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Posts posted by DownToFletch



    Won't have to pay for all of it in cash (it feels sketchy af)

    Okay, but like, you're paying with drug money. That's just about the biggest reason for money to be sketchy, lol.

    haha the vast majority of it isn't from that, not that it's any less sketchy. I just feel awkward about depositing all that cash at the bank pretty often, like they'll recognise me and figure out what's up, but also kind of scary to have in my room. A fair few people come over and also guys; I'm worried about letting on about it all hiding in the bathroom. I have so many gift cards for safeway and target and the like stashed away. lol. That's the best way to get paid.


    However, the guy we rent with, and the guy before him, both are pretty chill. I think they have an idea, but don't know the details and don't mind.


    I've been thinking for a couple of weeks about paying for Rs07 until school starts and trying it out. I don't know if that's a good idea. :/


    what's safeway??


    also, rs07 topkek

    waste of time imo and too easy to get hooked on

    not worth it


    So I had my first-time experience in the back of a cop car yesterday. I would explain, but I think I'll let you guys make guesses unless Alg decides to share the actual story. (hint: it involved a bit of walking) Also posting from my 3DS since the computer broke.

    Were you in trouble? I hope you're ok :/.


    My guess: you had some sort of driving violation, as that seems to be why 99% of police cars do their thing. Unless you live by the ghetto-ass shipyards and its more likely because someone got stabbed. I hope you didn't get stabbed. Or stab anyone.


    My first time in a police car was when I was very little. One of my fathers friends was a police officer. He was watching me for the day because my family was busy and we drove around and gave tickets and ate curry. I was maybe 6. It made me want to be a cop, lol.



    Can my guess be that you walked for too long, got lost, had to phone cops for a lift home?

    Would they even help you for that? I would have thought the operator would say if you're not hurt to phone a taxi.


    if you call 911 then yes they could charge you with "wasting their time" etc


    If you call the actual local police station and say that you're on foot and lost/what ever then a cop will pick you up afaik.

  3. mazda millenia




    dark blue colour


    I think my cars the jap version as the radio doesn't go above 90.0, so like it's a 2.5L engine. I should double check. It's a [bleep]ing huge engine.

    2.5L and a V6? interdasting... but wikipedia backs you up. Today, I wanna say cars below a 3L engine are inline 4's with turbos, or just inline 4's

    sauce: my car is a 2.0L with a turbo



    I wasn't actually aware batteries would cost more than $80ish

    They can easily especially when you buy some of the higher rated ones


    higher rated

    > regular battery for normal driving

    > not starting in -30*f temps





    I wasn't actually aware batteries would cost more than $80ish

    They can easily especially when you buy some of the higher rated ones



    Yeah had to pay about 200 nzd (like idk 160 usd) to replace my battery. was 135 for the battery, then labour which was 45 and gst on top of that.


    [bleep] hell mang




    Did you have to get it replaced at a dealer or something? Most shops around here let us buy it at retail cost and then we just install them ourselves.


    Does Kimberly know how to change her own battery?

    Uh I actually haven't heard of that process, we just let the guy do all the work. And honestly I wouldnt risk it for my car to install myself, I don't know that much atm. On that note if anyone knows a good youtube series on learning about cars and automobiles that would be great.




    That's a good start for Mish :)

    Let me know when you want moar

  4. My guess is still that they've had to put a lot of money towards launching transformers. A whole dev team to work on a new game from scratch can't be cheap and they really only have their money from runescape to fund that.

    what's the name of that other website... funorb? you're telling me they make no money from it??

  5. Oh I sort of mean disgusting in like a good way, like "check this track out man, it's so sick".


    The original is okay, but this d&b mix is good stuff.


    Also the battery to my car blew up, as in the battery is no longer box shaped, it now has flappy plastic ears. Costs so much to replace too because I just happen to have a V6 engine. I didn't even know I had such a huge engine.

    What do you drive my dude?

    Uh I wasn't actually aware batteries would cost more than $80ish


    Also Linkin Park is good, like their older stuffs moar

  6. Still trying to catch up


    I too am hoping this will be a great month for quests, still have like 30 something left right now, but most of those I can't even do. 


    If you think about how much money Jagex makes just on membership, then however much on trollomon's store, then treasure keys, where is all the money going? I understand they need to pay their employees, maintain the servers and whatnot, but they do make a lot as far as I can tell. I feel like their graphics budget is tiny

  7. I warned you not to mess with the mods bro. They're vicious, won't have any of your shenanigans except for the shenanigans they'll have.


    Actually an administrator gave it to me, but it's obvious that a mod gave said administrator the sauce on what was going on and what to say to me


    My temp ban was lifting the first of March but I've been on the run from the TIF popo





    Ban for what?


    I was making the 200m all skills thread into my personal blog

    they foiled my plans to totally derail it to the point of no return ;)


    It probably wasn't a post that he posted in ISE. She has very limited powers outside of ISE......

    nope, not in here



    As I've said before, if you want a difficult boss or something, then that means it won't be consistently profitable. and then it'll probably be considered inefficient and dead content.



    hard boss need good reward and it wont be dead content.
    hard boss drop good item -> many ppl want to kill him -> he  is too hard for many -> less ppl killing him -> price of god item rise -> more ppl want to kill him... 
    even easy boss with bad reward will be dead content, dead content is not determined by how hard it is but by how rewarding it is.



    you kinda contradicted yourself. bolded the parts where you did. like I said: not consistently profitable.


    uh no not really

    I think you just misinterpreted.

    The idea that's trying to get pushed across here is that if someone really is that hard to kill then there will be less rare drops. These rare drops will be wanted = $$$


    When people realize the money making potential they'll go and try to boss but get their butts whooped




    Mod Kelpie confirmed via twitter today is update day. I asked for an ETA, but no response so far.

    If the ETA is today odds are 2pm-4pm GMT since thats pretty much when they always update, but anything more precise is hard to give when they have barely started their working day lol



    Ehm they are cutting BXPW 30 mins short ="D



    I have to correct myself. They are extending the BXPW to 2 PM GMT:


    http://[Use Quick Find Code]/a=13/c=OSIruIlfF0Q/[Please Use QuickFind Code]?15,16,633,65307992


    twas a good weekend for most


    mish if you ever do something gud in rs ill message you on steam and congratulate you


    im sure you'd be happy about it


    not leik, that pile of [bleep]


    I congratulated him on 200m summ and not even a response


    If you ever do something good, I'll give you my bank





    keep it up mish nice little mancave to invite the ladies into yeah


    what is the quest that must be done.


    +1 for ladies

    woo them with your cooking xp

  10. Removed several posts.


    Don't feed the troll.


    Grats on everyone's recent 200Ms.


    Dragonseance still crafting .. almost 3 days straight. :o.

    sorry dad :(


    didn't someone in here say that someone maxed in like 87 days? Definitely before div was released.

  11. dxp was solid. got less xp than I was hoping for but that's because I put more time into other stuff


    this was the first time I've ever paid attention to ticks. felt waayy different training herblore/cooking/others while paying attention to ticks. Definitely shot my xp up a little bit





    Or, instead of making you gain all that xp after 99 for no reason, we could simply cap xp at 13,034,431 (104,273,166 for dg, or else we modify the xp/level formula for dg only). That way, you get levels for 100% of a skill!

    I think the need for xp after 99 is pretty clear L

    Please explain then, for all of us that aren't after experience for the sake of experience.


    If you need evidence, look at the hiscores. There are very few people with between 13m and 13.5m in most skills compared to 13.5m-200m. Just because you don't like skilling doesn't mean that no one does.



    That doesn't make it a 'need'

    People will do it because it is there, equally people will do it without even trying.

    I have several skills past 14m to varying degrees simply as a by product of lamps and questing and such not through any intent or purpose.


    Justifying something as a need because people do it is the shakiest argument possible.

    People smoke, people drink, people take drugs, people murder, people spend every minute of the day online via smart phones do we need to do any of these things simply because people do them?

    No we don't - people do it because the option exists not out of genuine need.


    uuhhhh some people murder because they have "mental deficiencies."


    best you cut that out lol


    Are you seriously advocating capping xp at 13m L


    Or is this some sort of joke that everyone is in on

    uh yeah

    wait, the TMHT is real?

    I thought that was a joke too







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