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Posts posted by DownToFletch


    spins? wat m8

    people still do that??

    You spin me right round baby right round.

    STill reppin


    you poked me in all the rights spots



    no, that's America for ya

    if you wanna see the good stuff just go to /gif/ and wait for a college thread

    How about we don't direct people to not safe for work sections of 4chan


    Jesus christ


    implying that everyone knows what /gif/ is, or where it's found

    way to spill the beans. I didn't state that it could be found on 4chan to begin with


    I didn't know 4chan was still around

    not as funny as the past, but maybe 2-3 times a week there's absolute gold. Lots of funny stuff still though

  2. Do it. Take beer and donuts for all.

    nah beer tastes bad, wine coolers are fruity m80

    Met up with an old mate who was the in states for ten months at UCLA. He literally joined a frat and did the whole initiation thing. He said it was textbook cliche movie stuff. It was almost too hard to believe.

    no, that's America for ya

    if you wanna see the good stuff just go to /gif/ and wait for a college thread

  3. One method is sponsored by Jagex and isn't guarenteed to get you that kind of cash. The other is a third party that isn't endorsed by Jagex who could easily scam you.


    And if this were to be the new 200m all thread shouldn't you at least be someone thats able to complete it <3

    am I missing something here


    are we confusing 200m all thread and 200m cash like I stated?


    I'm on less than 7 hours of sleep for about a week in a row which my body doesn't like

  4. It's not that I care how people spend their money; trust me, I'm a fairly compulsive shopper, but more like Jagex said many moons ago that they wouldn't be doing micro transactions and now they are, plus it offers an awesome way to get ahead of the game by spending real world money. Between buying spins and then hitting the 200m jackpot, what's the difference between paying say $30 for spins and getting said jackpot and going to a website and buying 200m gold for say $30?

  5. 55-60 (less than 5k off 61) agility today :o




    I watched The Wolf Children Ame and Yuki while training. It was one of the best movies I've ever seen, which also means that I can't think of anything else for the next week or so. That always happens -.-




    Runar these pictures with the low-end graphics and how the words read and everything made my heart flutter


    I remember staying up late and sneaking to my computer on Friday nights to play

  6. Mish idk if you're into aftermarket stuff or whatever but say you had the choice between

    a nice new car. Nothing special $20k maybe. Probably a honda. Don't worry about insurance

    used car. nothing special. Maybe $5k-7k. After market parts, increase performance. 

    new motorcycle. at most probably $15k. Most likely a sport bike with an i4

    Used bike. make it into a cafe bike probably. quick as [bleep]




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