still not exactly sure what I want to do. If I have runes in my bank, and supplies I will probably go ahead and superheat those for the magic and smithing exp. Then once that's done I will likely go ahead and finish out 60 mining. As I said before I don't want to say for sure what I'm going to do, because I'm just going to train until I'm tired of training the skill then go to something else. It might not be the most efficient way, but for me, its the most enjoyable and after all this is a game and the most important thing is having fun, right? Here are the stats,
  4. Hello everyone. I have been gone for a while due to being really tied up with school and other things. Things have finally calmed down to the point of me having enough free time to spend playing RuneScape regularly, and being able to enjoy it again. So I should be back and working hard again. Not sure what I'm going to do, but I figure I'll just train a skill a bit get to a desired level and then train something else. Basically, I don't wont to burn myself out on training one skill so I'm going to just work on whatever skill I think I should. I'm currently training combat skills because I forgot my bank pin, and I can't get into my bank until tomorrow (:unsure:). So I'm currently working combat training because I had full rune and a rune scimmy on me when I last logged out. Once I'm able to access my bank I'll be deciding what I want to work on next. I will probably be getting 60 mining. Anyway, its nice to be back and active again. Many people might not remember me, but I'll be active again and hopefully meet new people. -- I have not gotten back into the swing of things enough to know what all has been changed for FTP. I see they managed to take away the hiscores for us. A bit annoying on in a few ways, but I'm ok with it. Its annoying they would do something like that. I mean I understand we don't pay, and I have always understood why we didn't get the updates the PTP'ers did, but don't take things away from us, that's not cool. I see it as a bit disrespectful to people who have worked hard to have their names on the hiscores only to have them removed. It wont affect my playing though, because I play because its peaceful and fun for me. Its cool to be able to accomplish something then share it on the hiscores, but eh, I guess its all good.
  5. Cool to see you're still working. Sucks to hear you got hacked, but I see you've made some great gains since I was last here several months ago. Congratz on those.
  6. Thanks all. Just wanted to post to say I'm still here. I'm going to be a bit inactive over the next week or two due to being loaded with tons of school work all of a sudden. Went nearly a month without having a single thing for homework hardly, but all of a sudden I have projects due in numerous classes on top of other homework so I won't be accomplishing much in game. Oh well, that's life and right now I'm just focusing on finishing high school and being done with that chapter of my life, lol. I'll check in here periodically to see how everyone's doing and not letting this blog die, hopefully lol.
  7. I've worked my way up to 54 mining, and would have gotten 55 but I kept getting annoyed at mining for 10 minutes and then someone logging in and stealing my rocks, so when someone told me they wanted to go Dung. I jumped at the opportunity because I was getting annoyed. lol. Anyway, I'm like 400 exp from it so I will get it time I log in tomorrow. Managed to get from 25-33 dung tonight with some help, ok he done all the work! LOL, from Levine. Also got some mage and smithing exp tonight from a little bit of superheating steel bars. Overall according to RuneTrack I've gained about 34k mining exp today so I'm happy. As long as I can keep a 34/5k a day average I'm happy. I could have easily gotten more with a bit more play time/more focus on mining. Due to world hopping and such I lost a lot of exp, but hey, its all good.
  8. ^That's funny I took a break from my normal routine to dungeoneer tonight too! :P Thanks again man. It was mostly you doing work and me just randomly attacking things, but I greatly appreciate the time and help! I'll find someway to repay you one day, hopefully. Good luck on the 500k exp for 99. :D. Also, 1.15m exp in a day of play is baws.
  9. Thanks, and its great so see you're enjoying reading. :D. I'm planning on leveling them like this for a while, equal I mean, helps me to not get too burnt out on one skill. I know its not the most efficient way of training, but obtaining this goal is going to be slow even if I'm efficient so its more important to not get burnt out and most importantly having a good time and enjoying myself, because after all this is a game! :P.
  10. Thanks both of you for the information. I have been debating what I want to do. I like the idea of superheating because you get good magic exp. That being said it entirely depends on my ability to make the money to buy the Natures and Coal for those methods. So if I'm able to get the money I will likely go with the magic method just because its exp combined into one big lump. Not sure if that makes sense, but eh. Anyway I don't know. Might do a bit of both methods just depends. I will figure it out eventually.
  11. ^Thanks! I done a bit of combat training tonight, but quickly grew bored with that even though I made a bit of money doing it. Was killing Cockroach Soldiers and ended up getting a rune scimitar drop. I was bored though so I decided to do a little skilling. I finally decided to do some mining. I've honestly grown to really like mining and smithing. Ecspecially when I'm able to find an empty world in the dwarven mines. I would really love to get mining as my first 99 but there's so much ore to be mined for 99 its ridiculous, lol. That being said though I will decide what I'm going to go for as far as 99's first later on I want to get a couple more things accomplished first. Just thought I'd update though. Honestly, I've been just kinda taking it easy tonight because I know I wont be playing any/much tomorrow night. So I don't want to get really caught up in anything. So yeah, just mining a bit.
  12. FINALLY! Feels like I should be throwing a 99 party or something! LOL.
  13. I'll keep that in mind. I'm gonna have to wait until my cash pile builds back up before I can buy 64 mage, but as it turns out I miscalculated somewhere and bought a k or so too many ess so I might go ahead and mine the rest of the essence needed for 54 once I get 50. Also I didn't get nearly as much done last night as I had hoped, but I should still reach 50 this afternoon after school.
  14. ^Thanks! Now that I've buckled down and am focusing really well on runecrafting I'm gaining levels quick, well quick by my standards. Just got 49 runecrafting so 50 could come as early as middle of the night tonight or sometimes tomorrow afternoon at the latest I have roughly 68 more runs left until I'm done!
  15. Just got 48 runecrafting. I've blown through this level much faster than any other. Unfortunately I'm out of money and law runes so I'm going to go back to making airs rather than earths. Only 4,860 essence left so I should only be another day or so runecrafting for 50.
  16. Just got 47 runecrafting. Ugh, most people could have 60 in the time its taken me to get 50 I think. Seems that way anyway. ugh. Oh well, getting closer and closer to 50. :D
  17. This can be good exp but you have to be loaded to pay runners the rates being offered. I was crafting airs in world 16 and I saw people offering 10k a run. Extremely crazy. Back in my early days of playing on other accounts 2k a run was good exp! lol. That being said if you could recruit runners in other worlds you could probably manage to pay 2-5k per run, but still you'd have to be loaded.
  18. ^I tried to make one before but I was too stupid, but I made one using RuneTrack just now, heh. Works good. Thanks for the add, I don't meet many people in game that I find myself talking to very often so its cool finally having someone to talk to! Hah. Also, I'm extremely interested in dunging with you when we both get where we can!
  19. If you're not wanting to bank the higher level minotaur's in the stronghold, level 27 I think they are?, are pretty good exp and although they drop nothing worth anything they are still fairly good exp and you could camp there without having to bank. They might be highly populated, not sure if they would be in a members world they are in free worlds though, but yeah you could camp there and not worry with banking. I'm much lower level than you and ftp and can camp there for days without banking. So those are one method that might be a bit quicker but as said above its more important that you're enjoying yourself than anything so do what YOU want to do. After all its a game and its more important to have fun and enjoy it than anything. For some people that's pushing themselves to get the maximum amount of exp possible every minute they play and for others that's standing idle for hours doing nothing but talking. So whatever makes you happy, do it. Sorry if I sounding kinda grumpy in that last bit I'm not lol.
  20. @Levine - Thanks. This runecrafting is getting a bit more tedious that I thought it would, but as stated by Kaida I'm entirely too close to 50 to quit now, lol. I will get it to 50 then I'm going to do some more mining/smithing, woodcutting/firemaking, fishing/cooking lol. I really need to get dung up but I don't know I just don't enjoy it right now, and if I'm not at least enjoying myself a tiny bit I don't understand doing it. So I will hold off on that for a while before doing any leveling in it. Right now I'm using lamps to level it. Although I might go get 30 so that I can have access to the maples on the woodcutting island because those are great exp for woodcutting/firemaking. Although I can't remember exactly how fast/slow cutting them is. @Kadia - Yeah, you're right entirely too close to quit. Just gets a bit tedious, heh. It will still be a bit of work considering I have 9,052 ess left for 50. I should be able to knock it out within a couple days depending on how much effort I put into it and how I am able to keep myself on task and not reading too much Tip.It lol. Most importantly though it completely depends on how much time I am able to get to play. I've been a bit limited this weekend but this week I should get decent playing time other than during the day because of school. lol.
  21. Somethings here are spot on I think. You're absolutely right about the image of the game and sadly its true people do see this game that way. Then again if there's not guns and blood in a game its going to be viewed that way anymore it seems. Also its hard to refer new people to RuneScape. Most everyone interested in gaming online has heard of it, and many of them at some point tried it out. Anyway, even if you convince someone to come to RuneScape its hard to convince them to stay and a lot of it has to do with being overrun with bots. For instance the massive spamming in any area with people, all the bots taking all the trees you're trying to cut, and so own. Its hard for someone new to fall in love with the game like many of us did. Most people just wouldn't be interested in paying $5.95 a month for this game with these types of problems. Honestly, I don't think its so much updates that needed to be added right now. Jagex just needs to focus on trying to fix the smaller things right now and keeping the players they have happy. That way they don't lose everyone that plays the game.
  22. Alright, on the road to 50 runecrafting, I made it to 44 and it was starting to drive me crazy so I decided to do some other skilling and before I knew it I had accomplished these two stats,
  23. Yup that's cool if you call me that because everyone in game does anyway, haha. I might still be able to make the party at least for a minute anyway, maybe. If I don't though good luck and congratulations!
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