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Everything posted by Swisscooler_

  1. While I agree that Jmods who develop content should play the game to some extent... imagine: You work 9-5 making cabinets. When you come home after work, do you want to spend another 5 to 6 hours making more cabinets? No, you wan't to relax and do something else that you enjoy. I think its really unfair and unreasonable that so many people expect Jmods to work on the game all day and then come home and put in 10 hours towards maxing their account. It's really not.. humane, almost. That's not quite right though. It would be more like coming home to use the cabinets for a few hours. Making Runescape isn't the same as playing it, remember. Unless you're QnA, but loljagex having that. I agree with both of you. Going along with Musica, I can actually relate very well. All summer, I worked at Ashley Furniture building night stands, dressers, etc. It was terrible and when I got home, I didn't want to touch a piece of furniture, power tools, or anything. Outside of work, I didn't want to deal with anything that reminded me of work. However, going along with Grand Lord Dan, Runescape is a game. When you're at work, you code, test, and so on. But when you get home, you could pretty easily play leisurely and maybe inadvertently find something that you could fix at work the next day. Putting both of them together, if you code/design/etc for a game, you would probably enjoy playing it because YOU had a part. The downside is it still reminds you of work (even if you love your job). We ourselves get bored of Runescape, so I wouldn't doubt the employees get the same way. They most likely play some, get bored and play something else, and then play some more. If I was a Jmod, I would honestly not have a high total level/exp amount. I would do (what I did when I played actively) and get the levels I need good clan pking stats/quests that help with pking done. After that, I would only war with my clan on Runescape. If people saw my low exp level, they would assume I "don't play much." However, I could have many hours logged in play time (pking), but not gain that much exp. A lot of people that build cars still like to drive them when they get off work. yeah but not for hrs.imagine a jmod plays like 1-2hrs per day runescape outside of work. even if he played the most efficient way he wouldn't be that high xp, so you can't say that jmods doesn't play the game, just not so much like topplayers but still a bit
  2. drumgun can easily keep over1.2m xp per day straight to 200m, so he can get in inunder 200 days
  3. lol suomi will get 99 div obv. in a few days, last time he did something such close to the end (remember 4.999.999.999xp) hefailed because he was TO close that he could hold it for months.... so expect him soon back on front page
  4. suomi wasn't even happy when he reached 5b/4.999b xp, he was just like "[bleep] u jagex sht game" but still is online everyday for hrs. suomi just doesn't represent a rank 1
  5. i think it's kinda nice that suomi isn't rank 1. in my eyes rank 1 should someone be who enjoys the game and not play it because of "addicition" (he did the rest of his xp-about 500m- without enjoying it) but i can understand him, he was done with the game and jagex hast stolen him much time (with raising xp rates in skills he already done with slow methods) i'd really like to see jake or drumgun be the new with 200m in ALL skills, they got the chance to reach it because suomi decided to not going for 200m in div.
  6. why does everyone forget lover romeo? Why does everyone forget Inuyasha8750? He held rank 1 Agility and Hunter. but he wasn't rank 1 with 200m xp, so not really number 1
  7. why does everyone forget lover romeo?
  8. 340k is not max, my friend Tiistai timed 360k fm in a hour in jadinko lair (no clan avatar boost) I meant average sorry, yesterday i got 370k in 1 hr. maybe he does fm while bonfiring? can easy be up to 500k (if you want to see a video, go to drowns channel) Or not bonfiring for like 200k more xp/hour making fire while bonfire other logs is the fastest way for getting fm xp
  9. 340k is not max, my friend Tiistai timed 360k fm in a hour in jadinko lair (no clan avatar boost) I meant average sorry, yesterday i got 370k in 1 hr. maybe he does fm while bonfiring? can easy be up to 500k (if you want to see a video, go to drowns channel)
  10. I think at least 5 of them quit school/working for rs and other private reasons. The rest might be in college or university. I don't think someone who's working can play 10-15 hrs a day, maybe 6 or 7 but not more.
  11. I'm only maxing because I've played this game for so long there's no excuse why I shouldn't be maxed ffs. I'm maxing then most likely quitting lol. lol i'm playing this game since 7years and have almost 200 days playtime and don't even habe 200m total xp lol still enjoying it (sometimes more sometimes less) but still hope that i'll achiece my goal one day, will take another 5 years atleast (with 15hrs per week) i don't know why people are so carry about playtime, maxed and 200ms if they don't even enjoy the game anymore, i wouldn't even play a single minute if i don't enjoy it...
  12. hbu hunter? i tried 3h with pots and it was lower 20k -_- i don't understand the logic of jagex lol when a skill gets higher xp/h due a "potion drinking reduces ticks glitch" and it needs much effort to do, they gonna "fix it". But when they're updating a skill, they make it even higher xp + afk... stupid logic of our lovely company, jagex.
  13. First to 99 is usually some random guy, same with 200m. Of course first to 99 Slay was Zezima, but since then it's been random people. Well, at the time they were random. :razz: Obviously people know who guys like Skiller 703 are after he got 99 dung. Anyway to answer your question, I'll be the first one to 99 Divination. 8-) jebrim said in a video that skiller 703 told him that he is going to get 99 divination as first. i think he can do it because he showed us when he did 99 dung that he can keep a max pace of hrs per day (up to 20+) he's also on the top 5 nolifers list created by jebrim lol
  14. This is why many players saw him as a joke in the past. People didn't take him seriously. He was asking for donation money when flipping was a much faster and efficient way to make money. A number of people will also say that the time spent collecting the donations was too great of an xp loss for it to be efficient. I don't know about the particular donation he did with you, but back when there was a trade limit and he was doing Agility, he did not waste time for donations. He had a very strict process. You had to send trade request to him as he finished the log obstacle and then you had to run over to the ropes and wait for him to finish his lap. You then had to do max trade really quickly. He made sure his donators went through this strict process to make sure the donation only cost him a mere handful of ticks. If they didn't, he wouldn't even waste his time trying to do the trade. He not only refused to go to someone else to get the donation, but he also refused to waste even a few extra ticks standing still or going off-route to get it. He took Xp waste very seriously. His 20k donation method was estimated at a value of about 14m gp/hr. He did this for hundreds of trades. EDIT: I asked him about this particular trade and he denies ever visiting Lunar Isle before free trade came out. He's not even sure he had done Lunar Diplomacy by then. it was after freetrade when i donated by him, i just thought he'd do the same as he ever did for recieving donations. because i thought it's kinda more "thankful" or friendly if you go to the person who is gonna give you cash. but not again the suomi donating discussion, my question is answered
  15. lol failed at trolling gemeos on topic: was it even "efficient" for suomi to run to the donators for 15k? because i remember when he asked me for donations, he came to me at lunar. so it takes like 3-4 minutes (go back to previous place etc) so it's like 300k per hr which is quite less
  16. maybe he does some thieving (about 5-6 hrs) and make cash with a skill which he's already 200m in. i remember when drumgun was fishing he used to do boss hunting for cash a few hrs every day (and you didn't see that on runetracker because he was already 200m in combat stats) and he also farm herbs i think so you can add 13 heb runs per day which takes about 1.5-2 hrs (if you include banking, go back to dwar traders etc.)
  17. Because I don't worship efficiency. :P I'm not interested in necessarily saving time doing Agility, which is why I did Brimhaven in the past and didn't do the pit at barb. It's also why I moved 200m Xp of my 1b Agility goal over to 07. Slower/harder is much more impressive than faster/easier and in the end the work put in matters much more than the final Xp. That's why 200m Cooking is less impressive than 200m Slayer. In the end it doesn't matter if I save time or not because using slower methods just makes my achievement worth more. This is why I distinguish macro-efficiency from micro-efficiency. With micro-efficiency, it's all about going as fast as possible in whatever method you use, regardless of if it is the most efficienct on a macro level. I don't go as fast as possible at a course or arena to necessarily save time. I do it because it requires, to one degree or another, some level of skill and it helps me practice and I find it rather fun. Even if I were interested in focusing purely on saving time to meet my goals, if my only goal is 1b Agility and nothing else (which is was until I decided to max overall in 07) it'd actually still be efficient to get it now instead of later. If I want to finish my goal within a certain real life timeframe, it's best to make as much progress towards that as possible, at whatever course is available. Stopping all training whatsoever for a year or two to wait for some mediocre Xp rate increase won't actually make me finish any sooner in real life time. I could be making progress along the way and still be able to take advantage of that increase after the update. Stopping would be silly. Hmm, I see your point now. I wish you the best of luck with your goal of maxing and 1b exp, keep your head up, having haters means you're doing something right, and I'll continue to appreciate your videos because they in one way or another somehow inspires me to try doing something about my exp gains and such, even just for a little bit, it makes it more fun I guess. Will you be training divination in rs3? Since it's said to be slow like Zmi training was for rc or something. A picture about haters I just saw it on Facebook hehe https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1000207_650150418329949_1167286242_n.jpg Also, just a bit curious if anyone know why G0d vs D3vil got banned, since there's been rumours of a lot of fake bans lately and he was doing well with his exp gains I just wonder what made Jagex do this, it's always interesting to watch people go for massive goals and sucks to see them get unwanted stops like these. i think it was for goldfarming, but i don't know if that's true, jagex banned multiple times legit players in the last few days/weeks. it's nice to hear that jagex is going to release a skill which isn't 400k+ xp/h (like dungeoneering) but if i remember right, dung wasn't over 100k xp/h at the beginning, because telmo was averaging 1.5m xp per day and he said he was playing 15 hrs a day. was that all because of the huge lack od knowledge about the skill?
  18. is there any runespan fc who calls the location of yellow wizard? because my current xp/h rate is at max 70k and i'm lvl 97 so i think it should be closer to 100k xp/h right? what are the fastest nodes? i think undead souls are pretty slow.
  19. this maybe a bit off topic but does anyone have a rough estimate about how many hours did it take to get trimmed comp cape? (from about max and quest cape) would anyone of the trimmed completionists be high in the top 15 if they didn't do reqs for trimmed comp cape?
  20. isn't it better to bank with pack yak? edit: sorry i forgot that you habe to bank because of pots
  21. i think most of the top 15 made their cash legit with merchanting. only one who accepted donations was suomi i think
  22. i heard 1 month after release of rs3
  23. he does it just to annoy you drumgun is known well for not finishing 200ms lol maybe he's gonna do it in a few days, or maybe in a few months. no one knows what drumgun is thinking haha he's a mistery
  24. 48m fishing = 600 hours 64m smithing = 256 hours (I used 250k xp/hour smithing rune 2hs, I don't know what he does or how accurate that figure is) 115.5m mining = 1050 hours 163m agility = 2232 hours at barb advanced 143.5m runecrafting = 1304 hours 5442 hours So he's a good year away, give or take a month or two Warbands will take a lot of time off though. I'd also expect at least a portion of that agility to be done through lamps etc. i think mining will be done through warbands so it's 4.4k hOurs which is still "far away" Does anyone know the xp/h rates of runecrafting challenges? are they worth do it?
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