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Posts posted by Kirschen



    I think i'm immature :P e258bdee46.jpg



    That's what ISE exists for, aside from Zaap's adventures in Runescape that have been long past.



    I mean if you want I could report in periodically and tell you about my life adventures but these won't involve me dying all the time


    (Or so I hope.)


    (I still miss that spreadsheet I made of all the times I died doing slayer tasks. LTK knows what I'm talking about he was so mad when it got deleted)



    I somehow avoided dying doing Slayer tasks. Also, just now realized LTK vanished.

  2. Got Fire Emblem: Awakening today and playing blind.


    >Thought Lissa was a clingy jealous lover for Chrom, learn they are siblings a minute later.

    >Completely overlooked the fat Asian guy in armor standing right there at the castle at Ferox while maiming everyone cause I was deciding if i wanted to ship Frederick and Sully. I think his name was Kellam.


    Off to a good start.

  3. I always assumed Cracked writers came in four flavors: arrogant and obnoxious, delusions of being humorous, a combination of the two, or really good. At least, that is what I adopted as a mentality since I got sick of John Cheese once and for all and saw their photoplasty contests go from "creative photoshopping" to "paste a random "fact" over an image". Even though I only browsed it for less than a year, I consider un-bookmarking Cracked up there with quitting Runescape as one of the best choices I ever made in my life.

  4. From what I am looking at, Audino-M's only use might seem to be in Doubles... except that people would likely just pass her up for something that can just total party kill the opposition without giving two shits. The only good thing with Slowbro-M is that Knock Off can't get that increased damage, but having to rely on Slack Off and being taunt bait doesn't look good for the thing.


    At least you can't say Gen V mons are getting neglected, right?

  5. If GF was really using popularity as criteria for deciding who got a Mega Evolution, maybe they should have realized Audino's popularity was mostly due to the fact it was an exp pinata in its debut generation. From what I know, Slowbro-M has Shell Armor, which sucks since losing Regenerator is a big deal and Audino-M essentially has no ability is singles and only real gain is defenses and Fairy-type. As glad a Unova mon got a Mega, I just wished it was a mon who needed one (hi, Unova starters, dreigon, etc). The only good thing is the design on Audino-M because the new Megas are just plain terrible.


    Also, why is there no Mega Slowking?

    • Like 1
  6. [spoiler= Be careful what you wish for (warning: kinda sexual discussion]

    [12:38:-- AM]  Erika: What is a vibrator?

    [12:38:42 AM] Litra: pleasure toy to help females achieve an orgasm without the help of another person's body parts
    [12:38:52 AM] Litra: genatalia or otherwise
    [12:38:59 AM] Erika: I'm sorry I asked

    She removed the first part before I can copy it. Weird I had to give someone a bit of "The Talk".

    To be honest, they would have had to go digital anyway cause of that. Sure, it has competition with the "amon a boat" scene from Book 1, but an on-screen death by the antagonists is a really big deal. As bad of a pun it would be, the scene took my breath away because I was not expecting it even though I knew Zaheer was the brutal kind of airbender. I would be surprised if Book 4 in the future can even trump that scene. No, I would be impressed if they can do that.


    Even though I consider Korra inferior to A: TLA, this show is still too good for Nick. Speaking of, Nick's streaming speed sucks mcnuts.


  8. Ok someone send halp. Maybe one of you friendly girls who knows what they are doing with cosmetics can unconfuse me.


    How do I know what coverup to buy? What the hell is foundation used for? Also what's the difference between eyeliner and mascara, and why do my eyes want to kill themselves when applying them?


    (Don't ask)


    That just makes me want to ask even more.


    Compared to the weird shit Vezon is into, your reason for wearing it is likely reasonable.

    • Like 1
  9. Somehow missed it, but Salamence can know Hyper Voice via Gen V move tutor. I don't want to imagine how scary a Flying-type special move that can hit through subs would be, especially considering it is coming from a Mega Salamence. 


    You know they rarely mention all the stats that get affected when they reveal Megas. Salamence's defense boost is likely the biggest, but safe to assume its offenses and speed should get a decent jump too.

  10. Odd you didn't consider that with Pixilate Return/Facade and Dragon Dance, Altaria-M could be one of the few Physically-oriented Fairies that see common use along with Azumarill and Mawile-M. Granted, Altaria-M does not exactly scream physical sweeper (although Winona's in Gen III was a [bleep]), but has some moves to abuse with it like Earthquake. The only issue is that there are plenty of physical walls and Altaria's physical movepool is too lacking.


    Maybe I will just focus on a Salamence project. Aerilate Normal-moves and Dance is too fun to ignore, even in spite of looking like a boomerang with a scoliosis brace.

  11. Fair enough, but I am more than happy to breed you them anytime.


    Anyways, I am stuck on what I wanna breed in regards to Swablu, but I am heavily leaning to something defensive or a basic dance set. Mega Mence will be easy breeding since I got all my materials at the ready.

  12. I live in the US, so sorry. Can't help you. The only good I can do is breed you Charmanders for their fitting mega evos, but you seem more interested in getting the mega stones.

  13. Just watched Ep 10 of Book 3.




    Zaheer basically killed the Earth Queen by using airbending to suffocate her. Yeah, there was no way Nick could have aired that even though it got away showing a murder/suicide two books prior.


  14. Mence getting a STAB Return/Frustration with a virtual base power of 135.... WITH one of the best offensive type attacks..... EQ/DD/Claw/Return.....


    There is also Double Edge to consider, which is essentially giving Mence Brave Bird. It gets Thrash via breeding but as fun as Flying-type Outrage looks, too risky. If not for the scoliosis brace, I'd been swooning over Mega Mence right now. Birdspam/Flyspam has a new friend.


    I don't know why, but I got somewhat annoyed that there is a shiny Beldum event, which is kinda spitting int he faces of those who MM'd for a long while for theirs.

  15. Speaking of other tiers, I have been thinking about getting into UU, RU, or Doubles but I suck balls at the last one and I don't exactly know where to start with the other two since I am not too familiar with how the other two tiers operate. Got any useful advice to me on starting UU, Vezon?

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