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Everything posted by Pjoelj

  1. ADVERTISER: Google Ads (Well, fairly sure of it) LANDING URL: http://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/aclk?sa=l&ai=BHZLxf5VfT-iNO5Hf4AS7-Yy0AdfCw5wCz-jimCjzyPbCBMCTOBABGAEgtNzlHDgAUPmv9oUCYPG9lYbkH6ABwbOA4wOyAQp3d3cudGlwLml0ugEJNzI4eDkwX2FzyAED2gEcaHR0cDovL3d3dy50aXAuaXQvcnVuZXNjYXBlL-ABAoACAakC_Zx-9ug2hT7IAr-wzSGoAwHIAxXoA6cH6APuBOgD_QL1AwAIAMj1AwAAABCgBgM&num=1&sig=AOD64_0QYihdG-eyNjgyJgyID1y-RwBc6w&client=ca-pub-7006458855726751&adurl=http://www.mmosavor.com/Stuffs-Item/&nm=2 TYPE: Top SITE: MMO Savor MY LOCATION: Sweden REASON: RWT ads have nothing to do on platinum fansites.
  2. One of the two times the price an item actually bought/sold for really annoyed me. The second was 100gp nail beast nails :???: Of course I hadn't logged out from my last session, I was logged in :roll:
  3. Hai, everyone :D The name is Pjoelj, usually Lord Pjoelj in game. Unless you just refer to me as "Lord", I don't really care how you refer to me, even "Lord Potato-jelly" will do (yes, I have actually been called that once O_o). I haven't been on these forums a lot (or used tip.it a lot), but I'm joining anyway. Why not, really? I live in Sweden, if anyone cares, and have done so for all my life. I am fairly decent in english and I know a little spanish as well. But don't expect to be able to have anything that even resembles an actual conversation with me in spanish. It won't work. Well, that's all for now.
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