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Posts posted by DownToFletch

  1. Just read both pages and.. Dtf you are coming off as douchey haha. The beta was a lot of fun, and I played it on pc as well, but dude.. Let the chips fall where they may.

    > look at my avatar

    > look at my posts

    > think

    > is this worth it

    > not really

    > carry on, soldur


    I played it for a few hours on PC, my comp could handle the high settings with high textures but the insane textures were too much. I believe they're designed for 4gb cards. Overall, I enjoyed the gameplay and had fun. The beta is a sample of the content that will be in the game upon purchase i'm not sure people are realizing that. 

    I didn't have time to play before the BETA closed so I was never able to get above ~720ish :(


    If you think that, then I'm interested. I'll have 4gb of VRAM around March, remind me to fill you guys in if the graphics processing is that demanding.

  2. If you avoid to take meds just to gain exp in the bxp week Dtf, I feel kinda bad for you, cause that's a bad idea obviously, and second of all judging by your stats you don't seem like you "play/gain a whole lot of exp" so why bother avoiding your meds to gain exp on a weekend of double xp if oyu don't really do it outside of bxps?

    because im going to grind hard that way I don't need to play a lot for the next couple weeks :D



    If you avoid to take meds just to gain exp in the bxp week Dtf, I feel kinda bad for you, cause that's a bad idea obviously, and second of all judging by your stats you don't seem like you "play/gain a whole lot of exp" so why bother avoiding your meds to gain exp on a weekend of double xp if oyu don't really do it outside of bxps?

    Because it's his life and it's his decision, he can do whatever he wants.



    mish you're 10/10 lately, keep it up bb


    That's strange that you don't to take your ADHD medication because when i was on mine it made me very alert and focused aswell as very wide awake.  I barely needed more than 2 hours of sleep a night when i was on it, i honestly survived a whole year without getting more than 6 hours of sleep and i felt fine.  I never really ever felt tired, even when i went to bed i wasn't tired.  It was like a cup of coffee, like no matter how much sleep i got i just took that and felt wide awake and no crash later.  But that was my reaction to what i took, i took concerta but ive never taken any other form of ADHD medication, so maybe some aren't as strong stimulants.


    I would say be careful about going on and off your meds though, i did that because i was losing tons of weight, and after just a few weeks of not taking my meds everyday i lost it for lack of a better term.  I'm sure you'll be fine but i figured since i have experience with this I'd give my 2 cents.

    I stopped reading right there


    You sure they weren't sugar pills, man?



    The point of the pills is to make you normal. RELAXED. SLOW YOU DOWN. CALM YOU DOWN. To help you keep your focus. I don't need to be focused this weekend. I'm cooking rocktails and doing the pie bake spell. If I finish all that and all my herblore I'll just go woodcut because that's slow and I only do it while dg'ing.

    whatever normal is, anyways ;)





    I keep my rig up on top because it vents suupperr whale

    Same. I'll get some pictures of mine soon. I didn't want to risk putting my tower on the floor (which is really old carpet).


    I can't imagine the dust/dirt buildup if I had it down there.


    Yeah I have thick carpet as well, can't be having all that crud getting into my case :)


    Albel, you have some nice [bleep]ing parts thar, m8


    Is that an i5-4670k?


    I have the i5-4670k, never a shortage of processing power and never had to overclock it on purpose. I don't even think it's spooled up to 3.8ghz ever when it has felt the need to turbo


    Pc part picker because #build

    pls note, not all those prices are necessarily correct. The deals at my local microcenter are generally cheaper than online store prices and I'm currently looking for the receipt so I can get the actual prices in there.

    What I know is correct; the cpu. Paid I think 200 (plus a little tax) for it.


  4. I find it weird that there's no single player. Seems like they could've made a pretty cool story. I'm not one to play campaigns on games like those (never liked Call of Duty campaigns), but given that so many games nowadays emphasize a really good story line, it's an interesting move to me.


    But I guess a game like Titanfall will be played for the sake of the multiplayer more a the single player campaign.


    they announced no single player campaign?

    This could be why (ex)COD developers might have been able to make a good online game lol


    yeah the devs posted some stats and it turned out only 5% of buyers finish the singleplayer campaign. for better or for worse, they've become known for multiplayer games, and their options were to either make something as innovative as cod4 was, and still have a majority of their playerbase not touch it, or just scrap it and put all that extra dev time and cash into the multiplayer. i think they made the right decision, fwiwi








    Armour classifications (Tank Power etc) might be removed.

    That is a change that has massive implications, should it happen. I can't even wrap my mind around it.



    Aren't they putting tons of work into it? Or were they?




    Armour classifications (Tank Power etc) might be removed.

    That is a change that has massive implications, should it happen. I can't even wrap my mind around it.



    Not really. In 9/10 situations everyone uses Power Armour if they can afford it. Tank armour is utterly useless for most things and was a poorly thought out implementation. 


    If they just buffed the [bleep] out of it it'd be fine... (defence)

    Just take away the strength bonuses etc

  6. With Double XP weekend coming up people will be staying up for possibly a few days straight, i was just wondering if anyone here has methods that help staying up for so long.  I want to try and go for a 30 hour record of my own this weekend but idk if i can do it

    read below


    Drink lots of water and eat good food not junk food, the junk will crash your system.


    Do yoga bruh


    Relax those muscles, increase blood flow.


    Don't stretch a lot, but every few hours do some light stretching


    Don't rip anything like I did playing tennis a couple years ago

    Over stretch then rip your right shoulder muscle(s)/tissue(s)


    Lots of water is good and if you're peeing a lot that's good because you're keeping things moving.


    Eat a lot of celery as you will probably lose weight from eating it (if your metabolism sucks this is good so you don't gain weight)


    Go to the bathroom a lot, don't hold anything in. If you're on a laptop bring it with you if you so desire but don't sit on the bowl too long (given it's a #2), I don't remember the name but you'll get something bad; blood gets stuck in your legs because it can't get past the toilet seat and your veins pop out and you can seemingly never go back.


    Do pushups or curl something or run in circles to keep dat cardio up bruh


    That might be a bad recommendation as I have ADHD and I won't be taking my meds this weekend


    #bxp weekend



    Don't put your hands on your pants. It will make you feel tired and go sleep.

    This is true. 




    With Double XP weekend coming up people will be staying up for possibly a few days straight, i was just wondering if anyone here has methods that help staying up for so long.  I want to try and go for a 30 hour record of my own this weekend but idk if i can do it


    I heard meth works well.


    shh don't give him bad ideas

  7. U still playing that while AFK scape?  wont u run out of AFK at some point

    with momentum now it's even easier to do afk scape with slayer


    I suppose you could go back to the days of the desert bandit camp with full guthans and sit there without gaining slayer xp...


    edit: suomi play steam games with me@

  8. Got Civilization 5 (thanks to a kind donation). I'm pretty sure I am getting my ass kicked something fierce. Playing as Russia, and while Moscow is doing fantastic, at least in terms of wonders, it's my only City because I have 3 city states right next to me, and Japan managed to claim the other third of the Continent (Moscow is singlehandedly beating almost every other empire at research, and it has 3 wonders). Right now I am making trade deals with Japan so they might be less likely to squash me, and actually to keep my budget in the green to support a war effort against a city state controlling one of two known iron deposits (without iron, I'm not even going to be a speedbump if Japan decides to kill me).


    Really wish I already had iron so I could build siege weapons. I might immediately go after another city state before winding down my tiny war machine. I'm torn between Venice who has land that I want, and the hostile one that is pushing against my borders. I think I am going to be on good terms with the hostile one (they wanted me to wage this war, so all good), so they might be the last to die. That's going to be an ugly war either way.


    I dunno, I think I can stage a comeback (most of the Galactic Civilization games go like this, where I am a tiny bug on the wall in the early game and an indomitable powerhouse in the late game). I just need to keep Japan happy for another thousand years or so. When we go to war, it's going to be spectacular though. Unless they do it soon, in which case it will be hilarious (for them).

    keep in mind

    each citizen in a city eats 2 food each.

    having cities on rivers/next to the ocean(even better) is inexplicably important. 


    Also, if you have spies (not sure if those came with the DLCs, use them on the biggest Japanese city :P. you can possibly steal military technology from them which would really help you


    soldiers eat up 1 gold each (every turn for maintenance) as well as food (I think the amount of food differs per soldier type, but you get the idea)


    some helpful tidbits there


    oh and keep your peoples happiez


    edit: titanfall is fantastic

    will be buying it midnight release for pc

  9. Yeah it being on Origin irks me. I'll be getting this midnight release probably. 



    I'd say "I wish they'd add some vehicles to the game" but I think it's good the way it is. The maps are perfectly big enough to house the Titans when almost everyone has one, plenty of space to run around, etc.


    they finally fixed that (from COD) lol

  10. You should just know that this little piece of shit won't be coming out on PS4, but on Xbox 360 instead.

    Something Microsoft exclusive deal something. There goes your next-gen.


    Seems like the same old CoD, which I didn't enjoy anyway. Waiting rather for Bungie's Destiny, seems to bring a lot more new stuff to the table.

    In my not-so-humble opinion, PC's are better anyways

    So what do I care

    but then again, this was supposed to be xbone exclusive

    if it wasn't ever released for PC I'd never have played it


    so either way it doesn't matter


    not the same old cod

    like mentioned above, this could prove to be the COD killer.


    I think I'll wait to buy this. I was fooled once by a beta (looking at you, bf4), and won't be fooled again. I'll see how it is after a few weeks post-launch.

    Oh like you've never been fooled by anything in your life




    You should just know that this little piece of shit won't be coming out on PS4, but on Xbox 360 instead.

    Something Microsoft exclusive deal something. There goes your next-gen.


    Seems like the same old CoD, which I didn't enjoy anyway. Waiting rather for Bungie's Destiny, seems to bring a lot more new stuff to the table.


    Someone sounds butthurt.



    Stuff like that happens

    Besides, apparently BF4 is pretty much fixed anyways (at least on glorious PC master race)


    I am not really butthurt, what drives me off this game is the supermassive hype around it.

    + I don't really like FPS's anyway, I have never bought a CoD.


    If I could afford it, I would play Banished right now, which was released today and is a super-awesome city-builder. Much more my kind of a game, yet noone hypes it or even knows it exists.

    dahell is banished?

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