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Posts posted by Sprint

  1. Yeah the greifers only greifed town and my stack of diamond picks wernt in town so I still had them. Low gave me a stack since I mined most of the cobblestone for the local projects.


    Also how could I forget about the ground. I dug up every block of dirt and replaced it with cobblestone. And then I had the biggest farm in town. Claiming an entire unused section of town for a half wheat half sugercane farm, by the library.

  2. Low_C and I worked on the walls. It was Low_C's idea but I helped build it.


    My big project on the server was I dug straight through the desert outside town until I hit the ocean, so we'd have a channel to the ocean. Also I mapped out the area around town, and I spent my time gathering a majority of the resources for projects. I went through about 15 diamond picks of pure cobblestone, and cut down about half of the local forest. Also I built a fishing platform and was going to build a dock but never really did it. Oh and I guess I built the new storage house. When spawn protection was enacted on the server a little after it was started, non-op couldn't access the building materials, so we had to move it.

  3. So oblivion, obviously I already have oblivion but my copy is a CD copy with only Kights of the nine and Shivering isles included. Is it worth the other DLC to rebuy the game on steam?

  4. I bought Minecraft earlier today. I'm having so much fun with it. I've learnt that you should always make a house to hide in when you haven't got your armor and weapons sorted. I died three times for that lesson to sink in. I will have to experiment with skins and texture packs, whatever that is.


    Oh yes, and creepers are pretty scary but those black teleporting things are terrifying. I just run the other way when I see them.

    Just don't stare at them. No seriously, if you stare at them, then they'll kill you. Just don't move your crosshair over them and you're fine, they can be on the screen as long as the crosshair on the screen isnt on them.
  5. Bought New Vegas, still debating on whether or not I will buy Cave Story +. I'll wait for the next DD's and see if anything deserves my money more.

    I would say no. Humble bundle 6 (the previous one) had cave story+ included in it, and they've thrown humble bundle 1-4 up on the daily deals so far. So you can probably get it and like 6 other games if you wait.
  6. So I found out something new the other day. When you enter the nether, if you look at the biome name under F3, it just says hell. I mean I always called it hell anyway but I didn't know it was officially hell.

  7. The 'Like This' feature.


    It serves no other purpose than to abbreviate conversation, and if used as the staff recommends* it would just leave a poster trying to start a discussion wondering why no one is replying, since he doesn't know people have been liking his post. There isn't a like notification system, right?


    *In that discussion is often born from nonsense. If people just Liked something, they wouldn't follow up on their viewpoint. Most posts I make start as some such nonsense, then I think about it more and add more of my own opinion. I know this because the new button telling you your number of warning points showed me an old, deleted post that followed such a structure. :thumbup:


    Okay so there IS a like notification system. Yay.

    I liked your post partially out of agreeing and partially for the delicious hypocrisy.

    We all liked his post for that reason. That's why I love the tipit community, it's basically a community full of trolls and this is where we come to actually talk about stuff for a change, while still keeping kinda troll-ish.
  8. Yeah I bought the Civ collection for $25 last night, that's Civ 3, 4, and 5. Because just buying Civ 5 with a few of the DLC would've cost me more, so I got 3 games for a lower price.


    Running out of money that I can spend. I have more but I need to keep it. Steam, why this month of all months?

  9. So i've been in a minecraft mood lately and been playing some, started a new world, discovered the biggest cave system i've ever seen right under where I built my house. I've been exploring it for 3 days now and there's still tons of branches I haven't been down. It includes 4 ravines, an abandoned mineshaft, and stretches to the ocean at one point, while going down to bedrock naturally. I spawned in the middle of a forest and have no idea where the ocean is relative to my house, pretty far away at least. I need to start bringing signs and marking my way back, I have gotten lost in there so many times.


    Currently i'm lost in there, somewhere near layer 23, out of food, and my pick is nearly broken, so I cant just dig out, which would be a problem anyway because of the food shortage. Though I should make it out fine because the way back from where I am should be well lit and comes out directly in my house. Also killed tons of slimes while I was down there, time to make some sticky pistons so a zombie cant break down my door.

  10. New deals are out, they all look pretty meh today. From dust, sonic generations, Space marine, payday:the heist, Max Payne 3, Anno 2070, Indie Bundle 2, the binding of issac, and the tribes ascend starter pack. I find that I already have the games i'm interested in that are on sale.


    Before any of you jump on the tribes one, tribes ascend is an f2p game, valve is just really pushing the starter pack.

  11. Considered Terraria and Deus Ex but I'm really trying to not get games I never will end up playing - especially since I'm going to have less free time from next week on. I'm really going to try hard not to spend - I don't have much money D=

    Terraria is a lot like minecraft, except more combat based and 2d obviously. You can squeeze a lot of playtime out of it for that low price and can play online, i'd say it's worth it.

    • Like 1
  12. So What's everybody's minecraft skin now anyway? I know back on diamondseekers a lot of people just used the default skin, and I think I was wearing Faris from FFV, I did for awhile.


    Though I changed it to Faith from Mirror's Edge.

  13. No it went down awhile ago. Not exactly sure why it went down though, it was never really explained, or I missed it.


    The problem is we need to run a more tight whitelist on it, we got griefed a lot. Anyone who applied for whitelisting just got let in.

  14. I still play every now and then. I liked the diamond seekers server, it was nice to get on and play with some other TIFers and stuff.


    Also I started watching mindcrack a little. I started with Kurtjmac on ultra hardcore, and then started watching some others, like some of pakratt's prank videos, and some of pause.


    Actually I was accused of griefing once for destroying "nenga"'s house. It was hilarious.


    Also before it went down for good, since my house was near the church, I tore it down and converted it into a satanist church complete with redstone pentagram and the windows were glass in the shape of an upsidedown cross.

  15. I haven't played league in awhile but I was mostly a attack speed + life steal Teemo. It worked great on most people, effectively turning Teemo into a defensive champ that's able to stand up in a melee while the other players still had the impression that i'd die in an instant under constant fire, thus attacking me, and running far too late into battle that the poison would finish them off and I didn't need to chase them.


    The only problem is when you get a champ that boosted their evasion, the build doesn't really have a counter for that.



    That's why the removed dodge. ;) There was no counterplay.

    Tells you how long it's been since I played then. I had no idea they removed it.

  16. Trying to find a couple of recentish games. Tried three websites.

    - Best Buy advertises Game 1 for $12, but no stores nearby carry it. I can order it online, but store pickup is the only option... Which leads back to the first problem. Game 2 is apparently sold out everywhere.

    - Gamestop does have both games, but they sell used copies for more than new copies at pretty much any other retailer.

    - Amazon makes Gamestop look honest, with the prices for used copies of Game 1 ranging from "More than double what the game sold for on day 1" and "You're shitting me. You have to be".


    I then gave up on getting my hands on Game 1. There is still a small amount of hope for 2.

    Try pawn shops, you'd be surprised what you can find there.

  17. Yeah, I feel it's kinda overrated but it's not bad.


    AC1 was very boring and repetitive and forcing myself to finish it made me not want to play AC2. But AC2 does improve on every aspect of the first one. And you can swim in AC2, a much needed change. Anyone who has finished AC1 will agree with me on that.

  18. Pokemon Conquest

    How is this one?

    I read a review about this the other it sounds pretty awesome tbh

    The mix of traditional pokemon and tbs works, but there's only a set number of pokemon you ever run into. I get that nintendo probably didn't want to come up with 500+ unique attacks (Though do-able because each pokemon gets one attack in this one) but it feels kind of stale. Especially when some of the pokemon available start repeating attacks of others. Also it's easier than the normal games, as most of the kingdoms run off a gym format, where most of the enemy pokemon are one type, and later in the game they start throwing in one or two counters, like grass pokemon in a rock castle, but even then it's easy to pack your own counter and take their counter out befoer it can touch you, since you always get to move first and you can see what pokemon the enemy has before attacking.


    Though this may change farther into the game, because i'm not finished with it yet.

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