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Posts posted by DownToFletch

  1. It was made by people that left COD apparently.


    It has the potential to be the best of both worlds; battlefield and cod


    They can't put in tons of futuristic jeeps and stuff, unless the titan IS the biggest and the baddest.


    I'm 150% ready to buy this game. Just need to preorder it for PC.


    I am deciding to buy this game OVER battlefield 4 premium.

  2. Official Titanfall game thread




    BETA/Open BETA are out right now for consoles as well as PC players!



    Names below will have TIF name FIRST, followed by origin/xbox live/play station network name

    PC Players - 

    • DownToFletch - WhiteyGotGame


    Xbox One Players - 



    Play Station 4 Players - 










    "Lol he doesn't even have ten 200ms"

    Isn't this the usual answer when someone brings a new contender for 200m in all skills?

    And i remember when suomi was first time mentioned in here everyone said "he doesn't even have 1b"

    True, the point I was making however is that our standards are going to be constantly pushed up because the amount of experience we gain will forever increase.


    What if they increased all skills to level 120 or something? Now there would be more skill capes and the high scores might shift slightly...

    I wouldn't mind if they increased skills to 120 if I got to keep my 99 cape, as I grinded fletching with maple longbows like a year or two ago (chose to make money over xp, bit me in the butt after I realized how many hours I lost), and firemaking was okay, very slow and afk.


    Or you could have a combat level of 200, then have another number next to it or something




    200 - 495


    The 495 counts att, str, def, magic and ranged. 99*5.


    Lots of loop holes here, but an idea.

    Becomes impossible to tell for non-maxed which is the majority of where the concern lies.


    Have it change colors with a higher level stat? Hover over their name to get that total number as well as HP/magic/ranged/att/str/def ?






    Or people should just use the highscores.

    Sure, lemme just pull up the highscores and type in illilililil real fast...


    Oh I died. Nevermind, don't need to know anymore.


    Combat formula will never fix that. Who would stay in the wild while searching anyway. They could easiely add an highscore tab. Click play to search.



    I could guestimate most levels from anyone I ran into in the wildy. I knew instantly who was maxed and was going to wreck my face back when I was a level 90~ trying to train agility and I also knew instantly who was a non-threat.


    Now I see a level 200 and I just log instantly. Even if they're some 45hp 99 magic/99 defence account with 1 prayer. Because now I have no idea if my enemy likely has turmoil, what their melee stats are, what their HP level is, what quests they likely have done. Nothing. Zilch. No information. They can either be a huge threat or an annoying fly I can swat away myself. I don't know.


    About searching in the wildy:

    Lemme just ask them kindly to stay where they are while I leave the wilderness, search them up, decide if I want to fight them or not, and return to where they were.



    And then Stat Spy is suddenly a very useful spell. Too bad it effectively prevents you from maging.

    Ever since they introduced the spell and showed that they had the ability to show other players' levels in game I always thought we should be able to right click "inspect" players for their skills without having to use a magic spell to do so.


    The should just have an examine thats active in the wild.


    that's gonna be a big feat to do I think; something instanced to each player that updates as their stats go up etc?

  5. It's $20 for a private dance anywhere here.


    My transactions for that night were:

    • $21.75
    • $340.00
    • $12.26
    • $101.14
    • $20.00
    • $42.00
    • $42.50
    • $44.00
    • $21.75
    Plus, I paid cash at The Keg. If I knew how to screenshot on a BlackBerry (never owned one until a couple weeks ago), I'd screenshot it. Lol.


    look at all those treasure keys..

    I mean computer parts


    is that ur lady


    what are you doing the ladies bathroom tbh

    being stev

  6. So yesterday (Valentine's Day) Jacqueline worked until 10PM. So I set up this nice big gift display thing, music, etc, at our apartment.


    From there, we were to go to The Keg for some drinks, some snacks, etc. We got there, both starved from not eating, but the kitchen was closed. So, We got some glasses of their nice expensive wines, I had some rum, and we got this great idea to do a shot at every bar downtown. On an empty stomach... Probably not a good idea. There's a lot of [bleep]ing bars.

    [spoiler=The Keg]6Xn5V.png



    We got to The Bank (a club). It was some electro/hip-hop music, so I was right at home. That's what I've taken lessons in. ;). Danced there until last-call where a few of our friends just happened to be also. All of the above was, of course, on me.


    Went from there to Cheetahs (strip joint). This bits a funny story. Jacqueline would order dance after dance for us. Yes, us - with the occasional just me. It was cool, and the entire time I'm thinking, "Not a bad gift." Found out later, she'd had my debit/wallet the entire time we were there. Every transaction gets texted to my phone. Woke up this morning, checked my phone... O_O.




    Hm. Now to hopefully destroy some bosses. ;).


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