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Posts posted by DownToFletch

  1. I tried using a controller on my PC for the game. I felt slower and didn't feel any more accurate with my shots despite being very comfortable with playing fps with controllers.


    Guess I will have to just get used to the keyboard and mouse.

    mouse and keyboard will always be better than a controller afaik

    master race swag

  2. okay mishelin (car reference kinda)




    dat video will halp you understand gooder


    so was happenin is


    the right valve stem thingy (forgetting the actual name I think o well) comes down allowing a mixture of petrol and air into the combustion chamber, then the piston travels upwards, as you can see, which creates pressure as it compresses the fuel/air mixture, then on the top you see the bottom of the spark plug, which ignites the compressed mixture, driving the piston back down and then finally, on the left side, that valve opens to get the fumes out (exhaust)



  3. Haven't really been playing lately, but I have played 2 or 3 hours. I like it, something is wrong with my internet though, my latency is too high I think. It's affecting my other games too (even diablo 3 single player!)


    For shootin fools I use the stock class with that assault rifle and I use the first titan with that (40mm?) machine gun thingy. 


    I'm also uncertain what happened between BETA and full release; in the BETA I had the game maxed, and to play right now I had to put most everything on the lowest settings possible; not quite sure what's happening as I'm fairly certain my GPU can more than handle this game

  4. Fun few days, been doing various bits of PvM and pking (No skilling though, that's dps waste).

    Managed to pk vwand/book off a rift camper with a few friends, and got a singularity split the same day, so that was ~100m earned. Which I then spent on feathers, got enough banked to get me to 99 if I have bonus xp, which is nice. (Unless I dc and lose all the charges again. :wall:)


    E: Yay 2k posts?

    dps in runescape?

    who do you think you are saying that lol, it's more like "damage" - that's it.


    no such thing as dps really, dps actually makes sense in games like Diablo 3 which have had copious amounts of my attention



    I thought he mentioned that he did 50/50 paying

    so he is also spending alot of irl cash

    idk why someone would spend thousands of dollars for a game lol


    same reason why someone would spend thousand of hours on a game. not sure what the big deal is, it's basically the same thing.



    Casinos. 'Nuff said.


    if anyone here browses /DIY/ you've probably seen bunker anon

    He says he has made his money playing poker and he made a killing


    you don't need a top end battery for a generic a to b vehicle.............

    that's like buying a life-time supply of baby lotion

    sure it's good for your skin and whatnot but do you need it all?





    Bonus Lubrication Product



    Was avoiding saying these lol


    you don't need a top end battery for a generic a to b vehicle.............

    that's like buying a life-time supply of baby lotion

    sure it's good for your skin and whatnot but do you need it all?

    When you absolutely have to get to your job in the coldest hours of the night, yes, our primary vehicle needed one of those better batteries.


    We've had tons of POS batteries die on us right before my Dad or myself needed to get to work, before injuries and illness kept us from working. It happens even if it never happened to you where you live. Why are you so worked up about this..?



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