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Lord Slayas

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Posts posted by Lord Slayas

  1. I think removing F2P worlds is the opposite solution we need... All of the best skill spots are already overly crowded (from both real players and the botters that Jagex has failed to remove), and fewer worlds will just make this worse. I really miss the days when I could woodcut or go mining in English worlds. After this, I wouldn't be surprised if even the foreign servers start to fill up. Gf skilling....

  2. Been around a week, so time for another update. Not quite as large as the last one :P


    40 Million Cooking Experience:





    93 Dungeoneering:





    85 Mining:





    My First Runite Ore! (Mined):





    86 Prayer:





    Been doing a lot of skilling like I normally do when I hit 92 in a skill I'm going for 99 in. Getting 85 mining was.... painful, to say the least. I still really dislike mining, but I will say it is slightly more bearable then it used to be. I really dislike dropping a resource while skilling as well, but I just wanted the level out of the way, so I went for the best EXP/HR i could get. I got 35K/hr on my worst hour, and 45K/hr at my best, averaging probably around 38K/hr. I heard its possible to get close to 50K/hr at the wilderness hobgoblin mine, but I guess i lack the focus :P


    I immediately headed up to the runite ores to mine some, and was lucky to arrive literally at the moment they respawned. I mined them both, and both ores took less then 15 seconds each, which caught me off guard. I know there is a chance to get the ore every few ticks or so, but I was expecting 1.5 - 2mins+ per ore. It also caused some other miner to rage at me for taking the ore, which I found quite humorous. He claimed he was going to get on his main and "Kill you dead!", so I sat at the rocks for a good 10-15 minutes waiting for him, not even bothering to get armour or food. He didn't show. Made me laugh.


    Well, all that's left of my immediate goals is a few Dungeoneering levels, 10m Cooking Experience, and 250K Range Experience. I guess I better get to it :D



    From today's patch notes:

    • Dungeoneering NPCs have been tweaked to hit a bit harder.
    • Dungeoneering skill doors now hit players a bit harder.

    Good thing you got those DG levels while you could. :P


    The update actually makes no difference whatsoever in regards to when I Dungeoneer. I take maybe.... 15% more damage? It's still not even worth picking up any food all floor, lol. Maybe it has more of an affect on people who aren't maxed in their combat stats, I wouldn't know, but taking an extra 500 damage per dungeon when you have over 5K health doesn't make much of a difference to me. So long as I don't have terrible luck on the trap rooms, I'm fine :P

  3. List updated 12/02/2012:










    Also thought i'd mention, i went through and fixed/updated a lot of the people on the Top 10 Rankings page [link] . A lot of them are still out of date of course, but I fixed any major errors or mistakes. I'm also planning on reformatting and resizing this entire page when I get the chance so that they line up a bit better, and its not quite so long.


    As always, keep those submissions coming :)

  4. Biggest list update I think I've ever done since...... the TFS highscore one. Oof.


    List Updated 11/28/2012:




    Krazyck3 - Active Total & Exp lists

    Varro182 (by request) - Converted Exp List

    LogOnBeach - Active Exp list

    Nje03 - Converted Total List




    Correct - Account name change (Active Exp List)

    Darkfinal - bumped/no longer meets the requirements (Converted Total List)

    23kingdavid - bumped/no longer meets the requirements (Converted Exp List)



    I wanted to wait until the first of December, but the updates have really been piling up, and I didn't want to let more build up then I could manage in a single session :P I think the game has mostly settled down into a steady rhythm at this point anyways.



    Hey guys its been a while.


    Just a small update here, but I just finished 99 fishing to round out 1500 skill total! L0RD Slaya, the last time I posted here we were the same skill total :P You've been busy!


    Haha I do try ^.^

  5. Time for the biggest update in my blog's history? Methinks so ;)


    89 Dungeoneering





    90 Dungeoneering





    84 Mining





    91 Dungeoneering





    92 Dungeoneering





    A few Dungeoneering times I'm proud of :D

























    As some one else mentioned in another thread, I sure have been busy :P Still doing lots and lots of DGing, trying to get in as much as I can, as fast as I can, in case Jagex decides to nerf it again. It's a pain to have to work around the floors to make sure I don't get the Cursebearer as a boss too, but I can live with it for now.


    I've got lots and lots of cooking done as well, might upload a pic soon to show the progress. My goals for the next week or two are 95 dg, 50m cook and 85 mining.

  6. Been focusing on Dungeoneering lately, as much as I can. Really, really dig the fact there is no combat nerf, and the boosted Experience for smaller parties. I've been duoing most of it with Medieval Kid, but I've tried out 5:5s, and even did a few Dungeons with Isthatok, who put us all to shame with his epic speed :D


    86 Dungeoneering





    87 Dungeoneering





    88 Dungeoneering





    I've been having an incredible blast since EOC. I admit, I was very pro-oldschool, but Jagex managed to do something right. It is the first time in F2P Runescape where i actually can say I feel powerful. Dungeoneering now with fair exp rates is the most fun I've had in Runescape since I finished off my combat skills. I also like a lot of the added bonuses to skilling.


    That being said, I'm not a fan of the many bugs & glitches that came along with EOC, and I despise training combat now, I find it incredibly annoying and tedious. I'm very glad that I maxed combat stats way before this. I will say it definitely seems like its more worth it to max combat then it used to be, though, thanks to all the perks. I also really think F2P shoudl have access to at 3 action bars (combat, skilling, dungeoneering) or at least be given a separate one for Dungeoneering.



    Congrats on 99 crafting and good luck with maxing. I'm always in F2p united, i'm not sure if you recognize my name. :P Just throught i'd throw that out there. :) As i was reading through some pages of the blog and saw you bought a yellow phat for 1.4m from that wedding profit was epic.


    Welcome to TIF! I do recognize your name from the friends chat actually :) And thanks, best of luck with your goals as well ;) Good ol' weddings, it's a shame they don't happen anymore, easiest money i ever made :D

  7. Just thought I should mention, Stones Boy became the 8th Pure F2per to max since Dungeoneering was released about 30 minutes ago :D

    Is this including El popo1?

    Off the top of my head: El popo1, 3008jasper, Tezaki1, leon, kameeru, lokizorro, kadour ziani, micahal, arkhangelsk (lumikki) and maybe a few more I missed


    Leon isn't 1614(unsure on what hes missing), Kameeru isn't 1614(he is missing 99 pray), Lokizorro got banned(unsure if he made it to 1614 before that), Micahal isn't 1614(to the best of my knowledge), Arkangelsk(no clue who this is but it sounds familiar).


    Pretty much summed it up. Lokizorro was accused and convicted of macroing, and Arkangelsk was proven to not be F2P, despite any claims, way back when a certain player known as Isthatok ran something called the 250 List. I can't be bothered to look through over 100 pages of the old 250 thread to find the post for each of them, but it's there.

  8. I wish they had been clearer on which of these will available to everyone and which will be members only (although, some are pretty obvious). Will non-mems be able to level up gear? Have access to either of the new skills? Do the God Statues D&D? "All" doesn't tell us much. And they had been so careful about being clear on this kind of thing ever since the Veteran's Cape debacle.


    I also wish they'd been a lot more specific.... but the general rule of thumb seems to be, if you have to ask, then it's members only. It is entirely possible that they aren't even sure yet what content will be F2P, and what will not (with the exception of the obvious).

  9. List updated 11/19/2012









    No Script - bumped / no longer meets the requirements (total list)

    Mein leiter - bumped / no longer meets the requirements (exp list)



    Last list update before EOC. As I mentioned before, I'll be waiting at least a week before I update the list again (I might wait until the first of December, but no later then that). This is to let everyone adjust & adapt to the massive changes to the game, myself included. Feel free to keep sending in the submissions during that period, and I will document them and include them all during the next update. I will of course still be browsing this forum during the off-time and will answer any questions, or if there's an error on the site, I'll still fix it.


    Thanks everyone, and best of luck tomorrow in the new RS :P



  10. 99 Crafting:






    Awwwww yeeeeaaaahhh. Lol, 4 skills left till maxed :3 And since Eoc will be making some changes to skilling.... I think I might have an actual chance of realistically maxing everything (hence the new blog title). Mining and Dungeoneering, the problem skills for me, have been made attainable. So despite my dislike of almost everything else in EOC, hopefully some good will come of it.


    Next stop, Dungeoneering.



    Damn, man. I thought for sure you weren't going to make 99 Craft before the 20th. Early congrats! :thumbsup:


    I find your lack of faith disturbing ;) (couldn't locate a vader emote, unfortunately)

  11. 98 Crafting:





    So probably not going to make my range goal. I lost a whole day of playing due to some computer issues, plus things are a little wild at work at the moment. However, I still will be getting 99 Craft before EOC, as far as I know anyways.


    Time: Monday, the 19th of November. I can't pinpoint an exact time, but probably in the afternoon. Will depend how far I manage to get it down before the 19th.

  12. Hello,


    This is quite neat and find this amazing but I would like to suggest something that could make this easier and in my opinion look better. I would be suggestion something that is similar to how TFS highscores(i assume you have seen this before), basically using spreadsheets. Of course, you have a well built site already, using google spreadsheets, you can create something that is automated and can allow users to post their own updates to their stats. (of course picture verfication will still be needed), but in the end making it very automated and only having you click one button or so to update thier stats. This would allow for you to record people's exp in their skill also rather than just their level. While recording people's exp in a respective skill can be hard as one would have to post their exp in each skill, you can hopefully gain respect and hope that players do not cheat the system, as there is no reason why to. You can also build some preventions from having people post insane exp like one can not have 20m exp at 90, etc.


    I know that I am unknown person to you and to many others who view this thread, I am a person that many many f2pers can recongize, especially TFSers(been in tfs since 2009). Please respect my post and try to understand that I am a pure f2per that has long been in the community and just trying to help out.


    If your not familiar with using google spreadsheets, I am, and can provide help.


    A small recap:

    • Google Spreadsheet Hs
    • Fully Automated System, once you approve a person's stat(click of a few buttons)
    • People will still post pictures of their stats
    • Show people's exp in skills
    • Rank people according to exp in respecitve skill(see who is at top of each skill, and where you place)
    • A database all neatly recorded in a neatly fashion





    Thanks for the advice, and I am very familiar with spreadsheets. Unfortunately, I have no intention of using such a system that allows players to update themselves because of the fact that there is no real verification needed. When I updated the list using the TFS highscores that one time, there were quite a few people who had submitted pictures to us, and yet their rank on the TFS highscores showed them with a lower total level and higher total EXP then on our list, which is impossible. Removing the verification system and doing everything 100% on trust unfortunately would make the list a lot less then credible, as there is no real way to know if the player is telling the truth. Allowing users to update themselves could turn it from an accurate potrayal of the top f2pers, to more of a wishlist of where players want themselves to be at. I am not saying that everyone would abuse this, probably very few would, but if even one player manages to falsify their stats, it devalues the list and its credibility, in my opinion.


    There is also the sad fact that there are a handful of people out there who do intentionally try to cheat the system, those that aren't pure f2p by any stretch of the imagination, yet for some unknown reason claim to be. They are small in number, but they still exist, and would definitely use this to their advantage, de-valuing the list.


    If I still set the requirement where only I can update the spreadsheet and pictures are still required, it would actually be a lot more work to update then it is on-site (it's incredibly easy to update the list on-site through my admin panel) and I would have a lot less creative control, having to use preset templates and the like.


    Thank you very much for your advice, I appreciate it, but at this time, we have no plans of moving to spreadsheets. It is an alternative that we have considered before (and tested out at one point) and one that we might someday use, but definitely not at this juncture.


    - on a side note-


    I also finally had a few moments of spare time to write some code that has been long due, basically concerning the flags on the list. Now, if you hover your mouse over a flag, it will say the name of the country that each player is from. I remember a lot of people mentioned that I should add this when I first added the flags to the list, in case there are some flags that aren't generally known/recognized.

    • Like 1
  13. Update time:


    97 Crafting:





    Yeah, not quite the screenie I wanted. I got the level and accidently clicked on the skill, bringing up the screen. I thought the screenshot was taken before the screen loaded, but I guess I was off by a tiny fraction of a second :P Still, I don't mind, it adds a bit of variety since pretty much all my crafting screenshots are in the exact same place :P


    Still working on getting my pre-eoc goals. 2.3m Craft Exp and 625K Range Exp left that I'm trying my darndest to get in a week or less.


    *Cracks knuckles and cues the theme from Rocky*

  14. Two updates in two days, jeez, you guys are making me work :D


    List updated 11/12/2012









    Exp Wave - bumped/no longer meets the requirements (total list)



    Also thought I might mention that after EOC goes live in RS, I will be waiting a full week before I update the list again. This is to give time for everything/everyone to adjust. Feel free to keep sending in updates up to and during that time (and I hope you guys do :) ) and i'll put them all in after the week grace period. After the first week, I'll go back to my regular update cycle.

  15. List updated 11/10/2012




    ssb830 (converted lists)





    Schweitzer7 - bumped/no longer meets the requirements (converted total list)

    Vesah0 - bumped/no longer meets the requirements (converted exp list)



    Thanks everyone for the updates :) Thought i'd also throw out some Specs, since I haven't done it in awhile.


    Minimum Level required to be on the Active Total list: 804

    Minimum Experience required to be on the Active Experience list: 14,332,426


    Minimum Level required to be on the Converted Total list: 1463

    Minimum Experience required to be on the Converted Experience list: 139,468,321

  16. Just found out that EOC is going to hit us all over the head in about 12 days... which means all my pending goals I needed done before EOC goes live have been taken off the back burner, so to speak. First of all, an update:


    96 Crafting:





    As per a deal I have with a friend of mine, when EOC is implemented, I will be focusing on Dungeoneering for a very long period of time. Which means, I need to reach 15m Range Experience and 99 Crafting in 12 days or less. I know he will not mind waiting a day or two extra, but it is definitely crunch time. I've been in worse situations, but its going to mean lots of playtime :P And definitely taking cooking and putting it on the back-burner again for the foreseeable future.

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