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Lord Slayas

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Posts posted by Lord Slayas

  1. Congratulations on those epic level ups Makka :D (jelly)


    -On a side note-


    In response to the controversy regarding certain people with questionable F2P status being on list, we have finally come up with a solution. We have updated the standard Ban List that the 250 lists have always used, to a broader, more open, Offense List. Whenever an account commits an offence or has some form of controversy surrounding it, it will be marked, and recorded there. So such things as suspected botting/macroing, having previously had P2P, having gotten the P2P trial, all of that is going to be recorded from now on, even if it is not 100% verified. This way, if an issue regarding it ever arises in the future, we will have full documentation on it and the likelihood of the statement.


    We will also be changing the punishment from just Banning, to things like Probabation/Pending/Watch (which we already do anyways, hence the "pending" mark on the list)


    The punishment for severe offences however (such as botting and a few others) will remain the same, ban & removal from the lists and all areas of our website.


    This way, we are able to have a record of any potential threats to the list, but we won't be singling people out and causing "witch hunts" so to speak. Please remember that most these people who are going to be / were under watch had their accounts put under question because of an accident, and therefore we are trying to do our best not to single them out for persecution to the entire community. Especially since there was no advantage gained whatsoever during the period that has put their account status into question. If there ever was an advantage gained (meaning they really are legitmately p2p or whatever the case) they are of course removed immediately, without ever having been put on pending.


    For the majority of you, this will not affect you whatsoever, just know that anyone who might be considered questionable on the list isn't being overlooked, and we are fully aware of it.


    If we find an even better solution for how to handle this, we will of course post it here and let all of you know.


    ~The purefreetoplay team.

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    First of all, here is my level up.




    I actually got this level more then a week ago, but was saving to post it until I had ironed out the details for my 99 woodcutting party. I was lucky enough to be playing shortly after a RS update, so was able to cut yews and level up in an English server for once! :D But enough about that, and onto the party details...


    LOCATION: World 43, Falador. We will meet at the Falador Lodestone before heading to a patch of trees just down the road. I cannot estimate how many people will be there, as it is short notice and I don't feel up to the standard methods of advertising for this kind of thing, but everyone is welcome to come. The more the merrier!


    TIME: Friday the 14th of September, 7:30pm Eastern Time. Approximately 4.5 hours earlier then the time of this post.



    Everyone is welcome to come, although as I stated above, I do not know how large or small the party will be. I will be in the Friends Chat F2P United if anyone wishes to ask me details regarding the party.


    Hoping to see some familiar faces there :twss:



  3. Heh, at the moment I have all my money invested in items, so it's really up to the grand exchange rates of the day, but at current prices I would be somewhere between 360 and 400m. I might add though that 15m of that is in big bones, which I am in the process of burying at this very moment.


    *If you count money spent on skills in the past, +100m to that.*

  4. Just watched the livestream video myself, was pretty interesting, but was entirely focused on the Microtransactions, and since they did not mention the HS, hopefully that means HS access will not be a Microtransaction as a few people have predicted.


    It does seem like a good question to ask since it concerns all of us and all of F2P (as well as the lists & rankings), probably the best place to ask it would be in that "Future Of Runescape" Livestream they will be hosting in a few weeks.

  5. The bot to player ratio has indeed risen, but I don't think it has risen by more then 15% or so. I just find it much more noticeable nowadays, because there's fewer worlds for the botters to infest, so they tend to group together. For example, say 100 botters used to be at Falador yews before the first nuke across all the F2P worlds (on average, let's say). Now, there's probably around 115 bots at the Falador yews, but since there's so few worlds, instead of only seeing 3 or 4 bots per world, you see 7 or 8.


    And because of the higher concentration of bots at skilling spots (due to fewer worlds) it becomes harder and harder for legitimate players to skill and turn a profit at those spots, leading to growing frustration, and people leaving the game. I think Jagex did a good job with the previous nuke, and hopefully they do as well with the new one, but I don't think the problem can be attributed solely to the fact that there's a few more bots then before.


    There's a lot more to it then that, in my opinion.

  6. Hey again, levelled up some more :lol:. Never really meant to be posting so often on here (or even doing dreaded double-posts) but I'm levelling up so fast still, so it's due ;) I really thought levelling would slow down substantially after total 1500, but i guess not, at least not for me. Maybe soon.


    Here's my woodcutting level:







    And here is my prayer level:







    That level up in prayer actually made me 80+ in all skills :twss: Never thought I would make it this far tbh, 75+ was my original rs goal when I started playing. Not that I am complaining ofc :P Thanks Medi for staying up until I got the level ^_^


    My plan is to only level woodcutting, so that when I get 99 I will have 1514 total level (currently 1512), exactly 100 away from maxing. The party should be this weekend, I'll post the details up on here when im 100% sure of when/where it will be, and although it will probably be a small party like usual, any and everyone is welcome to come.

  7. Thought i'd let everyone know I went through the National Heads Of Rs list and updated it with the new names, and changed the nationality of those who had been marked incorrectly. And for those of you who have asked, no, you don't have to be on the Top 250 Lists to be on the NHOR list. In fact, more then half of the people probably aren't on the Active Lists. NHOR for fun, to let us know where everyone is from. If you do happen to feature on the 250 list as well, the flag will be added there. My hope is to eventually have 75% of the names on the list to have a flag next to them.


    As always, keep those submissions coming :D



  8. Anyone else has infernal urns in bank? At first they were "member's object" but now they have been changed to urns. Sadly I can't do anything with them. Never been member in my life.


    I think F2P General Discussion Thread might be a more appropriate place for this post. On a side note though.... that's weird o_0

  9. I have gotten used to randoms, and the free xp they give, but they can definitely be annoying and a real nuisance, especially if you get them at crucial times. What I think Jagex needs to do, honestly, is simply introduce a few newer ones, even just one or two (if nothing, will add variety, and stop bots for a few weeks). Also a bit more variety in the pirzes wouldnt go amiss...


    The maze is the worst one imo...

  10. As far as I know, they haven't released any information about an EOC Runecrafting update. I tend to agree, that the change has already happened with the Runespan being implemented. There have been various hints placed that old style rcing will be completely removed at some point, so yeah, Runecrafting will most likely become another generic skill with no real use.

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