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Posts posted by DownToFletch

  1. Summary of the past week:

    Last night, Jacqueline and I were woken up by a phone call at 2:50AM asking us to hit up the Caesars. So we got up, got dressed, and went drinking and partying until probably 8AM.


    The night before, Luis, his wife, Jacqueline and myself danced literally all night at a Spanish bar. I dance to dubstep and hip-hop (took lessons in school), so this was very new. Made complete asses of ourselves, got a bit more tipsy then we should have, but was a terrific night! This was taken there:





    We had Shane during the week. So, we took him and one of my little brother's, Levi, to the mall and then to go see Frozen. They loved it and got along like they were best friends!


    Of course, through the week we'd go out to dinners and things. It's been fun! I've been staying at her house. Her family and friends like me, which apparently doesn't happen often. Have been meeting alot over the weeks.


    Last weekend was probably my favorite day with her to date. I made her and Shane dinner. It was Swiss steak on rice. While cooking, Jacqueline and I would drink a few Vexs. We put Shane to bed and shared a case of Vex and a bottle of Captain; none of which made it to the morning. We spent all night wrestling, snuggling, kissing, talking, and such. :D. It was so simple. Hours and hours having fun just the two of us. We didn't even put on a movie.


    And now... To write some code for Tip.It and whip Warriormonk into shape while she's at work. <3.

    NICE. Sounds like life is good right now


    Also Warriormonk is my BOY. You whoop him, you whoop me ;)


    Cod ghosts is literally too terrible. Even the campaign is bad. The campaign is supposed to be the good part of the game :facedesk:

    I had a guy call me over to his apartment over the summer who spent a half hour after I had gotten there continuing to play call of duty. It was kind of frustrating and welcome at the same time. I mean its basically getting paid and smoked out for free but still kinda rude.


    On topic, I played CoD a few times five or six years ago. It wasn't that fun. Lots of shouting and cursing and being killed instantly.


    That gif makes me shudder.


    edit: I went to play paintball last weekend for the first time. I kicked ass but this bruise didn't show up until almost a week later, its where I got hit through a jacket. The 5+ times I got hit in the neck didn't swell or bruise at all. ok



    It's cool you finally played some ball for the first time, lemme know if you wanna meet up in PA this summer to play. I don't really get bruises anymore but I was playing a pump tournament and I got [bleep]ing nailed from like 2 feet right on a bone i my elbow and I have a round circle scar there now. That ish was purple and black, bloated up and hurt like a mofo but I played hard and we got second place.










    Hi all,


    Late last year Mod Balance and I made comments about AHK's and mousekeys, specifically whether or not they were aginat the rules. A few of you weren't satisfied with our response to the situation and so we escalated the issue to our anti-cheating specialists who have confirmed that our statements were correct.


    They have confirmed that:


    Mousekeys (i.e. the windows accessibility tool) is allowed (it always has been); anything else is third party software and is not. If the team see evidence that a player is using AHK's, super-mousekeys or any other versions of this macroing software then they will take action against them. If a player is using normal mousekeys, they won't. The team are perfectly capable of detecting both and telling the different between them. 


    When it comes to skilling, mousekeys can potentially give an advantage when it comes to emptying the inventory quickly, however this requires a certain level of skill, though the following section of macroing rule is quite clear in regards to this behaviour:


    "Software that generates input to our game applets. This includes software that automatically moves the mouse pointer or generates mouse clicks or key presses."


    Now, mousekeys do not generate input as that is done by the user; it doesn't automatically move the mouse pointer to a specified coordinate, it moves it at a steady pace in the direction specified by the key pressed (2,4,6 or 8) and stops doing so when the key is released. It doesn't generate mouse clicks (as that is done by the user pressing 5) and it doesn't generate key presses. Without augmentation or modification (adjusting the inbuilt settings is not augmentation or modification and is fine) mousekeys are not capable of violating the rules against third party software.


    This has always been our stance and our rules are clear in what is and isn't allowed, however as the HLF forum contained a number of threads asking for clarification I felt it appropriate to post this here.



    Mod Infinity

    Personally, I think this is pretty bullshit and it's pretty clear that mod infinity doesn't actually know what ahk does, but rules are rules.  :rolleyes:


    I have a logitech g602 mouse and I have all these macro keys but nothing to do with them... 

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